
>Ernesta, come eat my pussy raw.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Silly user, sisters don't do such thing.

Sisters MUST do such a thing.

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Why does she hate Ernesta?

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mad cuz bad

can anyone whip up an Anna version of this?

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>HAHAHAHA ERRRRRRRRRRRNESTAAAAAAAAAAA, I've already coated my pussy in hot sauce

Fuck, I thought I was the only one who noticed. They're literally the same character.

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she even has her own compilation

I don't think it's raw if she cooked it out of sheer anger.

>ERNESTA walks into Anna's house
>"Is somebody baking fish sticks?"

She was going to marry Ernesta, but only if she could be the husband. But you can't be the husband when somebody steals your job.

Wait, raw as opposed to what? Putting a condom on your damn tongue?


Raw as in the state of removing the upper layers of skin through friction.

Gosh, that sounds like it would hurt! Why would someone want that???

It's a challenge to ERNESTA to see if her tongue gives out before Anna's pussy gives out.

I can't believe mango is dumping shingetsu for another girl.

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Shingetsu brought it on herself when she had hate-sex with Anna.


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I really want to hear Maria call out Tsubasa's name like that.

Less angry and more horny, though.

Well yes. She should be shouting out of love.


Kuon will do something stupid next time that forces Suishou to reveal herself.

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Such as tempting her with her soft lips.

>starting a thread with dumbfuck shipping


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>start of a great thread

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stop it mango

The whole thing was so fucking tragic, I legit feel sorry for her. She was a victim of a shitty parent and friend.

Probably best to blame the other girl for instigating most of it though


She is still alive. Besides he rage of a lifetime was exhausted in that fight, she will be a good girl now.

Anna did nothing wrong.

So what's the consensus? Is Anna alive, dead, or got Takashima'd?

She was a victim of nobody but her own obsession and pettiness. Even when she thought she was on top she was cruel. It was not Ernesta that forced her to throw Pennies out into the street.

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It was ERNESTA who made that girl a useless loser.

She was like that because said mother and friend (especially the mother) allowed it.

The only thing Ernesta did was prop her ego up a little bit. It wasn't Ernesta lying to her either. It was Ernesta being the favorite. She was happy to be the leader and special queen of the group but the second someone else was revealed to be better she completely lost her shit. She was a petty, spoiled monster and it was all her own fault.

I genuinely enjoy the OST, am i a fag?

>She was happy to be the leader and special queen of the group
She wasn't happy at all. She hasn't been happy since the loli days before she was NTRd by both her mother, best friend and imouto.

Yes, but not because of that.

If a kid becomes a shitty adult is because they grew in a shitty environment/had shitty parenting, which is exactly this case.

You can sort of excuse Ernesta since she was also a kid and didn't know any better. But the mother? Holy shit no, she deserves to be cruxified.

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Crucified and homosexually molested.

You can completely excuse Ernesta. But it wasn't her mother Anna was crazy with hate over. It was the girl she claimed to love as a sister and then drove away with her petty hate. Ernie LEFT a warm home for her sake.

>The only thing Ernesta did was prop her ego up a little bit
>a little bit
Selling a lie that couldn't possibly be true without your input isn't a little bit.

I'm getting the impression that it's that blue-haired demon that's responsible for all of this.

She's just a puppet for ERNESTA.

>Ernie LEFT a warm home for her sake.
But still didn't tell her the truth, hoping that Anna would lose to another opponent in Granbelm. How would that solve anything? Anna would just come at her in RL.

> But it wasn't her mother Anna was crazy with hate over
She looked pretty pissed off at her.

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I hope 0 yen tomboy saved Anna from certain death and now taking care of her in a comatose state.

What was the result of the previous tournaments?

>I hope 0 yen tomboy saved Anna from certain death

This is the likely outcome.

>She ends up shanking her after she makes peace with Ernie

We don't even know if there were others.
If the winner takes all the magic, why would there be another Granbelm?

Sounds like it's just been on continues inconclusive fight

Dead, but the tomboy butler still needs to do anything relevant so the Fugo family story is probably not over yet.

They literally talked about previous ones in episode 5, which is why I asked. The only thing I can think of is Hardly surprising since nobody ever loses in this one either.

Rosa is pretty loyal to Anna she will shank Suishou to ruin her plans in the last episodes.


Probably in coma.

Looking forward to 0 yen and punished Anna teaming up.

There is no death or coma even if the Armanox becomes fully obliterated. Mangetsu has done it two times and the pilots were fine.

>They literally talked about previous ones in episode 5
I don't quite remember, are you referring to pic related? That doesn't mean there were multiple Granbelms.

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If it's the same one then holy shit they need to stop camping.

Well, this is now the ERNESTAAA screaming anime. This is how everyone will remember it.

I wonder if this was the creator's vision for the show. It started with implied yuri and magnets and deciding between the life as a mage/normal girl. I don't see how they could turn this around in the remaining episodes.

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I've seen shows remembered for worse.

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That's assuming the purpose of granbelm is to make a one true mage like mages assume, but it's probably not the case and Magiaconatus has its own reasons for making them fight which will be revealed later. Giving the winner power is just a bonus and an incentive to fight, but it's unlikely that the sages wanted to unseal the magic completely after sacrificing themselves to seal it.

Butler is a secondary character so she really doesn't need to do anything more.

>Rosa is pretty loyal to Anna
No she isn't.

The damage can transfer to pilots if they synch with their mech too much like Anna did.

They said it's been going for a over a year already, meaning that there wasn't Granblem before that.

And orgasmic pleasure.

Someone post the rune chart, there's something written on the rocks

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>meaning that there wasn't Granblem before that.
Or that there was a break.

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Seems like gibberish.

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Last time she was kind to someone it fucked her over entire life.

>the reason Anna doesn't get close to anyone anymore is because she doesn't want to be betrayed again
That shit must REALLY run deep.

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They haven't been using any CG right? How can this show be animated so well, and by some total no-name studio? And how did Actas screw up so bad with Regalia?

That was just Actas being Actas.

There's a world of difference between having a hard time trusting people and grabbing people the collar and chucking them into the rainy streets.

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Judging by Anna's mum's womanservant, she's exactly mum's type and that bitch would probably end up adopting and promoting her over Anna too.

>No she isn't.
Rosa does care about Anna even losing she continues to learn magic. Rosa does actually care about Anna.

Maybe Tomboy will show her trust to Anna when she wakes up from her coma.

While Nexus is not famous they have great management they made 9 episodes of re:zero and comic girls looked constantly great (wakaba girl was nice too)

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The entitlement in that last panel.

I didn't know they did Comic Girls. That doubles the Kaosception in Kibou.

No she doesn't. And you can't use magic at all after losing.

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Because Ernesta is the personification of evil.


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>all these losers ITT coping and defending Anne
She got what she deserved. Death arguably is too good of a fate for her. She should have suffered more, given her general attitude and demeanor. Had she been pissed after the reveal, fine, but she was already an irredeemable piece of shit before. She deserved eternity in a rape dungeon.

Why does she stand like that?

Thought she was masturbating from the thumbnail.

Get off the computer Manko.

t. shitgetsu

she's probably a cripple or oneechan cursed at best.

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I miss Kurobako so much.

>Ernesta pulled out the swordtail herself after piercing Anna.
If this was normal fight, move like that would've definitely sealed Anna's fate.
Since Ernesta did so in cold blood, I think Anna is going to be fine.
i.e. damage from Granbelm isn't applied 1:1 to their real body.

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Anna fused with the crystal, which shattered after Ernesta's attack. She' deader than dead, Jim.

For all we know next episode will show Anna could be sleeping, naked, at ERNESTAAAAAAA'S apartment. It's probably why Manko's going to cheat with K-on.

Keep dreaming, but not too much.

Anna will live forever in my heart.

>anna you can get into another field and strive to be the best
How do we not know that something similar to her ernesta hated, but on a smaller/less magical scale, won't happen? She's deeply unhinged if she quit in ep 6 or if she survives after this one.

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Imagine how smug Rosa will be once she hears that Anna got curbstomped like that

She's a good girl, she wouldn't be so petty.

Why do people keep making these shitty shows in which the MCs are so hard to root for because they're literally unbeatable?

Because the opposite is an underdog, but not really an underdog

I wouldn't exactly call this a curbstomp.

This, its not like they'll be bold enough to have the MC actually lose. By that I mean eventually, losing at the beginning is mostly irrelevant.

Even the illusion of an underdog is better. The MC needs to crawl in the mud, be covered in bruisers and cry like a desperate puppy before being allowed to win.

Manko is the main villain, though.

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I've watched an anime like that. Like seriously, the 1st half was the MC screaming in pain or something.

>And you can't use magic at all after losing.

Maybe Rosa is one of the girls can actually break the rules of having magic again in the later episodes unless we get another reset end.

>She' deader than dead, Jim.

Higher chances she's in a coma.

Like mother, like daughter.

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Just begging for a used condom edit.

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is this good?


Attached: ernesta vs embers.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Best Kino Moments Ranking

Mangetsu primal craving for magic and not losing >> Anna everything > Shingetsu borken heart after beating Anna > Nene's despair at being abandoned by her mother and the what face she had when losing to Mangetsu Negro > Shishou putting Anna in her place

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Yeah I'm enjoying the animation quite a bit, it's not incredible but overall it's been pretty good, especially considering the overuse of CG to cut costs these days

Dental dam

>reee I couldn't become Magical Chad so you have to die

So, this show worth the time or is it just another cookie cutter show with predictable story?


Nope, should just leave.

Maybe and fuck off we're full.






These threads are severely lacking in pictures of magnets and her stupid slowpoke hair.

Does she really have this little screentime?

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Depending on the ending it could be the Akanesasu of this season.

She has sufficient screentime. It's just that she doesn't do anything interesting with it, safe for the occasional moments when she destroys someone's hopes and dreams in battle.

I really doubt it can reach that level of kino. Also, one thing that made that ending memorable was the healing.

It's a word normies and also virgins use. If you wear a condom you are a cuck simple as that. And if you are fucking random sluts who might be diseased then you are scum anyway.

Go back.

What kind of tangent are you on that made you think your post was thread-relevant?

Now I'm sure Anna is dead or inside where those orbs in conscious state of nothingness. Until she is free from that chamber she will return being happy and free from magic.

This. Anna's is probably the crystal herself and when she is free she won't remember anything.

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damn, episode 7 was great, this show's been better than I expected so far.
Although next one seems like it will be kinda simple with Kuon getting outplayed again.

I hope that means the ending won't be the typical "MC powers up and defeats everyone, the end" kind of generic deal but something more unexpected.

The crazy voice acting is perfect

silly midget

>Eruuuu *wheeze*

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Stupid bird.

that would imply the MC needs any power up to defeat everyone at this point. The only way shingetsu and mangetsu can even have any opposition is each other or some trickery.

Not like Rosa will know anything about the details of their fight except "Anna lost"


>That whole Chikuwa and LoliChikuwa exchange scene
Man, whoever directed the final episode really did it great, even more with the final scene.
I'm still holding the interview way of explaining things, where damage or curse dealt in the Granbelm lasts even outside it, so I highly doubt she's fine after being impaled.
I don't know why people expect this with what we've saw until now. There's going to be a scrubby finish, most likely featuring Magiconauts.

A "everyone else has to band together to stop MC from murdering everything" end is more likely.

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The ending is Kuon wins.

Only to come home to find her sister in bed with ERNESTA.

>not an "everyone bands together to stop the MC from ending the world, and they fail anyway" ending
>end of evangelion but with mechs
>Mangetsu turns everyone into tang
>Anna washes up on a beach with Shingetsu and starts strangling her

So is her 2nd form notMomon?

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She's inside one of her own orbs maybe Ernesta might have planned to keep Anna sealed after the whole Granbelm War is over.

The ending of the episode didn't exactly look like everything went according to Ernesta's plan

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That's just what she wants you to believe.

The plan was still successful even despite Ernesta doing her best not killing Anna. We still don't know the outcome if Anna is inside that orb.

Power up visual motive. Pic related is Manko's and Anna's.

I've been thinking. This looks like strings surrounding their soul or heart, right? This falls in line with what Chinko mentioned about the girls being puppets to Magiaconatus. Maybe she was right. Maybe the motherfucker actually does take control of the girls to some extent when they power up. Manko looked like she totally lost control of herself when she went down on Nene, at the very least.

Attached: power up.jpg (1896x2132, 327K)

>oh yeah Clare, about that...

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She succeeded. Anna belonged in hell

rude, not even demons are that hateful.

>Maybe she was right. Maybe the motherfucker actually does take control of the girls to some extent when they power up.

Then who is the motherfucker then?

Shut the fucking shit up ERNESTA.

>ep 8 has a scene where Claire blames shingetsu for leaving and letting things get this bad
I need it

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Ernesta jeez

Ernesta is not the motherfucker jeez louise.

But she fucked Anna's mother.

Bullshit the white haired dyke fucked Anna's mother so hard that even Anna had nightmares seeing her mother have sex.

Butler-chan is just a sex toy, whereas ERNESTA is an evil seductress.

I don't remember Kuon fucking Anna's mother.

I'm surprised there wasn't any forced teamwork with Anna and Shingetsu

Anna has legit trust issues with everyone.

Even herself?

Say what you will, but I love how Ernesta fights using her head instead of beam-spamming like a retard. She's so smart and resourceful.



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Mongoose's dad is probably the only one she hasn't fucked yet.

Unga bunga>thinking tactically

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Mangetsu SHINE SPARK when?

mangetsu is more of a finger sword person, maybe shiggy will do a spark instead.

Since the first thing to appear in the OP is the visual motive of Ernesta's power up, I wonder if the moment she goes all out for the first time will be an important plot point or something.

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As if we didn't already know that she was the final boss.

She isn't, though.

We still don't know what happens to stage2 mechs if they survive. Mecha sange soon.

She's exhausted and nearly broken. What do you want her to d a backflip?

I still want to know what exactly happens when the gears turn.
Magicoconuts is up to something, especially since the staff said that the girls are like "sacrifices".

That would be rad.

Maybe Ernesta knows what's up and that's the reason she hasn't hit stage2 yet. Or maybe she just didn't need too.

>Mongoose's dad is probably the only one she hasn't fucked yet.
Mongoose's dad get off to shota


Without taking a shower first.

>Ernesta will never fuck your mom and sister

Why live ?

>She looked pretty pissed off at her.
Anna acts like a shitty brat. If I was her mother I wouldn't have been as clement.

Someone post that Getter webm, please.

Attached: 1512476678351.webm (640x480, 2.99M)


Is that a movie/ova, a single scene with 99% of season budget or does it all look that good?

Attached: 2019_08_05_09.40.11.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

Armageddon was a 13 episode OVA. It mostly was pretty consistent animation wise but that was one of a few stand out examples.

Attached: Getter Robo Armageddon 13 BDRip Dual Audio [1440x1080].mkv_snapshot_16.01_[2018.11.14_22.20.45].jpg (1440x1080, 126K)

That's the climax of the last episode so naturally it's very high quality, but it's generally a great looking OVA anyway. Shame the BD is a FUCKING UPSCALE

Reading getter feels weird considering how Arc ended

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I fucking hate Ernesta so fucking much

t. anna

I fucking hate ERNESTA so much.

Kami-sama please let 0 yen find the bloody and defeated body of Anna

I fucking love Ernesta so much.


t. anna

Anna will walk back from hell through anger and fury.


No, mango slashed her in half

If by slashed you mean vaporized then yes.

That Kimochi part was really good.

Was a beam sword so we are both technically correct


Anna's mother was absolute shit. You don't adopt a girl and basically say "hey, you suck at this thing that is our family's pride and work so I actually adopted this girl to take your place as our representant" to your prideful 10 years old daughter, literally couldn't have done it worse.

except they didn't do that. They let Anna think she didn't suck till episode 6.

Does anyone think they will be more Mages will be reveled in the last couple episodes.

What are the chances of Male Mages showing up?

No user, this is not the anime for that kind of thing. There's plenty others for you, go watch them instead.

It's pretty clear this has been established before the show even started, they just explained why exactly Anna managed to use that high level magic that made her believe she had a chance to start with.

They haven't bothered showing fathers and not even a single mention of a male mage, it would be a retarded move and at best they would lose some of the few people that are actually only interested in this because of the female only plot.

Look at how the mom treated her in Ep. 6. Anna goes to report that she in the final 5 and Mom is like Ernesta is way stronger than you so it doesn't even matter.

Imagine having to live through that for years. No wonder the girl snapped.

Not only that, but she tells her little sister in 7 that she had basically no spirit for some years now, so it's pretty obvious that it was revealed a long time ago that Shingetsu was to be her replacement.
And going by the little we see of Anna's younger days, it's obvious she thought of mages as the coolest things ever and genuinely wanted to be a good one.

>except they didn't do that. They let Anna think she didn't suck till episode 6.
Nah, Ernesta was chosen as the heir years ago. That's why she ran away to begin with. She didn't want to take Anna's place.

>Anna's mother was absolute shit.

All she wanted out of Anna to be her own mage that's all. Anna just didn't want to hear it from her.

It's already stated Mangetsu joining halfway is already unusual. Everyone currently present is what's left from the initial participants and pretty much all there is.

>Anna episodes have boosted up the preorders so it no longer a mega flop

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cute girl who dis?

that's not it at all, though. don't forget that mages that don't participate in granbelm or loses, loses their mage status and only the biggest mage girl gets to be a witch, so there's no point in 2 mages in one family, and that's why shingetsu would keep telling Anna to just do something else instead of magic, because she simply would always end up having to fight and Shingetsu was just superior.

>tfw it starts flopping again because Anna was kicked out of the tournament

Shingetsu left the family. Anna got crazy because she knew the only reason she got to be the heir was because Shigetsu ran away.

We've seen Manko's father and the guy who married and impregnated Nenene's mother.

Actually no, there are many magic families in the world but not everyone gets chosen for the particular granbowl.

and the reason she knew that was because of her mother, she was the only person Anna knew that had any idea of what magic was about.

>Anna regularly summons sem-capable magic clones of her mech
>Shingetsu just randomly pops out a fucking titan-sized clone
What a shame on that. The magic clones should've been Anna's specialty.

0 yen girl also used summons

Very good 7 episode series. Shame it kind of ended with resolution for some things.

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Which one was 0 yen girl?

magic in general just seems to be pretty fucking overpowered in this world, so every mage can do almost everything. Shingetsu basically recreated a scenario of Anna and her childhood with fucking magic like it was nothing.

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Yes, but since they're not participating in Granbelm, they're irrelevant. What's the point of introducing new characters late in the story that has nothing to do with Granbelm?

They are fighting at the nexus of all magic, of course the magic is going to be strong.

Man, of course I'd forget her. What was her purpose anyway? Just to show that Anna and the other stooge were bitches?

And to job to Mango

they weren't bitches, there was legitimately no more point to her being around for granbelm.

I think things played out this way. After Chinko lost her parents (notice the Ernesta family house is totally destroyed in the flashback!!) Anna's family took her in. Then Anna found a magic crystal for Chinko and they started to train together. At some point Anna's mother realized Chinko's magical potential and decided to legally adopt her to make her the heir. It should be noted Anna's mother is not obsessed about mages and the Granbelm. For instance, she looked genuinely happy and proud of Clare's achievements in gymnastics. The only reason she wanted Chinko to be the heir is so that Anna wouldn't have to, as she knew Anna was magically weak. She never told Anna the reason though; that was her big mistake. Anyway, when she announced Chinko was gonna be the heir, Anna probably became really jealous and mad all the time. This must be the point Chinko ran away from them as she could bear seeing Anna that way.

At that point Chinko was probably still around 10-12 years old. She must have been living on her own ever since, and only met Anna again when this Granbelm started.

>What's the point of introducing new characters late in the story that has nothing to do with Granbelm?

For future stories apparently

Yes, it was her mother's fault.

She will show up again to join Nene's harem and probably ruin Suisho shit if she has any magic left in her.

She summoned a spirit

>Nene's Harem

Probably meant Kibou's harem.

Has Ernesta been hiding her power level all this time? In episode 2 it looked like she had to concentrate quite a bit to make some shitty flower blooms, but in the flashback she could perform that fire-ice spell with minimal effort, despite the fact it was supposed to be really hard to perform and she was younger back then.

So she was holding back all this time? Is that it? Then what would happen if she stopped hating magic and unleash herself completely, I wonder.

Man, this is getting out of hand.

making lilies bloom is harder than burning a huge chunk of wood, I guess.

Nah, Ernesta herself said that was simple shit.

Wasn't she just assisting anna's attempt rather than mainly doing it her self?

This. The spell needed two mages to work.

So you're saying if Ernesta tried to do it on her own, she wouldn't be able to do it either?

>I don't see how they could turn this around in the remaining episodes.
It's got Aoi Yuuki as an evil smug mysterious bitch, there's potential there

That Fire and Ice spell was a two person job, Anna's mother said that it could only be done with more than one person, Anna Struggled to make the fire happen and Ernesta just finished the trick of with the ice in secret

If Ernesta can't do it alone either, then why pick her as the heir in Anna's place?

it seemed like Anna was strong enough by herself to create the embers/sparks, and Ernesta just contributed her own power to help her out

so she wasn't doing the fire ice trick from scratch necessarily, and Anna at least has the base amount of latent magic to boil her bathwater or something

It was never about the ability to do that specific spell on her own.

Yeah. She'll fail.

>It was never about the ability to do that specific spell on her own.
Then what? The staff said Anna wasn't actually a weak a mage. Just not as a talented as Ernesta. Except the show hasn't show Ernasta being particularly talented. I thought that fact that she could do that spell was the proof of her talent, but if that isn't then what? Where is her talent?

i guess she planted a mind suggestion in Manko's mom and sister without much effort

since Ernesta seems pretty resentful of her magic powers, it doesn't seem like she'd flaunt it in the real world

>i guess she planted a mind suggestion in Manko's mom and sister without much effort
She said anyone could that though.

>Where is her talent?
If I have to make a guess, I'd be how much magic they can actually do alone. The fire and ice spell was just an old requirement that doesn't work anymore because even Ernesta can't cast it alone, and so far there seems to be no other requirement mentioned other than being talented at magic. Anna is talented, Ernesta was just a bit better.

Giant robot was like a special entity, judging by what she said right afterwards it's not meant to be used often.

That fire and ice spell was just why Anna thought she was hot shit.

Jesus Christ, how is she not screaming from pain yet.

>a bit
A lot better, leagues better actually. That even with the help of a giant-ass crystal she was defeated.

Not now Carlos.

Thanks a lot.

Because Ernesta was a technical person, while Anna is bat-shit insane Berserker. Obviously Ernesta will win against an opponent that can only brute force everything.

>Ernesta was just a bit better
Except Anna's mother doesn't say she's just a bit better. She literally said Ernesta is loved by magic, and that it's a blessing from God. Those are big words. She also said Anna is weak in comparison. Not just a bit worse, but weak.

All that's well and all. I'm just saying the show didn't back up those claims with visual display of her power. You know, the good old "show don't tell" thing.

Is this the end of Anna? Is she going to commit sudoku next episode?

It gets boring after the first time you see it.

She is going to eat her imouto's heart to power up.

she's probably stronger than ernesta when she has the huge crystal, but anna just turns her brain off whenever she fights

Better than the OP protagonist which is boring the first time you see it and only get worse from there.

0 yen is going to shank her.

Did you even watch episode 6? Anna's mother basically said Ernesta is god's gift to the world. Not just a little better than Anna but leagues above her.

not really, this show does it well in my opinion, because not only the MC isn't a underdog, but they also don't really have a grand dream like saving the world. It's way more interesting like this.

Mango a shit, user. Worst character in the show.

At least OP protag shit isn't lying to me by pretending like there's stakes.

Anna's going to save manga and ERNESTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA at the last episode with her fuckhuge fire axe.

Her mother's ignorance in Anna's potential is suppose to tell you in better detail why Anna hates Ernesta. Anna even pointed out that she had gotten so far in Granbelm with a crystal as far as small the one she gave Ernesta despite being so unfit to be a mage, and her mother disregarded the fact like it was just Anna bullshitting, even though we've seen her push Ernesta into corners numerous times.

That makes things worse. Like why would I care if the show can't even pretend there are stakes?

I like her a lot, I can see why she's not liked by the average person since she doesn't have any charm points, but I think that just makes her better.

I doubt it, at most one of the sisters will become a participant, already looks like K-On's sister is going to do something next episode.

Only thing Anna is missing is being a Godsent prodigy.

There are stakes. a decent amount of lives have already been ruined by this competition.

>Her mother's ignorance in Anna's potential
The way the show frames things, it's Anna the ignorant one. Her mother knows exactly what she's talking about.

Ernesta is the real unga bunga retard here, she is the one favored by the moon and full of magic

We're not talking about this show in particular though. Just comparing OP protagonists to actually good protagonists.

Despite that she fights smart though. She doesn't just throw out everything she has in an all-out assault.

All protagonists are inherently OP because they can't lose.

>she is the one favored by the moon and full of magic
So they say, but where the proof? The show hasn't done anything to back up the claim.

No she isn't, she's one of the most interesting MCs we've recently had. She's not the typical warrior of justice fighting for a greater cause.

Way to show your ignorance. There are plenty of protagonists who lose.

She's nothing. That's the problem. She's more a force of nature than a character.

>was taking on a 3 on 1 that turned 4 on 1 fight while defending someone
>beat Anna convincingly even while powered up by a huge mana crystal, who only even got a chance at beating her because she tried to convince her to stop fighting
I don't think you need any more than this.

fights that have no meaning? Or perhaps a sports manga that ultimately actually has no stakes? Go fuck yourself.
Rarely ever, when it actually matters, a MC will lose. you can count those times on your fingers.

She achieved all that through well thought out tactics. None of that showed a particularly superior magical power.

>She's nothing
You're retarded. she's brilliant, especially as a counter to Shingetsu's reason to win granbelm.

>could summon the same level of phantom as Anna could with the 10 times bigger mana crystal
>not a display of superior magical power

By having the MC loses some times, you create the illusion of stakes. If done well, you can almost make the audience forget that they know the MC is gonna win the important battle. That's how you give the story tension.

> Shows superior mastery of magic
> "She's not better guys"
Don't worry user, we got the smug anime faces you desire.

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Brilliantly empty which is fucking boring.

>By having the MC loses some times, you create the illusion of stakes. If done well, you can almost make the audience forget that they know the MC is gonna win the important battle
I don't know what kind of retard is the audience you're talking about, but I don't remember a single series that managed to fool me like that.

Anyone can summon the spirit. It just takes too much power so you can't use any big spell afterwards. And that applies to Shingetsu as well.

She's not empty, a bunch of characteristics of her have already been shown. You're just taking what's said to you at face value.

Nevermind that I'm pretty sure most people would surely like to have a huge familiar help them in all the fights we had so far, but I guess they just didn't want to do that.

>a bunch of characteristics of her have already been shown
Being nice like a generic MC. If that makes her interesting to you, blame your shit taste.

She's not nice for starters. Good job.

Except she didn't. Shingetsu straight up says that she merely created an illusion.

Maybe you watch too much shit. But generally, if the story is gripping enough, the suspension of disbelief will be strong enough to make the audience feel the tension.

The first one was not a illusion you fool, that was later in the fight. Jesus christ, how do you people managed to speedwatch a fucking fight?

The first one was real.

Anna didn't say it was hard to summon. She only say it would make Shingetsu unable to perform any major spell for a while. And she was right as Shingetsu had to get creative afterwards because she couldn't do anything big anymore.

The only empty thing is your brain that is incapable of understanding her character traits.

Or maybe you watch too little shit and haven't grown bored of it all. I'd tell you say what exactly is this show that manages to make you believe things will go wrong, but we all know thats pointless, since you're just going to say it's my shit taste against your superior taste.

So far the Grambelm has been a heavyweight versus a bunch welterweights in terms of magic with the caster armanox being a secret heavyweight too and Manko an EX weight surprise unintentional villain

Yeah, it's not hard to summon when you have a infinitely superior source of magic, but okay user, I'm sure Anna just wounded her mother to get the Fugo stone because she thought it looked nice, not because it helped her at all.

Spare me your shit taste.

Spare this thread of your lower intelligence, if you dislike the protagonist so much.

Even if we agree if was somewhat hard to do, it was the only kinda big thing she did. Hardly the godly power Anna's mother claims she has.

>0 yen is going to shank her.

0 yen will take care of a comatose Anna and her sister. Even best she will get her revenge on Shishou as a last ditch effort.

I don't dislike her, but I don't have to delude myself into believing she's a good character. She's a horrible piece of writing.

Because she never needed to do more than that, she literally even say it in this battle, that Anna managed to force her to bring out a phantom and that she should be proud of that.

I guess Shingetsu is justified in the end since everyone do hate her.

>she's a horrible piece of writing
Feel free to say how exactly, without saying "she's empty" even though everyone else knows she's not empty.

0 yen ain't coming back. Her only purpose was to job to mango, and nothing more.

Mangetsu loves her.

Maybe, but my point is that the show hasn't back up the claim that Shingetsu is loved by magic and whatnot. Which is true.

Her purpose now is to be Anna's toilet.

The phantom should easily be enough proof so far. And the show is still in about halfway through so there's plenty of time for her to show more stuff, especially with the final battles coming up.

That only means we still haven't seen her full potential, have patients.

Granbelm reminds me of the UFC.

I wish there was a Female Heavyweight MMA division existed already.


The reason Anna's mom thinks Ernesta is a better mage than Anna is not because Ernesta is more powerful than Anna in magic, but because Ernesta is smarter and has the attitude to be a mage. Ernesta is gifted in that she understands magic better than most of her peers. Like an autist who inderstands MS-DOS programming in gradeschool well enough to create a simple POS, while his classmates scratches their heads at trying to program a simple scientific calculator.

She's way too OP, which makes the whole Granbelm tournament pointless.
She also doesn't have any significant goals. She just wants to be special. That's the kind of goal a protagonist from show for kids would have. It's not very compelling.
She's kind of a plot hole. We're told there's very little magic in the world so there shouldn't be anyone who can do the sort of shit she can do.

Not true at all, your example is something that could be achieved through hard work, it doesn't translate to how Anna's mother makes it sound like it's literally impossible for Anna to get to Shingetsu's level.

She is so retardly strong that she can brainwash people, read and wipe minds without problems outside of the Granbelm magic bubble

Wellplanned production schedule, they showed off e1s battle months before airing.

>sound like it's literally impossible for Anna to get to Shingetsu's level
well yeah.
Not one of my classmates in that grade ever went on to STEM courses. Math's to hard for them and Ernesta is LITERALLY MEEEEEEEEE.

>she's kind of a plot hole
It's so goddamn obvious that they will show more of why exactly Mangetsu has the power that she has, even though she's not of a known line of mages, is hilarious to imagine you thinking they will genuinely not go through that in the next episodes. Nevermind the dark aura she used to beat Nene, and the armanox's powers being related to the user's emotions, being a obvious indicator that she has something in her heart that she hasn't told even Shingetsu.

I get the impression that if Shingetsu was never in the picture, Anna's mother still would have intended that Anna not participate (I don't know how this fits with the idea that Magicalcoitus picks the participants, but still). It makes me wonder about the order of events in their past. Was Anna being told "no you can't be a mage" even before getting the crystal for Shingetsu? If Anna was always being told no granbelms from the start, but because of her never say die hotblooded attitude kept trying and training to get better, then invited Shingetsu to be by her side, then had her mother turn around and suddenly say "actually granbelms are allowed, but only for Ernesta" it would make everything make more sense. The fire/ice scene felt from the start less like just an average "yatta I did it" thing and more like a desperate and hopeful "maybe now my mum will stop being a bitch" thing. This would also make Shingetsu look like slightly less of an asshole.

The only explanations that would make any sense is that she's connected to the Magiaconatus or is a previous princeps. Anything else would still be a plot hole.

So you admit it's quite possible she's not a plothole, and you don't know what's coming next, so don't act as if there's really only two ways to go from here.

the other girls and their families were aware of granbelm and the parents (obviously). But it seems like Mango's family doesnt know at all. and judging by whats going so far would it be fair to say she's basically some magically roided out empath especially if we go by her fight with nene where the latter's emotions and hidden thoughts flowed into her?

>This would also make Shingetsu look like slightly less of an asshole.
She never looked like and asshole to me. She was a kid and an orphan to boot. Her only mistake was to ran away instead of explaining Anna what was going on, but the decision to not tell Anna the truth was her mother's and Shingetsu wasn't in a position to disobey. So she ran away. It's what any kid her age would have done.

Mangetsu negro is still weaker than big gem Anna and shingetsu.
Doesn’t matter if you don’t like her personality or goals, it doesn’t effect the writing.

>That's the kind of goal a protagonist from show for kids would have.
No, a protagonist from a kids show wants power to help others not crush their dreams in pursuit of feeling special and having something exciting in life.
>Anything else would still be a plot hole.
Yeah I'm sure you've thought about all the possibilities and proved why all of them but one are plot holes.

>don't act as if there's really only two ways to go from here
It is true though. It was literally said there is little magic in the world; most of the magic is in the Magiaconatus. Any explanation to Mangetsu's existence has to be consistent with this, and those two are the only ones that fit in.

They made it a point to show there aren't even male butlers. This is a penis free universe.

>Mangetsu negro is still weaker than big gem Anna and shingetsu.
Nice headcanon.

After sex hair ia so hot

>No, a protagonist from a kids show wants power to help others not crush their dreams in pursuit of feeling special and having something exciting in life.
Mangetsu being selfish about her wish doesn't change the fact being special is a very childish wish and there are plenty of kid shows and manga with protagonists with such dreams.
>Yeah I'm sure you've thought about all the possibilities and proved why all of them but one are plot holes.

The only thing she did was scream and surprise getsuga tenshou’d nene’s big mecha.
Anna and shingetsu both dodge and beat her.

No one knows who or what she is, her group just assumed that she is the first one of a new family line in time a when something like shouldnt happen at all.

Just a remind Shingetsu and Mangetsu's current objectives clashes, and thus, they would end up atleast fighting each other if things just stay like this. We don't know Shingetsu or Mangetsu's full potential, so saying you know who would win is stupid, and we don't know if they truly will just stay like this, or Mangetsu might change in the next episodes. There's plenty of stuff to go through yet.

>implying Magiaconatus is not a powerful sage and this whole Granbelm issue is nothing but a casting for him to bless a house family with his heir

They show Mangetsu is leagues about the others multiple times. She even gets those special snow flakes markings in her eyes whenever she powers up. And her attracts are basically one-shot kills.

>phoneposter is dumb
not surprised

There's either something the anime hasn't revealed yet about manko, or they go with the "Magic is in the hearts of everyone" BS.

>whining about typos

>"Magic is in the hearts of everyone" BS
That would instantly kill the show for me.

>calling auto correct a typo
magic is certainly not a thing of the heart, considering Anna lost and Shingetsu is the best mage ever even though she hates everything.

She'll join Kibou's harem only

She wants the power despite others wishes or circumstances.
Emotions being childish does not mean it’s a kids show e.g horror flicks, serial killers,
She would have lost to shishou the last ep.

>But it seems like Mango's family doesnt know at all.

Mango mom will tell her about in the last couple of episodes. The moms are playing a huge role in Granbelm that's going to be very interesting.

>She wants the power despite others wishes or circumstances.
I did say she's selfish. What's your point?
>Emotions being childish does not mean it’s a kids show e.g horror flicks, serial killers,
The point is her wish is not very interesting or compelling.

There's something mysterious about Shishou as well, but even then I don't think Mangetsu would have lost.

Mangetsu is not biologically related to her mother and sister. She's probably not even biological at all.

>That would instantly kill the show for me.
It won't apparently, I would love to see more world building and more mages revealed out of the loop.

It doesn’t have to be.

>The moms are playing a huge role in Granbelm that's going to be very interesting.

This. Finally moms get the attention they deserve in anime.

If you like shit then of course it doesn't have to.

It's been said again and again that there's still more to the character than we know, and even if she was just a selfish prick that will go all the way to have her fun and beat everyone, her wish isn't as simple as you make it sound, she's genuinely trampling on other's dreams and even lifes to do that, that alone would make it more than you're implying it is. If she just beats everyone and decides the show must go on so she can have more fun, Kuon's sister is going to stay bound to a curse, Shingetsu crushing Anna's soul would've been for nothing, and we don't know what exactly is up with Suisho.

Speaking of Kuon's sister I heard she's voiced by Yukarin is it true?

>Mango mom will tell her about in the last couple of episodes.
They never gave any hints about manko's family knowing anything about magic, so it'd feel like a cop out if that actually happened. But I have my suspicions on Kibou since Nenene and her sisters are attracted to her.

>if she was just a selfish prick that will go all the way to have her fun and beat everyone
I'm not sure what you think is fun about that. It's pointless.

How can you not get something so simple? It's not pointless, there is a point, it's downright cruel if she does go along with her wish. She's possibly having people die for nothing.

Selfish people do selfish things is not a point, it's an understatement.

I just said it wouldn't just be selfish, but cruel as well but I guess you're fucking retarded and I give up on you.

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>They never gave any hints about manko's family knowing anything about magic,

I have my doubts user

It's the same shit. It's understatement. It's like saying the sky is blue. Sure, but it's not interesting and I don't need to a show to tell me that.

It's like you can't even understand there's different ways of "being selfish". How do you even function in society?
Nevermind that, I know you probably don't.

I don’t know who directed it but Oonuma Shin storyboarded it.

Cite some examples of them being aware of it, if you would.

Well maybe she is trying the approach Anna's mom should gone for and completely opted out of the magical contest with the magiaconatus discretely saying "no" and dragging Mango in anyways.

Almost everyone in the world is selfish to a certain extent, and even good actions can be selfish. You're probably selfish yourself, user, calling her selfish and saying that means she's a boring character doesn't really say anything at all.

is it stated for how long this instance of magic royale has been going for and the number of girls eliminated?

The fact that Mango just "fell" into the Granbelm and was given her crystal by Magiaconatus itself, makes it clear she's not a mage's descendant but something else entirely.

Three are eliminated for now.

Maybe Mango's mother didn't reveal it to her daughter maybe it would hurt her and the whole family.

She's boring because there's no conflict or pathos to her character. If she was a little more conflicted about taking part in the Granbelm and destroying other people's hopes and dreams, that would be more interesting. There's no pathos either because if she lost she wouldn't lose anything important. At least compared to the others. Kuon, for example, won't be able to save her sister if she lost.

Without conflict or pathos or a memorable personality, she's pretty bland.

That’s why she wants to keep the magic, do you get it now?

> destroying hopes and dreams
The magic coconuts doesn't care about mommy issues and fags who like touching their root. It wants a mage who loves magic.

>That’s why she wants to keep the magic
When did she say she wants to do that?

I'm so glad not every story follows this "by the book" absolutely garbage way of writing main characters. Thanks fucking god, they're not always feeling conflicted about every litttle thing, and that they don't need the power of friendship to go through.

By the fact she thinks fighting with magic is fucking fun and she can't wait for the next day were she gets to go on her robot and beat the shit out of everyone else?

If you like bland characters more power to you.

She said she will help Shingetsu with her wish. She might change her mind at some point, but right now she's still on Shingetsu's side.

Bland is exactly how I describe the characters I just mentioned. I think a character that doesn't fight because of a passion and doesn't feel remorse for wronging others far more complex.
This story isn't for you.

Even Shingetsu is fully aware that they're going to ultimately fight and is consistently trying to make her quit it, but Mangetsu doesn't want to, it's pretty obvious where this is heading, unless there's a huge change of heart from Mangetsu's side.

>I think a character that doesn't fight because of a passion and doesn't feel remorse for wronging others far more complex
There's nothing complex about it.

I heard they become besties after that arc and start hanging out again.

The last time Shingetsu tried to make her quite was episode 2, user. Also, if Mangetsu is so desperate for fighting, why did she stay on the sidelines in episode 7? She just stood there and made sure no one would interrupt Shingetsu's fight. Which makes it clear she's still on Shingetsu's side, by the way.

The very idea of Mangetsu beating Kuon and Shingetsu and not letting them go through with their dreams could make for some ridiculous out of the norm scenes. How would Kuon feel about it? Shingetsu? Would Mangetsu really act as if it's just natural in those cases? Would she really be not apologetic about it, as if what she did wasn't a big deal? we don't even know, because the show isn't done yet, but you fully believe you know everything and you're already grading Mangetsu as a boring character halfway through the show. You're a fucking idiot.

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She was about to jump into it the moment there was a excuse to do so before Suisho interrupted her, herself.
And nevermind her crying,and making a gigantic sword of dark energy after thinking that if she loses to Nene it would be back to her mundane life, I'm sure she won't be conflicted at all when the time comes that it would be just her and Shingetsu, and Shingetsu would plan to end magic once and for all.

>Mango stabs Ernesta in the back and takes the power of magicalcoconut all for herself.
Oh God, I need it to happen, so bad.

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From starters, you have to be a humongous retard if you seriously believe that's where the story is going. Kuon will be defeated by Shishou, not Mangetsu. And things will take a turn after that.
You're idea of a retardly selfish Mangetsu kicking everyone's ass just to feel special isn't happening. Even if it was, it wouldn't be interesting at all. It would be too retarded and pointless to be even remotely fun.

>She was about to jump into it the moment there was a excuse to do so
Did it seriously looked like she was doing it out of selfish impulse to fight? You're blind if that how it looked to you.

>It would be too retarded and pointless to be even remotely fun.
You keep using the pointless to describe things you don't like or that you want to see like you know exactly what is right and wrong. You're a lost cause, just shut the fuck up and watch the damn show, it's pretty obvious things are going to take a turn, yes, that by itself already foreshadows that Mangetsu won't simply stay with the same idea she has now.

How about you also mention my other point?
Tell me, do you really fucking believe she would just stand there if Shingetsu was about to eradicate the source of what she's so PASSIONATE about now?

I think she will probably change her mind before that point. To start with, her desire to feel special stems from her lack of self-esteem. I doubt the story will end without dealing with that and having her get over it.

>You're a lost cause
The feelings is mutual.

Finding joy and a fun purpose in life does wonders to fix self esteem.

that sounds pretty convenient, would be fun if Anna just also had a change of heart and accepted Shingetsu handshake and went back to her family and it would all be smiles.
Good thing that didn't happen.

Now kiss

Anna was too far gone from the start. It's a totally different thing.

She might be looking for a scrap, but she's not going to interfere with the duel Ernesta is Having with Anna unless she feels that her buddy is in trouble.

Mangetsu has been feeling like she has nothing going for her life besides magic for about as long as Anna wanted to fucking exterminate ERNESTA's existence.

Yet, she didn't mind staying on the sidelines in episode 7. She's not as desperate as Anna. Not even close.

because that fight wouldn't directly result in the end of fun days with magic.

She's not that cold and calculating. She's just a boring nice girl who brings donuts at the office to be noticed by others who somehow got trusted in a world of fantasy and magic. Of course she wouldn't want to lose that, but she wouldn't get all machiavel from the go.

nothing I said meant she was cold and calculating. There was just no reason for her to interfere in that particular fight.

You're proposing she would backstab Shingetsu which makes no sense.

Did no such a thing.
She's glad magic got into her life. She's also glad Shingetsu got into her life. She appreciates both, which one will she give priority when the time comes, only the show will say.

Suishou and Mangetsu are sisters and/or mother/daughter.

I want to have magiclet babies with Anna


Don't blame others for your stupidity.

>ignores the person's monologue voice that pops up into her head
>floating in empty moon space and flashback makes her realize she wants to continue no matter what
>soulful wailing screams of despair and desperation
>something awakens due to that
>wins with fierce attacks and stops when she sees it's nene which was the monoloue in her head
Dare I say it, Kino

Nah, but episode 7 was kino.

I bon't know why Manko's screams are making my dick hard.

>bringing more angry, violent and insecure redheads into the world

Anna's not insecure, just angry, very very angry.

Doesn't mean you should just throw her out to the streets at night and in rain. Fuck Anna.


>thinks manko's characterization is complex
>not stupid

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Big Ernesta.

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My interpretation of this: As explained in the latest episode, Anna is a descendant of the Carmine witch, who's specialty is the ability to yield both intense heat and freezing cold at the same time. Given what Anna's mom says about the fire and ice spell not being able to be cast along, the spell Anna tried to cast is likely considered a lost art in the Fuugo family. The recovery of ability to cast that spell specifically spell from a descendant of the witch would likely be a really indicator of mage power within that family, as if the witch was reincarnated, which is probably why Anna focuses on it so hard.

Anna's mom makes it a point that the cast has never been cast ALONE makes it likely to me that the spell is usually cast with one person doing the fire part and the other person doing the ice part. In episode 6, we see Anna can only really perform the heat part of this spell, which makes this theory more likely. Moreover it's a reflection of both Anna's abilities (we only see her using heat power in the bath) and her personality (rage is usually equated to heat). It takes the cool Ernesta to add the ice part of the spell.

As for an indicator of Ernesta's strength, the only moment I can really thing of is that scene in episode 6 where she's putting together the structure of toothpicks, and suddenly she makes the toothpicks fly all across the room. Anna looks pretty amazed at this so maybe it's strong magic for a younger mage.

Big Ernestas

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I don't see how some toothpicks flying around justify Anna's mother claiming she's loved by magic. That makes no sense whatsoever. Sure Chinko's strong, but not specially strong. Anything she has done looks average for a mage. Except maybe summoning the spirit, but that's not enough to say she's loved by magic.

>In episode 6, we see Anna can only really perform the heat part of this spell
Not really. She tries but fails to set the wood on fire.

Good point. Yeah I guess Anna is just weak as hell and I looked too far into this.

Shingetsu probably can do the spell on her own, all things considering.

I want more story of Anna being one-upped by Ernesta at everything.

>Anna gives up magic and tried to study in school normally
>Only ranked 2 in exam score while Ernesta is 1. Also, Ernesta is the StuCo president that is loved by everyone.
>Anna tried her hand on writing and submitted a story for competition
>Ernesta published self-improvement book that becomes a best seller
>Anna tried to kickstart her own public company
>Largest stockholder is Ernesta's child company

Maybe her powers are emotion driven. Anna was boiling mad when she made her bath water boil and nuclear during her most recent fight with ERNESTAAAAAAAA.

I would say we're kind of given conflicting information on this. Anna's mom seems adamant no one can perform the spell by themselves, but Shingetsu really does look like she does 90% of the work.

I think you're thinking too much. Anna's mother outright says Anna has no power (it's not translated like that, but that's what she says in Japanese). Shingetsu did most of the spell, if not the whole thing.

I think that was a bad translation.

>Why do you think you succeeded? At something that no matter how much you try you couldn't do alone.
It doesn't say that "no one" can perform it alone. And we see that Anna did in fact try to do it alone and it was a failure.

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Ah so everything I said was retarded. Oops

It's not your fault the translation is a confusing pile of crap.

Hold up, doesn't that imply then that Anna has been trying all this time, and she has been failing all along? And her mother knew about it?

They have purposely raised her wrong. As a joke.

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Is that legit or fanart?

Yes, though we probably won't hear much of her.

Edelweiß was a pretty decent ED.
I didn't realize this at all before reading this, but there's a difference between the family magic stones like Fugo's that Anna used last ep and the personal ones everyone else is using. Family stones are ones powered up for generations for some purpose other than granbelm. You're not supposed to use them for granbelm. But Shingetsu's stone is also "handed down through the Ernesta family"..
>as for disadvantages (for using a replacement crystal).. see episode 8.
One of Viola Katze's hidden traits is that it can sustain a lot of damage, because it's a cat and the whole cats have 9 lives thing.
Originally the characters represented different countries. Suishou was Russian, Anna was Spanish, Shingetsu German, Rosa American, and Nene Chinese.

>But Shingetsu's stone is also "handed down through the Ernesta family."
Well, I remember Nene received her stone from her mother, so it's pretty much the same as being "handed down." The Fugo crystal must be something else entirely.

Magnets' newtype flash in the latest episode is proof that her origin is not of Earth and that her soul has been freed from gravity.

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I think it's some sort of mana power-bank.

>speaking of Russian magical girls maybe something like the Baba Yaga?
Literally who?

Come on user.
That one is actually well known outside of Russia.

do you really need any more than episode 6?
That moment where Anna realizes Shingetsu was doing the magic for her, had more of a impact than all the NTR doujins I've seen in the panda. It had been a long time since I had to pause a anime for a while before continuing out of just too much embarrassment, and the way she just slumps down was perfect.

But Shingetsu didn't start fucking her mom and imouto in front of her.

as far as Anna's feelings are the ones being crushed, what she did was far worse.

Yeah, but it can't be perfect if that didn't happen though.

Not really, Shingetsu could have stripped her mother and impregnated her right there, and Anna still would just be thinking about how she was tricked about being the one who used that magic.

>>Are there any downsides to using a big ass magic stone?
>Please watch ep8.
Anna confirmed dead again.

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>Baba Yaga
He's talking about John Wick.

When is he gonna make Shingetsu his bitch?

You forgot the sports bra.
Shingo Abe and Kenichi Takase worked on ep7

to iu koto? to iu koto? to iu korto!?

>You're not supposed to use them for granbelm

They worked on mecha series that explain why the fight was better than usual
>>Anna was able to manipulate temperature with the help of Fugo magic stone. Does that mean that as long as they have enough magic power anyone can perform any techniques?
>No, it only empowers the techniques of your family and the element you have affinity with. If someone from another family use a magic stone of a different family it won't go well. But if the families or elements are close then perhaps it's possible.
Anna's specialty is temperature manipulation and Shingetsu's element is darkness. Doesn't seem like they are close, so I guess she just provided Anna with magic power for her techniques.

>hitting the summer months
>probably no beach/pool episode
>even if we get one, anna's probably not going to be there
What's the point

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I really wish they'd release an artbook eventually

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>they were new types all along

In the final twist of the show they will reveal it really was part of the Gundam franchise all along.

>kamille is the narrator
>Kamille is actually Manko's grandad

Can't wait to see the non SD versions of the Armanoxes

Anna isn't as edgy as Mugino.

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>Manko's grandad confirmed as the final boss.


>manko potatos herself to defeat Ernesta

>final episode has ernesta taking crippled wheelchair bound anna to the beach

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It's been years and I still hate it.

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What for?

Fat cat

Spanish Anna fits.
>arab clothes
Nene basically still is chink.

Anna is just that good that she can do whatever she wants regardless of her elemental affinity.