AiFure Prichan Cocotama Shining Star

It has been ten years since the Pandora Box was discovered on Mars and caused the skywall disaster. Our country was divided into three, Starlight, Yotsuboshi, and Star Harmony, and chaos has ensued.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mio is the real mc of aifure


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 68 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_20.19.001.jpg (1280x720, 514K)

Now that AiFure is confirmed to be a failure, what was so bad about it?

aifure sucks

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 004 [36AA98F7].mkv_snapshot_10.49_[2018.04.30_00.04.48].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

This scene was heartbreaking.

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Can't wait for Aikatsu's last season.

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I would be the middle in their hug sandwich

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Tell her to stop being yucky in my vicinity then
Thanks, I forgot to grab this one.

Music was bland, characters never had a chance to really shine as individual and MCs had nothing to do after becoming Diamond Friends.

Foolish humans, your meaningless war for power only strengthens the Aikatsu System.

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What do you plan to do with this dream ainon?

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>Hiro's pride

Attached: Hiro's pride.png (1009x184, 74K)

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Yuck, that's a nightmare.

360 and walk away.

Put it back in the gutter it came from.
Actually, probably call the yuck disposal service to take it away for me.

watch Subaru fuck it

"But despite all this..."...?

Well, I'll fuck her since nobody else seems to want to.

AInon, what did you find here?

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Great characters by series

Johnny Sensei


Akari before jumping on trampoline



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Imagine the scandal.

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>Yes, Fuwari, the horses are walking funny, I asked why.

I'd put Lily on this list before Ran, but other than that it's pretty much rock solid.

Boney Boney Brothers

Fuck no
>Boney Boney Brothers

The guide:

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Hi sekina


Nothing really. Just wasn't exceptional enough to reverse the decline.



Music really was the worst thing about it. Not that it was even bad just worse than OG and Stars and doesn’t have a single iconic song.

Reminder that DreAca is the eternal peak of Aikatsu and it literally cannot be topped. All hail Seira.

This is going to sound like I'm taking the piss but it really really is my honest opinion about AiFure and what's wrong with it: forced yuri.

Some of the songs are pretty sick, honestly I think the music is the one thing the show had going for it.

>Seira was literally the least popular cool type
>Kii was dead last in popularity
>still sold billions
And ainons are still dumb enough to think the sales are entirely dependent on the quality of the characters

>105 -> 59
>Nearly 50% sales drop
More like Dreca caused such a huge sales crash that it has become a taboo and Seria is no longer even promoted as one of the past MCs.

Attached: 1566178491.jpg (849x322, 52K)

But she is, she replaced Juri.

Identity and the first ED are damn good songs


Please punch ailflop ainon in the ribs

He's lower than Himefag though.

In the more sensitive organs then

Himefag was a beautiful and pure soul. I'm sad he's dead.


>sales crash 50% the quarter following Dreca and the series starts negative growth off it
>goes from heavily promoting Dreca to suddenly returning all focus to S1 characters in middle of S2
>sent on a world tour in Akari gen
>never treated as MC ever again despite being one in past
>But muh sales was highest in beginning of S2 so sales don't mean shit!

Attached: LABX-8364.jpg (500x580, 135K)

>sales just kept dropping anyway across multiple seasons and series
Your point?

Can we talk about how hard Mio will get NTR'd every week in AiPare?

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Should have had more Yume fanservice episodes.

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Where are you getting 105 from? It looks like the drop from 2014 to 2015 was 159 -> 117, which is about a 25% drop.

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I thought Mio's thing was that she isn't a loser.

God she just so fucking Yummy! Had did they make such a beautiful woman? She is my favorite person ever!

Would someone know the artist for these?

My little ainon can't be this new

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Heh, I get it.

It's not as though they're ignorant of anything worth knowing.
>fanart, literal DeviantArt shit you're supposed to grow out of in middle school
Fucking yikes.

Aine is for _______

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I agree, maybe that way it would have died faster.

>S2 2013.10.3 ~ 2014.9.26
>2014 fiscal year second half (2013 Oct ~ 2014 Mar)
>2015 fiscal year first half (2014 apr ~ 2014 sept)

You’re in for a good night ainon



My wife

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cute crying.

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Are you going to post the chart which has the 105 or not? Since that one only has the full 2014 year on it.

>Spoonfeed me

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Even Sekina loves Lala

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Lala can turn anyone into a lolicon puri

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Why do sales matter? They’ll make Aikatsu no matter because it’s cute and makes people happy.

If charts actually mattered that much aikatsu would have ended five years ago.


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Sales are directly proportional to happiness.

>Backing up the claims I make is spoonfeeding
I shouldn't have to go look up revenues myself just because you only felt like posting half the information.

Don't ask, its the same thing that ruined /pc/. Sales don't matter to us because we are filthy gaijin who can't purchase anything anyways. Just enjoy the show.

Not sure if shareholders would agree with that logic.

I’m not filthy

Me having to hand hold you for information because you can't google is exactly what spoonfeeding is you lazy shit.

Speak for yourself.

>aiflop user is a retard
checks out


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>That's right, so stop enjoying things until sales increase.
>Sales are down? Guess I better stop watching the anime and liking it
>Can't watch this anime, it's sales are too low. I only watch anime with high sales figures
I don't understand how a person would stop liking a show based off of sales figures that have nothing to do with your personal enjoyment of the show. It's a weird justification as to why someone won't like the series.

I like Mirei but her sales are low recently, so I don't like her anymore.

>starts calling names as soon as he loses the discussion

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Maika just increased her sales if you know what I mean.

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You understood that backwards.

Ainons how do I increase my sales?

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Idles of the night have high sales

Send Lily to a stupid design tournament on Rusia.

Marry me

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Who needs sales figures when you give it away for free?

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It went full Aqours. Aine/Mio = Chika/Riko, it's literally just yurifag pandering the show. It doesn't feel like Aikatsu and in however many episodes are out now there has only been 1 good song, Believe It. Everything about the show has been bad from the start outside of the animation.

LL wishes it could be as gay as AiFure

Don't forget that AiParade will be 13 episodes.

Aikatsu has been that way since day 1. I was roasting Aoi all last thread for it and some ainons make fun of Rola non-stop.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! - 01v4 [720p][6E15B3EA].mkv_snapshot_05.32_[2017.11.11_23.10.45].jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Source: your butt

I purchase lots of discs and merch because I enjoy having it. I also attend events.
Not for Aikatsu, of course.


Why can't you purchase anything?

Akatsuking and the jymmster will save Aikatsu

I buy my merch through a 3rd party for import so sales don't count in the same way. Also the sales figures are for investors. I doubt anybody here is an investor into /ai/ shows.

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Until Aine and Mio confess their love for each other properly it hasn't surpassed Aqours. Yeah they've done wedding motif's or whatever but even OGKatsu did character weddings.

OGKatsu and Stars - movie aside - did it as ship teasing and it wasn't every fucking moment with the characters. Friends is all about how gay they make the characters that they forgot to make the show enjoyable.

Attached: LLSS10 -Full Gay.jpg (1089x611, 48K)

Okay so you haven't been watching AiFure at all then.

Ainon, Aikatsu is and has always been mega gay for a long time.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu! - 18v2 [720p][4A230CE9].mkv_snapshot_11.36_[2017.05.05_10.02.55].jpg (1280x720, 145K)

The classic

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>gangbanged by idles

I wish that was me

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It's a shame aipare is doomed to flop harder than friends because no one will give a shit about it for other than muh gay XD meme.


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M4 will straighten out the Aifure idles

Why doesn't anyone like her?

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It's a shame any discussion will be drowned by aiflop ainon.

Low sales figures and possibly gay

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I do

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Can this stop already?

Why can't it just be called Parade like Aikatsu Stars was called Stars? AiFure was born from a Stars meme anyway.

koreans dominating in china

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>born from a Stars meme
Are you high?

But Parade isn't as catchy

It didn't catch on here but a lot of people on Twitter called it AiStars. It was weird cause I would just call it Stars and in the same conversation she'd call it AiStars.

Well since it is still slightly Aifure I think Aipare makes sense.

it's aifure because furenzu, it's aipare because paredo.

Hi /ai/, I am here to share my excitement of the new Kiratto Prichan character designs and a new season we're getting. I can't wait for the linearts and the new coloring books. We're almost going into September and still no coloring books from Bungunomori - correct me if I'm wrong - maybe coloring book ainon has bought them already? Either way, I am super excited!

Then shouldn't it still be called AiFure? This techinically is just an extension so it'd be like S2 of Stars - this is Friends S3.

Shining Star? More like Chinese Star.

Because the MC has officially changed like in AkariGen

It's a spin-off, not a S3.

Aikatsu and Prichan don't seem to be getting any new coloring books and I'm still waiting for the newest precure one to come out.

>I wonder how the transformations will go in Parade

No because it’s been renamed

No way... how come? Did Bandai and Showa note decide not to release it? Or is it because the season is ending early?

Same here coloring book ainon, the coloring books for precure are an on-going thing it's so unfair we won't be getting any new coloring books for Aifure and Prichan it breaks my heart :S


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Cocotama was never good, actually.

remove floprangers and eggs.

This gets progressively worse each year.

>aikatsu is saved
>prichan is fun
>stinkle is top level
>ryusou is fun
>01 looks hype
>shining star is coming back
>mana is hot

It is a good time to be into children shows. Now if only Kokoro was here...

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Kokoro is always in your kokoro

Attached: kokoroooo.jpg (740x806, 290K)

>>aikatsu is saved
>>prichan is fun
>>stinkle is top level
>>ryusou is fun
Soon to be axed
>>shining star is coming back
Remove koreans.
>>mana is hot

Makes me wonder if you even like kids shows.

> watching Sentai past Go-Busters
Oh no no no no

Aikatsu and stinkle have been especially great to me recently, watching them consistently puts a smile on my face every week. And I can't wait for koreans coming back.

Why are you even here?

Attached: Starlight Queen.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

How is your aikatsu fanfiction coming along?


Coloring book ainon, where did you get this info that Aifure and Prichan won't be getting any new coloring books?

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Please have a seat, Mirei.

3D Aine and 3D Mio look very close.

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Kokoro might be coming back. I've seen merch with Kokoro's eggs in it alongside Haruka's eggs, and I've also seen a tweet suggesting that Amanda and Kirarisu will be on in October, which is Himitsu's 4th anniversary.

More than friends

Guys, I was walking through Yotsuboshi Academy minding my own business and Yucke walked past and smiled at me, I threw up in my mouth a little.

I wonder if 3D Mio think 3D Aine is a shit idol but does her best to help her improve.

I didn't link the tweet because I'm an idiot, but this is what it said:
>【アニメ】柚木涼香さんがキラリス役&アマンダ役で出演されている『かみさまみならい ヒミツのここたま』はテレビ東京にて10月1日木曜17:55~放送予定!
Which translates to:
>Ryoka Kashiwagi's role as Kiraris & Amanda will be broadcasted on TV Tokyo on Thursday, October 1 at 17: 55

Also confirms that Cocotama won't be accompanying Aikatsu to the Saturday timeslot.

I wish an ainon would embrace me like that.

Based. eggfags are on their own now.

All the acting must have rubbed off on their real selves.

I love when the seiyuus/singers act cute like this.

>AiFure was born from a Stars meme anyway
No wonder it was a flop

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Are there any episodes in season 4 of Aikatsu that don't show off all 6 of the main girls? It always feels so crowded.

>It always feels so crowded
Did you watch DMF?

They should've chosen someone with at least some acting experience for Aine. Was one of the worst things to have MC sounding like ass

[korean catchphrases overlapping]

>miracle audition

>The characters are so homo the seiyuu became homo too.

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But she was only bad early in S1. Unless you mean her singing, but even then she got good near the end of S1.

She was honestly bad at acting in the first few episodes of S1, but she sounds alright now.
It's like Sena's improvement singing as Yume.

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Getting decent just doesn't cut it. MC is just that important for a show. Like how Ichigo's VA carried the character hard before things were properly set in stone, which the director admitted in an interview.

And when they picked Sumire she was literally the 12 year old girl from oniai who made jokes about shoving leeks up your ass and that was it.

Ichigo is an actual miracle though

True. Ichigo is heavenly.

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Got 5 more episodes of her to watch today.

I hope AiParade is enjoyable to watch and not just "REMEMBER X?"

Too bad even Ichigo's VA can no longer make Ichigo sound cute as she used to be.

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aipare, ainon.

Either way it will probably be pretty gay

It'll be 13 episodes of characters shouting their catchphrases.

I don't see a difference.

Alicia always seems like such a downer, she's lucky to have someone like Hibiki to remind her to smile. I love these 2.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 070 [AD6BE2F6].mkv_snapshot_11.00_[2019.08.18_23.11.08].jpg (1280x720, 106K)

>13 episodes
Please provide an actual sou

No one will care because muh gay XD

Growing old sucks.

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Don't know how that happened

Are we going to going to get a Coco performance or what? What right would they have to do an episode building up to one only to never deliver?
Now that AiFure is done, is it safe to assume this was the best song?

>let's do a coco episode!
>actually we don't have a 3d anime model for her

>Remember that time Yurika confessed?

Attached: 1509433102965.jpg (1280x720, 451K)

Yurika is such a great character

That's not Identity.

that scene was so good, I legit thought Hibiki was gonna do something else but it still ended up very gay, hell it even got a rainbow
I need a webum of the whole scene

Vampires can be very romantic.

Not my best one, but it's solid. Mio's solos are both good.
Pride is the best one for me.

Production wise, AiFure no doubt the best quality in the series. Lack of QUALITY and CG were amazing.

How did Mirai's solos end up being both the best (Identity) and worst (Nice to Meet You) AiFure songs?
I agree, Pride really was an amazing song.

AiPare is exactly what I need out of Aikatsu right now. New girl is a QT, but most importantly I get to spend more time with gen 1 girls. The cross over episodes in Stars were a ton of fun and I hope this will be like that for an entire series.

I'm jumping the gun, but unless the full version of Strong and Beautiful somehow sucks, it's the best for me.

>mfw watching Aikatsu

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 070 [AD6BE2F6].mkv_snapshot_20.41_[2019.08.18_23.28.31].jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>I legit thought Hibiki was gonna do something else
You're free to imagine that she did.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 70 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.22.jpg (1280x3600, 1.54M)

>dialogue screenshot with mouth closed

But ainon didn't believe me every time I said PP weren't the MCs anymore.

Also this, especially since I ruined Identity for myself by turning into my fap soundtrack after listening to it during an extended MMD pantsu session.

The puddle represents Alicia's wetness

Aikatsu doing what it does best.

Attached: Ah, I See You're a Man of Culture as Well.png (1280x720, 1.99M)

Please tell me she'll be back bros

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I want to hug her

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An entire 13 episodes, yup.

The Goddess herself is back.

the staff fucking knows what theyre doing ahhh

I want to KISS Hiro.

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Seriously provide an actual source for that other than "I heard some guy on 2chan say it"

So gay XD

Incredible episode, I Believe's whole story arc has been great and this was a wonderful conclusion to it. That performance is one of my all time favorite performances now.

Yeah I really loved that scene.

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 070 [AD6BE2F6].mkv_snapshot_22.23_[2019.08.18_23.33.23].jpg (1280x720, 154K)

>everyone has a partner except Yums
Hurts everytime

Completely normal. I fuckin hate gay shows, but Hiro gave me a boner

It's from a magazine interview

Its really good but not quite the best. I'd say Pride or Aikatsu Friends.

Yume is for everyone!

Attached: 1530667934288.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Going to need more solid evidence than that.
Nah this is best


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Go to bed Mahiru

A big magazine interview

>O-Onee-sama, what are we going to do on the bed?

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 070 [AD6BE2F6].mkv_snapshot_24.32.jpg (1280x1440, 568K)

>That performance is one of my all time favorite performances now.
yeah it was pretty good, it looks like someone really likes I believe because the quality was great, the ice and fire details were awesome and the lyrics were perfect, oh yeah the lyrics reminded me of Kannazuki no miko because you know the reborn thing

Attached: 75h4SI7.png (494x264, 96K)

Ichigo started off as someone who wasn't even interested in idle activities. It was only after she was dragged to one of Mizuki's concerts by Aoi and Raichi that she gained any interest. From the start we see her clumsy entrance into Starlight, and then we see her work from the bottom, taking on menial jobs and entering competitions, working alongside Aoi and Ran, making friends and establishing some of Aikatsu's most important traditions. Of all the Aikatsu MCs, Ichigo has the best chemistry with her unit and with the rest of the cast. She's naturally talented, but she also works harder than just about anyone, and what makes her development throughout OGkatsu enjoyable is how naturally it's handled. We see her slowly rise to popularity; we see her taking on all the unglamorous work, and we see how all of that work pays off with bigger opportunities. Of all the MCs, I think that Ichigo's run in OGkatsu handles the actual idol stuff in the most developed and nuanced way. The slow build up, the losses, the ties; making friends and networking, deepening her bonds with Soleil and the other girls at Starlight, all of these things were handpicked to make Ichigo feel like a REAL idol. The writers didn't jump the gun and give Ichigo easy victories; it took 100 episodes for Ichigo to finally topple Mizuki, and she only managed to do it when Mizuki had become an out-of-season dork.

As for Akari, she's often said to be boring, and I can understand why some people might hold that opinion, but she's also unique in that she was a total shitter when she was introduced. Unlike the naturally talented Ichigo, Akari couldn't even do a single special appeal without being sent to Aikatsu boot camp and busting her ass for weeks and weeks. She even needed Johnny's help before she could eek out one little special appeal out during her training. She's also a total sperg, going so far as to audition for Starlight as an Ichigo clone. She follows in the same foot steps as Ichigo, going through the same motions and taking on the same kind of work that Ichigo did, and as a result we get to see her go from a big doofus to an idol of respectable skill and renown. OGkatsu ends with Akari achieving Starlight Queen, something hardly worth writing home about. She's still far from the top, and they make it very clear that she still has room to grow as a person and as an idol; the staff didn't feel the need to shoehorn Akari into NUMBER ONE WORLDWIDE IDOL like they could have. They were content to develop Akari and end the series in a way that felt natural and unforced.

Aine is mostly boring. She's cute and she has her good points, but there's not a whole lot that I can say about her. Friends is (mostly) the most consistently written show in the Aikatsu franchise, but Aine isn't anything new or special. And that's enough. The important thing to take away from this is that Aine isn't written terribly; she's just your standard bubbly anime MC.

Wait did they swap Rin and Madoka's voices in Friend?

Then why is this information found literally nowhere else than your mouth?

>both Hiroshima and Nagasaki are in Stars territory
What did they mean by this?

Now let's talk about Yume. From the very start she's given a leg up on everyone else. She has magical rainbow powers that make her literally unbeatable whenever they activate, AND she has her own pocket S4 member to carry her around and give her privileges that the others don't, AND she has her own best friend to do all her dress designs for her. The worst part about this is that she only uses these things long enough to get boosted to such a high position that she no longer needs them. Even though it's WELL ESTABLISHED that Yume can't sing, or dance, or model, or design as well as the other girls, by the time she conquers her rainbow cancer, she has abused her powers to become one of the most popular idols in the school. A good example of this is Yume's performance in episode 36: Yume is given the opening concert of a new venue over any of the other characters. Why? Prior to this episode Yume had done very little to promote herself. In the episode where Yume acts as Hime's manager for a day we get to see her interact with a couple fans, in the movie there's that one island girl, in a handful of episodes the same two little girls who show up to Yume's performances sometimes. Then there's that S4 territory battle where Yume and the other song class girls hand out balloons to people in the shopping district (which comes after this new venue performance, I'll add), but aside from these very minor instances, Yume does very little to achieve the popularity she's given. A lot of the performances done in the show were in-school or against other characters, which I can't imagine would go a long way to contributing to her overall success.

>the lyrics reminded me of Kannazuki no miko because you know the reborn thing
Also makes sense because Hibiki's motif is the phoenix.

Will Sakuya finally accept Kaguya's death?

That's out of my ass, thank you very much.

The S4 elections at the end of season one were a total joke. They were supposed to be an evaluation of skill, but like most things in Stars, they threw that idea out the window because they HAD to get Yume into S4. The writers have even said this themselves. So even though Yume is a total shitter and isn't nearly as skilled as Rola or Lily (or likable, as they did very little to develop Yume as a character because she was nothing but rainbows and competitions), she still beats them because she's the MC, and then she gets a spot in S4 because of a technicality. It's insulting to the other characters.

Near the end of the second season there's a scene where all of the girls are throwing beans at the former S4 members while shouting about their fears and insecurities; a way to conquer their inner demons. These girls are pouring their hearts out, yet Yume is awkwardly silent, only to wrap it all up with some shallow feel-good words. Did the staff not see how emblematic this was of Yume's unqualified perfection?

And as we all know, S2 ends with Yume becoming LITERALLY the most popular idol in the Stars universe, known throughout the world. And they also botched all of that build up with Hime.

Who cares, Yume hot.

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Boiled octopus

Yume in season one is handed everything on a silver platter. In season two she's basically a robot. We do not get to see her develop as an idol or as a girl for like 95% of the show because the staff, due to incompetence, executive meddling, disinterest, or possibly a combination of these things, did not care to write Yume as a girl and fledgling idol working hard to achieve her goals. She was blessed with good fortune despite being the character who worked the least.

This is mostly a rant about Yume being poorly written garbage and doesn't directly address why people might like her. As for that, I don't know. Unlike Ichigo, Akari, and Aine, Yume's entire involvement in Stars was nothing more “I am sometimes nice, and I also get mad when a boy calls me an octopus.” There's no depth to Yume's personality.

>they HAD to get Yume into S4.
That was as much Bandai's fault as it was anyone else's.

Just don't reply

Why repost my posts? It didn't generate any discussion last time, just shitposting.

What is DreCa and Akarigen?

Akari was the perfect example of how the series had fallen into a mannerism. Akari's character was the clone of Ichigo, but she had nothing outside of that. As soon as her story stopped being let's grow out of being Ichigo's clone, she lost all character and that is why everyone calls her a Mary Sue. It's as if they had nothing prepared after the following in the step of Ichigo part. Akari also had another massive disadvantage of having a VA mismatch. Akari was supposed to be a cute character, but the VA had a very strong and deep voice.

Sakuya looking very handsome

Dream Academy so new characters of S2 and Akari gen would be S3 and S4

I wont defend Yume's progression as an idol, but as a character she had a very fun and lovable personality.

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She's the most boring Aikatsu protagonist though.

They'll sell these in real life right?

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Loose Yums
Late night Yums
Please step on me Yums

Progression is her only criticism and it's something you can't ignore as a protagonist. Otherwise she was great visually and even had great voice acting.

Will Bepp return in AiPare?

Unreplacable. AiPare deserves him and he deserves AiPare

>Braid Akari

reee don't you dare to suggest there will be males in muh gay parade.

All protagonists are SOULLESS compared to Ichigo.

>dude i fucking can do anything with no effort

All Aikatsu MCs are amazing!

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Stars also had a massive issue with having a cast way larger than it needed to be. With the school having 4 classes you'd imagine there would be 4 girls to represent each class, and then the upper classmen who help guide them on that path. Instead we get like 4 girls in the vocal class, and then one girl to represent the others. Along with the fact they had admins for each of the S4 girls didn't help with already large size of the cast. By the time Elsa and her crew appear we already lack screen time for a lot of the cast and now we have to try to grow to care about another whole school of girls. The 2nd half really fell apart in that aspect, and most of the development outright stopped. The only part I enjoyed was seeing how Elsa handles idols compared to 4 star academy. I also wish Aria was introduced earlier as I liked her quite a bit.
Yume has an amazing design and voice and I have to say I had so much fun with her, but she lacks character depth which is something Aikatsu has generally been good at.

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Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board Yea Forums is two blocks down.

We've been over this, there will just be a force field preventing them from accessing the Friends universe.

A second song for More Than True would be great. Toshiyuki Toyonaga has an amazing voice.

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Please don't reply to pasta

Literally no one who likes Aikatsu would dislike Johnny in Parade. I've seen even the biggest yurifags talk about how great Johnny is.

Everyone loved cosmic stranger though

Say my name

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Mary Sue.



>Rolls makes her return in AiPare
>spends the whole episode in her taiyaki costume

Blmbo Aguri




I don't mind it as long I get to see some Rolass.

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While hanging out with the macaron.

I honestly think this will probably be a scenario that happens.

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So wait you're telling me Monaca are back for Parade?

If Parade follows the Pokemon Sun and Moon method of overreliance on nostalgia then it's fucked.

I'd honestly be happier with OGKatsu and Stars getting a few episodes to the old cast alone to see what's happened since the series ended. The 5th Festa had some post series content in the live drama read and it was great. I'd love to see more of that.

Stop trying to make aipare happen, its not going to happen.

Reminder that Ichigo is 18+ years old now so having her sound like a kid would be odd.

Hoping for a moon dorks + Yurika episode and Juri vs Lily

Yes, its confirmed.

At least it'll only be 13 episodes.

That would be Aine.

Delete this

There's no way Lily can handle the atsui.

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Its pretty obvious that aipare is taking place at the end of each season (except stars) because timeskip

>Juri challenges Lily to an eating contest
>both are killed by a jalapeno

>All the details are secreto.
>In other words, a secret.

Was this supposed to be as funny as it was? My sides.

Yeah but the big thing is we don't know if anything in the OGKatsu and Stars universe will be acknowledged story wise or if it'll just be "Hey, remember this?" type returns. Parade had the potential to be kino, it just depends on how they handle the returning characters.

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I mean the stars crossover at least acknowledged that Yurika and Kaede are gay for each other at least.

>They accidently arrive at a parallel unvierse where Aoi is MC

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Ah, naruhodo.

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>aipare is a recap series of the whole franchise as goodbye

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If they can't save time travel can't save Aikatsu then nothing will.

>rehired monaca
>actual VAs returning

6 months contract.

It won't be a recap, but it's the end most likely.

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>Episode 173
>It's a Bepp plays detective episode


7 years with 300+ episodes is more than most series can dream of.

Aikatsu had much bigger success than most series

This honestly. I'm not that sad about it. I was honestly dreaded when OG Aikatsu ended and Stars nor Friends ever really filled that gap it left in me, so Aikatsu as a franchise finally coming to a close is just something I would have preferred it done way back when.

It's had a long run, almost a decade. Girls who watched Aikatsu when they were 6 are already in their teens. I'd be happy to see it make a full 10 years but if it doesn't, it's not something to be sad about.

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If Aikatsu ends after parade promise me y'all that you won't stop coming to /ai/

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Aikatsu ended for me after the original but I'm still here for you ainon.

Very high chance aikatsu will be replaced with a different type of idle show

I'll come back once in a while every time I rewatch Aikatsu

I don't even watch aifure or prichan, but I'm here.

I feel the same way honestly. It's kinda they were never able to recapture what made the original Aikatsu not only a great series but also such a success. I'd rather see them put down their hats then continue to drag the series through mediocrity.

It's like the Gundam Build series, Build Fighters was amazing but they just haven't captured the magic again. It sucks.

Aikatsu has brought me so much happiness in the 5+ years I've been watching and I would be devastated if it actually completely ended. Even if it never quite ended up matching the quality of OG S1, it still consistently made me happy watching it, and even the worst lulls in quality had some things I liked about them. That said, I don't think its actually ending after Parade.

I do watch most other /ai/ shows, but Aikatsu is my biggest motivation to be here by far. I can't promise anything, but I hope it never comes to that.

>Bring back the most marketable girls
>Flood the market with all new merchandise for them
>Little girls can still buy the stuff from the new girls, Otaku can buy the old girls

Aikatsu will be saved bros, trust me. But the series that comes after Parade will put it right back in this position

You do know this is way too late for that right? This should've been done back in 2014

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I liked Build Divers better, it was sweet and magical.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gundam Build Divers - 24 [720p].mkv -_2018-09-26-19h10m00s410.jpg (1280x738, 209K)

I'm glad we got all these gen 1 scales announced now. I'm going to get every single one of them, along with any other Aikatsu merch I can. The dream is getting another print of all the adorable plushs.

I can't believe I missed the Calendar Girl vinyl

Fuck off shitholes.

I love Build Divers.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gundam Build Divers - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.25_[2018.05.05_16.29.33].jpg (1920x1080, 267K)

t. muh gay XD poster.

Music was mostly bland with only the occasional great song, a few poor ones and one shit one, characters mostly existing as units with little individual focus, Momone stopped existing in Season 2, too many "Mio is gay" episodes early on and Honey Cat getting consistently dull episodes which often utilised the weaker animation teams.

Despite these flaws however I still mostly enjoyed it.

Kaguya and Sakuya had the best songs out of all the Friends.

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When I said Signalise was my favourite OG song from the first 5 episodes I actually meant the song Ichigo sings, Aidoru Katsudo or whatever it's called. Still like Signalise though.

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He’s not wrong. I appreciate Love Live getting me into idles and I still like it but I realize now that the purpose of it in my life was getting me to watch Aikatsu

In 20 years flop ainons are still going to keep saying Aikatsu is finished

Idol activity?That's a nice song?(on another note,I just went through my aikatsu albums and there are some nice gems there,like Migimawari Wonderland or Lonely Gravity that don't appear in the anime)

/pc/ really is our big sister!

Those appear just only used once in drama episodes. I’m pretty Run Run Du Run Run is the only actual song not from the anime or Photokatsu. There is also a cover from something I think but I don’t remember.

What treasure will the Korean PriPara gacha machine bestow upon me?

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The cover song is Guppy's Summer Summer Vacation.I don't think that has a full version anywhere.

I like Aikatsu Step more, but they never release the short version of it.

Prichan subs

No! It's a Shion acrylic stand!

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Why do Pripara names always have inconsistent spelling?

Like Reona and Leo?
In this case, one's a Japanese name and the other is meant to be Western.

らぁら should be romanised Raxara.

Even better.

Because romanizations don't matter


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It's amazing how much superior his version is compared to the original.

Who is who?

Find a flaw.

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Not currently sitting on my face.

Stupid croissant hair.

Popuko ripoff.

Made it through the second batch of 5 episodes. I particularly liked Ichigo showing up at the last minute to encourage Aoi and I'm getting Sheep vibes from Otome, though I've only seen one episode of her so far. I liked the song she and Ichigo did in her debut episode too. Apparently the next batch starts with Otome in love, so that's good for the old motivation for as a hetophobe. I'm not too worried though since I'm 90% sure she's in love with something else and it's one of those stereotypical misunderstanding episodes

There's nothing wrong with het.


But Popuko was Ichigo.

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That's why I used the term hetophobe in relation to myself rather than the general term "hetshit". Calling myself a hetophobe implies that the underlying issue between me and het lies with me, unlike the term "hetshit" that would imply that it's the het that is shit.

Oshama Trix will be on the Black Beauty Sisters lineage.

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Doggy (just kidding, Otome is very cute.)

Does the Rei prototype on the right have a name or is she one of the many sidles destined to forever be a sidle?

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They all have names, but they never do anything.

Her name is Nanami Shibata.She got her name debut in photokatsu,I think.The goth's name is Michiru Kurosawa and the girl in the middle is named Misaki Hirayama.


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So who's evolt here? Just watched the episode where he gets the evoldriver and kills gentoku's father.

>She got her name debut in photokatsu
That reminds me of that how that one Beauty Class admin never received a name, even in the fanbook that came out after Stars ended.

What screen is it?

The TV screens on the top of buildings at Prism Stone. We posted about them during the first episode's livestream.

Poo poo, pee pee.
I can only fap to Pretty Series characters (both men and women) and have never fapped to Aikatsu characters before.

In Pretty Series (especially PP) there’s so much more below-the-tummy references and toilet humour that reminds you that the characters have dirty bodies that go peepee. It makes me excited knowing that they can tinkle peepee weewee and wet their little panties. This scene is the best of the best.

In Aikatsu the characters seem like polished elegant plastic dolls or bisque dolls. Aside from Aoi’s joke early s1 about modern idols not pretending they sleep with teddy bears and never go to the toilet, it seems that there’s no toilet references. Though s1 has a few sexual references (“it’s like you’re saying ‘Please eat me’”.) I like Aoi because she’s intelligent and savvy yet a tad naughty. Maybe I’ll try masturbating to her, but she’s not really my type, maybe an older Aoi with larger perky breasts.

I wonder if Aikatsu On Parade will have omorashi scene? I hope Pretty All Friends will have a sexy omorashi scene!

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Checking archive to mid july. Why pedophile crowd came from pri crowds?

go away tripfag

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I didn't choose the puri life. The puri life chose me.

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Uuh, I watched it on my own and I guess I’ve never noticed. But I’ve noticed the Kirakyo Station Prism Stone mascot plushes. (Kuma, Usagi, Usacha, Punicorn, PR mascots) I think it implies Salamis Pafes Sugars and Dreams exist in other branches of Prism Stone around the world or something, after all Aira and Naru were with Prism Stone before becoming adults. I wonder if the PP 5th anniversary PC arcade story is about.

There’s NonSugar reference in the current ED (look at the tile background) Usacha and Mimmy plushes appeared in another episode, probably other things I’m neglecting to mention.

I honestly think the Designers 10 will be revealed at the finale and be nearly all Pretty idol characters as a fanservice and bridge to connect to Pretty All Friends.

The Chinese Shining Star dress-up game looks lewd.

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Are you drunk again?
Fap isn't quite the word you want.

Comfy and cuddley OG s1. Ah, imagine being a cute girl with cute friends in cute pajamas. Oh wait! It’s already true!
Ichigo’s room looks iconic and cute and cozy. I like the photos of the real replica of her dorm room. That’s the comfiness, ぽかぽか feeling. Pajamas party.

I wish that they could show the room or house of every idle character. Have you seen your favourite girl’s room?

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Nooooooooooooo!!!! He recognised it! My posting style! My posting style! Oh, nooooooooo!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

You 大丈夫 there m8?

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Wow, way to assume shit.
There should be an /ai/ show about a high school idle who does coke and punches out paparazzi and rival idles.

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Happy McProtagonist is an energetic girl with a perfect life. Although her mother died when she was very young, her rich, kind father has always pampered and given her everything she wanted. Her father owns a massive entertainment company and has connections to an exclusive idol school. Happy always wanted to be an idol, so she enrolls in the idol school and quickly gains notoriety due to her talents. However, tragedy suddenly strikes and her father dies in a tragic accident. Due to the fact that Happy is underage, all of her father's wealth will be temporarily handled by her evil uncle. Her evil uncle does everything in his power to ruin Happy's life, and Happy's perfect, happy life suddenly turns into hell. Her classmates now bully her, the teachers' gentleness turn into harsh abuse, the world itself seems to have turned into her enemy. Happy becomes depressed and filled with self-hatred, blaming herself for her father's death. Can Happy turns things around and become a true idol?

Yes I’m 大丈夫

Is there a way to download this nice dressup game? Maybe I can make some Macaron-esque cuties in this game. Speaking of which I’ve made some characters in those Gacha Life games if you’ll like to see?

Attached: 62AB58DF-2C06-4DF0-B1B2-F34176572615.png (1334x750, 838K)

Is it a gatcha game or do you have all the dresses from the start?

Thanks very much!

You have all the dresses from the start, it’s very customisable and you can make just about anyone with a little imagination.

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If you are who I think you are, if we love you will you feel better? Also try this song

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Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Mahou no Kagami - 32 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_02.3 (1280x720, 93K)

>this week will be the last moon twins episode

Gacha Life. The customisation is pretty good. It’s not just tops/bottoms/shoes/hair accessory or coords, there are many slots such as Sleeves and Belt and separate socks and shoes, and lots of accessory slots. There’s no Color Picker but still a wide array of colors. Then there’s all the backgrounds and poses. All in all, it’s a great dress up game. And then, you can use your dolls in an RPG, or make little youtube movies with them, kind of like a girly weeb version of GoAnimate.

That is a nice song, very yandere though, and it would be a little hard to sing, it’s originally composed for vocaloids right? Thank you for showing me it.

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>tfw only 8 more weeks of alicia

can't bear it lads, such a great character was introduced just to be scrapped

She still has one the best character arcs in all of aikatsu.

Relax she’ll be in Aikatsu On Parade with everyone else. Right? Unless she goes back to Sorbet.

There's no way Hibiki would go anywhere without her (girl)friend.

I should go to sleep soon, nighty night don’t let the bedbugs bite.

Night, don't let Shine bite, unless you're both into that and open with each other about what you want.

Attached: shine elated smile.jpg (1920x1080, 650K)

Don't let the idles bite


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Wish You Were Here!

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I didn't even notice whobasa was in this image before

oh no

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When's the Roller collab single with Thom Yorke?


please don't open

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Turns out that opening and closing a bolt-action receiver is possibly the coolest driver henshin action, and it facilitates really nice hand flourishes befitting an idol rider.

Come on people, our idles will still be with us.

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My imouto used to play dress up games on the computer all day. It's kind of funny how I'm the one playing them now.

>a whole episode of these dorks

A dork after my own heart

Attached: ECPVN4YUIAAouQU.jpg (810x608, 62K)

What is happening with Lily?

About to fall over and die like usual


She already died where she's standing.

She had already died half way through Stars. People just propped her up in random places.

So one of the idles in that pic is a ghost while another one is a corpse?

Maybe the new MC is a necromancer so Lily can finally join the other two undead creatures.

If Aroma is a designer I will ascend to heaven.

Imagine being hugged by a goth dork

I don't want to see her again.

Imagine being hugged by a ghost goth dork

Why not, you god damned nigger?

i'm so sad

Aroma herself isn't terrible but she brings the hungry angel along.

I'm so dreamy

You may not like it, but this is what peak idol performance looks like.

Attached: yume.gif (498x278, 2.56M)

Wait. Who's this new idle?

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If an idle doesn't lose everything, isn't dragged through the mud, isn't battered, bruised and humiliated, then I can't cheer for her eventual victory. And that victory must be hard, harsh and she must sacrifice everything for it.

Looks like a GuP reject

I want to sniff her braid.

Not a seiyuu reference for sure.

Sup Ukelele

>If an idle doesn't lose everything, isn't dragged through the mud, isn't battered, bruised and humiliated
What if all of this happens and the idle still doesn't win?

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that gets me rock hard, losers are the best.

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Yozora saw me making out with Rola what should I do

I love her so much

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That was me, dude


rf and lezvamp are the dorkest because they actually have gfs

But has lezvamp ever slept with her gf?

I want to eat out Shion so badly.

I sniffed Shion's butt.

dont remember lad but their parachute scene was one of the gayest of OGkatsu

Yurika enjoys drinking sticky bodily fluids

I slept with Yurika last night and she hated it.


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I want to make myself more delicious.

You have to choose one of them, Mahiru.

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>Mia just makes grunts and goes DOKKAN
>Subs are full phrases
I noticed bits like that before, but this one was the most jarring.

Literally me

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Bakugan: Battle Planet - 19 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_03.38_[2019.08. (1280x720, 103K)

I wonder which dork could be behind this post

Attached: [email protected] (1424x1852, 269K)

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Sumire is cool, not dorky.

Yuzu literally turned down hundreds of guaranteed million dollar contracts and refused to leave Japan without Lily.

Sumire is the odd one out with no gf.

She will get one soon

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Ichigo is manlier than ainon

>Riot broke a usb where Lia had family videos with her DED dad
>apparently too dumb to have backups
Holy shit she mad

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Karen sitting on my face.

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guess what big disgusting thing I saw at work today

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A mirror?

Ichogo has a bigger dick than ainon.

A coworker microwaving his burger instead eating it cold?

If you work, you die.

wh-what's wrong with that?

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Bakugan: Battle Planet - 19 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.11_[2019.08. (1280x720, 130K)

would you open the door?


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yes but once they come in itll never open again


No, it's scary to open the door.

>A traitor, a yucke, a cat with incurable cocklust and a loser
No thanks.

Okay but they have to eat all the eggs

How many eggs do you have ainon?

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Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Bakugan: Battle Planet - 19 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_22.18_[2019.08. (1280x720, 122K)

This is why WUG are my favorite idols (magical idols aside)
I feel nobody earned their success harder than them.

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I liked when we saw their panties.



Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Aikatsu Friends! - 70 (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_11.32.793.jpg (1280x720, 352K)

>muh gay xD

>muh geiz

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I need a new job. Again.

>>muh cringe xD


Yurika's butthole.

Yurika's braps are literally mustard gas.

Idles don't brap.

Three of the four members of Shining Star's antagonist group, Four Seasons, literally hate each other.

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Idles make me brap

A big part of Shining Star's final arc is how groups of friends break apart at the realization that only one of them can be the top idol.

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That is just how Koreans relate to each other.


I've got a job for you.

Nah, Four Seasons falls apart as they go against New Melody because everyone except the usual "legit good girl" every group has wanted to be the Muse. After she loses, their leader threateningly says Nara that "she is looking at New Melody's future."

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Imagine having iRis as your girlfriends.

I fully believe it's not returning until the 30th at this point

It will probably return after it finishes its daily run in Chinese cartoon streaming site. They're doing 2 episodes a day for subscribers.

Yurika sitting on my face!!!!



That sounds gross.

Imagine Yurika's fat, pale, clammy vampire ass squishing down against your face with the full weight of her body, and feeling her slightly sweaty and damp butthole cling to the skin of your nose as she awkwardly shifts her weight around as she tries to get comfortable.


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