This show continues to get progressively worse for each episode. Dominatrix Sister has to be one of the worst characters I've seen in a long while. The only redeeming traits of this show is its animation and directing, the rest is garbage.
Enen no Shouboutai
i thought this last episode was way better than the one before. and best boy wasn't even in it
it does, I went and read the manga and it shits the bed later on. Pretty depressing since it's a cool concept but it's bogged down by anime bullshit
Maybe the manga is better?
How many episode is this anyway?
It's not.
Character designs are great, though.
Particularly for the pillars.
Haumea a cute.
The 4th pillar is cute too but I can't remember her name.
How does this compare to Soul Eater story-wise?
story-wise it's probably better, but characters aren't nearly as good and it's just kinda boring sometimes
>people getting wooed by muh animation slowly start seeing how soulless this is
Better late than never
art aside it's pretty bad
Soul Eater had much better pacing
the only episode with good direction so far is 4, in general the pacing and scene framing feels disjointed
Sister Hibana is the best. I like her.
I hope the animeonlies enjoy this next arc
>Dominatrix Sister has to be one of the worst characters I've seen in a long while
lmao kys u big homo
It's been a while since I've watched Soul Eater, but I feel like the characters in Fire Force are worse.
>He doesn't want a powerful and independent 10/10 gf that is publicly arrogant but softy when she's alone with you.
Your fear of strong women is showing, user.
Same happened with Soul Eater why is this a surprise?
What a homosexual
Mangareaders already told everyone this years ago.
Way better lore and worldbuilding but the pace is worse and the main characters are not at the same level as Soul Eater's other than Arthur
It feels like Ookubo went to shit around the time of Soul Eater Not and has never managed to recover.
Moeshit corrupts brain.
last episode was gyaru rambling for almost 15 minutes nonstop, I had to pause and alt tab twice, awful shit
Story is much better, but this isnt much considering how it looked in Soul Eater which was character driven.
Here squad have moments to shine but this compared with lore driwen pacing isnt enought to say its great. Definitely anime did few things better but still.
>not having two windows open so you can multi-task without interuption
Soul Eater became boring shortly after the arachnophobia arc ended.