
Happy third anniversary of IchiRukeks losing the Great Bleach Shipping War. Let's share some fond memories of IRfags sperging over their loss.

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Other urls found in this thread:�����륭��


Never forget.

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Oh, it´s the anniversary?

Ah, it's the anniversary when Kubo lost sight of what's important and ruined Bleach for the entire fandom for his shitty waifu.

But Kubo´s waifu is Rangiku

>Ah, it's the anniversary when Kubo wrecked IRfags and made them eternally analblasted over not getting their meme ship canonized.

>still mad


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Doubt it. You can see how Kubo has random characters gush over Orihime and how beautiful she is despite having the most basic female design and the fact she is hated by most of the fans. It's easy to assume he considers her his waifu.

>the fact she is hated by most of the fans

You mean hated by Ichiruki fans.

>random characters gush over Orihime and how beautiful she is
Same with Rangiku

Yeah, most of the fans.

Not to the extent of Orihime. Rangiku actually looks pretty. Orihime looks plain as fuck - she looks like Girl: the Character. You could put her in the background and she wouldn't stick out. But Kubo kept shilling in the series as this beautiful goddess. Not even close.

>Implying that IRfags make up the majority of the Bleach fandom

Imagine going so far in your pursuit of schadenfreude that you're happy when the worst girl wins.

>Not to the extent
You are right, Rangiku gets more praises

But user your mom didnt win

But Hiyori didn't the MCbowl.

She was never shilled as much as Orihime with her looks. Literally no readers considered Oriime what the series tried to depict her as.

>Literally no readers considered Orihime what the series tried to depict her as
>What are Himefags

>What are Himefags
Contrarians who only exist to bait IR fans.

The data books descrive Rangiku as the most "desirable" woman in the series, and Unohana as the most "proper beauty/yamato nadeshiko". Theres no mention of Orihime

>Not wanting this to bare your children
The absolute state of ichiriku fags

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>The data books
I'm talking about on Kubo's pages in the series itself.

>IRfags still continue to deny the existence of Himefags

The absolute state of the Ichiruki fagdom.

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>Kubo's pages in the series itself
Yeah Rangiku is still the most beautiful

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They barely existed before the ending came along. They still don't exist now, because all they do is pick fights with IR fans or just act passive aggressive, they don't actually discuss Orihime or IH genuinely. Right now this thread is another example.

>weeeh himefags aren't real
>they only say mean things about my autistic fagdom
>they never say anything about their waifu or ship

Like I said, the absolute state of the Ichiruki fagdom.

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They barely existed on Yea Forums you mean, and we all know it’s because this place was Ruki/a/ though there were plenty of anons fed up with Rukiafags as well.

You're doing the thing right now

It still gets a giggle out of me. But sometimes I wonder if some of them are just pretending to be retarded, like this one:

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I haven't seen or read much of bleach but wasn't orihime just the big titty shy girl? Seems kinda redundant when hinata won the ship war in naruto

Nope, she's not shy at all actually. Even Ichigo notes how she's good at making friends unlike Chad and Uryu.

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Of course its a woman
Orihime was big tittied but she wasnt shy, not in the manga at least

>Literally no readers considered Oriime
Except she ranked 2nd place in an official WSJ poll that asked readers who they wanted to receive valentine chocolate from. Rukia was first while Rangiku was third. That right there proves you wrong.

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Stop projecting

It's the IR fags that always bait the himefans though

Stop reminding me of this hack and his shitty manga. Couldn't care less about shipping cancer, the story, characters and themes were shit so fuck off

Yet you’re in the thread. Explain that one.

>Fill this thread with happy Ichigo/Rukia or just Rukia moments and art?
Sure, op!

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Based IRchad! OP faggot btfo

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After all, I like positive discussion and fruitful levels of contribution if there's gonna be a Bleach thread up. It's not like I don't have ALL the characters in happy and fun imagery.

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Why is she the greatest?

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based and reasonable, keep up the good work user!

So is bleach worth a look? I heard it goes to shit after aizen but is it worth checking out till that point?

She had a wonderful contrasting personality that motivated the protagonist when he basically did nothing but mope, otherwise.

She's also cute a f

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Cute platonic relationship

She was just shy around Ichigo, tried really hard not to be and it was the same for him as well. She's the intelligent girl pretending to be a ditz.

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>it goes to shit after aizen
Only plebs say that

It's absolutely worth a look! The pacing is great through about halfway of the Soul Society arc, where it slows down significantly, but it stays on point of the narrative and continues to engage you as the audience to keep reading.

If you still like what you see after that, there's another 400+ chapters to work with!

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I think the last two arcs have their highs, but they also have their lows. It's obvious the final one should have been longer hence the incomplete story, but if you're a Bleachfag that already bothered reading up to the defeat of Aizen then I don't see why not.

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I'd like a platonic relationship with Rukia.

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This isn't /c/, you autist. Don't just spam shit.

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Post scenes that actually happened.

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I'm contributing to OP's thread about a 3rd year anniversary regarding the relationship between Ichigo and Rukia, user. Whether it was OP's blatant intention to cause discourse among fans (that's not nice) or it was OP's hidden intention to have a happy thread filled with fan-filled images of said couple (I'll happily oblige!), I'm going to contribute and add discussion when possible!

You should, too!
I really like just about any of Kubo's official artwork regarding the pair. Shows they are a real duo!

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Friendly reminder Ble/a/chfags.

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Rukia and Renji introducing Ichika to everyone definitely happened.

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The only good thing about Bleach's train wreck of a finale was the IchiRuki salt. Prove me wrong

Sorry, user. Bleach was a lot of fun for a lot of reasons. One was the relationship Ichigo and Rukia had and the resulting artwork it spawned.

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Well I was already trying to binge though one piece currently that's on hold

You mean expressing your analrage over anons laughing at your meme ship and fagdom by flooding a thread with your fanart spam.

Rukia making captain was a nice treat, and the kids are cute. Nice to know Ichika joined her dads squad.

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I don't know what would prove you, definitely, as wrong, user.
I can subjectively suggest that a positive note about Bleach ending was that it finally stopped. Kubo wasn't doing well with such a prolonged story any more; having it end, regardless of how, was a positive thing in general.

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Link to image list?

Reminder that this used to be for IchiHimefags.

I tried to get through One Piece about 4 times, but I just can't do it. The story doesn't capture me.

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According to the artbook, Ichika is training to be a part of Kenpachi's squad.

And now it's for IchiRukifags.

Imagine the sex that happened.

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I used to think I was autistic then IchiHime happened. I accepted it and moved on after reading the chapter. Are you saying people are STILL sore 2 years later?
About this?

It's a literal Ichiruki thread though, what did you expect? It's not like there's anything to discuss since the ship lost ages ago.

Hmm. As long as "binging" won't mean you're going as-fast-as-possible. Just take your time and enjoy the panels as the come. You can easily do about 200 (approximately the Soul Society) at a nice, relaxed pace.

I have no rage. I enjoyed Kubo's fictional universe and his characters. I enjoyed the many variations and interactions those characters had, too. It extends beyond just the dozens and dozens of "ichi-ruki" pics stored in these 15 some years.

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IchiHimefags spam all the time. There is no problem with this.

Old squad I meant.

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I think it's got an early/original dragon Ball feel but modernized in a sense I dig it but I needed a break

I liked when Rukia lived with the Kurosakis and they didn't know it, or when she visited and they all loved her just being there. Early Bleach is always my favorite.

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No. Spamming is just posting shit.

At least post shit while carrying a conversation like this

Actually I'm watching the anime I'm I doing it wrong? lol

Many people simply want to suggest it because "trolling" is one of the highest-ranking activities on the internet. If you can tell someone is a troll, it's better to simply not respond. Talk with the people who seem interesting or interested!

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Rukia is less feminine than that shinigami guy that appeared at the beginning of the last arc (he even got a color page with Ichigo iirc). Ichigo should've ended up with him desu.

>they all loved her just being there.
Karin never cared, and Ichigo didn't love it. Yuzu and Isshin were the only thrilled ones. It's a shame Kubo never made her or Tatsuki an older sister figure to the girls.

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You didn't get ichiruki tattoos and spend countless hours looking for details that absolutely confirmed the ship that directed your life and interaction with other like minded humans for years.
I look forward to the 10th year anniversary.

Ichika looks cute!

You're just being a troll. I don't believe I'll respond to you unless you can, likewise, contribute.

Not at all! Bleach was elevated WONDERFULLY for its soundtrack alone! I don't believe the art quality is as good as the manga, of course, but it handles battles very well.
The anime won't conclude with the manga, though, and will probably take much, much longer to experience than reading the chapters.

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>ichiruki tattoos
I'm going to need some poofs

>I have no rage.
>Chooses to spam IR/Rukia fanart in a thread dedicated to laughing at IR shipperfaggotry
Uh huh.

>It's a literal Ichiruki thread though
Did you not see the original post, IRfag?

I disagree in both outward appearance and character. And I'm not even the type that believes "breasts" is what matters in defining the female sex. Transvestites can be very confusing to those with such narrow mindsets.

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I agree but I'm a little salty that you took my post too seriously because it makes me feel a bit silly.

Well, Karin was a little more introverted, I'll grant you that. Ichigo felt a lot more complete with her nearby, too.

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I feel like Thiers probably other anime I maybe should be watching over starting another shonen series

Kill yourself

Not him but wtf I can't even believe, it has to be fake. Do you have any more cases like these?

Don't let them, they're playing at being super chipper and positive to make the bad bad negativity go away! This is a happy ichiruki thread now!

Why are hues so obsessed with anime? How did this happen?
Honestly the tattoo itself is stylized a lot better than I expected. It's still peak autism.

How far did you get?

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>One was the relationship Ichigo and Rukia had and the resulting artwork it spawned.

Well you're not wrong.

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Dont' feel silly! Bleach ending is good! I think it's generally considered to have "jumped the shark" and deserved completion, no matter what.

But Bleach isn't just about the final 6 chapters!! It has more than a dozen years of weekly chapters! There's a lot to talk about, remind ourselves of, and nostalgically enjoy! I was also an enormous Tatsuki fan, and I'm disappointed Kubo didn't include her to the story he wrote. Same as Don Kanonji.

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>watching the anime
Manga is always better. The anime changed shit, it unironically baited people into thinking IR was endgame

Tatsuki was too similar to Rukia.

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Ichigo was never the sun

That's tough to suggest without knowing more about what interests you. I can only say, as a fan of Bleach (both manga and anime), I don't want to discourage anyone showing even mild interest in the series towards viewing it! As far as shounen goes, it's above average (with a 10/10 or 9/10 OST at least).

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>The anime changed shit, it unironically baited people into thinking IR was endgame
Not just that, but the early animation is pretty shit. Kubo had a great early art style, but the anime simply didn't capture it.

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>they drew Kubo fat with a double chin
The fucking audacity, Kubo is /fa/ incarnated

I've actually only seen bits and pieces of the anime back when it was on toonami

I think, as OP knowingly or unknowingly pointed out, Kubo's favorite character was Mayuri.

I'd say Rukia was more compassionate unless it related to her job as a 100-year-old soul reaper. Tatsuki was much more aggressive and interpersonal. But I agree, they were quite similar. As far as the Ichigo-squad is concerned, though, eventually even Rukia seemed to be written away (unless Ichigo began crying). She started becoming her own character written into her own side stories (with nii-chan), which I felt was much less enjoyable than the early partnership she had.

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I don't remember if the Toonami was dub or sub. I don't think I really ever saw the dub, though.

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>Do you have any more cases like these?

You can fine more IR twits at this link:

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I did watch most of yuyu hakusho a couple month's back and I've heard bleach being compared to that

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>renji is 6'2"
>rukia is 4'9"

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I cant believe Ichigo is a homo

>unless it related to her job as a 100-year-old soul reaper.
yea we know. remember when she lied to that kid and told her ss was great even though she was a street rat and knew how shitty is was lol

The beginning is absolutely comparable to Yu Yu Hakusho, yes. If you look for similarities in the narrative between the two, you'll easily find them.

That can be said for many works of fiction, of course, so take it however you want. Bleach is a wonderful series, and in my opinion, I find the most enjoyment in its early arcs.

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I like both but I'll go with Orihime here, Rukia looks untrustworthy.

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>This is a "bitter ichirukifags shit up a thread with their spamming" thread now!

fixed it for you. you're welcome.

What was the chapter where Orihime convinces Ichigo to go to SS?

It always boggled my mind how Kubo wrote the aging process in the Bleach universe.
Or even how the souls, themselves, seemed to be capable of bearing children inside SS. That Human souls from ANY time in history could just appear at ANY time in SS, or even if SS had a time period to live in. Which, I mean, IT DID, because the shinigami claimed thousands and thousands of years of history, even though Kubo wrote convenient lapses of time syncing and de-synching...among other things regarding time.

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I actually enjoyed Rukia more when she stopped playing just the mentor/therapist role. I like how she grew into her own character with her narrative, something that is rarely or either poorly done in battle shonen when it comes to female characters.

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Is Thier a dark tournament equivalent tho? Not necessarily a tournament but something of similar hype?

I welcome discussion of the series and contribution to the thread, regardless of viewpoint, user. You don't seem to have anything you wish to discuss, and certainly not posting anything that would counter actively "glorify" this thread either.

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Speaking of fanfiction, what other crack ships have you guys daydreamed about? I always loved imagining Grimjow knocking up Yuzu just to piss Ichigo off and force him into an eternal rivalry. Just imagine the rage.

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Post more RenRuki, they cute.

She did get a lot more written, that's for certain. She seemed to have completed her role as the teacher/guide and then as the damsel, and then became a character of her own, unrelated to the protagonist. I'm happy you enjoyed that development, but I felt both the story and character was more compelling when she was more associated with the protagonist than by herself.

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Nah, I'm gonna continue dissing you for spamming IR autism in this thread.

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They don't look very angry, user. You seem like the only one associating negative emotions, and you are gripping that really tight. You won't stop posting until someone, somewhere, seems to agree about it? Seems like you're complaining.

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Miageta yozora no hoshitachi no hikari

Bambietta having a crush on Ichigo. I hope someone fucks her soon.

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>They don't look very angry, user.
>Defending an IRfag who's spamming IR/Rukia imagery in a thread that's devoted to to ridiculing IRfags

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I am always blown away by Asterisk. OP1 is just fantastic. Seeing it always makes me consider re-reading early bleach with the first few seasons' OST playing in the background.
So good.

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My pleasure.

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Thanks user I wanted to make this comparizon picture

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Where is Rukia´s nose?

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>proceeds to draw ichigo and rukia without each other majority if the story
i don't get how the irtards didn't see he was baiting them.

>I hope someone fucks her soon.
Gigi does

Can't trust Gacha developers, I guess.

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Bambietta needs a real man like Uryuu

I didn't pay much attention to Kubo, or pretend to mindread his plans with the Bleachverse narrative, personally. I simply enjoyed the premise of a directive on a delinquent was what he needed to mature and learn about the world and himself. Even better that director was a cute girl.

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You're welcome, user.

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Without IchiRuki... there would be no Bleach.

Remember back when Bleach Nips made an "IchiRukifag Wiki"? I think they still have dedicated anti-ichirukifag threads on 2ch.

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>Implying that IchiRuki was ever a thing

I wonder what age Rukia was supposed to have in her form. I wonder if she'd ever grow.

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Kind of sad how you couldn't enjoy Rukia as her own separate character. Shame so many IR fans have this mentality.

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I simply enjoyed her less. By herself, she's a great character. In my opinion, her interactions with the high-school humans and Ichigo were far more comical and endearing than her interactions with Byakuya or Renji. Similarly, I enjoyed her more when she seemed comfortable, not when she seemed dramatic.

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>I simply enjoyed her less.

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>Finally find a Bleach waifu that catches my attention, only to get her stolen by a trap.
I will never stop be mad.

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IchiRukifag Wiki:
anti-Ichirukifag 2ch threads:�����륭��

>deep down you know that Tatsuki should've won the Ichibowl.

>the sole tatsukifag keeps going

>Three years later and IR hoes STILL MAD

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Get over it

Bulma x Goku shippers are still seething to this day. Bitter shippers will never move on.

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I keep imagining his dick getting impaled on her bone accessories.

I'm kinda baffled bleach had shipping wars to begin with, there was not even a hint of romance between any character.

and considering Rukia and Orihime ended up with Renji and Ichigo...seems like they both lost.

Dude what if Ichigo fucked Hiyori?

t. Ulqhimefag

What was the point of the Visoreds in a long run?

Didn't she have a go with the little tranny kid?

To be part of Aizen´s keikaku

I said there was no shred of romance between characters, that includes Ulq and Orihime.

No but I haven't read the novels.

OP 1 and ED 2 are easily my favorites of the entire series. Those tunes are slammin'.


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He isn't alone in his love Tatsuki, user.
Tatsuki should have been his human life.

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She's more genki than shy, she gets flustered with Ichigo but isn't a shrinking violet type.

>The anime was so IR-biased that even Kubo complained about it.

If the final arc does ever get animated I hope Kubo is more involved in its production.

>Grimjow x Yuzu and Karin
Rate my ship.

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>The anime was so IR-biased
So true. Both the OPs and EDs literally had Orihime appear for countable frames, but Rukia had long-panning shots of her fading in and out to Ichigo. Or staring at each other, smiling, holding connections, metaphorical, just back or just plain out had long shots of Rukia because Rukia.
Studio Pierrot truly focused their attention, when it came to girls, on Rukia HARD. And I loved it.

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>yuzu or Karin
Kys beta self inserter

>long-panning shots of her fading... Or staring at each other, smiling, holding connections, metaphorical, just back or just plain out had long shots
This is the most amazing real time coping I've ever withnessed. Please tell me more.

>There are people who ship Goku/Bulma

How? Why???

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It was biased towards IR, but they also added in anime only scenes for both IH and RR. Such as IH getting a hand-holding scene during the HM arc, and Rukia only remembering Renji in her film. Kudo, a known IR fan, even drew Renruki artwork. I think the serious, long-standing loathing for an opposing ship came is mostly a Western thing. Nips tend to stick to their pairing and not want to start petty drama while a lot of Western fans seem to thrive on shipwars, this doesn't apply just to Bleach either. The thing that seems to really drive Nips crazy is the purity of a female character.

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>Shit Taste - The post

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Still mad.

I've lost in literally every other series I've followed, and I wasn't mad about those because it's not something to get mad about.

And here I am, still mad.

> dont care about the ships
> only care about last arc adaptation
> late 2019

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>that pic

>How? Why???
"First boy/first girl must always happen!"

You ok user?

Im just imitating your character.

>I've lost in literally every other series I've followed
Which ones? I've been winning them recently.

Wait till Jump Festa

Your retardation is showing.

I mean, the anime added a lot of scenes, that's true. What was it? Almost HALF their show was added filler? Hello Bount Arc.

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Thanks retard.

>How? Why???
I don't get it myself, but I'm guessing Bulma being the main heroine plays into it.

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>t. proud mongoloid
You need to go back.

>And I loved it.

Kubo didn't.

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t. Alejandro.

>IRfags are NTR-lovers

Literally NaruSakufags 2.0.

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For real.

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Rukia wasn't the main heroine. Weird card.

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I didn't know that criticising Bleach which is full of plot holes now makes you obligatory shipper. This thread must be full of landwhales from tumblr. No one else would care enough.

We could have had this Kubo

Attached: Ichigo_Tatsuki.png (632x480, 196K)

>which is full of plot holes
Maybe if you are a speedreader

>Thinks that this post () is criticizing Bleach for having plotholes and not being autistic shipperfag.

I hope you get a big win someday, user. One to overwrite those losses.

Attached: Bleach_ch_421_pg_1.jpg (1769x1300, 328K)

I went back and found playlists on youtube for all the OPs & EDs and


The anime was pushing Rukia like crazy. It's insane how much she was put in the center, next to Ichigo or otherwise the entire focus of the 1 minute and a half song exposition.
I laughed at ED 16 and ED 19. And all the Bount/Asauchi filler arcs just outright place her having fun in front of everyone. That, and Hitsugaya + Masaki appear all over the place.

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This entire thread in a nutshell.

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Based Tatsukichad

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I'd love it if 500-year-old ShibaDad could embrace his daughter-in-law Rukia as the true sign of ridding her of any guilt about Kaien and how there just wasn't anything to blame her by. Isshin loves his daughters!

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>The IRcuck spammer is back

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Bud didnt Kaien die after Isshin left to the living world?


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Also it was Kukaku who told Rukia she want to blame

No, Kaien died 40 years prior to the story (according to Rukia, I think?). Isshin definitely left something like 20 years before the start of the story.

I can't recall, but I don't think 10th Squad captain is ever addressed in the Turn Back the Pendulum arc (I think that's the arc?? There's so many frickin' chapters) about where the Vizards are created 100 years ago, but I'd think Isshin was already a captain then, too.

I also have to guess that Kaien (and sis and bro) are part of the "main house" of the Shiba clan, whereas Isshin is some "branch house," so Kaien (and later Kuukaku) are the "head of the Shiba clan" and not Isshin...despite his overwhelmingly greater power. I'd further guess it means Ichigo will simply belong to a "branch house" of the Shiba clan, too...despite being God.

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yeah, I know, and she beats her up for continuing to say sorry
which is fine, Shiba interpersonal skillz, that works

But Isshin loving on Rukia instead of just angrily dismissing things seems more fun, is all.

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Bros how can someone be this useless but so fucking based?

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I love him and his weird teeth.

Shinji is in our hearts even if he jobbed hard in TYBW. Kubo at least admitted that he was meant to have role but things got too clustered. Great personality, amazing characetrizations, awesome power (top 10 if we take the LN as canon), dynamic character relationships and top tier comedy ever since his intro.

I rate only few people above him

Attached: Classic shinji.jpg (3024x4032, 3.28M)

To me Bleach died when Hitsugaya used an ice clone to survive Harribel and somehow defeated her with falling icebergs.

Everything after that was garbage and trolling.

>defeated her
Not really

He froze her then Wonderweiss had to break her free.

Still a huge let down because Arrancars were fodder compared to Shinigami despite lore putting Vasto Lordes on the same league as captains.


Post time-skip Orihime is unironically one of Kubo's best designs. I don't know what the fuck are you talking about.

Her hair is a little poofier and her clothes are skimpy. What a great design.

Post canon ships. Cannon ships are also acceptable.

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No? She was actually a pretty genki airhead that was also academically smart. Other than liking the mc and having big tits, she has nothing in common with Hinata.

Her hair looks so good in her post-timeskip design. Based Kubo.

>In the end best boy got nothing
Kubo you fucking hack

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What? The only two outfits that I could think of as skimpy are maybe the thighhighs and short shorts and that dress in the last arc. Other than that Orihime dresses pretty conservatively.

How about actually getting a ring put on by their love interest? Its rare enough to be acceptable, right?

Attached: cannonship.jpg (550x311, 45K)

You named 3/8 of her total outfits.

>Arrancars were fodder compared to Shinigami
Again, not really. Starrk was going easy on 2 vizard captains, Barragan was defeated by his own power, Harrible fought 1 captain and 2 vizard leutenants and they couldnt beat her (no trapping doesnt count as defeating), first release Ulquiorra was shitting on msked Ichigo, Nnnoitra made Kenpachi realise if he didnt stop fucking around hed die, Grimmjow was even with masked Ichigo.

I named two outfits. Not three. Two.

I used to ship him with Orihime if IchiHime wasn't canon.

She's sex on legs without looking slutty like Rangiku, have you seen her massive hips? Also puffy hair is like the best thing ever. She basically became the human counterpart to adult Nel, which already makes her top 3 in my eyes. By the way, other than literally the last part of the last arc, her clothes aren't ever "skimpy".

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>Renji´s arm is bigger than Rukia´s torso

Now user, she fists him. Not the other way around.

She’s better with the mullet.

Ok retard

>Please Tatsuki have sex with Ichigo!

odd thing is that probably wouldn't be out of character for orihime to ask.

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I imagine Captain Kuchiki2 goes to Living World whenever she feels like it and fucks God, and Renji can't do anything about it and Orihime is too passive to even say anything. It's not even NTR, just friends with benefits, except what else is captain and God going to do without mega-hollow-Aizen-also-maybe-quincy-god level enemies around to fight except bang while watching Chad punch humans to death.

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Orihime wouldn't actually share him now that she's with him for real. Also, the mullet ruined Tatsuki for me and I can't go back to liking how she looks.

>Orihime wouldn't actually share him now that she's with him for real
Orihime isn't the type to say no.

Attached: Bleach Class Girls.png (900x600, 350K)

>Orihime wouldn't actually share him now that she's with him for real
Implying she wouldn't want to share if it made others happy
>hate the mullet

So cute.

The humans were better than 99% of any other later introduced character.
Give Kubo time, he can make some great stuff.
Give Kubo a time limit, he doesn't know what the fuck to do and just adds characters for new lines and new pointless fight you know they'll lose.

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Agreed. I liked some of the Shinigami and other characters, but the Karakura gang were my faves.

>The humans were better
This is contrarianism mixed with nostalgia

The mullet looks trashy. There, I said it.

Her being a pacifist and being passive are completely different things. She was always proactive about the things she wanted to get done (other than actually confessing to a conscious Ichigo), so I don't know where this notion comes from. Was it because she played damsel in distress in the HC arc even though she made several active decisions even during that one and was far less defeatist than Rukia during SS?

Thank you for the cute art!

what were they implying

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There were some excellent shinigami characters
There were some amazing arrancar designs
A few very interesting and engaging Quincy
Nevermind how many designs existed for the filler characters in the anime that Kubo created...

...but those few great designs contrasted with the TWO HUNDRED other designs meant for nothing and did nothing (which only got worse as Kubo became more and more samefaced over the decade). But when it came to Karakura, when it came to the humans, Kubo thought about them and designed them and they're wonderful to see interact.

Attached: I'm not jealous or anything...baka.jpg (800x1211, 101K)

>Except she ranked 2nd place in an official WSJ poll that asked readers who they wanted to receive valentine chocolate from. Rukia was first while Rangiku was third. That right there proves you wrong.
Last general poll:
(only females characters)

1. Rukia
2. Soifon
3. Rangiku (maybe)

I remember because I'm a Soifonfag and was very surprised and pleased.

>meant for nothing and did nothing
Literally the humans

I'm guess I'm in the minority who cares more about Rukia and Renji than whatever happened to Ichigo and Orihime.

>2016 +3
>Ichirukifags still seething


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Dont worry, he is cucking Haschwalth

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Mental illness.

No one has posted Best Nig yet

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>Last general poll:
I'm not talking about the datebook poll where you could only vote for Shinigami characters. I'm talking about an official special Valentine Day poll held by WSJ a few years back during the run of the manga where readers voted for the girl they wanted to receive chocolate from. Rukia was first, Orihime second, and Rangiku third.

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We're talking about two different polls, the one I remember was during the last arc.

It was something like:
2. Rukia
9. Soifon
12. Yoruichi or Rangiku
1x. Orihime

There should be a record somewhere.

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Well, then I guess we are not contradicting each other.

>the one I remember was during the last arc.
There was no official WSJ poll during the last arc. The last official poll where readers were able to vote for ANY character was held during the HM arc, the one where Toshiro landed first, Rukia second, and Ichigo third. I already explained here what poll I'm talking about, and if you want to know which girl is most popular these days, it's Yoruichi according to the mobile game poll. A poll in which only nips could vote, and in which you need an account.

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I thought bleach was really unpopular? I can understand the NaruHina thing upsetting people because of how enormous and popular Naruto was. I always thought Bleach was generally considered pretty awful for most of its run.

IchiRuki was the biggest ship and for years they spent so much time convincing themselves their ship would happen and when it didn't well they went apeshit.

Imagine being butthurt for 3 solid years over which QT in a kids' manga married the MC. It's equally hilarious, puerile, and sad.

>I thought bleach was really unpopular?
Bleach sold over 100 million copies worldwide making it one of the best-selling manga of all time, and one of the best-selling WSJ titles. There was a time when Bleach was one of the main series to read if you were a shonenfag. It's a shame how people try to act like it wasn't a huge thing at one point.

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The plot shat its bed so the last 10 years of Bleach was just edging for shipping moments and memes, and ichiruki was the biggest ship becuase it was the oldest one and also the best.

Plus even at the end, it may not have sold like it used to but it still sold decently.

So is the only thing these people cared about was the romance subplot? Not the actual shonen aspects? How long did this shit run for 10-15 years? Jeez louise.

It sold like shit at the end, barely edging on the borderlines of to-be-cancelled manga.~500k is not a safe spot in shonen jump.

>How long did this shit run for 10-15 years?
The author's memetic nature kept hopes up that some giant twist will turn it all into an amazing masterpiece in retrospect.

The best ship was ichigo and yoruichi change my mind

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That's still a decent amount. And much more in comparison to a lot of other manga.

>~500k is not a safe spot in shonen jump.
Then half the magazine should have been axed before. Bleach was the 6th best seller in jump during its last year

Post better art and then maybe we'll talk.

Anything can be much more in comparison to something shittier, that's how relativity works. Bleach sold 1 million in it's prime and so did Naruto and so does One Piece to this say.

When you're comparing a once super popular manga to the bottom of the barrel you're kind of admitting a fact. Bleach became boring, burnt out, and badly paced.

>it may not have sold like it used to but it still sold decently.
Yup. Over 400k/500k for one volume is exceptionally good. Other popular titles in other magazine sell far less.

>~500k is not a safe spot in shonen jump.
It's funny seeing you spew bullshit so confidently. Shokugeki no Soma fell to the 100k range, and WSJ still let it run to it's final chapter before moving it to the app for the epilogue. There are plenty of titles currently running in WSJ that have never reached 500k range that are still running. Bleach sold over a million a copy for a very short while by the way.

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>good Bleach fanart
Good luck with that.

I said it sold decently. Nowhere in my post did I talk about the quality of the manga or anything like that. It went downhill, that's not up for debate.

>and so did Naruto
Naruto had already ended by that time
>and so does One Piece
One Piece was always on a league of its own

Why did they continuously threaten Kubo with cancellation, then? The interview he gave after the HM arc reveals he made Ichigo lose his powers after the battle because he was going to be axed. Then they renewed his contract on a whim.

There's good fanart out there.

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What was the point of this character

>dude trust me

To be weirdly cute.

He drew him as a classmate on the cover of chapter 1 and never used him so he just re-used him as a different character later.

Just like the point of Grimmjow and Soifon was to salvage some good characters from Zombie Powder.

>Why did they continuously threaten Kubo with cancellation, then? The interview he gave after the HM arc reveals he made Ichigo lose his powers after the battle because he was going to be axed.
You expect me to believe that they would decide to axe Kubo during the peak of sales since Bleach reached it's highest highs-saleswise-during the HM arc? Post the interview, or fuck off.

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dude what the fuck are you talking about? do you even know how many manga are in the magazine right now that don't even reach 200k a volume? i swear to god the sales of one piece skewered everything. the sales of one piece are not normal, let this sink in. its in a league of its own. if your manga is selling over 400k a volume in the most popular comic magazine in Japan then you are safe.

>what were they implying
That the dyke is a hand molester

I love him.

The issue is less about Ichigo/Orihime, as that was always Kubo's intention, the issue is the writing in which was used to get there is almost literally the reverse. That and he himself said he only did the pairings because it was convenient for human/human and shinigami/shinigami, because he didn't feel like figuring the logistics of other pairings out.

Honestly the entire last 3-4 chapters of the manga especially are just an utter clusterfuck that makes Mexico look like Soul Society +15.

Considering how cute Rukia's kid is by comparison, yeah.

>said he only did the pairings because it was convenient for human/human and shinigami/shinigami
I've followed every interview since the ending, and he never said this.

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They're both adorable and would gladly watch their adventures together.

>the issue is the writing in which was used to get there is almost literally the reverse
What does this mean?
>he himself said he only did the pairings because it was convenient for human/human and shinigami/shinigami

>Rukia was never into Ichigo
>nooo but she loved him in my headcanon!!
The fact that this entire generation cant into friendship is fucking amazing

Hell the chapter after Renji loses to Ichigo is enough to kill IR.
Fuck there is also another culprit here, Pierrot.

And if we're taking the Soul Society arc then Ichigo literally fucking tossed her to Renji.

The only reason he did it was because nobody liked Orihime and he loved her. He has even went on record that he drew her more solely because people didn't like her.
He probably means that Ichigo and Rukia had actual chemistry in the manga compared to Orihime screaming Kurosaki-kun every 15 seconds and him saving her. Even his reasoning for saving was completely different with the whole "she's my friend" vs. "she changed my life and gave me meaning."

Honestly the manga really does paint more of a picture for Rukia than it does Orihime, it feels very one-sided, hell Tatsuki has more chemistry with Ichigo and they barely interact.

>The only reason he did it was because nobody liked Orihime and he loved her.
He made IH a thing cause it's what always planned which is why he gave her the canon love for Ichigo. If he wanted Rukia to be the love interest, she would have gotten the canon feelings. Idiot.


This is what really happened.

Attached: bleach.png (771x861, 522K)

Rukia is literally asked about whether she loves Ichigo during her first lunch with the girls at the beginning of the manga, she hesitates and quickly diverts the question and starts questioning herself soon after, which is then followed by Renji and Byakuya showing up.
What's he going to do, run away with her while they get chased down, or trust her to Renji's weak ass, while he actually takes care of the important people who wont follow her.

Pretty sure he said he drew her more when he got harassed by idiots who didn't like her on twitter.

If it was always planned, then he should have done a good job writing around that fact then, huh?

>Rukia is literally asked about whether she loves Ichigo during her first lunch with the girls at the beginning of the manga, she hesitates and quickly diverts the question
She doesn't hesitate. She literally spits her drink out in shock.

>Baaaw! Kubo shoot himself in the foot! No one is gonna work with him agaaaain!!!

>Kubo get picked to do the character design for the new Sakura Taisen game.

Orihime was shit by any standards of any anime.

See these two.

Kubo is a vindictive manchild.

The last volume sold more that the norm, by that time

It was fine though. All we needed was a little more from Ichigo, but it's clear Kubo wanted to make them a thing in the epilogue.

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Why do you still believe the lies of IRcucks when it's a known fact that they spew bullshit?

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>has an inner monologue about love, hate, friendship, relationships and with literally every single girl calling her bullshit and questioning it
Sorry user, it's pretty obvious, whether it remained that way or not is irrelevant, but as she became more human due to her fake body, she was clearly getting to that point.

Either way, there is no real chemistry between Ichigo and Orihime on anywhere near the same levels other than it feels like Orihime is a femcel orbiter.

Do you actually got sources for any of that or are they just pulling shit out of their ass. Also pretty sure he wouldn't have done JET if that was the case.

He did
You mean Kubo is based

He wasn't always like that. I remember when he got his work plagiarized (traced) and he just went "huh, weird" while the company lawyers sorted it out.

It's not pretty obvious. Rukia didn't have canon feelings for Ichigo. Her monologue is just her thinking that relationships in general aren't worth it.

If I had to deal with this fucking fanbase, I'd do it to.

Which is fine, my issue with it and the ending in general is that it was just poorly done. You can't slam together an entire romance in a handful of chapters and expect anybody to believe it and then say it was all planned. Hell I would rather have had Ichigo just end up single at that point, it honestly really does feel hamfisted and shoehorned in at the last possible seconds. Even during Mexico there was a severe lack of any interest from Ichigo for the most part, which is a stark contrast the him going all in for Rukia during Soul Society and their continued interactions even afterwards.

It's just bad writing, Kubo is notorious for it, sometimes he writes damn good, other times its a mess of pacing and poor judgment.

I think you're replying to the wrong person, no where in that image does it say "No one is gonna work with him agaaaain!!!" or that he was sabotaging anyone but shueisha.

I didn't make that, sorry. Supposedly there's public interviews to support this notion however, so it shouldn't be too hard to find if you really want to know.

>Orihime is a femcel orbiter.
Can't really be a femcel if she got laid in the end.
But you're right though. That is partially why the ending bothered me because you shouldn't empower these people and tell them that their behavior is fine and that they'll get the guy/girl. Bitch was obsessed af.

Remember when he got assblasted on Twitter when people told him to kill off Orihime and said he'd give her more panels in retaliation?

Oh user, you know very little about girls.

So you haven't got any sources. Figures.

And it was the son of fucking Gene Simmons of all people.

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It's all lies. IRcucks couldn't go with the excuse Narusakucucks went with when they got BTFO which was "NARUHINA HAPPENED CAUSE OF MUH POPULARITY" so they had to go with another one which was that Kubo made IH/RR happen to give WSJ finger. Their argument never made sense, but it made even less sense when the RR wedding sold very well and the Jetbook artbook became a thing.

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>You can't slam together an entire romance in a handful
Good thing that didnt happen
>then say it was all planned
When its obvious from the begening its going to happen then yes, you can say it was all planned

>can't refute anything I said with a panel of Rukia admitting that she likes Ichigo because said panel doesn't exist
Same old, same old.

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I didn't make the post in the picture, and I don't care enough to go digging late at night for something that ultimately doesn't matter. If you have evidence to the contrary though, please share.

>but it made even less sense when the RR wedding sold very well
If it was an IchiRuki wedding novel, it would have sold WAY more. You can count on it.

Naruto and Hinata however had an entire movie to develop between them and their relationship and how it actually formed, Ichigo/Orihime didn't and never will because Kubo doesn't give a fuck.

Seriously, if IchiRuki happened, we would be already reading Bleach 2 now. But we don't live in that timeline.

I do in fact remember that. But he didn't do that. What he did was put Orihime into a skimpy whore outfit for the last arc, dehumanizing her even further. So in the end I find the WSJ theory more likely than the "pissing off fans" one. You say a lot of things to haters to piss them off but Kubo himself never did anything intelligent with Orihime's character. Ever. And it's not like he was unable to write good female characters like Kishi. He just didn't.

>If you have evidence to the contrary though
Thats not how burden of proof works
The Death Save The Strawberry sold less

If it was so obvious from the beginning as though it was a traditional first girl harem, then there wouldn't be a vast difference between the fandoms constantly arguing.

Not saying it wasn't planned in Kubo's mind, but he could have done a much better job at actually conveying that to the readers, just as he could have done a much better job at a lot of stuff. Rukia/Renji had stuff, Rukia/Ichigo had stuff, hell Ichigo and fucking Nel had more chemistry than fucking him and Orihime.

Also, nobody would even want to watch an IchiHime movie.

Or maybe they don't have a film because the anime was cancelled years ago. Use your brain sometime, user.

The RR wedding novel was still a success though. So what now?

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It's also they day Everyone knew the bleach anime wasn't coming back.

This is a fact. People would have forgiven Kubo for the shit writing. Literally.
>mfw remembering how shit the writing of bleach was
...Maybe this is the better timeline. Kubo sacrificed Ichiruki to rid us of Bleach.

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>dehumanizing her even further.
Was the peach Rukia scene dehumanizing to you as well? What about the Yoruichi cat mode?

Yes I'm aware, but if you were paying attention, you'd know that I'm not the one you should be asking about this, as I don't know with certainty.

>The Death Save The Strawberry sold less
It wasn't a wedding. It didn't solidify a ship.

>then there wouldn't be a vast difference between the fandoms constantly arguing
Autists that read with their asses will always exist, no matter how obvious you make something.
>muh chemistry
Nice buzzword

Ichigo/Orihime got the only confession in the entire manga. Sure he was asleep, but that was by far the most traditionally romantic scene.

>People would have forgiven Kubo for the shit writing. Literally.
Everyone was already ready to do that when the final chapters were rolling in, but Kubo screwed that one up.

Then why even post the image to begin with?

I'm going to throw this out there. The only reason Ichigo and Orihime work is because she is filler damsel in distress that satisfies his hero complex. Whereas any other interaction with a girl he has, sure he helps them, but that ends instantly and turns into them bonding and actual friendship.

Orihime after her initial and fun introduction becomes a boring and worthless character.

No because Rukia also ripped Ass Nodt six new assholes. She was so seldom sexualized in any way the few instances of it were exotic. Orihime on the other hand did nothing but be a sex object. She's all but a traditional fantasy trophy wife.

>It didn't solidify a ship.
In the mind of many autists it did.

IRcucks wave it around as an IR novel to this day despite no IR being in it.

Nigga, barely anyone remembers that confession because of how meaningless it was. None of the characters saw it, Ichigo didn't hear it, and it wasn't a surprise to the readers since it was clear as day since Orihime's debut that she had the hots for Ichigo. It was like it never happened.

I don't think confessing to someone in their sleep (in which we already knew she liked him) means anything. She could have said it to a brick wall and it would have had pretty much the same outcome at the time.

And what about Yoruichi and her cat form? You didn't answer that. What about Rangiku and her outfit? So it's fine if fan-service is used as long as the female kicks ass?

>Rukia also ripped Ass Nodt six new assholes
"Waaah help me nii-san"
>Orihime on the other hand did nothing but be a sex object
What kind of headcanon is this?

To be fair with Rukia, her bankai has a major drawback, she should have won that without needing Byakuya asspulls.

Remember when Aizen baited everyone, even the readers, to think Orihime was important until saying "Nope! She can't do shit to help me or to stop me. I just wanted you here, Ichigo."

>mfw IRfag
>I don't even read Bleach novels
Don't lump everyone into the same boat. Just because some people were autistic about IR that doesn't mean that it wasn't the more logical/superior ship even to intelligent people. There's going to be autists being autistic about everything.

>barely anyone remembers that confession because of how meaningless it was.
Huh. Well I remember when a nip posted the confession on twitter, and it got around 60k likes. A popular nip artist drew fanart around the confession, see pic-related and it got around the same numbers. Try not to speak for everyone next time.

Attached: download-2.jpg (700x1508, 348K)

Remember when Orihime brought the main character back to life?

It wasn't even entertaining at that point, I enjoyed the shitty troll that Yammy was #0 more honestly.

Those two are actually useful in fights, unlike Orihime and her jobber shield. Orihime just exists for tits.

Because in the absence of the author actually telling us what was going through his mind, it seemed a far more likely story to me based off what I know than "ichihime was how it was going to be all along despite a large body of evidence to the contrary". So I figured I'd post it in case there was truth to it because it makes a lot of sense to me, despite being "unverified" to us at this moment.

Yoruichi and Rangiku were sex objects just like Orihime, but I don't see why you're bringing that into the argument.

Yoruichi less so than Rangiku because she was portrayed as promiscuous, her behavior was her choice.

No because she never did that, Zangetsu did.

Orihime fixed Ichigo´s bankai and he went to kill Yhwach with it

It was foreshadowed

Didn't his Hollow greatly contribute to that?

>her behavior was her choice.
they are fictional...

>Orihime fixed Ichigo´s bankai
Don't leave out who made that possible.

Honestly, as autistic as both sides are even I can see that there was more to Rukia by comparison to Orihime. Not to say I care at the end of the day, the manga isn't about romance ultimately, but it's KUBOOO guys, did we all forget this?

Wasn't it also highlighted in a post series interview Kubo did on tv or am I misremembering that? It's been years since I had anything to do with this series besides looking at fanart.

>she should have won that without needing Byakuya asspulls.
Nah. She gained her bankai through special training. Operative word, gained. Not mastered.

>don't have an argument anymore
Then stop arguing.

His Bankai would have fixed itself, we've seen this in the past with other bankais.

>in the absence of the author actually telling us what was going through his mind
But he did, IH was always endgame
>despite a large body of evidence to the contrary
Speedreading faster than light
Dont leave out who actually fixed it

>still seething
Holy shit.

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Facebook, but Orihime was the one to actually fix it with her powers. Both deserve credit.

So did Ichigo and Urahara. That hasn't stopped them from winning before without needing other's help. As Nodt should have been dead right then and there.

You too, speedreading faster than light

It was. The confession was a favorite scene of his to draw.

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>N-No, guys! She helped!

Yeah, she's there to touch everything up after someone more skilled or competent cleans up the mess.

Ichigo has main character privilege. Urahara is in a different league than Rukia. Don't try to compare.

Show us ONE time other than the ending that Ichigo showed any inkling towards liking Orihime beyond just being a friend. ONE instance of her actually changing his life and him being grateful for it. Just show us ONE thing.

Nice cope

Look at you trying to downplay her role. Facebook did his part, but without Orihime there, the actual sword would have still been fucked up. Cope harder.

>But he did, IH was always endgame

My turn, pic related.


I'll remember this later, just you wait.

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I'm more mad that Urahara wasn't the final villain than I am at Orihime/Rukia shenanigans.

Doesn't matter, narrative trumps logic. Byakuya should've died and it should've been her revenge fight. She'd have completed her only remaining chatacter arc which was stepping out of Byakuya's shadow. Still becomes a captain, inherits the 6th Division from him as a Kuchiki, except now Renji is her LT which is much better.

Last arc of Bleach was as if it was written by editors.

"Byakuya can't die, he is too popular. Also you can't show Rukia being better than him in any way, it will alienate the readers."

Kubo's ultimate mistake was writing a manga shit enough that attracts a kind of reader base that turns the manga shit when editors want to cater to it. You don't see anyone bitching about Gon being essentially written out of HxH.

>Ichigo showed any inkling towards liking Orihime beyond just being a friend.
Remember when Facebook brainwashed his friends and even his younger sisters, but it's him calling Orihime that makes Ichigo snap? I wonder what that was about.

The pilot chapter.

>ONE instance of her actually changing his life and him being grateful for it
Her bringing him back to life that sure was life changing.

Or the several times people in the HM arc used her to provoke him?

>The pilot chapter.

Lmao, you call this proofs? There's no proofs in there.

>Glorified moeblob whose entire character revolve around the MCs dick.
>Waifu of the author. Constantly showered with praises by random characters for her looks despite looking average as fuck.
>Uses a shield that always gets destroyed.
>Is never able to heal anyone who gets actually fucked up.

Who can like this character unironically?

Yes speedreading-kun, she healed it alright.

Attached: Orihime sucks.png (540x449, 156K)

>it should've been her revenge fight
>right after Komamura had his life ruined fighting for revenge
Come on user use your brain

I'm sorry you guys can't accept the facts about your useless waifu.

Her character arc was never about stepping out of his shadow since she was never in it, you idiot. Her relationship with Byakuya was about building one in the first place. Her character arc was completed back during HM when she gets to avenge the death of Kaien in her own way, that's the last time we see Rukia offer her life in order to atone for his death.

It's proof that Kubo always wanted IH to be a thing, and decided to bring it over to the main series.

Because he didn't want the last of his friends to also become brainwashed.
Just like how Rukia was used to provoke him during Soul Society?

>Is never able to heal anyone who gets actually fucked up.
Remember when she healed Ichigo, Kenpachi, Toshiro, and Rukia? I sure do.

>only one decent fight at the beginning of the manga
>relegated to being a useless and irrelevant character
>barely any screen time in the quincy arc
>not even present in the final scene
Kubo really hated him

Its funny because most of the readers actually wanted her to be better than Byakuya. Now I will say that Japanese readers are autistic when it comes to character deaths as seen with Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto.

>Just like how Rukia was used to provoke him during Soul Society?
Such as? Cause I post the scenes where enemies are literally using Orihime and possible harm being done to her to get a rise out of Ichigo which is the classic "mess with the love interest of the hero" trope.

Whats faster than faster than light?

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Remember when she healed Grimmjow's missing arm, but can also barely heal flesh wounds at the same time?

She's a mcguffin heal box whose only character after soul society is "KUROSAKI-KUUUUUUN".

Are Japanese fans this butthurt about the ending?

>but can also barely heal flesh wounds at the same time?
Such as?

The countless times they said they were gonna execute Rukia and he flipped his shit and kept pushing forward? I don't know user, kind of hard.
Then she didn't heal it, it was never broke. Checkmate wormhole-kun.

Nicer cope

Is Tatsuki on the same level as Aizen

Attached: nothing.jpg (1618x1178, 431K)

Nope. There was an entire article dedicated to making fun of IRcucks actually. They were called Ichirukists.

You can repeat that all you want. It isn't going to change things.

The hole in Ichigo's chest.
Initially yes, eventually they settled down and stopped caring.

>she didn't heal it
So what is faster than faster than light?

>You can repeat that all you want. It isn't going to change things.
Exactly. You can try to downplay her role, but Orihime fixed his sword after Facebook did his part. Cope.

Remember when we all hoped she'd get powers and become this cool kick-boxing kung-fu person who might learn under Yoruichi/Soi-fon?

Good times. Also yeah, she probably has a good deal of spiritual power in reality, since Kubo brings that fact up again when Ichigo and Aizen are fighting.

Ironic coming from you

Oh yeah. They git like several threads on 2ch about this.

People only defend Orihime because it makes an entire group mad. She never got defended prior to the ending on Yea Forums.

Aizen had intentionally lowered his power so anyone could feel it

Let us tatsukifags just have this moment damn, we got nothing the entire manga, let us have a single moment, damn user.

Remember when Ichigo was gonna go check on Rukia cause things got really fucking bad, but then Ulquiorra simply mentioned he brought Orihime to HM and Ichigo flipped his shit and forgot a basically dying Rukia?

Attached: 1564719867138.gif (480x360, 1.69M)

Okay, guys, she swept up the scraps after the real cleanup crew arrived. So impressive.

Remember when Bleach was good prior to all the Orihime nonsense and Mexico/Germany?


Because Rukia can take care of herself, unlike Orihime.

She literally says she can't heal it, Facebook had to do most of the grunt work (as well as Zangetsu who was still alive mind you as it's part of Ichigo's very being). She just did the final touches.

Give me ONE(1) good reason to like Orihime.

>Because Rukia can take care of herself
Rukia was laying on a pool of her own blood

>Because Rukia can take care of herself, unlike Orihime.
She almost fucking died in HM. Are you dumb?

What did Zangetsu do?

>A small indication of a one sided interest that doesn't ever go beyond that for most of the series is concrete evidence that it was planned the whole time.

>But all the development between rukia and ichigo throughout the entire series doesn't count


>"Orihime is useful, I swear!"
You Himefags are really having problems convincing everybody. All her moments cited that was supposed to make her worth a damn gets knocked down.

90% of the characters are like this in Bleach, its not like Shinigami don't bleed 400 litres of blood before they die.

They read the manga with their ass. What do you expect.

She is useful

She was a quirky weirdo before Mexico, after that I can't give you one other than she has big tits.
Survived. If he dies so does Ichigo and vice versa. He can't just cease existing.

Nice joke.

Yup, Kubo was pretty blatant with the Ichigo x Orihime pushing. Rukia was the one to bring Ichigo to Orihime during the beginning of the HM arc which was followed by the vow. Rangiku was the one to comfort Orihime, and tell her Ichigo needs both her and Rukia. Uryu was the one with that "she's waiting for you" monologue during the SS arc. Karin was the one to say she wouldn't be impressed by any girl he brought home unless she was Orihime level. Shinji hugged Orihime to get a rise out of him. During the second Ichigo/Grimmjow fight, when his taunting was going nowhere, Grimmjow mentions "Orihime being fucked up inside" and that's what sets Ichigo off with Grimmjow going "that's the expression I was waiting for" or something like akin to that. Nnoitra taunts him with Orihime as well. Facebook calling Orihime during the FB arc is what makes Ichigo finally snap despite being surrounded by his brainwashed friends and younger sisters. Nel was the one to kick Ichigo and scold him during that one scene where he's carrying Orihime. Ginjo was the one to bring Orihime to the training room during the FB and states that bringing her there was the correct decision. Urahara was the one that created Orihime's outfit in the final arc in order to see how things would play out. Chad was the one to bring up the outfit to Ichigo. Yoruichi was the one to scold Ichigo.

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You mean the scene where Ichigo immediately abandons the rescue Orihime plan to go save Rukia despite all of them having agreed that they'll be on their own?

He turns back not because or Orihime but because he has a "reason to fight" Ulquiorra after he admitts that he bought her there. He even calls Ichigo out of this, this meaning that he thought that Orihime did in fact betray them on her own.

That was Ichigo's general opinion on Orihime, user.

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Ok lets figure this out.

Orihime fans how would you have written the manga to make it better then, and to prove your ship was worth a damn?

Rukia fans same question.

Attached: bleach_270_16.jpg (750x1176, 123K)

They didn't have romantic development, you fucking retard. That's what you're forgetting to mention.

That not how zanpakuto work
Nice cope

Whoa now user, don't show evidence that he would rather save Rukia than fight Ulquiorra and save Orihime.

tTrying to use this very scene of all scenes to support ichihime is some KGB tier bizarro doublespeak reasoning.

Attached: bleach_270_17.jpg (750x1176, 189K)

And yet Orihime still didn't catch on in the fanbase no matter how much Kubo shilled her. He should've threw in the towel. If it doesn't work, IT DOESN'T WORK.

Neither did Orihime and Ichigo.

Ichigo didn't have any romantic developments with anybody.
Yes it is, its clearly stated during Soul Society.

>just mentioning that he brought orihime to HM checks out as harming her in ichigos book

Attached: 1481838646486.jpg (418x408, 55K)

>how would you have written the manga to make it better then, and to prove your ship was worth a damn?
Nothing needs to change because Bleach isn't a romance manga. If a few autists got the wrong message thats on them

I would had a handful of training chapters after Soul Society and then they go and deal with Aizen and Grand Fisher and that's that.

End of story, no romance, nothing. Rukia fan by the way. Would have saved us years worth of shit pacing and terrible writing.

And to further the argument, Ichigo thought that he's going to literally one-shot Ulquiorra with his new hollow powers and then go save Rukia.

He did not even change objectives. He just got obliterated.

He dedicated a literal second to this fight.

Attached: bleach_270_20.jpg (750x1176, 127K)

To be fair Ichigo is an autist, but even then he doubted her. Says a lot.

I don't know what's worse. The post itself of the people who link it as "proof"

Tatsuki deserved the screen time Keigo stole

Nice headcanon, the zanpakuto doesn't just die independently from the user

Practically no one did, this is a shounen manga with the typical asexual protagonist after all. Orihime and ichigo only got shipped when the manga was almost over, and had nothing in the way if actual development until then. And it's quite reasonable by that time that kubo decided "fuck it, I hate these publishers" and tanked his series to spite them.

He literally forgets all about a basically dying Rukia in upcoming pages, but of course you won't any further.

If he tanked his series to spite them then why did he still work with them? Seriously, this theory is stupid as fuck.

Kubo probably wanted an ending like Naruto because he saw Hinata won so thought it'd be a good idea if another big tittied girl won, but unlike Hinata, Orihime sucks and he failed.

>IRcuck theories
>ever making sense
Pick one.

>"fuck it, I hate these publishers" and tanked his series to spite them.
>source: my ass

Kubo ended Bleach because his health was getting worse, where do people even get this spiting shit from? Orihime end is still shit despite that.


You can still be spiteful even in bad health, user.

>but even then he doubted her.
No, Ulquiorra just jumps to that conclusion when Ichigo states she was taken. We see him constantly try to start shit between them. He does something similar when Orihime shields Ichigo before the Lust chapters, asking Orihime why she protected him and Ichigo tells him to shut up.

I mean he could have fucked off after Bleach ended instead of doing Jet and Burn The Witch. He had the money to do so. How fucking dumb you be to believe that stupid conspiracy theory.

If he's worked with them after bleach, then either because he can't get around working with them to get money, or that he renegotiated this time and got them to stop fucking around with his work. If I had to guess that is.

Patrician Taste coming in.

Chad/Cocaine Business

Where is Kon x Harribel and Chizuru x Karin?


So she can have cute plush interactions in kid form. The other works too.

>"fuck it, I hate these publishers" and tanked his series to spite them.
This legitimately makes no sense. Not only were the final volume sales fine, but the Renji x Rukia wedding novel was a success. On top of that, he did a one-shot for WSJ and even released the Jet artbook.

Attached: 1564752773859.png (1040x891, 1.66M)

I don't even know what to say

>He literally forgets all about a basically dying Rukia in upcoming pages
He gets a hole punched into his chest and "dies" in the upcoming pages. Next time he wake up he's already out of time to save anyone, and there's Grimmjow in front of him ,asking to fight.

And the 'didn't personally hurt my friends" doesn't apply to Grimmjow.

Attached: bleach_204_7.jpg (750x1185, 151K)

>Grimmjow x Tatsuki
Hmm, this is actually kind of nice in the weirdest and most retarded way possible.

my otp, kubos shit end be damned

This pic looks like BL fan-art

Rukia wasn't a friend, she was a lover.

She was a WIFE, user.

It would be pretty easy to shop her into Hanataro or Ishida.

Literally what?
Ulquiorra is dead.
I uh...
>Chad/Cocaine Business
Orihime/Chad. They spend most of the FB arc hanging out together, they're both Fullbringers, they're both empowered normal humans, and they're both goofy. It's literally a patrician ship.

Yeah my wife, fuck you Ichigo and Renji.

Not my ass, someone else's ass. Feel free to take it up with them, but personally it seems far more likely to me and I haven't seen any actual evidence to the contrary.

>This legitimately makes no sense.

It does, for reasons that should be obvious but allow me to explain. For one, obviously it's hard to completely sink a long running series with tons of hardcore dedicated fans. While the final volume sales were "fine" (despite the manga being god awful by that point) and the novel "a success", I would be very comfortable betting a large sum of money that they would've sold much better if it was ichiruki. That's where he would get them, by making them less money than he would have otherwise.

>On top of that, he did a one-shot for WSJ and even released the Jet artbook.

Off the top of my head, possible explanations are he needs more money/got over his spite/got his way with the publisher.

He's dead.
>Ulquiorra is dead.
That's ok, Orihime can have his ashes, she's weird like that.
>I uh...
Yes, you know you want hot blooded romance.
>Orihime/Chad. They spend most of the FB arc hanging out together, they're both Fullbringers, they're both empowered normal humans, and they're both goofy. It's literally a patrician ship.
Wrong, my taste is patrician as I stated.

She is a wife now...

Attached: wakfu_nox_cry.gif (500x250, 472K)

That not how burden of proof works retard. Don't go repeating unsourced claims

Statements are not arguments, user. I can state that the circumference of the universe is equal to its radiant. Try better.

Remember when Grimmjow tried to rile Ichigo up through taunting. He even mentions slicing his friend up, but it's only when Orihime is mentioned that Ichigo finally makes the look Grimmjow was waiting for? Interesting.

Attached: DIuWID0UMAEdYyT.jpg (1125x797, 117K)

Remember Ichigo and Rukia fuck like rabbits on the side.

Everyone wins, there.

>you have to post pages user. not going to shift through the manga to argue with you.

Then the circumference of the universe is equal to its radiant.

If you learn your power you too can be like me user. State your wishes and let it be known across the world. My OTPs are now canon and patrician.

>user goes off spewing more bullshit and theory
Will it ever end? Have you IRcucks not embarrassed yourselves enough? I remember you fucks screeched that Kubo would be burned alive by Japan, and now look at him. Character designer for the upcoming, highly-anticipated Sakura Wars.

Attached: 1487644552932.png (640x480, 422K)

You're reposting it and acting like it's valid with any sort of verification so it might as well be coming from your ass.

Ichigo got his spirit chain between his body and soul broken in like chapter 20 or something and is some sort of transcended shinigami/hollow/quincy hybrid.

He's practically wearing his human body as a gigai.

50 years later he "dies" of old age and emerges from his body only having aged as much as a shinigami world, or less (Arrancar/vizards seem to not age at all, just look at Hiyori after/before 100 years).

The lore and implications of this manga are weird and fucked up.

There's a 25-year-old looking Rukia waiting for a 25-year-old looking Ichigo in SS 50 years from now.

Attached: 0ab.gif (379x387, 83K)

user, Sakura Wars is a niche title and doesn't sell all that well. Art design looks rad, it was always Kubo's speciality.

Still waiting on that Kubo character design/fashion, Kishimoto backgrounds, and Oda world building manga called the Big 3.

Or Ichigo ends up in Hueco Mundo with Chad because of their Hollow Powers and they go on Mexican Desert Adventures with Nel and Hallibel.

Sounds much better.

Here ya go, user. Grimmjow taunting him in 279, and then mentioning Orihime in 280 which right after Grimmjow then states Ichigo is making the look he likes/wants.

Attached: bleach.jpg (1066x3686, 981K)

Baka gaijin

>user, Sakura Wars is a niche title and doesn't sell all that well.
In the West since it's not translated, but it's quite popular in Japan.

Only girl that loses is Tatsuki.

>Character designer for the upcoming, highly-anticipated Sakura Wars

Kubo was always employed on the side for shit like that, there was some one cour shit anime he made 3 characters for and there were at least two bleach-unrelated novel covers he did.

Forgot pic.

Attached: everyone wants the D.png (1024x742, 858K)

I can deal with that.

Neliel > Rukia > Tatsuki > Riruka > Orihime

And this is how one user saved Bleach.

>another thread of ichirukifaggots getting btfo
my sides are in absolute orbit

You should have that checked out, maybe Orihime can fail to heal you too.

This faggot always shows up in bleach thread going "hurr ichigo is technically dead."
He always says it out of nowhere in response to an unrelated post. No one debates him on it but he always posts it
Fuck off you are annoying

This husband, and wife are in a conversation.

Attached: Untitled copy.jpg (248x596, 181K)

Everyone lost but the two beta orbiters. It's like a joke except not funny.

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I won.

See this is why yours is wrong, their eyesight isn't squiggly, they don't wear glasses.

Everyone wants Ichigo and he fucks them all.

>childhood friends to lovers trope
>puts aside his feelings and doesn't stop her from getting adopted because he genuinely thinks it was for the best
>trains in order to up his ranking so he can simply talk to her again
>throws away his pride to beg ichigo to save her because he knows he isnt strong enough to do it
>still goes up against byakuya despite knowing he doesnt really have a chance and despite losing, he earns his respect aka the "your fangs did reach me" line
>basically tells aizen to fuck off with his "im never letting her go" line
>steps up to defend her when ichigo undermines her ability as a fighter during the HM arc
>doesnt make fun of her drawings
>despite not talking to each other for over 40 years, rukia had no problem crying into his chest
>ichigo tells renji that its his job to protect her with a smile on his face
>byakuya tells renji to take care of her during the FB src
>doesnt mind that his wife has a higher ranking than him
>doesnt need rukia to play therapist or mentor so it feels like an actual equal relationship unlike ichigo and rukia which always had a clear imbalance. whether mentally like in the beginning since she was 100+ years old but on the battlefield as well which is why they couldnt and didnt work as a fighting duo after a certain point
Great pairing, lovely pairing. Up there with Shikamaru x Temari.

Attached: DlSeCwjVAAAJNNw-1.jpg (1200x870, 155K)

Literally just saved this image. Good taste bro.

You too, user.

Attached: C0NYQd-VIAUUw0v.jpg (827x1169, 135K)

>>childhood friends to lovers trope
Shit trope and it often loses for a reason.
>>puts aside his feelings and doesn't stop her from getting adopted because he genuinely thinks it was for the best
It was for the best, he was trash and she needed an onee-san.
>>trains in order to up his ranking so he can simply talk to her again
Beta-orbiting tactic.
>>throws away his pride to beg ichigo to save her because he knows he isnt strong enough to do it
Cuck tactics.
>>still goes up against byakuya despite knowing he doesnt really have a chance and despite losing, he earns his respect aka the "your fangs did reach me" line
>>basically tells aizen to fuck off with his "im never letting her go" line
Only because Ichigo told him not to, more cuck tactics.
>>steps up to defend her when ichigo undermines her ability as a fighter during the HM arc
Ichigo was right and wanted to protect her, Renji was ok with her getting manhandled.
>>doesnt make fun of her drawings
Beta tactics, can't agree and like everything with someone.
>>despite not talking to each other for over 40 years, rukia had no problem crying into his chest
She also had no problem sticking her sword into Ichigo in a moment of hot and sexual passion in front of his sister.
>>ichigo tells renji that its his job to protect her with a smile on his face
Yeah because Ichigo is busy actually protecting her from the stronger and more dangerous people.
>>byakuya tells renji to take care of her during the FB src
Because Byakuya doesn't trust anyone.
>>doesnt mind that his wife has a higher ranking than him
Cuck and Beta tactics.
>>doesnt need rukia to play therapist or mentor so it feels like an actual equal relationship unlike ichigo and rukia which always had a clear imbalance. whether mentally like in the beginning since she was 100+ years old but on the battlefield as well which is why they couldnt and didnt work as a fighting duo after a certain point
AoC/Consensual/etc., age doesn't matter.

and not once after does he spare a thought for rukia. case closed.

More of an Ichihime fan, but these two and their kid are pretty great. Cute as fuck.

Such contrast and beauty, ended with Orihime's increasingly boring ass.

Renji/Rukia is ok though, Ichika is a qt too.

Attached: contrast.jpg (500x500, 51K)

Because the shipping in this manga is fucknig weird when you really think about the details and that is exactly why it's not unrelated. Ichigo practically doesn't share a lifespan with anyone except Rukia, meaning he will outlive her current wife like some sort of vampire, but due to him being so new to this Rukia would still be a 150-year-old pedo for going for it.

There are no good answers.

Even the author gives up halfway through and stops making a distinction between spirit bodies and physical bodies. When Ichigo is stabbed by Rukia at the end of FB arc to have his powers restore,d he is in his physical body because they were doing stupid Fullbring shit, yet he emerges from the explosion as a Shinigami.

I guess his body was just pulverized by the explosion or something lol who cares look a new bankai.

>Yeah because Ichigo is busy actually protecting her from the stronger and more dangerous people.
This kek. Renji was a glorified taxi to get Rukia down from the hill. Then got teleported back up by Chief Over-JUSTICE.

Ichigo never was "the sun"

Fuck off retard, you are annoying

>Shit trope
God-tier trope. It fits another great pairing. Ed x Winry.

>she needed an onee-san.
Ah, yes. The same onee-san that treated her with coldness, disdain, and hostility to the point where Rukia was convinced she was a stain on the Kuchiki name.

>Beta-orbiting tactic.
Buzzword from an underage.

>Cuck tactics.
Buzzword from an underage.


>Only because Ichigo told him not to
We see him staring at the same hand he let her go with chapters before Ichigo told him to actually. It was a nice little detail from Kubo.

>Ichigo was right and wanted to protect her, Renji was ok with her getting manhandled.
Renji understood the Shinigami way, you mean. Something Rukia highly values, respects, and follows.

>Beta tactics

>Yeah because Ichigo is busy actually protecting her from the stronger and more dangerous people.
Sure, but when Ichigo tells Uryu to protect Orihime, there is no smile. His face isn't even shown. It's a very different tone, very serious tone. Wonder why.

>Because Byakuya doesn't trust anyone.
Yet he trusted Renji with his pride.

>Cuck and Beta tactics.
Buzzwords yet again. Don't you that that nip women run shit? It's the norm for the wives to be in control of even the allowances of the husbands.

>age doesn't matter.
It does, and so does balance which is why I appreciate Renji x Rukia. They were shown to fight on the same battlefield, something not possible for Ichigo and Rukia due to power differences.

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He was called the black sun actually, but on some databook cover. Never in the actual manga. Masaki, and Orihime were both called the sun though.

Attached: DNs2SuLUEAAthbW.jpg (636x578, 56K)

So cute. Also they are gorgeous together. Gorgeous dorks in love.

I concur.

Attached: DQNJG3LVwAAQpEN.jpg (632x819, 103K)

The moon controls the tides and rain.

>anons still have their panties in a bunch over the mc ending up with the only girl that loved him
autism. so much autism over shonen ships. this autism shit better not happen with the capeshit manga cause we all know ochako is gonna get with deku.

Ed x Windry isn't great because they are childhood friends. They're great because FMA was written by a woman so the female characters in it are actually great.
You two keep using this word but it means big sister. Are you actually one person samefagging this argument? It'd be weird for two people to be illiterate about the same one thing, and on an anime/manga imageboard no less. Suspicious.
>Renji understood the Shinigami way, you mean. Something Rukia highly values, respects, and follows.
Hahahahahahha neither of them give a single FUCK about Shinigami laws after SS arc. They run away to HM to join the rescue mission in an instant. They were explicitly ordered by Yamamoto to stay put. Even Byakuya didn't give a shit, he have her a fucking scarf so she'd look /fa/.
>Wonder why.
Because he's struggling with 10 other things in that arc including his own hollow problem and the level difference between him and Ulquiorra being a hundred times the difference that was between him and Byakuya. And because he's turning into a cynical shell of himself unlike during SS where he was full of optimism and faith and ganbatteru.

If that's the case why didn't you marry that ugly fat girl that liked you back in elementary school user? She was the only girl that loved you.

I don't recall anyone being called the moon in the manga.

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Shut up Zommari

The volume and chapter where Ichigo goes bankai for the first time the are called Black Moon Rising

Zangetsu actually. It's a moon type zanpaktou, all of them possess Getsuga Tenshou, also Rukia had the entire moon motif in the first chapter.

>Ed x Windry isn't great because they are childhood friends.
Never said they were. Just that the childhood friend trope fits them, and I like that the trope fits them since it's a trope I personally like.

>You two keep using this word but it means big sister.
This user probably meant onii-chan, and I didn't care enough to change it. We both know what we meant since Byakuya is a male, and Rukia didn't have any older sister figure. Ever.

>Hahahahahahha neither of them give a single FUCK about Shinigami laws after SS arc. They run away to HM to join the rescue mission in an instant. They were explicitly ordered by Yamamoto to stay put. Even Byakuya didn't give a shit, he have her a fucking scarf so she'd look /fa/.
Yea, they ran away AFTER listening to Yamamoto and taking his orders. That was the only time either of them broke Shinigami code. They're still trained Shinigami down to the bone in the last two arcs. Hell, we see them still following the code in HM when Renji defends Rukia from the belittling of Ichigo cause MUH PRIDE.

>Because he's struggling with 10 other things in that arc including his own hollow problem and the level difference between him and Ulquiorra being a hundred times the difference that was between him and Byakuya. And because he's turning into a cynical shell of himself unlike during SS where he was full of optimism and faith and ganbatteru.
Interesting way of seeing it, but the shippy way tells a different story.

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Can't believe I missed the thread.

I know that, but I meant a character being called the actual moon the same way Masaki and Orihime were explicitly called the sun.

Orihime haters SEETHING

Same old, same old.

its kinda funny cause pride is what killed kaien yet rukia still follows it

>Yea, they ran away AFTER listening to Yamamoto and taking his orders.
No user, KENPACHI came to take the team back. They didn't have a choice but listen then run away when no one is looking.

You're right about that, but they still followed the MUH PRIDE Shinigami bullshit even after running away. So what now?

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Bleach has boomer morality.