We can all agree that this is the best Jojo opening, right?

We can all agree that this is the best Jojo opening, right?

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No, it's great days

*Laughs in Bloody Stream*

Bloody Stream > Chase > Stand Proud > Great Days > SONO CHI NO SADAME > Crazy Noisy Bizzare Town > Fighting Gold > End of the world > Part 6 Opening >>>>>>>> Traitor's Requiem

>Cheese on 2nd
I don't hate it but nah, opinion discarded.

It was way too self indulgent for my tastes.

Great days > Traitors requiem > Bloody Stream > JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO > CNBT > End of the world > Chase > fighting gold > stand proud

Best is still Stand Proud.

End of the World > Great Days > Tr8r > Bloody Stream > Fighting Gold > Sono Chino Sadame > Chase > Stand Proud > CNBT

Animation wise, yes. Music wise, no.

Great Days > Traitor's Requiem > Bloody Stream > Fighting Gold > CNBT > End of ZA WARUDO > Chase > JOOOOJO > Stand Proud
Even so, I've listened to each one so many times I've memorized the lyrics lole

...but i like chase


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Yes, but I don't

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The first OP is still one of my favorites, followed by Stand Proud and Bloody Stream.

People like Traitors requiem? It sucks ass, its worse than edm noisy town

I'm literally the opposite. The visuals were incredibly tame in comparison to the rest of jjba openings, music was very Chase esq which I liked.

Okay, but which lyrics can you guys SING without looking up the lyrics (yes really)?

Bloody Stream > Great days > CNBT > Fighting Gold > Sono Chi No Sadame > End of the world > Traitors requiem > Stand Proud > Chase.
Chase is Dog shit and I'm basing all of these purely off of song.

Both are undeniably better.

Stand Proud though


your opinion is wrong. CNBT is fucking annoying shit noise and you put it at number THREE. chase actually has melody. and a both creative and melodically sound guitar solo as cheesy as i'm sure you think that sounds.

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CNBT is an earworm for fun people. You sound like a faggot that likes metal. How embarrassing.

chase isn't metal you mongoloid. and i like essentially all genres except for "country" because it isn't a real genre. electronic is the genre i listen to more than any other. CNBT is not an earworm. earworms are earworms because they have a melodic hook that you can't get out of your head because the math titillates the patterns that our brain is built on and seeks to recognize in the natural world. CNBT is fucking noise with generic, superficial melodies. chase actually has an unusual chord progression and a lot of harmonizing with the underlying melodies. and i'm not even saying chase is the best but just that CNBT should be on the lower end of *everyone's* lists and if it isn't then you know the person who put it higher up has crap taste in music.

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Part 4 had the worst ops

>You, a moron: the worst JoJo op is x or y because I don't like it

Me, an intellectual: due to the long history JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険) and in turn its creator, Hirohiko Araki, have with historicity, it only makes sense that the series follows through this path. Ever since it was conceived there has been a constant influence from the outside (real) world seeping into the fabric of the work. This makes Araki's taste take real shape within the established world in a blatant way, making of him another participant in the manga. An active narrator, if you will. Adapting something like this creates and then opens cans of worms that could ruin the entire work. David Production's attempts soar over these shortcomings by carefully joining the historicity of both the released date and the established world with the production design, thus bringing the concept behind the manga to life.
Saying you don't like a JoJo opening is like saying you don't like a certain decade, after a while it stops being criticism and becomes the sophomoric platitude that it actually is.

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The final version of Uragirimono was good.
Fighting gold was good

It's either bloody stream or requiem

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part 5 is better.

Swap Gold with Chase and you're my nigga

Chasechads RISE THE FUCK UP.
seriously, its a fucking good song

chase by batta

Bro the only high quality part of Chase is the opening riff than it just plummets from there until the painful "uuuuuuuUUUU" at the end
However it is one of the most visually interesting which props it up quiet abit

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I like the whole song but I would say the introductory lyrics are a high point.

Traitors>CNBT>End of The World>Great Days>Bloody Stream>Fighting Gold>JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO>Stand Proud>Chase

Bloody Stream > Great Days > Sono Chi no Sadame > Crazy Noisy Bizzare Town > Fighting Gold > Stand Proud > Sono Chi no Kioku > Uragirimono no Requiem >>>>>>>>>>> Chase
Every OP is still top tier though, except Chase.

Chase would be a 10/10 opening if they reworked the lyrics.
The CHASE YEOW every 2 seconds was annoying as fuck.

Great Days > Sono chi no Sadame > Stand Proud > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > Fighting Gold > Bloody Stream > Traitor's Requiem > End of the World > Chase

Traitor's Requiem > Great Days > Chase > Fighting Gold > Bloody Stream > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > Stand Proud > End of the World > Sono chi no Sadame >

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They are all equally good.
Prove me wrong.

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Great Days (Bites the Dust version)

Non 3d opening have such garbage visuals. they're slow and clunky. Not to mention 3d opening had way better direction. The 2d openings are just: "HERE WE ALUDE TO WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THIS PART", wich 3d did too (much more effectively) but they also often reminded you of past JoJo parts and them being one story of one family (post part 3 openings never do this). Symbolism in 3d openings is much better and less on the nose too

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part 5 has openings

An opening is more than just 7 seconds of the visuals

It's not the 3D itself, but pre-part 4 OPs were outsourced to another studio entirely.

Why did DP cut ties? There was nothing but praise for these OPs

nigga the only argument you can make this for is Stand Proud. Sono is literally just the first 3 episodes in montage format. 2 is so on the nose that literally anyone with passable analysis skills knows Caesar dies long before he is even introduced. End of the World is just the trip to DIO.
There is nothing in these more subtle than the fact that Diavolo was skipping the Op the entire time or the fact that Rolling Stone was in the very first frame of Fighting Gold

>There is nothing in these more subtle than the fact that Diavolo was skipping the Op the entire time or the fact that Rolling Stone was in the very first frame of Fighting Gold
opinion discarded

Hey Yea Forums, I just thought of something cool with Giorno's ability to make someone's senses go wild, like fighting a fast enemy or something. While the person who is under the affect of GE is trying to suss out the enemy's ability, they have to be protected for a certain amount of time before they can relay their information in real time. Maybe the fact that being slowed down can be an advantage too, like if everyone but the GE'd person is down, but the GE'd person did something in slow-mo that turned the tides.

I know its rough being wrong but its an anonymous form you don't have to be such a baby about it

I accept your concession

Its really cute. You thought you'd play big brain and talk about subtlety until literally anyone with a sufficient ability to pass a Turing Test responded you just shut down. I'm sorry you're favorite YouTuber cant always carry your conversations for you

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Those faveourite youtubers of yours are the people thinking fighting gold and traitors requiem are deep. I accept your admission of defeat

>bro da arrows show who gone die!
If you think noticing subtleties in an opening for an anime makes you deep you should seriously consider that you may be the last living Neanderthal

seethe harder, retard

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Thanks for the new image smoothe-brain

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le leddit winnie the poof

You are now choosing to gripe about a reaction image that you perceive to be too "un-Yea Forums" whilst simultaneously believe that you arent pathetic?

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Get a room fuck off

Hey I was just trying to have a discussion he's the one who went molecule brain

You two are probably thinking about how smart you sound right? Go fuck yourself you both sound like pseudo intellectual retards

Why do so many people hate Chase?

Great days (the remix) was terrible.

t. batta

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I think most people just find the tone/style of music unfitting for Jojo. It's a pretty good song imo just way too short, at least visually tho it's much better than CNBT

great days more like not so great days. people just like it because of bites the dust. same thing with end of the world which is the worst op by far but the dio interrupt saves it

1. Sono Chi No Sadame - The bombastic, manly aspect of Jojo in song form. It serves as a theme that works for both JoJo himself, and Dio.
2. Bloody Stream - The fun-loving, campy but cool aspect of Jojo in song form.
3. CNBT - Perfectly sums up both Morioh and Josuke.
4. End of the World - Great use of Egyptian musical scales, sells the menace of Dio, has the time stop bit.
5. Fighting Gold - No comment, it's just slick and suits Giorno and pals.
6. Traitors' Requiem - Only slightly beneath Fighting Gold. The King Crimson part elevates it but overall it's not particularly interesting.
7. Great Days - I feel like its placement is a little odd. It's a very happy and uplifting song. Overall I don't care for it as an OP. It's a credits theme.
8. Stand Proud - The first time I heard this I thought it was underwhelming and way too generic for the most iconic part of Jojo. The only thing that really yells "Jotaro" is the guitar riff. Chorus is weak as hell.
9. Chase. This is just such a bad choice. It doesn't suit Jojo at all, it doesn't suit Morioh at all, and it especially doesn't suit the lovable delinquent Josuke. I feel like a punk/rock song could have worked with JoJo, as Josuke and Okuyasu are punks, but this was the wrong kind of execution.

Giorno doing the Dio pose was damn tacky, OC do-not-steal tier, he hardly has anything to do with him geez.

i find it interesting that there's a split where some people seem to be "chase" people and other people seem to be "CNBT" people. they're both either high or low and not in the middle. half the thread is centered on this polarization.

I'm convinced that anybody who actually wants Purple Haze Fanfiction to be animated either hasn't actually read it or is a sub-80 IQ neanderthal who likes Jojo for the wrong reasons. I mean seriously, how could someone read that literal pile of garbage and think not only that it's good enough to deserve an adaptation, but also that DP somehow OWES them an adaptation of a non-canon light novel. The amount of effort that would have to go into animating a novel rather than a manga would be so high that even if it were good, which it isn't, the chances of that adaptation happening are exactly zero. And they're actually getting ANGRY that it isn't happening. You'd think someone that stupid wouldn't be able to form a coherent thought, much less type out a post, and yet there are dozens of them here, on this board, right now. And everywhere you go that isn't this website, there's even more. They're fucking everywhere, these troglodyte bugmen. When are they going to learn that their shitty meme novel that's been directly contradicted by the anime on multiple occasions isn't getting a fucking adaptation? And then to have the gall to shit on the upcoming Rohan OVA because their retarded selves were legitimately expecting PHF in its place. Fuck them.

chase is legit shit though
lyrics are good, but the song sounds like the vocalist is fighting with the bad, and the visuals make it look like a bleach rip-off
watching a goofy-ass kid with a boot for hair and heart pins on his jacket against a grey background as edgy music plays is just awful

umm okay BASED just BASED thats all i can say

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Nothing will ever beat Bloody Stream.

So all in all majority of fans over multiple aites are united that part 4 op's music are the weakest of them all, even great days was only carried by BtD but a fucking weak song by itself.
So for me it's;
Sono chi no sada me=Traitor's>Bloody Stream=Fighting Gold>So no chi no kioku>Stand Proud>GD>>>>dog shit>>CNBT=Chase

>crazy noisy bizzare town

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sono chi no sadame sang by shoko nakagawa is best


The way I heard it that other studio just started getting better work their way, but I don't know the details myself and it could have just been a general decision from DP going forward. CGI stuff has been gaining ground and while I don't like it that much there are a handful of studios that can make something of it.

At least we can all agree that this is the best Ending after Roundabout because nothing can surpass Roundabout

Crazy noisy bizarre town is the best

Nothing to add

What's the best panel that demonstrates Jolyne Cujoh unwinding her body into string?

Is it bad that Fighting Gold is the unmovable top for me?
It's just so powerful.

Sono Chi No Sadame > Stand Proud > Breakdown > Bloody Stream > Chase > End of The World > Fighting Gold > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > Traitors Requiem