Best Potential Mothers Thread

Post your waifu and ask if she would be a good mother

Pic Related: Asia's a particularly good mother if EX is anything to go by.

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My wife Chino would be a good mother

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I really want to post Torako and say if you can survive the sex but nipple mod might throw me out

Almost forgot, don't forget to say WHY you think she'd be a good mother.


Got any more art of her?

Not just her, the entire harem too.

my wife would make the best mother

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she channels the immaculate heart and gets 10+ to child raising

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fuck asia, she's so dumb

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Lynne would be a great mother. She's a super sweet and caring girl plus she's had experience helping take care of some of her siblings.

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Why them?

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>Got any more art of her?
D-did the timeline shift?

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What other traits does she have that would make her a good mother?

She's a Major in the military and does everything she can for the people under her command.

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Signum is surprisingly good with children and shows her tender side for the little ones. I have faith in her maternal instincts.

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Do you really need to ask? Just look at her.

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What are her other personality traits?

no, newfags don't watch that show because it's bad

What show is it?

She cares about the adventurers meaning she'd care a lot about our kids. She is strict when she has to so she could raise our children correctly and she is smart too, she could educate them even in the medieval fantasy age. She has a excellent sense of fashion and she comes from a noble family. You can't find a more perfect potential mother than her.

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She had a kid of her own and raised a fine girl

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Who is that?

Will have several abababababies with her

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I'd say she has it in her.

Attached: miia (2).jpg (1280x892, 210K)

Plebian taste, but can't deny she'd make a good mom.
onodera from nisekoi

Why? What about the other girls?

What about the other girls in her series?

She's very devoted to those she loves, and tends to want to be the best for them and give them what they need. This could however make her a little overprotective, but I personally think that's much better than being an absent parent.
>other girls
I'd say a few of them would also be good mothers, but at the end of the day I'll always choose Miia as she's the one I fell for.

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Which ones?

Biggest one I'd say is probably Tio, she tends to be sweet and has that motherly love about her.

She's an amazing wife and mother.

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Who and why?

I think so.

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Whos is that, and why do you think that she'd be a great mom?

Its Louise (Zero no Tsukaima)
Not sure why specifically. Just that she's a good person underneath all the tsundere-ness.

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What about the other girls from the series? You know, Tabitha, Henrietta, Tiffania, etc?

My wife Chino is so cute

They'd probably be good moms too, they're just not the girl that I love.

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What traits would make them (and Siesta, forgot her earlier) good mothers?


Is that something that she actually says?

i want to be a baby again and suck Mimosa mimosas

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Veko was made for motherhood
but it was taken from her

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Sad-looking one...

What do you mean?

i'll spare you the grisly details

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But what does her ass smell like?

Yes, can tell bedtime stories.

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Can cook.

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Has the eagerness to learn household chores.

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Is learning to be a wife.

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