LLfags are degenerate
Redpill me on idol franchises. Are they worth watching or should I just stick to seasonal moe?
Holy based
Only one worth watching is the 2011 iM@S
I'm happy to report that we finally have an answer to the idolfag problem.
there's one that's airing which is fun
Is that man holding a sword? It looks like a sheathed sword inside a sword carrying cloth.
The hero we need
>defending chinks
Chinks should go fuck themselves
whew the lack of dignity
Why is love live so popular? Idolmaster character designs are infinitely superior.
Idolfags are below Chinks.
You want to see even more degeneracy? Go to LL seiyuu thread. You won't believe those subhumans exist.
It's an umbrella you weird boy.
HOLY BASED. Idolsfag can't recover from this.
I don't understand why the mods allow that shitfest to inhabit /jp/ still.
It is still a big mystery.
The same reason why they allow JAV, kig, onaholes, etc. New janny is a complete nigger who doesn't know what the board is for.
>Slav Mecca
It became /vg/ for the, not good kind, degenerate nip stuff.
>he thinks umbrellas are that long
Its a sword and he's lucky the nicofag didnt bring his
I'd rather be anything than be a chink
T. Pinoy
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
idolfagottry is sophisticated faggotry
I recommend it, but it becomes a pain in the ass that you only get a 30% of the content so you will feel the urge to learn japanese
this is ape faggotry, don't do that. And don't visit /vg/
As one user said, the original idolm@ster is great. And personally, I really enjoyed all of the Love Live anime. I recommend at least watching the first 2 seasons and the movie. If you like regular cute girl anime you will like these as well.
you already worse than chinks
We're better than chinks though, chinks are the lowest scum on Earth, we're the most hard-working people in the world
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
I if i saw Kubo I would do that plus kiss his shoes.
cinderella girls is also good, Shibuya Rin is great. And there is the kong meme
This is literally an allegory for the Hong Kong situation.
Did he just get baptized?
>not concealing a sword inside an umbrella
Do you even ninja?
Wait. You're on Yea Forums and haven't watched love live? Why are you even posting?
>Not concealing a sword in your rectum.
Do you even ninjutsu?
Most powerful race on earth....
even half of /g/ watched love live because of Makiposting
thousands of people likely only started watching anime cause of nico reactions
This is obviously an arguement over who is best girl.
PriPara is kino.
Could be one of those umbrellas that are made to look like a sheathed sword