What would having Violet as a gf be like?

What would having Violet as a gf be like?

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I want to have sex with violet

Very uncomfortable handjobs.

Phantom pain aside it'd be paradise. I've always wanted a daughterwife to snug and fug.

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Pretty face, low maintenance (beyond the you know what), and if I can convince her that I'm the 'superior officer' in the relationship...

She'd do it voluntarily even if you aren't a superior officer.

Isn't she canon gay now?

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Annoying. Like her.

>he fell for the meme

wish all the hentai artists would take note that something this wholesome and sweet is better than watching, like, a girl with planet-sized breasts get raped by a dog's parasite-infested corpse while tentacles inflict anal unbirth on her daughter in the same room. Seriously, the scene where she realizes her childhood friend might be into her and then he's standing right behind her spiking the sexual tension, or just the sheer amount of human vulnerability in all the sex... clearly, this author, unlike most, has actually had sex before and knows how to depict it artistically. If only there was more actual artful eroticism out here and not cheap bullshit relying on the effect of supernormal stimulation to get cheap faps.

What the fuck are you rambling about.

Why would I want to NTR Leon?

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he's just another fag who wants more boring as fuck vanilla doujins

Lewding the Biretto is forbidden.

have sex
You have no idea what you are talking about. The way you type clearly shows off that you are a huge virgin.

I highly suggest a fakku sub and moege if you want plentiful coma-inducing garbage.

>he doesn't know

Quite boring as she's a very one dimensional character.


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based schizo poster


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Not that user but i'd like wholesome hentai doujins, indeed. Thanks you very much.

Hot, like on fire hot. like hotter then an anime studio on fire hot

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>you feel like your whole body is burning. Like it's on fire

What did he mean by this?

Leons a lucky boy

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Describe autism gf.

perfect for breeding

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Lots of cuddling.

That's my boy.

Let's be real here, the author has some serious daddy issues.

We can't really foresee what it would like to be the first man in history to date a woman that has actually done some work in terms of understanding her own feelings.

Maybe it couldn't even be explained even if it can be described, a bit like how astronauts who went to the moon can't really talk about it.

and that's a good thing.