月曜日のたわわ その235 『忘れ物』
Tawawa Monday
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I thought these were supposed to make me happy, not fucking sad.
oh yeah she has a job
Tawawa, desu~
C96 book scanned yet?
They do make some anons feel worse rather than better.
What's in the bag? I sense this is the first of a multi-part story.
And as predicted Himura is back to procrastinating and posting the drawing at the last possible second.
Jewish girls are very cute
Start dumping
Jesus Christ
Glorious fucking tiddies.
I wasn't waiting for it but you're pretty late this time around
Those look like Ells or Ems at this point.
>that bag
rocking computer-kun's world once he got the 55" monitor
She's gonna to get pregnant right after she graduates.
>Kouhai is only one torn condom from becoming senpai's housewife
Will Senpai be happy to have her as a wife?
What's happening in this picture?
>no raws for u
Korean mercenary nonsense.
I hope heaven is full of tawawas to get paizuri from.
Seems to be an alt universe story
I hope tawawanon is enjoying himself wherever he is right now
>tawawa isekai
rip ;_;
Show me one person who wouldn't be happy to have Kouhai as a wife and I'll show you a faggot.
It's a dream, but I'm not sure whether Ai or Salary man is having it. Might even be both.
>Might even be both
I bet that perverted goddess is somehow behind this.
Reminds me of that Megane maid doujin, Sophie was her name i think.
That's a dangerously smug maid.
you might be depressed user
Most of us are
Too much smug, if you ask me.
it's almost cursed
Too pure
The truth is, I never wore this at the Culture Festival
I thought it was too embarrassing, despite how they worked so hard on it...
I wanted to try wearing it.
I kept cooking the whole time
Jeez, Onii-san, you - really - are - always - like - this.
so whats the story with this one?
"Forgotten goods"
A customer at the bakery forgot their package. Doesn't seem to be a deeper story this time.
Thanks lad. Feel free to flex your translating muscles even more. Especially on these
ah alright cool, also is that supposed to be senpai in the last panel? definitely looks like his hairstyle
so why is the first post suicidal?
Korean and Japanese are two different languages, user.
Why does he have a wooden hand?
Because he's sad it'll never happen to him.
Hold up now bud, i'm not this guy and believe me, i hate Korean raws as much as you guys and i sure as hell don't intend to shill these, i'm just posting Tawawa Sadako pages. And i would have posted the Japanese ones if i know where to find them
Wtf they're all runes to me man. I ain't a dwarf!
>She ascended
Now that's just sad.
Has this list gotten longer recently?
I don't get it.
I added the links for the original. Maybe I'll add a collection of fanart.
But the main reason is that the last time it got me banned for 24 hours. Been posting ex links for years with no trouble, sometimes the posts get deleted. This time I just got banned with no warning, all my posts on Yea Forums deleted, as for reason, the post was deemed "off topic" despite being 100% tawawa related. Even though it was saged and the links spoilered.
We all do son. Stay strong, may you find your Tawawa one day.
Has that art on the left been scanned yet?
God I wish I was him
Where? What do you mean?
>Even the weather patterns are tawawa shaped
What's going on in the tawawaverse?
Nice things.
How will Volleyball-chan react if she found out that Ai and Onii-san had already fucked
>And then they fucked, for the nth time
>tfw no farmer gf
flush your dns
>Weather patterns giving Japan a paizuri
Careful now. The cows thinks she's one of them and will attack when they think she's in danger.
They will understand ones they see her shaking with pleasure.
And she took his computer screen
WhatI'd give for being able to wake up to this on my bed.
>he came his brains out
That's just a faggot mod being a faggot and newfags trying to force their shit in here.
It sucks really because rules said you can link to nsfw content as long as it's related but fags are using the offtopic report to get links deleted.
Didn't help.
The problem seems to be that the website you're trying to link went down a few weeks ago.
Who wouldn't?
>Korean translation uploaded
>But not the raws
Fucking why
Koreans and Chinese see doujins as a revenue source.
What was the page before this?
This is probably the only time where it'd be better animated.
I think it's something like this.
Good shit
Fucking based
I still believe the author is just waiting for the right timing to make her an official Tawawa
>Only 8 named tawawas out of all this time
It'a hard to make it big as an official tawawa.
And then they have the audacity to complain when Japan calls em sub-human.
Main Tawawas
- Ai
- Kouhai
- Maegami
- Jitome
- Cheer
Side Tawawas
- Volley
- Aiimouto
- Aimom (Dentist?)
Under Tawawas
- Conbini
- Tutor
- Sadako
- Dairy Farm Girl
- Gym Coach
- Bartender
who else am I missing?
What is going on here
I'd say to be a main tawawa you have to have all of the following
>A confirmed name
>A faceless male
>And a story with said faceless male
I think Sada-chan fits the bill
Also Kuroko (Mole-chan) is missing
Whatever this cuties name is.
Jitome i think.
Her final tweet will be a selfie of her with phone-kun
I wish I was a faceless male.
Oh, I thought Jitome was the miko girl with the stern eyes.
Jitome is the miko girl. Don't remember the name of the twitter girl but i think it has the work Kuro on it.
I would move Sadako up to side or main since she has a story now. And I don't think Aimom is the dentist
from last week