Why did this faggot like Panty more than Stocking?

Why did this faggot like Panty more than Stocking?

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everyone loved Panty, why would he be different?

Imagine being stepped on by Panty

cause he was a cuck

Stocking is ugly.

Everyone loved Stocking too desu

Panty isn’t into braps or bondage

He likes the good girl but needs the bad pussy...

imagine falling in love with a woman who has had 999 unique cocks inside her

absolutely disgusting

flats over fats.

She picks her nose tho

Because he has taste.

So? That’s a perfectly normal thing to do

He felt a kinship between them because of that though.

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No, I will imagine being stepped on by Stocking though.

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Because she's the best girl

God no.

>Why did this faggot like Panty more than Stocking?
>this faggot
Seems odd to ask a question that contains its own answer.

>OP unironically likes stocking
>calls geekboy a faggot

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Really? He's the classic Western nerd stereotype who typically fawns over the Stacy stereotype, who is Panty.

Thought you meant Brief was a girl for a second

Rule 63 remake of P&S with Gachimuchi vibes when

Indeed, Kneesocks its the best girl.

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