Hunter x Hunter

There is a madness in humanity – our passions and individuality both make us strong and set us against each other. The Hunter Chairman Netero embodies this madness – as Meruem remarks during their battle, it is only through pushing his body through individual struggle far past the point of sense that he could have achieved his tremendous physical enlightenment. The potential single-mindedness and self-focused determination of humanity are expressed both in his physical strength and in the secret weapon he conceals – the Poor Man’s Rose. It is the Rose that finally defeats Meruem – a nuclear weapon, a pure expression of humanity’s individualist need to make war on itself, a weapon that the narrator grimly explains shouldn’t exist, wouldn’t exist, if humanity were able to make choices in its own communal best interest. Netero sacrifices himself to destroy Meruem using an expression of humanity’s ultimately self-destructive individuality – but both his choice and Meruem’s final actions demonstrate that cynicism is not the final word of Chimera Ant. Human and ant nature each reflect the other, and each show themselves as brighter for it.

Though the Poor Man’s Rose is undoubtedly reflective of humanity’s worst instincts, Netero’s use of it is not. Netero activates the weapon by killing himself, and thus his use of it is an almost ant-like expression of loyalty, or love. And in the aftermath of the Rose, as Meruem slowly succumbs to radiation sickness, his own actions are pointedly, individualistically human – he chooses to cede the battle of his race, and spend his last hours with the human he loves. One nature reflects another, and each is enriched by the exchange. The conflict of human and ant may end in great tragedy and destruction, but through countless actions throughout the arc, the value of each philosophy is demonstrated, reflected, and shown to be part of a continuous nature. Life ends, but life goes on.

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Other urls found in this thread: x hunter digital

Obligatory. VIZ volumes:
v01-36 = x hunter digital
v37 =

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And for the Succession chads.

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Cringe [Open]
I'll spare you every direct beat, but it begins with bright stage lights and the boat departing at night and cuts through scenes/factions on the boat in different tiers with bustling boat life. 1:24 is a simulated banquet dance with the different princes and their parties. 1:35 for instance would have Theta and Tse dancing with the tone growing darker like she's in peril. 1:48 goes into Nasubi looking serious on his throne, some flashes of the pot and ancient Kakin and a bubbly transition. 1:55-1:59 Ends the intro outside the boat at day, when a dolphin leaps into the air and freezes in the sky with those weird seagulls in the background next to the logo.

Do you think the hands preventing any Prince from withdrawing from the succession war is Nasubi's nen beast or is it the will of the ritual pot ?

I'm grateful for this moment.
Everything that lead to it and to you, my dear OP

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You forgot to thank someone Hunterbro.

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>Yea Forums is that way user.

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My apologies, fellow Neterobro.

It's the will of the ritual pot. As part of the security system to make sure none of the princes escape.

Pitou is the best girl and is my wife

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Did Netero liked Gon und Killua?

Reposting from last thread.

Anyone else worried Togashi won't properly finish HxH and that the Dark Continent Arc will end up being another Three Kings Saga in YYH? Both started with massive world building and exposition but TKS ended up being extremely rushed and underwhelming since Togashi just wanted to finish the series. These extremely long breaks for an arc that's supposed to be longer than Chimera Ant is having me really worried.

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Sure he did, he liked and respected them both enough to give them a chance at tagging along for the chimera ant extermination.

>Journey to the new world contains a Mobius Strip
>Kurapika has it on his Kurta clothes
>Human world is in the middle of Lake Mobius
What is Togashi trying to tell us?

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Togashi dropped YYH partly because he considered it finished, and partly because his contract with Jump put restrains on the directions in which he could take YYH. It was better for him to create an entirely new franchise with an entirely new contract where he alone has 100% freedom to do whatever compells him. Togashi himself stated in another interview that he considers HxH to be his opus magnum, and he will continue working on it for as long as people are interested in reading it.

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Only time and Togashi will tell.

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Based Netero, I remember how Gon wanted to see Netero after being healed by Alluka but Pariston told him that Netero was retired and took a vacation.

Hisoka will die of old age.

Chrollo cheated because he knew he would've lost in a real 1 on 1 fight against Hisoka.


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What about Bodoro?

It is a valid worry, as Togashi can be somewhat petty. But I think he is more likely to rush the Succession War because it is a bit too complex and relying on new characters that WSJ readers might not relate to, than to rush the finale of HxH or the DC, which are more or less guaranteed hits in comparison.

In fact, maybe that is why he is taking an extra-long Hiatus. With the SW not being as popular as Togashi expected, he could have decided to change some plotlines to make it go faster or more focused. We could see just that happening if when the manga returns, many characters start dying.

Cool, but Tserriednich would kill them both in a 1v2

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That Kurtas came from DC obviously

>With the SW not being as popular as Togashi expected
How are the sales ? We haven't reach the climax yet but how are they doing relatively speaking ?

That's not true, Gon didn't say anything about Netero, and certainly not that he wanted to see him, Pariston just told him that without being asked anything by Gon

Pitou is the queen of all hunter threads

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The hands do look like the hands of Nasubi's spider, but unless every winning Nen Beast has/is given an ability to kill runaway Princes, it has to be the Urn or the Coffin Room.

They have been dropping a bit since the boat ride started. But it is hard to say how important that is, when even One Piece has been dropping in sales, and most lomg running manga without anime adaptation also tend to drop. But based on Pixiv not having that much art of this arc, and Matsuri threads being mostly about Chimera Ants and power levels, and the Rihan page being a bit of a meme, I would say that it is probably not that popular. Not hated, but not loved.

It is known

What a pleb filter

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It just needs more traction, currently we just have tons and tons of exposition with not a lot going on, I'm sure once the arc really picks up pace we'll see an increase in popularity. Hell I even stopped keeping myself updated with the current arc because I forget half the fucking details of what the hell is going on between each hiatus.

I really wish HxH was as good as you say it is.


So guys how do I even into Torrential Raining? I thought that would a direct download of the chapters and now I'm on mobile. (Is it possible on mobile,)
I have never Torrential rained before.

Honestly Yorknew, Chimera ants and Succession War are the only good arcs but take into account that compared to other current shonen HxH is legitimately superior, I perfectly understand the meme about hunterchads, seriously just one chapter of it is far better than all the other shonen in publication by a very large margin, no wonder people tread it the way they do, its the only one where you dont need to turn off your brain to be able to read stuff like this to not die from cringe.

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And not die from cringe*

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Hisoka wasn't in the CA arc despite being in every other arc in the story because he would've killed Meruem by himself.

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muh dick

This level of autism shouldn't exist. Also, stop posting your shitty general thread posts.

Why? For what reason are you against those posts?

He's just regurgitating opinions. It's obviously a helpful baseline for HxH threads to look up some quick info in discussions

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The people doing those charts are skilled. I don't know what is the name of that kind of graphical talent, but to be able to neatly categorize all that info, means they are profiting from that skill or at least they should.

No PUEDO detenegme

Very powerful autism, user. But I feel the song is a bit too upbeat. But then again, I don't know what the lyrics saym

Hunter x Hunter is a boring manga. I don’t understand how anyone can read it.

how the fuck is nen not something wildly known


It is known

Hisoka cheated against Bodoro because he knew he couldn't win in a fair fight.

Fuck off retard

wow deep

isn't he still in the learning phase of using nen? Either of those two would slaughter him

ctrl c
ctrl v
the thread

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I admit it to be a likely scenario. A shame because there are a lot of cool things introduced that I wanna see. DC is literally setting up to be the answer to all of HxH's mysteries.

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People understand that there's wild magic out there, but the exact specifics for nen is a generally well kept secret. It is worth noting the society in HxH and the society in the 90's would also make for one where it wouldn't be so easy to spread nen information.

I think Togashi took a moment to readdress how nen could remain hidden in a more modern context at the end of the CA arc. Now it's more like an information overload, and anything about nen would get drowned out in the 24/7 news cycle.

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That's a very good way of putting it.
Personal headcanon with nen is that it's definitely the result of the atmosphere or the gravity of the Earth. Something had to have caused that innate energy to do what it can.


So I just watched episode 135 bros

I cried

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we all cried man

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>pretentious HFY huntershit posting
C'mon lad, even though I'm an unapologetic HFY filth this still makes me cringe in disgust


No need just let this thread 404, all Hunterchads are asleep.

Yeah I think I should go back to sleep as well.

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daily reminder pitou is only 1 month old

I would've cried if I was watching alone


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Gon truly is a psychopath that needs to pay for his crime


*Hunter Exam, Yorknew, Chimera Ant, Succession War, fixed that for you.

How can other manga even complete with such level of greatness.

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Absolute kinography

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It's actually better than we say it is.
We haven't yet even analyzed everything.

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>calling an explosion kino
dumb shounentard

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That one explosion has enough context and meaning behind it to singlehandedly shit on every single shounen combined including pic related wannabe mature shounen.

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>Eren Jaeger
>Jäger means Hunter in German
Based Iseyama naming his protagonist after HxH.

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Gay and bluepilled

I want to impregnate her desu.

The song felt a bit too upbeat? Like Departure you mean? Sorry but this is the intro I would choose for the SW arc anime.

why are white guys so creepy and fetishistic about getting yourself killed in a war?

do you guys just wake up and immediately start hunter posting? Do you not have a job or friends or family?