
Damn Takagi is lucky, Nishikata is jacked.

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Is this achievable natty?

Smug adult Takagi does things to me.

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yes, pretty easily

>ywn be looked at like this

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A woman walks by and starts leering at Nishikata's body then starts flirting and touching his arm
how does she react

He's jacked because of her though.

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After a decade with Takagi, flirting that isn't interlaced with 4D mindgames probably doesn't even register for Nishikata.

NTR arc with older ponytail when?

>Takagi played the long game and was grooming Nishikata from the start

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maybe she'll move in to caress his body as he's trying to work out all the different potential meanings her words could have?

>Implying an unseasoned thot could even understand the grade of ego-searing teasery that Takagi and Nishikata now employ

>thot will say "hello" Nishikata will go full code breaker
>thot's hands have now moved to his abs

Can't I have a Takagi gf tuned Takagi wife with beautiful family and child

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But he only does calisthenics.

Turns out the father's genes are superior.

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Bodyweight exercises (lots of core) and a clean diet.
1 year easy.

>Her mother tries to raise her to be a tease through example on her father
>Ends up being her father but in grill form

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Meant to quote you.

I wonder if Nishikata NTRs girls away from their childhood friends, at the school he works at.

What the fuck are you even saying

Well Yea Forums?

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Chi a cute.

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That's the spirit! Remember to find someone to have a large family with.

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Nishikata is a PE teacher, it's a well known fact that in nearly every hentai the PE teacher is a buff dude who fucks the girls and if they have love interests, NTRs them

So you're trying to say that he drops trow and fucks them in front of each other? And that he's not fired and in jail yesterday?

Well you see Takagi is his lawyer.

It's just harmless teasing bro.

I tried this once and she just ended up leaving me for another guy and I wallowed in alcohol and now use anime as my escape

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You weren't tesing her, were you?

What is their sex like? How does Takagi like it? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say she likes to ride.

why not post a picture of her getting teased then? the picture you posted just makes you seem like a retard who thinks genetics have something to do with what surname their child gets

If you weren't a retard and had read the chapter you would then understand.

ntr ain't happening but half the girls will have thought about him

Luck has nothing to do with it, she's been putting in the work every day since they were kids to earn that. You know when they fucked for the first time they went at it like animals in heat.

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he was probably so mad the whole time and then before he knew it she was pregnant and it was awesome. Pregnant Tagaki arc when? this shit could be the next achie

i've read the chapter, and you're missing the point

They should have more kids

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This guy is an absolute faggot.

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>mfw this guy is me

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God I want her

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God it'd be so fucking fun drinking with her

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Damn, middle schoolers sure can be finicky.

Happy Family

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Because you're 3DPD trash

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Your biggest mistake was that you weren't Japanese.

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And now you've become the drunk weeb of her dreams.

Do Japanese really take off their shirts when trying swim shorts?

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>he doesn't do this
lose weight

fatfag spotted

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Idiot, spoiling the dynamic.

Have kids Yea Forums

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No, fuck that gay shit

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Having multiple kids with Mina!

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how many illegitimate child does he have?

I would if you could skip everything from birth to maybe eight years old, little kids fucking suck

How come Takagi only had 1

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How come Abe-san had none?

Who married HER?

I can't imagine her post-puberty voice, so I keep reading things in her pre-puberty voice.

>10 push-ups per time he is bullied
Nishikita never has the energy for sex.



A man of impeccable taste, thick eyebrows are patrician

>tfw you will never be a smug little girl teasing your crush
>tfw you will never predate on your crush in middle school and end up marrying him
>tfw no hot body husband

At least you didn't make stupid fucking mistakes in the past

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nobody irl does that you fucking retards it's just pair of shorts

Can't reproduce asexually so pass.

look at yourself in the mirror

I'm getting better.

God, Imagine Takagi being smug when her womb is filled to the brim with semen

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God life is bad

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just do a few push ups before bed

Nice try Abe

Remember guys, if you don't want to suffer keep it to 2D , no care for laws or morality, the usagi drop/ uchi musume is a fat ugly female dream , that blossom only after decades of mistakes and sleeping drunk with the manwhores, if you are a pure fag that want some real lasting pure love, and true reciprocating loyalty, forget about it... doesn't exist.
You will end just being hurt by the fact that "doesn't matter how much you care or you do" there is always "someone better she'd choose".


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My shitpost really set you off didn't it. You are guilty of being 3d as any of them. Try to reroll as a 2d next time.

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As opposed to having kids, I don't think the current world is worth putting a kid into to suffer through atm

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Well, she's what caused Nishikata to be so jacked up, after all.

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>he is working hard for his step-daughter and takagi-san
good man


but why does she have such a huge 5head

Does it really bother you?
I've seen the meme over and over for many different characters but I've never been bothered by it

>I will NEVER EVER have my own Mina to raise multiple kids with

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That’s his daughter, not a step-daughter. Read the manga before posting

I stopped paying attention to this shit for 5 minutes and suddenly there's a spinoff timeskip manga that has 100+ chapters and I'm just now finding out? What else have I missed?

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>Look absolutely nothing like your child
>Not even a drop of your dominant gene is present
>Call her your daughter

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how can you say it's some other random guy's daughter if she doesn't have any dominant gene from him either? she literally looks just like takagi

The spinoff has been going for like 3 years now and there was even some bonus chapters early on in the original that were related to it. There's also 2 anime seasons based on the original, the second of which is halfway done. You stopped paying attention for a lot longer than 5 minutes my friend.

Redhead delinquents exist in my Japanese manga so it's very fucking possible

>hair is literally a few tones lighter brown than her mother's
are you really this desperate, cuck?

If it's about the haircolor (presuming the bizarro world of anime hair colors even works by real world genetics) then it's entirely possible for Nishikita to be the carrier of a recessive gene. Two people with dark hair can have a blonde child, you know? If both of them carry a recessive gene, the odds are 25%. If one of them is blonde and the other a carrier for blondeness, then the chances are 50%.

But then again, there are fucking naturally pinkhaired girls in anime so it's all up for grabs.

It's not just the hair
Look at OP's pic
Facial structure, facial features, even the expressions comes off as copy-pasted Takagi
If you showed me a picture of just Nishikata and his daughter together and I had no idea about anything in the series, being father-daughter wouldn't be the first thing that comes to my mind

>Facial structure, facial features
you're looking way too deep into this

I dunno man, it might just be my autism but lazy rehashes of Not!Characters for their children just instinctively screams NTR on my eardrums, and I don't even particularly like NTR doujins
It just subconsciously ticks me off that Nishikata can't even get a fucking break even with his own child's physical features

>it might just be my autism
It is

i don't think there's any "might" about it user

>he's still a manlet


She looks like her mom and sperges out like her dad. You need to be mentally ill to entertain the idea that she isn't their biological daughter.


>Facial structure, facial features
Where were you when user was BTFO in anonymous chinese cartoon board

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Yet they only made one kid. The fuck.

Mina made three.

Should I pick this up? I fap't many times to Takagi-san (well ok, like 10 times) but I never read or watched it, unless the doujin stories count

Hook me up with a decent woman and I will japanese man.

>decent woman
non existent in present times

Why is Takagi such a sore loser?

Eh. I'm not much better. Half the time I want someone to hold and cuddle and lewd stuff with, and the other half of the time I just want to be alone and binge videogames and anime. I wouldn't be a very good husband as I am now anymore than most women would make good wives.

a single child isn't even replacement rate

So their 22 or 23 cause it's 10 years later. Means chi was conceived at 17, and born at 18. Takgai ditched college and had her right out of high school. Sad she's a stay at home mom, she's clearly the smarter person out of the two and had best grades in class

>Sad she's a stay at home mom
>Implying she didn't cleverly use her most fertile years to borderline guarantee the conception of a healthy child
>Implying there aren't a second or even third child on the way
>Implying she ditched college, rather than waiting to pursue tertiary education during menopause rather than her precious fertility window
>Implying she won't go hardcore OL mode after her youngest child is going to elementary school fulltime
Yeah, she clearly is the smarter of the two.

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The fucks OL?

Menopause is like 55ish. No real time for a career after that.

Abe-approved series.

Office Lady

Fair point. Though if she keeps it up at this rate, her 2nd or 3rd child could be in elementary school by her late 20s. She'd only have a 10 year delay on her career if she goes to college after that.

I'll give you that. Four years college. And she's smart enough to climb. Probably an executive by 45. If a woman can do that in nip land. Speaking, do they own a house or apartment in the sequel?

>post marriage woman becoming an OL
>higher education after your 20s
>a married mother returning to the work force
>in Japan

lol nope.

And he'll STILL lose whatever game they play together, even when he sets the rules.

they own, what seems to be, a 2 bedroom apartment

Nigga, two to six is the sweet spot. Earlier than that, you can barely communicate. Later than that, they get corrupted by school/peers/puberty.

Remove yourself from the genepool.

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He just said he did user

What's stopping a Japanese mother from returning to the workforce? Pretty sure they have maternity leave there, and Mina even directly referenced it existing.

This but unironically

>t. dyel

>t. jelly lanklet

Small animals tend to pursue a QUANTITY reproductive strategy.

There's an image of Takagi and their child sitting on Nishikata's back as he is doing a pushup and I can't find it.
Does anyone have it?
Cause god I wish that were me

it was literally one of the last images posted in the last thread, just go check the archive

Thank you.
God I wish that were me.

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Nishikata wins though In the bedroom

>pencil neck
>skipped leg day
god damn I swear, everytime

It's around 10 years "since middle school". That could put them at 24-25. And Chi is probably like 4, hence the other timeskip to middle school Chi is probably another 10 years.

I bet the fat one did. That just leaves seeing how the last two couples turned out.

Same, at least my physique got me into a good military position.

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What the hell? Shouldn't they be schoolchildren?

Everytime he wins he's completely unaware of it or spergs so she recovers. His marriage proposal had to be legendary.

She raised him into that.

My penis
My heart

She has everything she wants

What chapter is this?

100 from Moto Takagi-san

There is a spin-off with their adult life.

Japanese culture. You're only allowed to go back to work for a feminine job like day care or if your family is poorfag as fuck.

I actually really like her, this is just for fun

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>no arms
>no shoulders
>no chest
>visible abs
Just don't eat and you'll achieve this. Maybe do a couple crunches for shits and giggles.


That forehead is so silly. If he shines them he will never need a mirror in his house.

>can barely support his family
Do people really have such low aspirations?

What's in the bag?

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A giant lump of coal

>Takagi threads devolve into blogposting and 3dpd shit
Cancer series with cancer fanbase

how this manga get even published?

here's your (you)

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>since its dark, I'll walk you home
Why? So he can get raped to death too if a mugger shows up? The fuck is he going to do?

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Do you seriously think it is not better for kids to be in groups?
You scream, you scatter, you get help.
Besides many sexual predators get discouraged when there are too many kids.

the real crime was having only one child desu

They still have time.

Mangaka don't understand basic psychology baka you can't just make a child the clone of their parents

The forehead gene is just stronger than anything else.


you just need to have a girl tease you for a good 15 or so years

Yes. I tease my short wife all the time and have since I was a freshman in HS.

This. If it's a lone kid, they get grabbed, you find the body a few days later. If it's a group of kids, a lone predator isn't going to risk leaving a witness, so unless he can knock out or otherwise incapacitate both of them, he'll just move on.

Its japan user, the chance of that is so low, especially in a small town, that it is pointless to walk together, but it still is pretty sweet of him.

Is she teasing the reader here, about to close the bedroom door as she and her husband perform their marital duties?

girl doesn't wanna

The cutoff for manlets in Japan is 5'8", he's safe

Looks like her daughter will one day replace her, if you know what I mean....

Wha what chapter is this

Chi needs siblings Nishikata you useless clutz
change your training regime to include thrusts

Takagi and Nishikata could probably make a killing just by becoming fitness ecelebs.

maybe you should change your studying regime to include spelling ESL-kun

I dont get why their relationship hasnt changed after their marriage. the spin off basically shows the same dynamic as the original, and they must have had abe's blessing to have a daughter. so he shouldn't be so timid around her. but he still is.

or did she cuck-tease him, like, he lost a bet and had to watch her getting fucked by three faceless old dudes that impregnated her or something like that?!

Why doesn't he keep knocking up his wife?

Some authors are so cucked they can't imagine the dynamic changing even if the characters have a kid. They just kinda wish the kids into existence without showing any of the steps that would get you there.

why would their chemistry change? she likes to tease him. she likes the way he responds to it. and he likes her.

but their relationship has changed, because at the end of the day he plows that pussy

>this thread

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It's beyond stupid.

Then again, it might be a doujinshi-goldmine. Like, Takagi teasing Nishikata to cum into her mouth and so on.

Do they exist? Just asking for a friend...

he still acts as if he never touched her. she probably even teased him into INTERCOURSE

Read the manga the daughter has his temperament

>everything is cucking
Dude take like a week off the internet, you need it

The book is pretty good, it’s like a less lewd nagataro

Yes they do, and they are more lewd than you can ever imagine

Needs the nailmarks from their sex.

Attached: Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - c011 (v01) - p103 [web] [15avaughn].png (1128x1600, 1.4M)

No joke this manga has made me enjoy teasing my wife even more.

I'm on it

Implying she didn’t play the long game to guarantee his stamina and angry passion

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I recommend getting away from internet, maybe a nice camping trip.

they've known each other for so long and this is the first time he is seeing her drunk?

She's not even drunk

It could be the first time they've been drunk together since their daughter was born

It could also be that she's very good at faking being drunk, since they got hammered together often.

Nishikata can breed me any time he wants.

So are we going to get a time skip in the spin off to see the daughter in middle school or is that going to become another comic?

I guess it's not really a coincidence the fact that Takagi sports exactly the same post-marriage hairstyle in this scene.

It's an omake. ch 67.5 iirc

>he still acts as if he never touched her
He walks in on her naked in the bath and literally doesn't give a shit that she's naked

got the page for that?

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Seek psychiatric assistance.

>or did she cuck-tease him, like, he lost a bet and had to watch her getting fucked by three faceless old dudes that impregnated her or something like that?!
You just know an American wrote this

Ohh man, lewd

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Cute family is cute.

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They need a reason to justify having a gun.

I hate the way adult Nishikata looks. It's like the author just stamped the child Nishikata's head on an adult body.

he looks a lot better now than what he did in earlier chapters

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Never read Takagi manga, i will read it soon though after watching the anime. But theres 2 ongoing Takagi mangas ? The first one set in middle school and the second one in their married life, right ?

There are 4 different manga. The two you mention, one that follows the three girls in Takagi and Nishikata's class and one follow completely different characters but set in the same universe.


There are some chapters showing the middle school of their daughter

I want to see some jealous Takagi. Chapter of Nishikata walking to the store with a female cousin or some shit when?

old takagi preying on young nishitaka when?

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You know what I literally fucking agree we really need this

It does look like a little slice of paradise

There's 4. Main one, future skip, 3 girls and a new one with 6 only 6 chapters. The anime follows the main takes stories from the 3 girls for more content. Girls one ended also. I read em all before going to bed, they give comfy feel good vibes. Anime follows em pretty close. They do make some slight differences though.

I did.

I cannot have kids alone.

The real easy solution here is to work on yourself to be better.

That physique is neither SS nor GOMAD, he is not a pear.

Yukari actually has her own spinoff.


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>daughter already in middle school only 100 chapters in


It's probably just a setup for another spin off. I'm hoping we see a few chapters with them in high school and the early days of their marriage before chi, or I hope we see a pregnancy arc

>Nishikata, if you cum inside you lose.
>Interior Monologue: Hmph Takagi do you really think I'm not prepared? I alrwady pumped one out so there is no way I'll lo-
>Ahh Nishikata, I get to be on top by the way.


that's not your wife stop that

They probably have the best sexlife, it's the only time he can probably consistently "win"against her

Shut up Nishikata. Why aren't you pumping her lean body full of baby goo daily?

>Nishikata lost his virginity before me
It's not fair bros....

I bet Takagi goes dickcrazy and Nishikata gets a high off of being able to dominate her at something.

The question is when was their first time? Did they wait until they were married or did it happen while they were in High School? Who confessed first? Who went in for the first kiss? These are things I hope to see in the manga someday.


She achieved this by manipulating the big dummy. Luck has nothing to do with it.

Nishikata probably accidentally confessed or something he seems to hit home runs when he least expects it.

Oh, but I am. We're fine with 1 kid for now though.

Yeah, the art style is a bit messy. It is a shame that Yamamoto isn't the one in charge of this spin-off.

I like to think she got him so mad the first time they had sex, then he got obsessed with "winning" (and won MULTIPLE times) until he saw her face and then he came when she told him how much she loves him

It's a tiny change, but goddamn it takes Takagi to a whole new level.

When are we going to see Takagi pregnant?


It'll probably be in Moto if we do, seeing as it has a little more flash forwards than the main book, so a flashback wouldn't be out of the question, especially if they're reminiscing about things to Chi.

So, could be any time, but not soon enough.

So what was her first name?
What does Nishikata call her after they got married?

its a shame it's looking like Chi's the only kid they're gonna have though

He's called her dear a couple of times.

he has to have built up enough stamina trough the years right?

Do the japenese trick or treat?

or he has a broader definition of "push ups" some days *hint hint*

It's picked up more in recent years. Burger influence corrupting Japan.

wait so is moto a completely different author or the same author as original? I'm confused by different sources saying it's either only one of them or both of them

Then Chi will just have to pick up the slack.

So fucking this.

Different author, but it's based on the original author's chapter (sometimes 31 sometimes 36) mangadex.org/chapter/15361/1
and in the original series there is another future chapter with Chi in middle school mangadex.org/chapter/81508/1

The first middle school Chi chapter was in the main manga. The second was an omake in Moto. The third was one Yamamoto posted on his twitter. This is the fourth now in Moto.

Takagi is an annoying mary sue.

Do more pushups.

probably less if youre around 20% body fat.

Can Yukari carry an entire spin-off manga by herself?

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I mean, other characters appear, but she's the lead.

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Oyakodon please

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not enough

>smol and thin adult wife with cute eyebrows
Yep, three kids sounds about right. I would do the same.

>Tall office lady Yukari

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I just caught up to this, and boy it’s the most wholesome thing I’ve read in a long time.
Chi a cute.

I hate it so much

It's almost scary how detailed you're being here user.

Why were they older in early chapters?

Chi reminds me of that little girl from high school of the dead

I take it there are going to end up being Yukari's and Sanae's kids?

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that goes without saying. There's nothing cuter than a Nishikata being teased
it's a hard life bro

Neither of them are married at the time Chi's in kindergarten and Yukari mentions that she doesn't have any kids yet when visiting Nishikata's family back when Chi was younger.

Haven't following the manga when that "chapter" came out. How was Yea Forums's reaction during the big reveal?

She's basically saying "Haha you ntrcucks are such colossal faggots, I'm going to go shove my faithfully married husband's fat dick inside me now byebye."
Takagi is based on every level.

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Middle school already ?

Working on it.

Everyone got trolled.

Yukari doesn't have kids yet, but that kid really looks like Sanae's son with the guy she always keep kicking during school

>yfw it really ends up being revealed that Sanae ended up a single mom.

but user how could she be a single mom if I'm her husband?

>Nishikata finds Takagi so hot he's always having lewd thoughts and tries his hardest to not show that side to Chi.
The sex must be really crazy with all the pent up sexual tension.

Attached: takagi.png (346x491, 138K)

That's part of her plan too.

t. morons who missed the gag
>takagi spent literally YEARS mildly teasing him just to try and get him to be openly affectionate
>the one day she isn't teasing him but actually can't remember that she wanted to warn him about the rain he acts bold and guesses the shit he should have been guessing for years
no wonder she's pissed


Imagine Nishi hiring one of the 3 girls to babysit chi so he can go to a rabu hotel with Takagi and ravage her

nice abs bro

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pretty sure this is from an extra chapter of the original series and the whole time she acts like she didn't marry nishikata or she did and he's dead, and then he appears at the end and she makes that face as she closes the door to their apartment

It seems they literally just call each other mom and dad, so the translator changed it so they call each other 'dear' instead so it's not super weird.

I thought it was some weird nip bs? Either way we need real names for them

i like you

Well I don't know japanese so I just took the translator's word for it when he changed it so they called each other dear instead of mom and dad. Maybe they called each other something else but i don't think he really has any reason to lie.

They call each other mom and dad, pretty standard in Japan.

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Oh so it was just some "weird nip bs" like that other user said. Good thing the translator changed it.

Link to the archive? The NTRfags tears must've been delicious

Sanae did.

How? She has kids and even gave birth to em.

Sperm donator.

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This page is from which chapter again?

From the latest one

Oh wow! Gotta read! Thanks!

what chapter is this? spin off mango right?

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Apparently, the author redid the first chapter with his current style. I just realized how mature they looked back then.

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it'd be nice if someone translated this


post body

Just use the original first chapter translation. It's pretty much 1:1 of the original, anyway.

>I take it there are going to end up being Yukari's and Sanae's kids?
If that was the case they should know each other very well instead of this "we have meet before". The trio is inseparable even in their adult lifes, no way their kids wouldn't know each other.

What did he mean by this?

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God I want Takagi


I'm on it Abe!
I'll make sure 12 is the absalute minimum!
I'm gonna have an army!

Is the one where the dude and his senpai play shogi the same universe too or just same mangaka?

you just know she fucks other guys in front of him while he jerks off in the corner crying.

not letting thread die in the hands of NTR shitposters


and it happened on my birthday, that somehow makes it even better. also knowing how retarded these people look makes it better too.

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Oh this is glorious. Thank you