What do you think about jojo part 5 ?

i just finished reading the manga and i think its the worst part yet

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OP just finished sucking my cock and i think he's the biggest fag yet

i just finished reading the manga and i think its the best part yet

would you mind telling me why ?

The fights are interesting in the first half and it's nice that the rest of the main cast pulls their own weight more or less equally. On the other hand the last arc is garbage, Diavolo is a dumb villain, KC's powers are inconsistent and poorly explained, Giorno has no personality, and Narancia should have lived

I enjoyed it but I think I would've enjoyed it more if we had more time with the antagonist group and Dialvolo rather than each of them one at a time.

Yeah, he was best boy

this, they should have killed that fucking stupid retard mista instead of narancia

liked it about as much as part 4
josuke was better than giorno
diavolo was better than kira
main cast were equal
fights were better

mista was the best and you should commit suicide
on the other hand abacchio was boring and edgy and deserved to die

Wrong. That be part 4

abacchio and fugo did nothing, idgaf about either of them

Anime adaptation is better than the manga and the best adaptation yet.

Same than you
was shit

I'm okay with him having died in theory but the actual moment felt so unearned. He didn't do anything stupid to deserve it, it wasn't a sacrifice, and it wasn't clever. It was just to make writing the final fight easier, and the final fight was shit so it wasn't even worth that.

Abacchio and Bruno already filled part 5's quota for main cast deaths, there was no need to have any more

It's not about quotas mate. Part 7 is generally the most praised and it kills off most of its cast. In fact Part 4 is the only finished one to not kill off at least half of them. It's about making a good story. The problem is the death is both boring and unsatisfying.

It's as bad as the rest of JoJo.

Hot Pants' death was worse

Trips of truth

Its the prettiest of the parts in the anime. But i actually enjoyed it more than stardust crusaders, which this part is a spiritual successor to.

The final segment suffer of some seriously bullshit like how GER instant win or the whole deal with Chariot Requiem. Besides that it was a good arc imo

I can confidently say that Part 5 is the worst part in all of Jojo.

all of jojo is shit, literally a meme anime

I'm still mad about Hot Pants' death.

2 and 4 are the worst parts

That's not Part 6 but ok

Kino fights, amazing (and autistic) characters, very good themes, good plot, lame final battle, decent epilogue
Overall...a golden experience

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Not the best part but not the worst part. Excellent adaptation on the other hand.

OP just suck my dick no need to make a copy paste of every jojo Part Gay.
God. I thought ricardo was gay but now even every Jojo watchers are gonna be YouTubers with sexuality confessions before the next season starts

>just finished reading part 7
>was expecting Hot Pants to make a comeback at some point
>she doesn't, she really died that pathetically

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