Gameverse anime when? Best girl deserves it.
Sword Art Online
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Wait where is that image from?
The games, I'm assuming.
New trailer for Alicization Lycoris. It also seems to confirm that it's a part of the gameverse, thank god.
I hope Premiere plays a role in Lycoris
Holy shit that was actually beautiful to see
Damn gameverse Kirito is such a pimp
I like how the regular harem (besides Alice) doesn't even show up at all
>I like how the regular harem (besides Alice) doesn't even show up at all
I imagine it’s supposed to showcase the gameverse only characters since the regular harem already has their own anime
Goddamn this only makes me want a gameverse anime even more
I'm not sure why somebody took the time to draw cells of all the games, but I like it. Angry Tia looks much better without 3DCG.
I hope it means that the previous games are all going to be relevant in some way. And maybe there are animators at the studio who want a gameverse anime too.
This is an overlord thread now
I'm not sure how a gameverse anime would hold. Most of the main girl arcs are self-contained (except Strea, who is bound to the later half of SAO), but they hardly fit in the timeline unless we go Progressive.
The trailer pretty much points to the game being done by Aquria (IM/HF/HR), which is a good thing.
For me it's Strea
>Most of the main girl arcs are self-contained
To be fair, that's more or less the same as the rest of SAO. Aincrad, Fairy Dance, and Phantom Bullet, are all mostly just Kirito with one girl. Sachi, Silica, and Lisbeth's short stories are similarly mostly self-contained. You have Asuna having a bit of a minor role in some of the other girls stories, but that's it.
>how a gameverse anime would hold
Here's the way I think a gameverse anime would be structured
>Hollow Fragment 12 Episodes
>Lost Song 6 Episodes
>Hollow Realization 12 Episodes
>Fatal Bullet 6 Episodes
I really hope we somehow get all the gameverse supporting cast for the War of the Underworld part of Alicization
Sometime after Progressive is my guess. As long as Reki continues to write out more SAO stories, the series will continue to get anime adaptations.
Based Chad Kirito
To be honest I like the gameverse more than Progressive so I hope it gets an anime first
This is nice to see. I was a bit worried they were going to dump the gameverse timeline. It's pretty fun.
Gameverse would've been more viable if you could play your own character instead of Kirito.
Is it AI posting time?
Tia is best AI!
We did that with Fatal Bullet and it was boring as shit. Kirito and his interactions with the cast is part of what gives the gameverse life and makes it comfy fun.
>game exploring a story where Eugeo lives
I love Lycoris now.
Who wrote the story and lore behind gameverse?
I actually like Kirito a fair bit. No homo.
NO! Phillia is best AI!
I want to join Kirito's harem. Full homo.
Same. He's pretty great in the Hollow games.
Might be fun. You would get a free pass from dying and all the girls are pretty friendly with each other. It helps that he's kinda cute too.
>the meme still lives
I left SAO threads when the first half of the Alicization anime ended and I'm glad to see the meme still being posted
It was only boring because the PC was treated as an even more generic self-insert. It was especially jarring if you were playing a female character, since everyone was essentially treating you as if you were the male that is, presumably, the intended PC. Give the player some agency and have tiny, even if inconsequential, dialogue changes based on them and it'll be decent.
Only gameverse anime I'd ever want to see be made is either an adaptation of Hollow Fragment's Philia arc or just a comfy Lost Song adaptation which would basically be Calibur 2.0. Hollow Realization is clearly fanservice over having an actual plot and Fatal Bullet's story is just plain bad.
I'm surprised Namco is still supporting the game with updates. Is SAO now of their gaming cashcows?
Lycoris is a new game, Fatal Bullet got its last update in the Complete Version. Kinda bought it on whim on Switch and it is pretty good.
I’m still butthurt that they didn’t let you bed Kirito. It was the most obvious pandering fanservice choice that could’ve given to female players but they didn’t do it. Fuck.
Consider that they bother to update even fatal bullet I would say yes.
Too bad .hack won't be too much in the focus since Sao does sell a lot better these day
Isn’t there supposed to be a Summer update coming or is that already in the game?
I hope so. Maybe they’ll let the developers have more time and funding to work on the games.
Female player character was an afterthought anyway. There's like two or so lines that weren't written with the male PC in mind.
What’s even going on with the .Hack series anyway? Last I heard about it was the Last Recode
I believe they just increased the level cap to 300 so I guess it is out
>Calibur 2.0
Yes please. I always liked Lost Song for its light hearted atmosphere for the majority of the game.
Fuck I actually thought we were going to get a gameverse anime from that trailer
Hopefully one day the anime adaptation will happen.
Maybe they feared the Asunafags?
Should've had Kirito bed you after assimilating you to his harem, with him initiating the event and all but from your perspective.
Turns out it sold 1 million copies. For a japanese game, that's pretty decent, right?
Wow. Last I heard Fatal Bullet wasn’t doing too well. Guess it was one of those games that slowly get more popular over time.
Huh. That's actually quite impressive.
To be honest I’m going to miss the 2D art for the cutscenes
How does that compare to other SAO games?
Reki did for at least the Hallow games
Reki apparently wrote the direction somewhat, but the actual story was from those guys. These are HF's credits (from the Philia half).
one think the gamerverse did right was save her from super aids with the power of harem magic
Erratum: He's listed as supervision and advisor, along with Kadokawa and the rest of the SAO project.
In practice, that means he got to meetings and said yes or no.
>Gameverse anime when?
Odds are rather against it. I wouldn't hope for anything more than an OVA at some point.
Shit this is better than I expected.
Jesus this man has a lot of work on his plate when you take into account him writing 4 LN series at the same time
Hope he doesn't overwork himself too badly
Gameverse has actually become my safe haven after Reki went full proto-Urobutcher on the main canon. Why did SAO get this fucked up?
Speaking of Yuuki and the gameverse, what are the odds she'll be in Lycoris at all? Whether I buy it sooner or later depends entirely on that.
Based god they aren’t abandoning the game verse canon. My waifu Premiere will be back!
>Kurecuck again
Oh god please no.
Ah I see my fellow Yuukichads are here aswell.
looks like total ass
This is the gameverse. Her presence is almost a given.
Besides, we literally don't have anything else other than 5 seconds of anime to go on.
This is at least 2 years away. We have much more time to decide on buying that before it hit the shelves.
Damn right.
Yeah I figured. They found a way to put Yuuki into Hollow Fragment so I wouldn't doubt it. Although, is it really at least 2 years away?
tfw no Yuuki wife
Tfw your wife has aids.
Gameverse Kirito is best Kirito. The rest of them are busy stuck in cringy monologues about Asuna and being emotional.
> Why did SAO get so fucked up?
SAO is peak when Kirito is suffering from deep emotional trauma.
Yuuki is one of the few characters of the main cast that can be bullshitted straight into Underworld for at least the second half of the story arc (along with all the AI girls) so here’s hoping.
I don’t think the game is two years away, but it’s definitely not coming out until War of Underworld has finished airing. So there’s at least 6 more months of waiting.
Shouldn't be too hard to pull a few more super accounts out of their ass so everyone can join when Asuna, Sugu and Sinon do.
Man I’m really hoping that they pull everyone into Underworld. That would be the most hype shit.
gameverse anime isn't happening before progressive, and that's probably going to be something like 2 cour or 4 cour. they'll probably release GGO season 2 before gameverse and by then, there will probably be enough material to adapt unital ring
Yeah that’s most likely, it’s just gave me hope we might see a gameverse anime sometime soon
The most wholesome pairing
Feels bad
Yeah, that's true.
All this alone would make Lycoris pretty great, though I heard we probably won't get as much fanservice because of Sony's gay censorship policies out of it though.
I think they already confirmed no bed scenes thanks to Sony which really pisses me off. Although apparently they’ll work on something to replace them so hopefully we aren’t losing out on character interactions.
Tea time
Is Girls Ops still going, because he writes for that too.
They didn't quite confirm no bed scenes. Last word I heard on the subject was:
> Sexual content will likely be reduced. Asked by Dengeki about co-spleeping events - a tradition in the series - the producer said it might be "difficult in the current times" and that players "shouldn't expect too much about it".
Though that was a few months ago so I don't know if new information has emerged.
Also Administrator will be wearing her dress instead of spending most of her time naked, though that one is being blamed on the Japanese ratings board. i.e. Administrator being naked would almost certainly cause them to rate the game as CERO D instead of CERO C, and BandaiNamco won't accept a CERO D rating.
I guess it would be too much to hope for Sony HQ in California to burn down and the Japanese Sony takes back control?
After the olympics and before the PS5 launches
At least she's cute.
>caring about video games
Is any of this shit canon to the anime though?
No but it’s better than the anime so I prefer to talk about it
Why does Sony California get to dictate to Sony Japan? I thought Japan would be pulling the strings?
It's the better timeline.
Sony HQ got relocated to California so the woke faggots are in charge now. It was probably Japan’s misguided attempt to reach a wider western market.
>woke faggots are in charge now
God dammit. Why won't these woke idiots realise that pissing off consumers just turns people against their causes?
Not to get too political, but they are extremists. Anyone who doesn’t side with them are clearly evil and thus don’t matter at all. Of course this applies to the extreme right wing as well but the left is far more guilty of it these days.
She literally just needed to be bent over a desk and got a hard dicking to fix those self esteem problems
Only if my original character is the main character and Arfa-sys has voice number 4
Fuck you she was best Fatal Bullet girl
The wrong studio got burned down
>since everyone was essentially treating you as if you were the male that is, presumably, the intended PC
>Asuna and Kirito automatically assume that you and Kureha are dating even if you're a girl
Is Kureha's desperate lesbian crush that obvious?
>trailer pretends the Fatal Bullet MC doesn't exist and frames it as if the FB girls are part of Kirito's harem
It would've been funny if the trailer depicted the default female FB MC as part of Kirito's harem instead since technically (you) get all of the traditional main heroine story beats with Kirito.
Why the FUCK didn't Fatal Bullet give you a Kirito bed scene?
That would be a hilarious monkey paw situation for the people who hate Kirito.
>OC Donut Steel gets to be the MC
>but it’s the female version who’s a part of Kirito’s harem
As an anime-only pleb, I just have question how does the Game universe justify Kirito adding even more to his harem and relationship building/sleeping in bed with girls other than Asuna?
I mean they basically copied Sinon's plot over to the MC. Crazy psycho yandere obsessed with death tries to murder the MC in a death game but the big strong Kirito manages to break in at the last second to save you.
It is often joked about and frankly semi-canon that Gameverse Asuna is a cuckquean that enjoys watching Kirito fuck other girls, unlike canon Asuna who is borderline yandere.
Unlike Sinon though we didn’t get the benefit of being added to Kirito’s harem. Real missed opportunity.
Says who?
How does Asuna feel when Kirito takes Eugeo to bed with him? Is she a fujo?
I suspect that in practice it means he gave them a bunch of his notes as well, or possibly even took the time to create answers for them when they asked him questions for which he had no answers. Certainly the lore included with Ordinal Scale matches the lore for Hollow Realization to a fair degree, and that wouldn't happen if he wasn't the origin.
I love Kirito
I still can’t help but think Premiere is about to spread her legs in that image
Did you read the "One Ultimate Way" short story? Asuna acts like that, a woman who learned to accept it as long as she stays the head wife. As for Kirito, he goes full manwhore in the Hollow games, dating everyone while trying to hide the serious moments from Asuna. It's amazing.
A slut!
This image is still useful
It always is.
>Says this in front of Asuna
The balls on that girl.
Hollow Fragment Liz is pretty based
Tricking Premiere into sex!
I like that the gameverse embraces the harem aspects more than the main series. Makes everything a lot more fun.
Worth mentioning that it isn't canon.
What does the box say?
I just treat the dating stuff like a self contained VN inside each game still very fun if you enjoy the other girls.
>those bedroom sex eyes
I want to play one of the SAO games, but I know little of the series and have no investment in the characters, so which is best in terms of gameplay?
I'm leading towards Hollow Realization right now.
Fatal Bullet is probably the best in terms of gameplay. Hollow Realization is a close second but a big part of why that game is so well liked is because of the characters so not having any investment in them is definitely going to hinder the experience.
>but I know little of the series and have no investment in the characters
Ths SAO games use their own canon, you don't really have to worry about it.
No lewding my daughter.
Depends on what you're looking for since the two play differently. Hollow Realization is a decent enough starting point.
What do you guys think of Medina design wise?
I finished S2 of the anime. The last little arc of the season hit me like a ton of bricks. I dont think Ive ever watched a series that had me all misty eyed like a big baby like that.
>maybe there are animators at the studio who want a gameverse anime too.
I just imagined some animators at A-1 who are tired of working on Alicization day in day out and begged for a chance to do something gameverse related. Would be nice to see an actual anime sometime.
Where the fuck did this trailer come from? Is it fan made?
>It also seems to confirm that it's a part of the gameverse
How? They just jumbled together scenes from the other games, it doesn't imply that those characters will be in Lycoris.
It's like Malty got even more isekai'd than she already was. I don't particularly like her. Then again, I didn't like Kureha, but it still stung a bit when I got her bad ending.
Well if Lycoris was disconnected from the gameverse, then why would they bother acknowledging the previous games in the first place?
Hold on a second. I did a double take there.
What's the actual source of this animated trailer? This isn't a BNEI account, there aren't any credits like in every over one (except DGPS recordings), and this isn't a DG Playstation recording.
They're just showing all the games they've made, I really don't think there's any particular meaning to it.
Found the source. It seems to have been shown at some SAO event at around 4 hours and almost 3 minutes in.
They play it multiple times. I found it at just over 29 minutes in.
So this is official, that's pretty cool.
Fair point, but they went out of their way to pay animators to make the trailer. To me that does at least heavily imply that Lycoris is a proper gameverse title and not some standalone as I initially feared.
Seeing Tia in 2D animation was great, even if it's only for a few seconds.
She looks like she can swing between cute and badass easily. So I like the design.
Why the fuck wasn’t she in Fatal Bullet? Is Tia not popular?
Best FB girl is Arfa-Sys.
Rain cutest OC.
Her sister is cuter but Rain is hotter
I want to join Lady Alice’s harem
gameverse is it's own timeline. yuuki and eugeo are still alive, there are gameverse original characters like premiere and stream etc
i don't think it's likely but it's possible
It’s not illegal if she’s a genius
Rain is so good that the FB devs decided to make a Chinese knockoff of her and call her Kureha.
>one year later
>SAO threads still bullying Kureha
Good to see that some things never change.
>some standalone as I initially feared.
I’ve seen a lot of people have this fear about the new game, why is that?
From what they had shown before it seemed to be just alicization in game form, showed all events happening in the same way as the anime etc.
How the fuck does Alicization's whole "muh AI creation project" plot still even work when Fatal Bullet blew the lid off the whole intelligent AI field and just casually stuffed GGO full of intelligent AI?
In gameverse Alicization chronologically happens much, much earlier, at the same time as SAO... which makes adapting the Alicization plot make even less sense.
Also, in the ALO games, animeverse Eugeo and Alice got isekai'd to gameverse for a bit, to make things more confusing.
My sticking point is Eugeo. Why the fuck are we seeing him when he isn’t an Integrity Knight when Hollow Realization already established him as one already?
>in the ALO games, animeverse Eugeo and Alice got isekai'd to gameverse for a bit, to make things more confusing.
Accel World vs Sword Art Online is completely non canon to the gameverse. It was free to do whatever it wanted because it didn’t matter to the grand scheme of things. Still a decent game though.
Why does Kureha get bullied but Rain doesn't?
Also the one game not represented in the trailer
Oh yeah I never noticed that. So it was definitely a trailer showcasing all the canonical gameverse titles.
If only Kureha's sister were here.
I'm STILL PISSED it wasn't Zeliska.
They royally fucked it up by including Alicization characters. The only paths they can take are absolute bullshit. Either:
- Lycoris happens before HR, and all characters mysteriously forget about each other because Fluctlight shenanigans
- Lycoris happens after HR and Eugeo/Alice get reset because Fluctlight shenanigans, optionally with Kirito forgetting too
- It's all a dream, a ruse, or any combination thereof
- The playable Kirito isn't the actual Kirito
In any case, to amend my previous commit, the gameverse being a continuity does not (unfortunately) imply the presence of gameverse characters in Lycoris (notably because of all the bullshit reasons cited above).
I hope they'll find a way to deux ex machina their way in, but even FB did not have Tia and Seven. And that's a damn shame.
For how the game plays, there was a stream at
Personally I think their first and biggest mistake was wanting to replicate the Alicization anime, even superficially to obviously draw in the animeonlyfags. Now they are stuck with a huge elephant in the room in the form of Eugeo and Alice showing up in previous games already so a bullshit explanation is absolutely needed.
>Lycoris happens after HR and Eugeo/Alice get reset because Fluctlight shenanigans, optionally with Kirito forgetting too
This is the option I prefer the most, with the caveat that the characters eventually remember the events of Hollow Realization and Fatal Bullet.
They went out of their way to call this shit "Lycoris" instead of just Project Alicization, so there's a chance the stories are completely different (like Lost Song, or how Phantom Bullet was merely a cameo in Fatal Bullet).
I have no idea how they're going to fit Quinella and any of the integrity knights in any of this, but hey. It's not like the gameverse isn't stupidly convoluted in the first place. I just wish they bring in other AIs like Yui, Strea, Premiere, Tia and Philia.
A few months ago I would’ve been extremely pessimistic about this whole game, but after seeing the new anime trailer, and seeing that the gameverse hasn’t been discarded, I’m willing to have faith that the developers are able to deliver. If nothing else, I’m certain Eugeo will live through Lycoris. They saved Yuuki, so they’ll definitely save Eugeo.
>Fatal Bullet's story is just plain bad.
I don't qualify it as good or bad, is just inexistent, they just decided to take one of the characters and make him the bad guy for the sake of having a bad guy, but didn't really made any sense.
Is not even finished since all the DLC is more like a sidestory with a different bad guy. Actually the DLC makes more sense and have more story than the actual game
nice meme
Seven actually did make it into Fatal Bullet. Tia unfortunately didn’t, which still pisses me off.
That was also the case with HR. I found Tia's catharsis arc to be much more interesting (albeit much more drawn out) than the actual main plot with Premiere and Genesis.
Itsuki is best boy
At least HR made up for it’s plot with shit loads of quality character interactions. A quality that Fatal Bullet severely lacked a lot of the time.
you don't play these games for the main plot anyways it's the side stories and waifu events and HR has a metric shitton of them
Funny enough, the one non-canon gameverse title AWvsSAO, is the game that probably had the best main story in my opinion. I would love to see a sequel to it.
They mentioned Eugeo will have a route where he lives against Quinella and the conflict with Kirito about Alice.
Wait did they literally just come out and say Eugeo will survive?
These comfy SAO threads have a few memes that just seem to be undying. Let’s see
>Philia is an AI
>Kureha bullying (May or may not include Zeliska as well)
>Asuna is a cuck
>FeMCfags complaining about the lack of a Kirito bed scene
What else am I forgetting?
Fatal Bullet is a suprisingly competent shooter, though part of the charm is knowing the characters you're bullying.
Don't expect anything out of the story though.
Fatal Bullet’s story was good until they ran out of time to write it and just slapped on the ending when there were a billion loose ends left to tie up. Itsuki was the only one with a complete character arc, Kureha had a complete meltdown and is still whining about it during the final boss but then it’s just magically fixed in the ending. Zeliska didn’t even have a fucking arc, she just exists so you have an extra heroine to kill off. Also there was that entire plot point about Itsuki’s friend actually being a Zasker employee who set everything up for him that was completely neglected.
It’s pretty obvious that Fatal Bullet was rushed out the door for whatever reason. Considering how long we still have to wait for Alicization Lycoris, they probably should’ve delayed the release of Fatal Bullet for a few months to half a year at least.
Because one works to better herself so she can catch up to her genius sister and stand on the same stage as her while the other just moans and cries about how nobody loves her because they’re too busy worshipping her perfect sister and flips out at her best friend for doing the same thing as her sister by being too loveable and perfect.
Would it have been better if Philia WAS an AI?
Are we talking about Selka and KYH here?
>while the other just moans and cries about how nobody loves her
Not gonna lie I actually like that about Kureha, mainly because I want to fuck her problems away
It’s actually kind of interesting how they tried to create bad consequences for Donut being a Mary Sue who is loved and praised by everyone for everything.
Too bad they flubbed the execution.
>old comfy SAOthreads
>Asuna is a cuckquean
>Philia is an AI
>Forever Suguha
>Aho-sys a retard
>Nobody likes Kureha
>/pol/ Premiere
>I want to fuck Kirito
>where the fuck is my Kirito bed talk
>I want to be Asuna and watch Kirito fuck other girls
>Nobody likes Kureha
>KYH and Strea are both voiced by the same voice actor WHAT COULD IT ALL MEAN DEEPEST LORE?!?!
>guys what if White Cosmos is Yui
>guys what if the villain of Unital Ring is Persona Vabel
>guys what if Accel World got a season 2
>guys why is KYH so flat
>LLENN etc. etc. IMAGINE
>Kanzaki Elsa etc. etc. IMAGINE
>it's Incarnation I don't gotta explain shit
>everybody likes Kureha's sister
You forgot a few.
Why does Kawahara enjoy writing dysfunctional sisterly relationships so much? Thank god Strea doesn’t follow the template.
>/pol/ Premiere
Fuck. I only have left. This was glorious.
Does anyone still play Integral Factor even?
This is mandatory every thread
Dysfunctional family relationships are pretty common in anime and shit.
SAO would be a fun setting if they focused solely on the world of the MMO's exclusively. They had some aesthetic clothes.
Too bad all the MMOs are built on the same shitty engine designed for RPGs thus adding stat bullet curve to GGO.
Yeah but Kawabata employs a very specific kind of dysfunctional family relationship where one sister is seemingly perfect and endlessly talented while the other is SEETHING and has at least four pairs of characters that fit this bill.
I think it's because it's not an uncommon thing, especially in more traditional countries.
t. younger brother with Kureha-tier inferiority complex.
I won't lie. I would throw money at a full Alfhime Online game with KH or Dragon's Dogma combat + Harvest Moon farming and without Kirito or plots related to the real world. Just have my self-insert run a farm with a cute wife and side with one of the factions for dominance.
So much potential and comfy squandered.
> Is she a fujo?
Most Kirito fangirls are, so probably.
They said there'll be a route where he and Alice Zuberg lives. What exactly that means for the war arc your guess is as good as mine.
It'd have to be completely different since first of all Eugeo would be there and Kirito wouldn't be crippeled for 90% of the arc and suicidal in the remaining 10%.
>anime style philia
god my soul hurts so much
lycoris promo art
with the great eastern gate in the background
swap the red and White of her clothes and the new Girl Looks like a KOB.
she got a big sword
For me, it's Quinella.
Bed scenes hopefully
Not happening. Those fucking corwards.
They won't have bed scenes in the new game, and you're probably going to kill her. Also, even if she was open for romance, she'd only be interested in Eugeo if Meme Defrag is anything to go off of. That woman goes through the trouble of trapping them in a weird dating VRMMO just to be able to get Eugeo into her bed.
I wonder if they'll censure her fight though.
I want to believe they will add something in to replace bed time.
Better res.
has this been confirmed? i thought all they said was "dont get your hopes up"
quinella will be clothed, if thats what you mean.
>quinella will be clothed
A travesty. Fuck Japan.
The right clothing can be even sexier than nudity.
Lewd. Don't listen to , go on.
A night with Yuuki would be worth dying of aids
That fight for leadership was bullshit, I was waiting for sum BoB and got a poorly made 3v1
Everything past the tutorial was bullshit.
The Phantom Bullet part was literally a slideshow over S2 screenshots.
Holy shit blessed find.
Never played any SAO game in my life. Can I have a quickrundown on the gameverse timeline? All this time I though it just straight Adaptation
At first I thought the kirito mode was in another timeline, such a deception when I found out your ocdonutsteel doesn't get to kill Deathgun
>slideshow over S2
What an awful way to show it
Woah. Uh. Let's see.
- Kirito doesn't kill Heathcliff on floor 75. He gets to floor 100 instead and nabs an MHCP (like Yui) called Strea in the process (Infinity Moment)
- During the trek from floor 75 to 100, Kirito also falls into a locked-away part of SAO called the Hollow Area, where he meets and subsequently rescues a totally-not-AI player called Philia. (Hollow Fragment - includes Infinity Moment)
- The guy from the Fairy Dance incident got killed in SAO and thus the Fairt Dance incident didn't happen. Instead...
- A loli in-game idol called Seven (an actual mad scientist) tried to drain literally all XP from all players on all servers for SCIENCE. She was rescued by the gang, and her own IRL-idol suster, called Rain. (Lost Song)
- In another game called Sword Art: Origin, Kirito+gang befriend what seems to be a bugged NPC, called Premiere, who is in fact a weird self-learning AI. They meet and fight Genesis, a drug addict, who was using Tia (Premiere's twin) to further his own goals. Genesis goes down, Tia gets triggered and tries to destroy the whole game, and gets stopped. (Hollow Realization)
- In GGO, Original Character Donut Steel obtains an advanced AI called Arfa-SYS, beating Kirito and Asuna by a short margin. He gets dragged into the plans of a maniacal guy who's obsessed with him, along with his childhood friend Kureha and a developer called Zeliska. Phantom Bullet happens in parallel during the events at the end of the game.
These are all added to the Kirito harem: Strea, Philia, Seven, Rain (though she wants to bang her sister), Premiere, Tia (after the DLC anyway).
FB characters not so much, but why the fuck not.
The point of diversion is right before Kirito and Kayaba fight to the death. For fanservice reasons, the crew has to climb up to floor 100, Leafa and Sinon are there as well as two new characters.
In Lost Song. the Fairy Dance arc basically does not happen and Yuuki doesn't die because everyone loves Yuuki and killing her again would be lame. Instead you get a game about the cast having fun and living their lives in the virtual world. Oh and some girl that belongs in Toaru Magical Index is there because there's not enough lolis in SAO.
In Hollow Realization, the crew plays what is basically the non-deathgame version of SAO where they learn to appreciate AIs more and to consider them more like real people.
In Fatal Bullet, you play as your own character who is a giant retard that everybody loves unconditionally and some guy makes up a dumb elaborate plot to kill you? Or break you? I forgot because the story in that game was bad even compared to the other games.
There is also Accel World VS SAO which plays like an improved Lost Song. Many people dislike that game but I personally love it.
For me it's Strea
For me it's Premiere, angsty Premiere, and /pol/ Premiere all at the same time. And Yuuki when I need to blind my screen with the Mother's Rosario particle effects.
System Call: Remove Core Protection
Reminder that Eugeo is forever doomed to be paired with his rapist in the majority of his doujins.
God fucking dammit.
And that's a good thing!
Asuna is the true Mary Sue
Damn right user.
She only takes like a quarter of the shit Kirito does, has a loving husband and daugher and is the prime choice for cuckqueaning.
Why is Kirito so handsome?
My main group was Yuuki, Strea, and Rain. Yuuki was my favourite heroine (since I found her interactions to be cute), Strea was OP in HF for me (she kept stealing my Last Attack bonus), and Rain really grew on me during Lost Song's post game since she actually interacts with you there instead of lusting over her sister.
Same actually. Wasn't expecting SAO of all series to hit me emotionally like that. It helped that they really made Yuuki so likable.
All three are different, and yet they are all so perfect
Imagine making her be the rape victim for once
>Alice Zuberg lives
Okay now I’m really curious as to how this is going to go down.
Can you change their outfits? You could in the previous titles but cant find the option in Fatal Bullet.
You can, you have to talk to them in the lobby I think. You may need a certain level of affinity or whatever it's called with them though.
Excellent. Going to build a lewd loli team with Seven, Premier and Silica wearing swimsuits.
I dunno, the majority is probably with Kirito...
Made for rape
Which loli is your favourite?
Gonna make that my PS4 background
>Forever Suguha
Now that’s an old one
>and some girl that belongs in Toaru Magical Index is there
Wait who? I don't remember there's such a guest character in any of the SAO game
To be honest Yuuki unironically fits the Mary Sue label the most in the whole series
But she fucking dies.
She’s one of the few, if maybe the only example of a Mary Sue done right. Any idea can be done well if written by a competent writer, and as much as we meme about Kawahara, he is mostly a good writer.
Dying at the end is part of the Mary Sue trope
thanks user
Why isn't Donut dead yet then?
A Mary Sue is virtually always a self-insert type character.
Nothing that happens to Yuuki is anything someone would want to self-insert with.
You'd have to beat her first.
Well, if you were already a kid dying of AIDS (how did Yuuki even die of AIDS at 15 in Japan in the year 2024?) maybe you'd want to self-insert as her then
If you have to be that specific type of person then I don't think it's really a self-insert situation. Besides that, Yuuki doesn't really have any Sue traits aside from being one of the strongest characters in the series (which is explained well enough anyway) and being really close to Asuna (and we see how their relationship developed). There are a million other traits for a Mary Sue that she doesn't fulfill.
Also, Kawahara wrote the story ages ago back when HIV/AIDS treatment wasn't quite as good as it is now so he probably didn't predict that it'd be less feasible for someone to die of AIDS by that point. It's like the opposite of how VR to the extent that exists in SAO as a series is something we're nowhere near close to.
Kirito isn’t a rapist
It's Sinon's birthday today, say something nice about her!
Believe it or not this isn’t an SAO doujin
If we get a gameverse anime then there would be a lot of fan art and fics for that ship
Not only was the webnovel originally written in 2002-2008, it also took place earlier. In that version Aincrad started in like 2010.
Kureha is actually my favorite gameverse heroine.
Best voice. Best character. Best gun.
I want to fuck her in the ass
>mfw i found doodles i posted in SAO threads on google while searching for reference pictures
Best FGO voice actor.
What Fate servants does she voice?
Orion(Artemis), Mordred, Rama, sita, Nightingale. Also mysterious heroine x alter is basically a Sinon expy.
>mysterious heroine x alter is basically a Sinon expy.
Well shit now I definitely need to save up for the Valentines banner next year
>No bed scenes in Lycoris
Where is the source of that bullshit? I wanted an Alicization game to waifu best girl
Worse, there were incidents in Japan of infection via HIV infected blood transfusion in Japan in 2003 and 2013. We know for certain that Reki is aware of them as Tap translated Reki's twitter commentary for SAOII episode 22, and Reki mentions them there:
I think most people just fear the worst due to Sony’s censorship bullshit
Her voice is so soothing to listen to
Should I buy Fatal Bullet? Already played Hollow Realization but I'm currently on a budget.
It’s a decent game, but since you’re on a budget then it’s probably best to see if you can find the game on discount. I think the Complete Edition is more cost effective than buying the base game + DLCs.
Depends how much into shooters you are, and if you're okay with content being locked behind paid DLCs.
The gameplay's decent enough, but the story's nothing to write home about, and you did mention being on budget. Wait for a sale, perhaps.
The version I was planning to buy was the Switch version, which already has all the DLCs.
Complete version is worth the price imo.
Snuggling with Yuuki in a completely platonic and not sexual way!
As long as you’re not forced to eat instant noodles for a week, go for it.
The word of god is "Don't get your hopes up". Take this as you will.
This is from the game premiere Q&A session. Most main points have been translated by the Wikia admin at
>making out with a corpse
>Selka gets a route
>it’s just Kureha redux electric boogaloo
At least she can take it directly to her sister, provided Alice Zuberg lives.
Making Yuuki murder entire platoons in another game! AIDS included.
>Alice Zuberg gets stuffed in a loli avatar
>Selka now has to deal with the awkward situation of having a onee-imouto.
Don’t make me want things that will never happen
I think the final logical step for SAO is to have a loli-mommy.
she's alive in gameverse.
>Unlike HR, Lycoris won't rely too much on buffs
That's good news at least.
Why is she so pathetic?
It only makes me want to love her even more
Reminder that if she returns in Lycoris she'll have forgotten all about Donut and will be slobbering over the Kiricock.
>Reminder that if she returns in Lycoris she'll have been cucked and Donut will be slobbering over the Kiricock
>Have a male childhood friend.
>Nobody would miss if I died.
She seems super desperate for a dicking.
But what if you play as a grill
Based Kirito Chad
Is the gun gale game any good? Whats the gameplay like?
No hate towards Donut, she’s cute and I enjoyed the self insert aspect, but Fatal Bullet being a canon game to the video game timeline was a huge mistake. The developers don’t have the resources to allow Donut to be recreated constantly in future games. So she has to be relegated to at most, a few mentions by the Fatal Bullet cast.
Serviceable shooter with some looting and RPG elements to it, overall it's a decent enough game on its own.
If you're a fan of the SAO characters then it tips it over from okay to good IMO, the fanservice (kind of) makes up for the mediocre story.
See and for BoB action, though most of the game is against PvE enemies.
Desperate for a scissoring?
She'd probably just lie there and make you finger her, though, useless as she is. For proper scissoring, her sister would be a better choice.
It’s made by the same developers of Freedom Wars so if you liked that then you might like Fatal Bullet
Gameverse characters showing in the anime when?
Zeliska and Kureha had a cameo in Alicization episode 1. Outside of this, never.
I hope one day we might get a Seven or Rain cameo.
Mating press with Kureha!
>So she has to be relegated to at most, a few mentions by the Fatal Bullet cast.
So basically the same issue the Warden has in the Dragon Age games
my image didnt attach...
It’s always nice to see an overlap between YuYuYufags and SAOfags
The artist is the same for both series right?
SAO is illustrated by abec. YuYuYu is illustrated by BUNBUN.
The person itself claims it's two people (
Abec is also the best fgo artist
Not impossible that we get some sort of cameo in the next arc.
What’s the point in pretending to be two different artists? Other than lols?
I have no fucking idea.
Pen names are widely in use by voice actors. Yuuko Goto, for instance, has a dozen of them she's using in R18 games like Sharin no Kuni and Majikoi.
But for an illustrator that does not do porn? I don't know.
>medina orthinanos
cute eyebrows
It's already been confirmed that they're abec. Regarding pen names, I think it was explained. I might be able to find out where in a bit.
abec was mostly used for yuri illustrations. Miki spilled the beans, however - they are indeed the same person.
Probably the same way an author would use different names. For marketability and differentiation between works.
Even today we have stubbornly drug resistant strains of HIV floating around out there. It's not impossible that Yuuki could have been exposed to one.
god i hate gamerturk watermarked reuploads
every time i see one with the fat watermark and no backlink to the source i just want to reach through my screen and strangle that fuck
I blame people who steal and take credit for shit they didn't do for the existence of garbage watermarks.
Porn of her when?
hopefully soon, she's definitely got the assets for it, but i wouldnt expect a lot
take a look at the rest of the gameverse characters
With how little Quinella smut there is I have very little faith in the SAO h-artists.
All this huge-ass fandom produced for Comiket was like 3 straight doujins. Everything else was gay.
Fucking fujos.
At least there's that one based artist that does sugu/leads lewds.
Which is as it should be because Donut is canonically a girl who is also part of Kirito's harem
Would Donut attempt to dethrone Asuna in the harem?
Gameverse Asuna is a massive cuck so yes
Ah yes, lets bring gameverse characters in to get fucked like everyone else did in V17.
I'm not complaining.
when the time comes, will donut join kirito's harem or will kirito join donut's harem
Finally some more Philia screentime.