How would you describe this character?

How would you describe this character?

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my realistic girlfriend


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Please user I’m 22 it fucking hurts

V-card shaming the character

>he doesn't have a girlfriend

22 is fucking young, you're still a kid to most adults. i guess you believe your generation was the one having too much underage sex and you should have had some too but underage teen sex is common no matter the generation

Most generations on this earth had children by 22

>tfw turned 23 a month ago

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used goods

Too old

I don't get it, is feeling bad for never having a gf really that normal? am I just on the spectrum?

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>had children by 22
doesn't disprove or even argue against my point

>am I just on the spectrum?

You're pretty much a potential killer if you haven't had a gf in your 20's

I don't feel bad about it in my daily life but sappy teen romance stories make me feel shitty.

Oh come on

romance just always felt like something that belongs to fiction, no different from everything anime and I'm not 100% convinced that's not the case
maybe I really am on the spectrum

not that autist but i feel bad about not having a gf but i'm more self aware of it.

i don't bawl, whine and complain that i don't have one (this doesn't count). i don't hate women or blame jews. i don't believe i deserve one because i'm 'nice' or because a girl was nice to me for 3 seconds.

i believe that relationships are about what you can offer, not what you can benefit. if you can offer your clean body, your health, your love and your patience, you are very good to go and its hard to still be single that way. lack even one of those and you need to work on it. i lack 2 out of 4 so i don't feel i can offer something satisfactory until i put more effort in.

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Phew that hit close to home. I had a virgin killer first GF.

haha I'm 25 get on my level

congratulation on passing spectrum test

does that mean i'm on or off the spectrum?

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the spectrum is more like a wave function


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dont forget to apply for neetbux while you are at it


this, most of my classmates way back when have children already

>all these anons upset over how they're close to or over 23 and haven't had a girlfriend.
Damn, and I thought I was pathetic. I had had five girlfriends at that point and fucked one of them.

surprise, im on neetbux because i actually am on the spectrum. you can be autistic and self aware!

i've been going to the gym recently to fix up my rapidly spiraling physical health condition and not for any superficial reasons. the only thing missing afterwards would be love. i don't know if i can truly give another the love they need when i care more about other things than connecting with someone else in a deeper level.

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Literal normalfag

The issue is with the ones that care about it and don't think it's their fault.
If you either don't care you don't have a girlfriend or recognise that girls don't like you because you're not a decent person, you're not a potential killer, at least over women shit.
Well you might be a potential killer of yourself, but no one really cares about that

Nevermind found it

>surprise, im on neetbux because i actually am on the spectrum. you can be autistic and self aware!
thats not how it works but if it works, it works. good for you.
>i've been going to the gym recently to fix up my rapidly spiraling physical health condition and not for any superficial reasons.
for whatever a lot of people are unaware of their unhealthy life althought they are conscious of what dumshit they be doing. well if you know what you are doing wrong, im pretty sure you are the only one can fix that.
>i don't know if i can truly give another the love they need when i care more about other things than connecting with someone else in a deeper level.
i dont think normal people are that self-conscious to that certain level. you gonna just connect to people just like how you connect to Yea Forumsustists here.

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>i don't know if i can truly give another the love they need when i care more about other things than connecting with someone else in a deeper level.
This, except i know i can't love.
Tried it, at most i can only enjoy being loved.
I'm supremely self centred. I'd go and take love one sidedly if i could, but I dislike people hating me too much to go through that repeatedly.

I've got less than a dozen months until I obtain wizardry.

I kind of feel like this user , it does not really bother me, until I talk to my parents and the conversation goes in that direction with sometimes subtle, but most of the time direct accusations or messages about why don't I have a gf or when I am getting one, the worst is when they are talking to some friend of theirs that came over when I am visiting them and they talk about the subject.
>He is just a late bloomer
>When I am going to meet the lucky girl user?
>Don't you have some girls you talk with?
>Any girl you are close to?
>You must have seen some action, uhm?
And some million other ways to bring up the subject, sorry for the blogpost but I had to kind of let it out, this makes me feel sorry for being alive.

Virginity thief.

sounds like it is all in your head

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when will be my turn to have my cherry popped

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Right place right time. If you hit 30 just go to an asian massage parlor with good ratings on rubmaps.

If you keep waiting for your "turn", probably never.

I'm 24, thank you very much.

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>Only sexual experience was being molested in kindergarten
>Never had a girlfriend of any kind
At least I've got my animu.

Had my first gf and sex with 23
Out of the blue. Met a girl one day and had sex the next.


i would want my gf to cosplay as aqua at ALL times, and in return she can make me cosplay as what she wants.

she MUST have a big baka butt of course

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The molestation sounds nice though. Nobody ever liked me enough to molest me.

How bad was the sex

I know exactly what you mean. Romance is the kind of thing I can fantasize about just like I can fantasize about getting superpowers, there's no distinction to me

Maybe part of it, but I know for sure that they are sad and remorseful, asking each other it they did something wrong when raising me. Most probably they are genuinely concerned and want the best for me, but that is just the worst for me, I just don't give a shit and that makes me feel bad.
Blogpost aside, In what manga/anime are older important characters (could be MC or someone of the main cast who is NOT a heroine) virgins, and this is a somewhat relevant point while not being what the entire story is centered about?
I think that in Welcome to the NHK Satou was a virgin, or did he fuck senpai?

>tfw wizard
>tfw turning 31 in a few months.

Feels good man.

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I didn't have one until 24. relax, but just don't wait around forever. you really just have to be candid and be your usual self. as simple as it sounds really

>not blaming the jews who created pornography
>not blaming them for creating Feminism
>not blaming them for allowing women to be in the workforce to lower wages so men can no longer be the providers and both have to be slaves to the central banking system.
>not blaming them for making Reagan pass no-fault divorce creating destroyed families and single mothers who can't raise children on their own.

Seriously screw those Khazarian Saturn worshipers who larp as biblical Jews but follow the Talmud.

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Someone I would dump


I had wizardry for a year and it wasn't anything special.

Fuck off and take your reddit frogs with you

Everyone laugh at the newfriend. Pepe was here before reddit. Been here since 2007. Lanced Jack and all.

I would kms at that point, I'm 20 and I already feel hopeless
>tfw beta and complete sperg around people
personality makes it all from what I've seen

>Killing yourself because you can't obtain roasties.

You are the superior sex, my man. You can do a million more things than women. Just realize that m8.

What the fuck is lanced jack? Are you referring to candleja

>24 in few months
I'm too cynical to get a gf

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well he's not far off the truth. If you've never had a girlfriend before then getting one becomes troublesome due to the fact that a girl will assume there's something wrong with you that has driven away any past romantic interests. It's essentially a death spiral. Your best bet is to make up some girlfriends and reasons you broke up so you look normal.

>He wasn't here when Anonymous was replaced with Lanced Jack/Taiga because of the trips spamming threads.
>He wasn't here for the SSJ3 Goku spam
>He wasn't here before when Yea Forums had no captchas
.>He wasn't here for anontalk spam

Looks like you need to go back to veddit, sport.

Fuck off nigger, I raided Habbo. Just never bothered with Yea Forums until recently.

>you really just have to be candid and be your usual self.
this only works if you are the sort of person girls are into

Nice try, kiddo. Everyone's heard of Habbo. But you can't remember all those important changes and culture that was on all boards? ISHYGDDT.

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Yeah but what good is it if I'm going to be labeled as a loser by society and my family, but it's not just that, I too feel like a failure, I see fat and uglier than me guys with their pretty gfs on the daily

>Your best bet is to make up some girlfriends and reasons you broke up so you look normal.

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Stop caring about what others think of you. Most important lesson in life. You are in charge. That doesn't mean don't take care of yourself. Live life for yourself. Not for Society, not for your family. For YOU! Be glad you were born the superior sex as it gives you the ability to do many more things. You will always be more powerful and more intelligent than women. You are MAN!. MANkind.

I'd rather have a girlfriend that doesn't prefer to be a cuck

How are you doing on the success front?
Got any hope in education or career?
If so, i'd say continue with that, you can always put it off.
If you don't want to put it off, then own it. Don't kill yourself because you "have to" or "see no other way". Do it because you want to. Otherwise you'll turn into one of those "i tried suicide and now i'm going to tell you you shouldn't do it" faggots. Never go into suicide with weak character motivations

Just so long as we're both aware of how pathetic it is to boast with a stranger over our Yea Forums street cred, let's do this. I'll win. Because I literally blocked a pool with my bespoke afro avatar. I cat-called and leered at Cracky-chan, long before Boxxy ever usurped the title of "queen of Yea Forums". I posted in the legendary thread where the dude went to the Paris catacombs, took home a skull, and fucked it. I didn't protest Scientology, but I spent that entire day glued to the screen monitoring Yea Forums. I'll bet you don't even know who Snacks is.

what does that even mean

sounds like you are a spineless faggot. honestly i wouldnt give a shit to type a response but someone has to do it. here some redpills hard to sallow.
everyboy is extreme self-centre piece of shit and the biological-selfish concept is innate in human nature. tell you the truth that nobody give a shit about you if you not are biological related to them. in reality everyone has memory of gold fish especially when to come to human interaction. yeah your parents seem to be guinuealy careing about you because they spending 20 plus raising you dipshit. and you know reason why you are emboding generic trope "woe is me" "i am a loser". because you spend 20+ inside yourselve that's why you know yourselve throughout. ask the guy next door he probably doesnt pay attention to the detail as you do.

here come a blue pill, nobody give a shit your arbitrary social rule you came up with. you are stupid to care about it in the first place. basically you are anxious about the thing thats not even matter. your parents upset because you are frown when they asked about it. thats about it fag.

Your classmate are probably fucking failures then

Shit. That's one thing that honestly worries me. 30, non-wizard, but my longest relationship has lasted like 3 or 4 months. Seriously worries me that I won't be able to deal with common relationship stuff.

Not him, but similar situation and my thought on my classmates is:
At least they have jobs, and finished highschool.

Pretty good response ITT. Actually, it is hard to find a well-adjusted person in Yea Forums. Seriously, your lack of punctuation really pissed me off.
I do believe everyone has a memory of gold fish to some points.

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>finished highschool
That's what I meant, people don't have kids at 22 anymore because you can't afford one before being in your late 20/early 30 if you want an education

That's nice and all but I still can't look down on them, sorry.


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>literally haven't "interacted" with women since highschool because I only go to the hardware store or sit on the computer.

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Too fucking many early-twenties zooomers on Yea Forums. Kill yourselves you worthless shits.

>japanese shadman

my point is not about the memory of gold fish but it is about people that they barely dont remember 3 bit of data when they are talking to you or anything happend to you generally. you are making harder for yourself by internalizing and echoing "im a loser". even though you are, most of people hardly can recall the detail.

and what's revelation about it? you can go and pick up any women you want by telling them how awesome you are. it is not rocket science

Then shouldn't you be more careful what you say to me, you little shit? I could snap and shoot up a place at any time. It could be yours, you just don't know. Know this, that I am watching you.

Dumbass, after all that commotion over those shooters posting their manifestos on 8ch, the authorities are IP logging everybody who posts on this website. Tell us more about the violence inside you. Tell us more about your rage.

Die normal

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If you had to pick between one of the following, which would you say that you like least?

>Movie Theater
>Shopping Mall

I'm behind 7 proxies idk bout you

Is this a real thing that happens? I’m 21 and lack of experience makes me really insecure.
Why am I asking this on Yea Forums anyway

anime con

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I got on Noragami for this pic

A western anime con?

I'm sure that will help you when you git hit by a bullet.

Suppose you catch a mouse. How do you have fun with it? How long can you manage to play with it before it breaks?

Suppose I shove it up your ugly ass?

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>Subject displays anal fixation. Possible latent homosexuality.

Why would I shoot a japanese one

You might be irredeemable, i dunno

Taking about yourself?

Fuck off, I'm 26

That I am