What would having them as your maids be like?
What would having them as your maids be like?
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Probably a lot of CBT
Are they working for free though?
You would get a stroke on first day after they pump you with viagra and rape you for hours.
Sometimes they'll love you. Sometimes.
They take your mana as payment
>What would having them as your maids be like?
I think the middle fingers gave that away user
What a fucking pointless thing to add
You'd probably end up doing all of the work while they just lounged around and complained.
Pick your maid.
Nah fuck you leatherwoman
The brown one.
But will they clean while I'm out working and make me food when I arrive?
This is very important.
One of them is holding a burger for you
Sure yeah
That's an optimistic interpretation
I want them to abuse me. And God, I have an unhealthy fetish involving angry maids since this anime
guess I'll be eating take out for a long time
>I don't care if you hate me ladies just give me my fucking burger
me on the left
Do they do anal?
Not in the sense you probably want
the maids
are to be raped
I don't think those women are certified therapists user
is fgo worth playing? I literally cannot stop fapping to their doujins
It's not a very good game but it's worth it for the events.
it'd be like that one aimaitei umami doujin
Playing FGO is like walking thru hell. Just keep fapping
Redman is best maid though.
As long as you like Fate but aren't deluded enough to think it's a masterpiece.
No gacha is worth playing
They would lounge around your place, watching your TV, reading manga, playing vidya, never cleaning anything until the place was a pigsty - and even then they'd make you do most of the work. When they cooked for themselves, they'd make a serving for you, which is all they'd do for you, but mostly they'd order delivery on your dime. And they'd rape you.
And this.
Their Shinjuku outfits are hotter.
That's the fucking dream. Worth going to war over.
How does the crossdressing scene play out if you're a chick?
The same, Saber dances with a chick
Why do they wear the hat?
like this
Saber is cute but I only find her hot with a ponytail and short shorts, as in Shinjuku and Summer 2nd ascension
I really liked the Shinjuku chapter. The chocolate titty caster one was god awful, though.
Sounds good, you can sign me in then.
Its good if you just want to play as a casual. I just tune into events and new lostbelts and i still beat every challenge quest with ease. if you really want a character just buy it off ebay, theres tonnes of account sellers that are trustworthy, bought one myself and i still use it no problems.
Gimme dat Egyptian bunny ghost.
Why the best maid (Liz) is not there?
Awesome, thanks.
Because snek a shit.
my ballsack would always be empty
It would be expensive to afford two salaries and benefits, plus a larger house with servants' quarters, more food expenses, more liability insurance.
Those maids are useless, none of them can cook or clean.
Boudica can cook but now you are not getting any of them.
Growing up I literally had MANY maids in my household.
I always treat them like slaves to be honest.
Seeing as those two are cute I would ask for things like baths and to use them as cum dumpster.
Making some good, healthy food for me, not this murrican fat-crap.
Also massaging.
But I fear I could wake up with my dick glued to the ceiling any day.
Sorry user, someone else already took her
Nope. Its one of the few games I recommend to not ever even try.
If you are curious about anything you are better off watching scenes on youtube.
I would fucking destroy Shuten and Ibaraki in mating press position.
This is a cute Alter maid who will do anything to serve her master.
Alter characters have vag cheese
>photoshopped burger
>Seiba's AYYYYface
Why do cosplayers always have to wear chunky ass heels when the character is wearing nothing like that
Because they are wearing heels in the source material, it extends the leg and makes it longer thus appealing. They go with clunky heels over thinner ones for stability. Heels take practice to walk in. When you are posing and holding weight abnormally a solid heel is clutch.
High heels are a bitch to pose in I guess
I'll show you who's the head maid of this mansion.
I want to do ungodly things to jalter holy shit.
Cock and balls torture
Not what I was thinking.
Cognitive behavioural therapy?
It looks like the6bqre wearing diapers haha
Lol what would happen if they were wearing diapers :) ???
Haha what would that be like??
uppity maids like these are made for punitive anal
Theyre made for gangbangs with black men while I watch
Real answer? Awful
Okay cuck
I already have my loyal maid.
>No fujinon
When are we getting the shinjuku costume for Saber alter?
>Artoria Alter
Your life would be very regimented but ultimately rather comfortable.
>Jeanne Alter
Would make a pretty shitty maid. Would just insult you and not do any of her chores
Ibaraki. Imagine how cute and moody she'd be having to act like a Maid in front of you. The cute bully potential is maximum.
I've never wanted to be Gudako more than the Gudako in this image. This is literal heaven.
>Calls others cuck
>Posts a pic of a black bull
great for sex, anything else really shitty
I guess Saber Alter can at least clean, but both are pretty shit at cooking and have really bad attitude
I'll take the OGs
Maid Alter's attitude is pretty good though. She is still a hardass but she isnt rude or anything. And she clearly cares for her Master.
Based and Hisuipilled
Artoria Alter would be a good maid. Jeanne Alter would be a shit one
lancer artoria no contest
I'd fight to make this happen.
L-lenin?! when did you become a French chuuni?
id deal with it if they agree to piss and deficate into jars so i can sell them to you guys at a premium price
Why are Alters so much sexier than their original?
Holy shit I came so fucking hard
Finally a doujin that does justice to sakura's/BB huge and fat ass. People focus on her tits and forget she has the fatest ass of all fsn
This has to be one of the hottest fate doujins, and definitely the best C96 one
Jesus christ
Memes aside it's a fun casual game, you can play it a couple hours a week or just play for events and still get everything and not be behind. There's no esports Korean MMO style grinding like other mobages and the the gameplay itself is fun and more fleshed out than your typical mobage. The story is probably the biggest draw though. Worth playing if you like fate shit or have a mild interest
Rape the maids [X]
There's a beautiful saber alter doujin that just came out, but you post this trash?
Give me the umu
Uo Denim has elder god tier doujins. His previous Sanzou and Jalter ones were hot too, so are his GuP doujins
Imagine the rimjobs.
These two would be better maids honestly.
Pale skin and hair, and evil
Remove Sakura and add another Rin.
Evil is sexy.
Would actually plow 3DPD Jeanne Alter.
Pass on Seiba, though.
Smug, evil, pale skin, striking eye color, wearing dark clothes/armor.
Artoria or scathach mommies make the best maids by nature
Sign me up.
>ywn have two maids with shitty, crass personalities who reluctantly and half-assedly serve you while glaring, insulting and bullying you
>ywn ask them to make you dinner only for them to make you a cup of ramen and then spit in it if you complain
>they will never use you as a footrest while they smoke cigarettes, watch TV and mock you for being such a fucking loser
>they will never demand that you pay them in advance even though you've already paid them three months in advance, prompting them to pin you down and rape you so you'll have to pay them for the service
>tfw exhentai is still down in my country
>Drake finally gets something
>it's by yd of all things
>no penetration, only bukkake
it's a mixed feeling
Imagine being this fucking homosexual
>that picture
Ishtar is 1000 times better than pavarti, and I say that as a sakurafag
according to most doujins saber alter will have sex with you just to one up the poor farmer girl and coax her into a threesome
No pegging? Aw.
shit just like OP's thread
I already have a useless maid with tits, I don't need two more.
I can't choose between the mommy Artorias.
>If you are submissive you can enjoy two dominants maids that will abuse you.
>If you are dominant you have two maids you can punish for being shit maids.
Looks like a perfect life.
>This one
>Not the Nurse and Tittymonk with emotionless sex and then master fucks emotion into the nurse
Why is rin dressed like that in bot?
>Sorry baby, I only fuck virgins!
Jalter cooking for Salter!
I hope you like alters. They turn up in Bablyonia.
is there an alter pink gay boy? i forgot his name already, alphonse?
Sakura can fuck off but otherwise yes.
Atalanta Alter doesn't get nearly enough love.
I fucking love these two together.
Do not get into the gacha, just watch the shit on Youtube and keep fapping you idiot
Here. She is going to do any work, though.
Worst girl
t. jobwain
Back to facebook please, Umuturd
Lots of sex everyday
YD's sameface is overrated. I think Ichitaka does better Alter stuff when he isn't drawing Yaoi.
Saber Alter is pretty affection to (you) though. Shinjuku and Maid Alter shows that.
Jannu is a shitty tsundere, but she love (you) too. She should've stopped fantasising about reverse harem though.
Don't forget to use https.
fire them and find someone better
what is this from?
I know it is fate but what?
I already have one and she's best maid.
Hopefully it involves a lot more of those burgers, OP
Sign me up
Take a look closer and decide.
Maid Alter is actually a good maid though
Imagine the tit fucks
>Won't fuck you
>Will just troll you
>Will sometimes just fucking kill you
If only I had a Moon Dick.
>all i spent and she didnt come to me and karna cucked me instead
>However i get musashi and all the part 1 summer servants, Loli vinci, NP2 kama (paid gacha obviously) and Nobu during Guda4
>tfw BB doesnt consider me worthy but all these other whores do
its not fucking fair bros... i would have even been fine getting jinako'd
>i would have even been fine getting jinako'd
I guess poking her is pretty fun.
lancer artoria is easily one of the ugliest servants in the whole series
Some salty BBfag must have drawn this
Salty for what?
Moon Cancers are weak to Rulers, Martha is a BB bully. Don't think Summer BB changes that in any way
Martha is sort of the hard counter to BB, but actually giving a shit about that is like getting upset that fire type pokemon are weak to water so I have no idea what he's talking about
Veiny tits
Silence pleb.
Jeanne Alter is absolute shit, hard to believe that she's so popular.
Are you implying nightingale is ugly or do you just wanna shot that poster
I disagree, not in the least because her tits are bigger than her head.
imagine her back pain when she's 50
Her (and her Alter counterpart), are the only reason I've considered playing this gacha bullshit.
I would like to have BB as my maid.
I wouldn't. They're good characters but the gameplay is repetitive, there's no auto play and you might not even roll them. As someone who played and quit, the expense just isn't worth it in my opinion. You could fuck Artoria on F-List and get the same fixed, there are a bunch of them.
>pube peak
I didn't want to fap today...
>And they'd rape you.
But that just makes everything else worth it
good taste
Meh, feels like shit when it's not color matching.
Maids who are into femdom and verbal abuse would interest me far more than nondescript, submissive maids.
They have balls?
Fucking japs and their lolis and shit. We could had this THE ENTIRE TIME
You would be constantly NTRd
Saiba is not a loli though, she's more of a young adult if anything.
You mean they'd bring various guys over (even though it's my house), moan louder than necessary, and insult my sexual prowess compared to them?
Boy, I sure hope that never happens.
Dumb cuck
God I would give anything for my waifu to dress like this and do slutty maid roleplay just for one day
>crossdressing scene
I fucking love selfcest
Fuck off, SpaceJin.
Artoria lancers please.
She's literally King Arthur. Her armor weighs ten times as much.
Is this meant to imply that boob window cleavage is for good girls and underboob/paizuri cleavage is for bad girls?
That's a dog, user.
Cringe. TRUE NTR is when you don't get to fuck them in the first place
That's casual. It's better if they know from experience that I'm inferior, instead of throwing empty insults.
>Pubs being that far up.
>There's a beautiful saber alter doujin that just came out
where are the proofs, user
I see no doujin
Post if it exists
But the whole point is not being able to have sex with them while others can
Boob window makes it possible to pull one out and feed a baby. Underboob is a pure sex thing.
thanks to you
i just remember i need to go back to my ballbusting studies with Space Zin
Based cuck
Is this some /fgog/ meme? CBT means cogntiive behavioral therapy. I don't get it.
Anyone got the name of the doujin? The site is down for me
Saber Alter can take care of shit; see Carnival Phantasm.
JAlter is a useless bumpkin who would set your place on fire and get tsundere about it.
Raphi a cute.
Nobody tell him. I want him to stay pure.
As long as i get to hear some umu it's alrightt
one's fatter
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaants ingonyama bagithi Baba
>Rolled for Penth
Ended up getting Schez instead
>Rolled for Quetz
Didn't get her either
>Roll for Squirtoria and Maid Alter during summer rate ups
NP2 Mo spooks along with them
When someone says Maid Alter they are refering to the Saber one
The only two who would do well as maids are Boudica and Schez. Boudica can cook, Schez would clean like it's a HAZMAT site. I know how to cook, so give me that thanatophobic choco
Yes, you get a better experience when fapping if you have the character.
Hope they like spiders, cause i have a fuck ton of them
I can attest to this. Actually owning a character will make the faps even better than before.
It's the good kind of fat.
One red headed onee-san to go please.
so what does it mean for you if you're fapping to old/fat men NTR doujins?
Imagine a date with both
I self insert as the old man.
It's called Shinjuku.
Pubes can be that far up.
I've seen some shit that still haunts me till this day.
I'd probably be cumming every minute.
GOD I wish that were me
It's not even that far retard. What the fuck youre talking about
Do maids come equipped with condoms? It would be a hassle if you got them pregnant and that got in the way of their dailly duties...
They need to get BLACKED while I watch
I want to lose my dick in those
You need to get shot while I watch.
Not like I would mind a facial, user.
Holy mother of based.
In the morning they would be getting fucked by horses
At night they would become cumdumps for black men
>In the morning they would be getting fucked by horses
user horse cocks are huge, they literally wouldn’t fit
Life uh finds a way
Servants can regenerate afterwards
Jannu is the legendary TsunYandere
Including their hymen?
They had no hymen by the time they became servants
Crushed ball treatment?
>black men
Animals are animals, user.
That just makes it sexier.
Alter saber
The bodies are perfect but the faces are bad, they are not even trying
current body thread?
I want them to bully me