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Other urls found in this thread:

But she's got fine titties

Yeah your mom is

do we need several eva threads at once?

Honestly I'd still hit if I could

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Wrong. She's a professional at work and an absolute blast to be around when not at work. Literally the perfect girl.

I think she's perfect

based op
that is why best eva girl is hikari she is the only normal girl who is mentally sane with no issues in the series and is good at cooking making her perfect waifu material

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she is a slob i doubt she cleans herself that well or often , she most likely smells of fish or piss between her legs because of the beer and beer makes you need to toilet a lot withe the amount she drinks.

>looks good
>got the brains to boss around a mecha platoon
>can manage to calm down and control child soldiers that are literally losing their minds from what they are made to do
>Has the guts to jump into a moving nuclear reactor during meltdown and stay on board as a gamble trying to finish the job to save a city
>literally one of the only characters that manage to figure out that something stinks in nerve, defies Ikari and does what's right
>all this in her 20s
>goes toe to toe with trained armed troops and kills them to save shinji, takes a bullet for the kid
>her first instinct when she sees an N2 mine about to blow off is to protect shinji with her body

She can tease teenagers, get drunk at nights, and be a total slob and I wouldn't give a damn
I wish I knew a woman that amazing in real life.

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well so am i


>that is why best eva girl is hikari...
Mmm No.

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Everyone in NGE is fucked in the head or just an outright shitty person, its practically the whole theme of the anime

Fucking based

An alcoholic loser bitch that wants to fuck shinji, which also makes her a predatory pedo.

>likes fucking emotionless blowup dolls because that is what rei is
>wants to fuck some love craft fusion of gendo's wife and an alien
>will most likely get space stds
>wants a girl with literally no value, and is as replaceable and breakable as cheap condoms

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Try watching the show again fucking retard


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It's impossible has her job with her age, she should fuck her way up.

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just my type

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Here's the song op is referencing btw

She's the one I always wanted. She's mature and has a good head on her shoulders.

Absolutey based, thanks user.

Is Maya suppose to be Gendo here?


>Misato wins
Not surprising

Good job guys

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honestly i've never had a clue who that's supposed to be on the left

Now I want to see Asuka as a 29-year old alcoholic.

She saw Sailor Moon and felt so empowered by a cartoon made in Japan

>reaching this desperately
user, please...

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Alcoholic, yes. Bitch, yes. Loser? She has a steady job, had sex, and lives in her own apartment. That's far better than what your mom's vagina spat out. Your mom should have swallowed,

As an Asukafag I can respect other choices in waifu other than Rei. Rei is absolute worst girl and I can never respect or befriend a human being that would claim her as a waifu.

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Based. I don't dislike Rei as a character I just don't get Reifags.

Asuka and Misato are the two top tier girls of eva

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Seems quite common.

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The downfall of teh Rei and the rise of Asuka is one of the biggest surprises in my posting career here. It would have been unthinkable even a few years ago.

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Based af

Shinji definitely tapped that this time right?

why does everyone forget about the part where rei and shinji start to bond? she clearly began to display emotion

Why is pekola selling her body?

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He either offers or she asks a little after UN Inspector Soryu gets shot and First Child Ritsuko self-destructs.


Pekola is a pure Finnish maiden

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>catatonic for two years then catches up on high school and gets into the same college as Ritsuko

What I think probably happened was people were walking past her cell on the ship, mentioned they expected more angels eventually, her head snapped up and she started demanding workbooks and doing pushups.

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fat bitches mad that misato best gurl

Should be White Claw.

>man hands

fuck i knew that was from a song

Yui > > > > > > > > > > the rest

Shoo shoo, speed watcher

>shitty incel rock

Women with daddy issues are absolute train wreck nutcases

>in 1995
>dating middle-schoolers were legal and normal
>biggest trend in high-school girls was prostitution
>you could fuck 15yo for $200-300 anytime you want and was not arrested
>17yo idol's naked photobook was sold 1.5mil copies
>child porn was legal

Misato is based

Wow! How was that not an Asuka v Rei?

Rei's popularity is inflated

Misato always wins


why not both?

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Not everyone can be an alcoholic WINNER like the ol' Major right here

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I don't care for Rei, but I still at least severely dislike Asuka.
Misato and Ritsuko are used goods.
Shinji is a pussy and Kaworu, however perfect is too gay for comfort.
I'll just rape the closet lesbian instead.

Motoko is a grown up Rei.

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Only the inferior versions of Motoko are anything like teh rei.

The proper 'un is much more well-rounded.

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>Totally not like Rei
Manga Motoko is a degenerate lesbian who practice cyber-sex with her Android partners instead of going for Batô.

Though an adult Rei could be like Motoko, staying serious with military discipline but overcoming her past traumas.

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>implying this looks like teh rei

That's a pretty big stretch of the imagination, the homonculus weirdo has a looooot of tisms to overcome.

>Implying it doesn't look like Ayanami at all.
It could be her fucking daughter actually.

Just imagine a team-up between the two.

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>not one 'teh rei'

Yea Forums, you've changed

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Misato is best woman
Asuka is best girl

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Yeah but at least Misato's problems are very straightforward. She is incapable of taking care of herself. That's it. She's a drunken, hedonistic pile of lazy trash when left to her own devices it. That's literally all her problems amount to.
You can still rely on her when it counts because she cleans up flawlessly when on the clock. It's just when off the clock that she flops over and tries to commit suicide by liver failure.

buuuullll shit

Also it'd be hella boring.

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age swapped shinji


>imagine being so in the closet you'd pretend you wouldn't fuck a girls pussy cause she pees.
It's 2019 user. You don't need to hide anything. Nobody cares if you love dick.

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the far left of the group shot, with the glasses

best woman

I want to eat off her midriff.

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>trimmed bush
patrician taste

Literally me

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Yum, tapeworms!


Just wait 13 years.

>botting for miSHITo

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Fairly sure that's supposed to be Yui

Exquisite choice my good man.

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but god she makes my dick so fucking hard

Do you ever wonder when you see that pic, "is that dick still alive? or did its owner become a trannie?"
it was a different time...


What do you think is Misato's favorite drink that she orders when out at a fancy restaurant?

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Most women single at that age are.

The cum of teenaged boys Epstein’s Pizza tm.

Could be a Midori Sour.

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Wasn’t she a jerk to Shinji in the first episode?

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Probably has still a better life than (you).

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>thicc titty monster asuka
Shit taste. Thin petite Asuka is infinitely better.

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You mean when she sent the photo and went to pick him up herself because Gendo's letter and Security hauling him into a van weren't acceptable to her? Or driving under the Angel's feet to get him and shielding him with her body? Trying to chatter with him the whole time and getting him to joke with her? Or when she was getting pissed that they were making him fight immediately? That rapport was immediate, Misato was on Shinji's side before they ever met.

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SUPREME angel coming thru

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How many times we got put you pedos and other shit taste into the ground with this one?

Misato is also the voice of Sailor Moon, ya'll ain't winning this shit in any century or universe any time soon.

Putting curry into curry flavored noodles is quite genius actually

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I love Kaworu so much, I wish he was real

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>best girl in third
>worst girl in second
fuck you faggots

This guy genuinely cared for shinji. Shit like this puts my heart at ease

4 liters of boxed red wine, leave the box.

She’s a captain in the organization protecting the earth and a big part of third impact. I’m no way is this girl a loser. She’s accomplished more than anybody here ever will. Now if she was just a drunk with no job on some single mom shit she’d be a loser but you’re out of your god damn mind OP. You’re out of your GOD DAMN MIND!

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in no way*

In her head, she's a loser anyway for feeling so haunted by her father that she's compelled to do any of this, spurning a personal life so she could focus on getting the job where she could get revenge on him and the Angels that kept him away with research and then killed him while making him look kind of cool at the end.

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No general threads, ever

male misato but he flirts with female shinji


Just my type. Literally me desu.

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>best girl went for the best boy
Shouldn't come as a surprise really. Toji and Hikari deserved to repopulate the Earth with a new race of best girls/boys more than anybody else.

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Your Scott pilgrim song has nothing to do with Eva

You mean kaji?

Hikari is garbage and Toji only wanted best girl Misato

Just like us!

LOL! Of course the garbage girl orbiter would be in a garbage girl thread.

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>Asuka fag claiming it's a bot when they're not winning
Congratulations, now I hate asuka fags because of you

asuka broth

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>works in high up management for the biggest Japanese military project in existence, is physically attractive to the point that japanese highschool kids all go to the window when she's around to stare at her
>alcoholic loser

pick one

>not being an Asukachad that recognizes Misato as an extremely close second to being best girl

OK gayboy

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The porn ruined this doujin desu, and I really like asuka shinji shit

How so? Shinji was brought there to do a job and he suddenly starts unraveling daddy issues in front of them. Pretty reasonable to tell the kid to get in or leave.
She also in the very same episode protected shinji with her own body from the blast of an N2 mine.

I see this as a possibility.

>tfw no kaworu bf to impregnate me with his angel spawn

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you'll just end up like unit 00 during the armisael fight

Which doujin are you talking about user?

not him but the doujin is asuka trial 2

>got the brains to boss around a mecha platoon
When the labor pool is as deep as a puddle because of a partially aborted Armageddon hiring standards understandably deteriorate.


why is the tank-top wearing drunk onee-chan such a good archetype bros?

It's EVA the whole point of the show is that literally everyone sucks ass. Your dad sucks, your mom sucks, you suck, your friends suck, you're all garbage.
There's no reason not to suck down the sweet sweet release of a running car's muffler.

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