Why does he still pretend to be an edgy villain?
Why does he still pretend to be an edgy villain?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's coping with 10000 murders
He has to babysit latina now
That's his appeal, if he acted lawful good there would be no charm
He needs a second injection of Tvirus to fix his gut failure.
Old habits die hard.
I hope this gets to the part where he goes full edgelord on the other demon lords
He's literally just a chuuni who got to live out his fantasy for a while.
>for a while
If you haven't caught up to the novels, you'll be into a wild ride
Why don't they just poison his food?
Academy city doesn't want him to die and no one else is in position to even try poisoning him.
>if he acted lawful good there would be no charm
Kuroko is lawful good and she's likable. If anything he can develop out of it.
What bothers me more is why Touma keeps going on about being above good and evil. If you do good things, that means you're good. It's that easy. Same goes for Accel, whom Touma has infected with this retarded mindset as it seems.
Accelerator anime happened before Index II(so far). He is still an edgy villain.
>Touma keeps going on about being above good and evil
He literally never says that.
Kamijou-chan made the above good and evil stuff up to get Accel out of his villain phase, speedreader-kun.
He does say something along those lines in his second fight with Accel.
Touma is judge, jury and executioner of everything supernatural.
Being above good and evil is in his job description.
Also he has to explain his PTSD Fairy relationship somehow.
All he says is to not care about being a hero or a villain. Nothing about being above good and evil.
That's why I said along those lines.
he talks way too big but doesn't do anything, it's pure cringe. Almost making the chuuni act unbearable
I miss the old accel who actually delivers on his words
Does he ever recover or that injury is permanent?
They're completely different things. Accelerator had a Hero(Villain) complex which made him all kinds of retarded. Touma told him to ditch that and just do what he wants to do.
Completely nothing about good and evil.
His appeal was when he was actually an edgy little brat. The thinnest veneer of "acting" like his old character isn't fun at all. He's been reduced to particularly awful male tsundere.
What does he listen to
He's battery-powered for the rest of the story, it doesn't really cripple him.
>underage edgefags getting cucked by healing.
Accel grew up, why can't you?
>He literally never says that.
>made the above good and evil stuff up
He does repeatedly state that good and evil are just shackles that hold people back, even before meeting Accel. It's literally explained by Aiwass that he doesn't give a shit about society's concepts of good and evil. He just does whatever he thinks is right at the time, even if it means saving the same villain he punched a few minutes ago (which, like i said, isn't actually above good and evil if you get down to it but that's beside the point).
It's not above the point because that's completely different from being above good and evil. Both in meaning and implications.
what is the timeline of this?
Is this after the events of Season 3?
I always figured it's sunk cost fallacy. He thinks it's too late to try change his image.
It's pretty cringeworthy how he pretends to be evil while trying to be a hero. I like this albino tsundere nonetheless.
Season 2 I think.
It's after S1. It starts with him in rehab from getting shot in the head while saving Last Order.
He can detect and force out poison.
>because that's completely different from being above good and evil.
Then why does he still act like it isn't?
Sure, then he needs to stop talking like a edgy 11 yo and embrace his new more mature self
What's the point of watching him rant with his chuni laugh and autistic speak when we know that he isn't actually going to do anything, it's cringy.
Just drop the act, nobody likes empty words.
why can't he just vector energies to recharge the battery in his neck? or heck, carry a spare
I read that as "virgin"
>Why does he still pretend to be an edgy virgin?
because he can't vector recharge his empty battery if he's out of battery.
>Touma keeps going on about being above good and evil.
It is all 100% bullshit.
He doesn't.
Because its all that he ever was, its a shame he tries to run so desperately from the consequences.
This is one of the few cases in this series where thermodynamics matter. He loses more battery than he can recharge
The battery is a writing device to add tension during fights and act as a limiter on him generally.
The reason why he doesn't fix this problem is secondary.
When does Mikoto shows up?
are the misakas not enough for you?
Why would you want the inferior 1.0 version to show up when we're going to get some of the vastly improved versions?
Accelerator sucks.
He will just use his powers to take the poison out of his bloodstream.
>Does he ever recover or that injury is permanent?
If went back to his former self, there would be really no challenge against him for the rest of the story.
Pretty sure thermodynamics doesn't work like that.
It does. Energy transfer can't be 100% efficient so battery -> Accelerator -> battery will result in lost charge.
>off by 7
So why is it that we have a Toaru Magazine but it only is for Accel and Railgun while SAO can have a magazine that covers all its series?
The main series is dead and JC Staff killed it. Only Accelerator and Railgun remain.
Probably because unlike SAO it's a one time thing and not serialization.
Aren't you forgetting someone?
Just give me your opinion man
Does he ever start to carry around spare batteries?
Size difference I suppose.
Better to have one good slice of one series then to have a bunch of them in small stripes.
He doesn't need to. Anyone who forgets about the TRUE NUMBER ONE doesn't deserve an opinion from an enlightened one.
Makes sense. Do it one at a time.
Thermodynamics don’t necessarily work like that, especially when you have a power that can eliminate the excess flow of heat.
If that was true, they why does someone post that jiangshi whenever Accelerator’s powers are mentioned?
Esper powers don’t work like that in terms of actual science, but that’s never stopped Kamachi before.
All this NaCl
Its Dark Matter, not salt.
but it’s all white and flaxey
Milk tanks aren't big enough
Are we ever going to get a flashback to pre-trauma Accelerator, back in his childhood? The brief Railgun flashback where his face is shadowed out notwithstanding.
based kakineposter
Accel isn't bound to spend more energy to control less, tho.
Remember that one time he threw a building? By your logic, that should've spent the entire thing.
You want edgy accel back?, just kill Last Order. But, by doing that you threaten the whole world of toaru, and you know, Accel will probably be stopped in the end, but this time, forever.
Eat shit, braindead Accelfag.
Can’t have any conflict other than Muh Clones in Accel’s past, otherwise you’re totally justifying the death of innocents!
Why do you keep this thread alive if you hate Accelerator so much?
>Muh semantics
God you fags will latch onto anything to start an epic shitstorm.
They get so angry over everything. Pity their family lives.
Does the most recent season of magical index get any better? I couldn't keep watching it after the first like 4 episodes, it was just painful. I remember liking the previous.
>Kamachi ever killing a loli
The author is a card-carrying paedo.
>Accel will probably be stopped in the end, but this time, forever
And? Someone with his temperament is a danger to everyone around them. You have to wonder why Last Order even feels safe near him knowing what he's capable of.
No sadly they fucked it up pretty hard. No point in watching it.
It's called saging
Not him but she's implied to be really smart so she knows what she's getting into. She explained he's a reasonable guy, him having a temperament doesn't change that. Only fucktards and other lunatics are in danger around him.
>that jiangshi
kek, secondaries.
Murderhobochinkvampire is kind.
I sincerely doubt every antifag in this thread saged, and you’re still inviting responses by posting. Only thing to do against a character you hate is ignore them.
He has conflict with the #2 that is unsettled though.
In a few episodes you'll reach the peak of Index III's quality. No lie, and it wasn't a very good adaptation of that particular scene either.
It goes all down hill from here. Read the novels
What was that accelfag? All I heard was the sound of you coping.
He literally came in an inch of killing her with his wings
jiangshi is a Chinese vampire, in case you didn’t realize you were being redundant
>Kakine makes AM lolis
>Accel goes nuclear when he snaps their necks in unison
>in his past
Read nigga
LO can turn him into a vegetable with a single snap.
She can't disconnect the network at supersonic speeds.
damn, NT9 is so good
She can, tho.
I'm not sure what part of "the network does Accel's calculations for him" you didn't understand.
Duh, I pulled her off once you called a kind Murderhobochinkvampire something as lame as “that jiangshi”.
it was simply rude.
So you're saying Accelerator flying at mach speed would suddenly lose all of his built up momentum the moment she tries to pull the plug. You can't be this naive.
No plug needed, if network is disappointed in him enough to bother – snap and he is a soft fleshbag vegetable flying at mach speeds.
Not that it would ever happen, Accel is a good boy.
Are there enough scenes with accelerator in index s3 to warrant watching it?
Why did you have to be the one to reply to me, disgusting titsfag? Kill yourself for making such a shitty edit.
Chuuni disease and social anxiety. Anyone who claims that they don't care about or need anyone around them is extremely weak internally and will collapse like a house of cards the second the world actually starts negatively affecting them. As seen here
Once it happens black wings are out, which the network would rather avoid.
How new.
Seems like you hold some deep-seated issues that need to me dealt with. Yea Forums isn't your therapist user
The clones can't do a thing to stop the wings since they transcend science. I think you misunderestimate just how bullsnot Vector Boy's power is.
A bit less bullshit than an artificial Kabbalah tree made out of dead and living souls.
Best doujin.
But user that's my edit
Something nearing the level of Aiwass is less bullshit? U wot mate?
More like Asspullerator
What the fuck is all that brown you lowlife degenerate
More like Asspullmachi
Pretty sure platinum wings is Aiwass tier.
Aiwass is a chair.
And Accel is nowhere close to that position.
Read the novels.
*Beep boop*
user.exe heard something he believed was wrong
*Blip blip*
user.exe.print ("Read the novels")
Dilate harder Kekmanlets
Truck sized lizards win again.
Have sex.
I just want to know since I never finished reading the old testament, is Accel still relevant in the NT?
Nah, he is lost and forgotten.
There's nothing of substance within his past. We already know that he's been through a lot of experiments, but that's really all that needs to be said. SISTER's is the one that warped his sense of ethics which is why stopping it was so important to Accelerator's growth. However all of those supposed experiments and questionable actions are all a part of an overreaching concept of guilt and redemption. It unifies his entire upbringing
His conflict with Kakine, who has experienced similar or worse things than Accelerator, uses this idea to set their conflict. Kakine is the ghost of his past, even with the white winged revelation Kakine came close to mentally breaking him. Accelerator similarly deconstructs him but Kakine excels at the mind games.
Accelerator fucks squids.
Shitposters from Yea Forums are a dime a dozen
Two trucks, dare I say, having sex
Explain further.
He has irregular appearances but shows up to participate in the final arc of NT. And the conclusion to that basically propels his character all the way up to most-relevant.
>final arc of NT.
Holy fuck what? NT is over now? Is the series over?
No, part 3 has already been confirmed for 2020. The series is far from over.
Nope. Part 3 confirmed for 2020, but the Magic vs Science saga that you know did come to a conclusion, but of course that was just a set up for what was looming in the background.
Yes. Touma and Index got married
Messy; bloody; Boiling hot lizard sex.
Tags include - deep penetration; rape; amputation; vore; guro and a wee little bit of vanilla at the end.
Not this shit again.
The mere sight of it makes the Founding Fathers cry. Even simply thinking about it causes my muscles to flex. It's beautiful.
>It was all just setup dude, the writer hasn't just been dragging his feet for 15 years
You should catch up. The final quarter was a wild fucking ride.
Learn what tsundere means, you retard.
He hasn't but I know your shitposting ass hasn't read it nor is interested in being corrected so don't worry.
Yes, part 3 will be SOL romcom shinanigans with lots of cute healing and sappy speeches.
Part 3 in 2020.
Watch out you might be dealing with the ebin ass based retard who read the series to hate on it!
Mathers fucking wishes he was Scottish.
*Beep boop*
user.exe heard something he didn't agree with
*Blip blip*
user.exe.print ("Read the novels")
Close program? (Y/N)
Probably but looking at his reply, it seems I was right.
Something caused Accelerator to reach the point where he was willing to participate in the experiment in the first place. Kakine looks like he really did incorrectly project himself onto Accelerator now that his past is being confirmed and he's spending his time in the Deep Darkness protecting a loli. Saying that one girl's death is comparable to the multitude of horrors Accelerator and most of the children that aren't even in the corrupt school system have experienced is a reach.
>Something caused Accelerator to reach the point where he was willing to participate in the experiment in the first place
Yes, it's called lack of empathy.
Those human arms are still freaky as hell.
>on all fours
BTFO, based retard
>still replying trying to get me riled up
Oh noo what will I ever do
Has touma vs accelerator 2 been animated yet?
Concession accepted, seethe.
He's been doing it all day, don't fuel the Yea Forumsermin
Yeah. It sucked though.
>One guy
I only opened this thread a couple hours ago, cuck. Try again.
Yeah dont worry I was just having fun with him since he seems insecure.
>One loli death
For all we know, he could be partially broken after participating in events that might have killed many other people. The loli might have been healing him but she died in the crucial moment and he sunk down. I remember making a theory years ago where there was an important someone to Kakine who accidentally ropes herself into an experiment in an effort. If its Kakine's sister, it would be a good idea to show elaborate just how much genetics and/or a family bond could work into the usage of ones power. In this case, they would try to use his sister to attempt to produce another node of Dark Matter, which would turn her into a DM chimera that Kakine would have to personally execute. We cannot just assume that he was left alone, cause his ability (while not being considered the top rank) was highly valued, such that development of it was worth the loss of Academy City's premier scientists. I'm assuming he got bugged more than Accelerator because of the exotic and liberal usage of his matter
>salt is NaCl
salts are a wide group of compounds and sodium chloride is only one of them.
>what is perspective
No U, sweety.
Where do I subscribe bro? Have some karma :D
>theorycrafting is taboo according to Yea Forums
God, has all the fun been sucked from that place? Do they only shitpost, post buzzwords and pit shit in competitions?
Seems like it, all they know is cuck, no u and projecting their family problems here
Since you don't like table salt, how bout some bath salts for your food instead?
>Get btfo
>Deflect to Yea Forums
Holy rent free
>implying the problem with most people's lives isn't their job
Might just be both if you look at MP
Based Accelniggers
can Abe Atsushi even pull this thing off?
Why is light novel dialogue so cringy?
He's probably been practicing that monologue for years by now
kamachi and nips
He read that part already
He got VA boner the second he read it. That boner is still with him.
>doubting Abe
Off yourself.
>thinking Abe can't do it
Abe has been practicing since NT9 came out lad. He will do it flawlessly.
I wouldn't doubt that he knows this shit by heart. I'm also looking forward to “I’ll kill you!! You and only you!!!!!” He's probably going to scare the other people in the room.
That's where you are wrong. The clones are their own magic tree now
That line pales in comparison to the NT9 speech, bub.
They aren't quite at the level of bullshit as Aiwass, user. And this is their hard cap.
Accel's platinum wings appear when he is using Clonoth.
Clonoth is that tree.
Accel's platinum wings appeared before he used Clonoth in NT22R speedreader.
Because his sins will never be forgiven and he is hellbound.
casual reminder that Touma will grow no taller than 5'8" while Misaka will cap out at 5'10" with a B cup.
Eh you can take it both ways.
545 was on him from the start of the fight so her comment can be taken as delayed, no reason to assume he was not using it from the get go.
That won’t be cleared until the next wings usage.
She’s definitely a sinner for the amount of semen she caused countless men to spill.
Why would anyone assume it wasn’t activated before she specifically mentioned it?
Because after she said it nothing has happened.
muh heart.
So the Clonoth was less effective than the wings.
I too, enjoy seeing threatening antagonists reduced to moeblob haremettes.
Nothing has happened at all but she did for some reason say that line.
Platinum wings were born out of the connection to Clonoth, so delay in 545 announcement is possible.
Once again we can confirm or deny it next time he uses wings.
having Touma acting all goofy and shit despite their current predicament at the time is surprisingly cute.
This is the same author who came up the cringy idea of "battle nuns" with a straight face.
Yeah that was a cute moment.
Kamachi didn't invent battle nuns you fucking newfag
You need to be 18 or older to post on this site
These two are fun.
>came up with the idea of battle nuns
>came up
Oh my god you're not even trying
His obsession to think everything is cringey reminds me of a 13 year old. I think it's reportable.
I never said he invented the concept but he uses it in a way that comes off as unintentional comedy. Either way, it is pure cringe.
kek. real glad I started plowing through NT
I really wouldn't mind an Othinus-tan/-chan spinoff right now
>This is the same author who came up the cringy idea of "battle nuns" with a straight face.
>same author who came up the cringy idea of "battle nuns"
>same author who came up
Fucking hell nigger.
Choke on this (YOU) and die.
That's literally what you said, otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation
This is what you said dumbass. No semantics nothing, you can't skirt your fucking idiocy here. Here, mut, I'll give you a free bait by calling you Yea Forumsermin so you can dodge the topic by saying "rent free"
I think you need to leave your mom's basement.
Oh the projection. Not surprised you ran out of ways to spin your shit and had to go back.
No, it's "Literally" you misinterpreting my statement on purpose, since we want to misuse the word literally now.
lmao now your bullshit is cringe, wait till you get to high school before posting here AT LEAST
So, how did Misaki perform this miracle?
No you can't take it both ways.
Is Misaki gonna get Dragonned?
Concession accepted.
Yup. Thanks for admitting your fuck up, ESL.
Absolute cringe. Also, I can't even begin to not find this shit creepy after the little stunt Shitnus pulled on the guy, and I'm not even a Toumafag.
It's already been confirmed, it's not anybody's fault you refuse to believe what has already been said and shown, clearly shown at that. Also the wings aren't connected to the clonoth but the change in Accel's mentality, just like his other wings, which again was clearly shown in NTR22.
Anyways, who made batle nuns first? from the top of my mind I remember Chrono Crusade, but I'm sure there were battle nuns earlier than that
They both are effective. With the clonoth he can deal with magic and can take charge of metaphysical/conceptional shit. With the wings he can force souls out of bodies and shake the galaxy using holism.
Making things up now, huh? Yikes you're desperate.
I loved Chrono Crusade, the blonde was hot
Toumafags don't care about her treatment of his character. They just see another slut lusting for his dick and call it a victory.
>tries to spin his bullshit claim into something entirely different
>pretends that it can be read multiple ways despite it not having such versatility
Nah. You're an ESL or an underage, or both.
Same, I don't remember the plot anymore since I never rewatched it from almost half a life ago, but she was pretty cute and blonde
Kamachi should stop pretending and make Mikoto the main character for Part 3
Mugino vs stiyl, who will win?
OT15 Kakine asked the same question, he ended up as a fridge
No shit. Misaki literally turns from great in Railgun to absolute shit in the LN whenever she's around Touma, and Othinus turned into a literal Touma drone with zero ties to the rest of the cast in juts the later half of NT. I really don't want to hate any of these characters, but Kamachi needs to cut this shit.
You're the only one who tried to spin anything, though?
I know your agenda depends on pretending otherwise.
Thanks Drew
Thanks Jim
This was actually meant for . You may carry on with your discussion.
Based, calling out Toumacucks.
Yah I'm thinking something along those lines as well. I think Kamachi has two main traits that he can use to branch out on his character
1-obsession with power and authority
2-rejection of morality
I feel like having loli die because of his mistake or power would fuel both and really allow for some original route of tragedy, rather than "well shit, she died, time to destroy the world" (which is not exactly bad but bit underwhelming for a one shot)
I think leaving us with a final page of shock (Kakine stabbing loli with a wing) would be a good clif hanger for later part 3 development.
Animeonlyfag here. Is there any chance they will adapt everything from the LN cause I think I've been missing out more and more new contents every year passes. I have no idea what the fuck happened during Index ss3, thanks god they slow down for Accel
Just read the LN, even if they adapt more content it's going to be rushed with so many details left out it'll be impossible to make sense of anything.
The source material is nothing special. I know shills will disagree, but as a franchise Index is just solidly OK. Reading the same thing in book form isn't gonna change your overall opinion.
That'd be a valid point if he actually understood what happened in S3
imagine if you had sex as many times as he has killed someone how that would force you to act toward sex to keep it interesting or entertaining
thats why
What is this badly drawn trash, kys.
oh hey it's best girl
Have sex
with Esther
Railgun novel serialization when?
Who the fuck would want to taint their bloodline with Jew genes? Fuck off, Rosenberg.
>hook up with a 10/10 blonde cutie with a big rack
>live like a king with her money
There are literally no downsides, goy.
Bad goyim needs punishment
SH SS soon
If they were hot anybody would.
at which volume/chapter did Touma acquire his hoodie again? I can't remember it but I'm pretty sure he didn't have it on OT
This cool but I thought it was the real deal. Also + points for this acknowledging how small MH is in comparison to Kakine.
In NT 5, from a trashbin
Rummaging trash in NT6
I wonder when they’re going to announce the new preview for Railgun it if they’re going to show it first as a surprise because I think I’d like it more if they showed it randomly at an event more because it’s a lot more exciting. It seems like the only two anime I really care about anymore are taking forever for the previews to come out even though they have both already been announced to the public a long time ago.
Is there more of this kino? Girl in dress is so fucking cool I swear
Isn’t that supposedly Kakine’s girlfriend? She showed up in the Index anime for a little bit but she really didn’t do anything with him besides chase down Hamazura for whatever reason.
Hey! Do you guys think that if Mikoto finally became a level six that she’d be able to be more at ease because she’s powerful enough to help her friends without getting in their way? I think she has always kind of wanted that but she just doesn’t have enough power I guess.
stfu mobilewhore
I’m not even talking.
>help her friends without getting in their way?
If anything they get on her way
lmao no, they work partners
But yes, few blow/poon jobs were given l
It was weird going from NT9 to NT10, Othinus felt like a completely different character to me. I just couldn't buy into it and I still can't.
Do you guys like girls that look like Misaki more than girls that look kind of like Saiai? Like, if you could pick would you guys want somebody tall and popular with a perfect body or would you guys be into somebody who is short with not really any boobs or anything but they’re more faithful to you?
No she will finally develop a new way to follow Touma around properly
Everybody always makes it seem like she’s in the way though.
They have good chemistry though. I think they’re a better couple than Kakine and Uiharu because they don’t really match up as well. Kakine would be more of a Leo while Uiharu is more of an Aquarius.
We all will.
I think most guys would want a girl like Saiai more because she’s less maintenance and she’s going to be a better companion in the long run because she doesn’t have guys trying to pick her up all the time just because she’s got big boobs and she’s taller.
There a higher chance that the Girl in Dress was the one who was truly in control of everything. Her power is perfect for that kind of evil Manipulative.
She like a evil version of Misaki.
This is set before index 3 which is when he starts to realize that being a villain isn't enough to protect the one he loves.
An S.T.A.L.K.E.R ?
I think that if a normal guy wanted wanted the perfect girlfriend they’d probably choose Kongou. She’s able to speak about whatever while also keeping positive and she gets along with just about everybody. Even though her and Kuroko don’t get along they still are able to be nice and not fight. She doesn’t really threaten anybody but when she does it’s because she’s serious like when Baba was going out of control and she’s just well adjusted altogether but at the same time she’s nice to people who need help and she isn’t the type to judge people at first glance in a serious way.
No I agree, I think it's far better than pure girl × Cunt dynamic imo, but MH was never relevant again and Kakine only appears for plot significant scenes and then gets shafted out of the story so no casual scenes to establish what's what. I really liked their Idol interactions tho
>Would you rather have a physically disabled fat hag selfish twat or a fit loyal breeder wife who shares your interests and actively aims to please you sexually and emotionally
I feel like Misaki would just make fun of people for no reason.
Yea, I agree. They’d do well together but I think Kakine has some problems that he needs to work out before he starts dating. He’s got potential but he’s just so rude to everybody around him because he’s focused on being the best which I think isn’t the way to go about it. I really wish he’d get along with the other characters more because he’d be a good friend to have when things went wrong but he doesn’t see that. He just wants to do everything alone and he’ll probably regret that because he’s going to miss out on how to communicate effectively with others and everybody is always going to think he’s just being rude when he finally tries to be good for once.
Othinus is the best match for Touma. If she gets her power back, they can fight each other for all eternal and fulfill each other lust for fighting.
Even if Kakine stayed evil he can still have evil friends.
She’s not. Her outfit is the only reason he probably keeps her around.
I stop reading this shit like 10 volumes ago, did we ever find out what alester's plan was?
The whole point was she got sick of it. Dumb Othifag.
I don't think Kamachi gives evil characters as much causal scenes so he's screwed until redemption. Maybe the new one shot would give us one or two but even in that, he's more or less confirmed to be screeching in that one as well considering the tragedy implications
GG, we don't even know what kind personality he has when it's not work now that I think about it
To rape Touma
Fuck magic and magic gods
name a evil character that had many friends/fun scenes
I kind of want him to turn into a normal human with no powers so he can learn that life isn’t so bad without power and rankings. Kind of how like Inuyasha agreed to give up being a demon for Kikyo even though he only wanted to be a full demon for that majority of his life. I think people want power because they don’t have somebody to care about. I think having a companion and somebody to tell jokes with and have fun with beats out having power because in the end once you have the top power you can’t really do much. You can change other people’s lives but that won’t really make you happy on the inside. Helping people is good and it can make you happy but I think eventually everybody wants a soul to connect with.
What about image breaker, do we know what it really is?
Wait, this was volume 13, at some point?
Magic causes distortions in the world called spark that cause good and bad luck, Aleister autistic rival casted various spells in other to kill Aleister's baby, Aleister decided to destroy magic as a whole as a result of it
Imagine Breaker is an exorcism tool used for summoning, why the fuck it ended up in Touma and why is it so attached is a mistery
No, in the early art, they always use 13
This is the right answer.
No, it too rape magic
I thought it was given to him by the magic gods. Isn't that what the high priest told him and his refusal to act as their scorer was the whole reason why world rejecter was created?
For OT they use a backward pentagram and for NT they use a normal pentagram. What will they use for the Third Series?
That what the Magic Gods said and in NT 22 R, Othinus said basely said that Crowley is the person truly closest to understand IB and IT
It's not really that it was "given," their desires leaked out. Both IB and WR are made from the wishes of magicians, and MGs make up 99% of the magic side's power, so their desires influence things more. They don't choose where those things go.
Also WR manifested because of them losing faith in Touma after WW3 and Othinus cucking them of him. Kamisato already had it when Touma met HP.
You will have to wait till volume 2 of the Third Series because the first volume never had said symbol on it
>Kuroko is lawful good and she's likable
>she's likable
That's a hard no from me dawg
Unicursal hexagram.
>This cool but I thought it was the real deal.
If it's not real then what is the source?
Jew symbol
Rose and cross
That explanation makes more sense, so is that why WR had such oddly specific conditions to activate when it manifested?
Third series will have a Unicursal Hexagram
Forth series will have Unicursal Hexagram with a Backward Pentagram inside it.
Fifth series will have a Unicursal Hexagram with a normal Pentagram.
It Index does not end after the fifth series, I have no idea what will be uses
Our contributing nip drawfags, good stuff
Only stopping at a fifth series. We are going to be as long as JOJO, so Eight to Ten series.
Probably, IB is based on the desire to cling to the current world, WR is based on wanting to abandon it.
Can't wait for the series to end with volume 235, 50 years from now.
A gay priest will reset the universe and give us gay adventures of cripple Touma and cowboy Accel
So, in other words they're low-aiming insecure cowards. Good to know. Also, what fucking series have you been reading? On top of being ridiculously loyal, Misaki does care about Touma's well being, maybe in a way that's the most functional among all the haremettes.
She at least would make fun of this goblin and her faggot boyfriend(s).
Only 155 more volumes before Touma gets out of high school.
Only 2-3 more volumes before we get Kamijou Touma and the Terraforming of Mars
This. It only becomes a weakness whenever he is in a Situation which he would solo otherwise, anytime else its as if he isnt injured at all.
So volume 202, when Laura Stuart(Crowley) Gets Hooked on Black Vinegar is the last volume before the final arc begins
He becomes a vegetable whenever accel wants it,so he is like her pet.
I always pick Mikoto, but if had to pick one of those whores I would pick the less whore-looking one: Misaki.
The MGs couldn't fight back and were stunned by what WR could do, so it probably transformed when Kamisato gained it.
No that only around half way into Part Nine(Ninth Arc) there still more then 10 volumes left in it.
Accel ed is so good!
Timespans in index are hyper compressed so still is like measuring things in hours/days.
Saiai looks like Mikoto though
Mikoto has major slutface
Whats Mikoto gonna do if the chairman himself shows up to stop her from whatever terrorist act she is doing in AC?
Was that drawing every finished?
>hmm, mysteriously flat
Yeah, but did you know that human bodies have something called bioelectricity?
Can Mikoto control bioelectricity?
she can control the bioelectricity in my penis
And you shouldnt because it was just the author not having the balls to kill of a character in front of the MC despite how much build up it had. Instead we just went powercreeping to hell with the last 10 books.
*She's like a more evil version of Misaki
Fixed that for you.
Didn't she overcome a paralysis by directly controling her muscles? Too bad she is too pussy to hijack other people.
She could only hijack people to a very limited extent with this method.
Denial over being healed
But even that is not right. We don't know IB's current shape and why it chose Touma, KnT was about to finish before being stabbed so there's a lot more to it. That seems to imply fish eggs and KnT have been with him since the beginning while IB came right after
I'd r*pe fuck middle schooler Touma
Mitsuari is such a poser loser. No matter what Kamachi writes about her after and how many retcons he introduces, it's not going to change the fact that she just stood there and cried like a little bitch about AC picking Misaki over her, while both her reaction and the story proves them right in doing so because Misaki was able to save herself plus a bunch of other people.
There was no retcons regarding Mitsuari though. Filling in the blanks of things we don't know is not what retcon means user
Misaki only made things worse this arc
Cant wait for Touma to get brain damage again
Unless the poison instakills him he can ignore the effects by manipulating the shitty vectors that describe most physical quantities
Midriff senpai
sugoi Kamachi twitter.com
Meh, when I read Nogi in the link I expected a semi-naked pic of Misaki/Junko. He has spoiled me too much.
>carry a spare
You made a mistake. Own up and get over it instead of trying to pathetically backpedal.
I didn't say he started already, learn to read. I said if he starts making excuses for her being a vindictive little cunt and a coward I'm just not gonna buy them.
I really hope there's another character in this SS that carries it because I couldn't give less of a shit about Ayu or Seria.
Why is Touma blue?
He has literal brain damage
I never really understood his original mindset.
>I don't want to hurt people
>So i'll be an edgy lunatic who hurts people
>oh no I have PTSD from hurting people
Kill magic and getting punched by touma
When will Kuroko have her way with Touma?
Kakine is the most boring character of this series and Kakine posters are pure cancer, second only to Kurokofags
Is it worth watching if i dont remember the plot of previous seasons?
When will he marry Mikoto?
Ayu is fucking cute, I wonder if Kamachi is gonna drag her up to relevancy one of these days
All you need to remember is that accel is an edgy retard who killed a lot of clones, got beat up and then shot in the head, and now he's a brain damaged edgy retard who's guarding the loli clone.
>Kakine is the most boring character of this series
Not when Accelerator exists.
I hope Biohacker has a Level 4 Mikoto cameo
I hope not, she'd be a shittier Misaki
When Mikoto beats him up
The real question here is will he plow the Jewess
Why? Just because she’s a girl?
How? She’s blonde.
We like Estelle right?
And Index too!
I personally like Kuroko.
Stiyl needs a hug and he needs a hug asap.
I’ll hug him. Don’t worry! I’ll hug him!
Reminder that Accel's ability is female
That's how being amoral actually works. You act in accordance with your personal principles, not because someone tells you that this is good or bad. If it ends up helping someone along the way, that doesn't mean that the person in question is good or on the side of "good". Intent is actually incredibly important in this regard.
Because she's cute, useful and likable
It's right before NT11 so she'd be Level 5 by now
If Ant returns for part 4 she will be there to cuck Misaki; be smug about it and rub it in.
>aww he can’t remember you, sooooo saaaaad LOL LOL LOL
Sounds fun.
Mikoto would probably zap Ayu's tits off for bullying her
If people are scared to the point of avoiding confrontation with you, you don't have to hurt them.
>accel got the hottest toaru girl
Sasuga number 1
how is the corpse girl's hand in fine shape after getting it grinded by a heavy machine and spilling liters of blood?
Is common sense too much in this anime?
Not even a big Toumafag but that's just wrong
Because being punched by Touma while listening to his motivational speeches about living your life correctly is Accelerator's fetish.
In the manga it didnt seemed like that, but Estelle dialogue drags it out
Does the Yen Press release even sells well enough for them to do NT?
hot nice girl > crazy evil witch
Magic gods are kind
Please, she'll just get double teamed by misamisa bantz and she'll drop her spaghetti. Ayu is just a poser.
Considering astral buddy got licensed already I assume raildex stuff sells pretty good, they're just missing the SS novels which is pretty shitty
She isn't even hotter than the average Touma drone. Other than her jewess tricks she's nothing special.
Yeah, kind of shit.
What about Saten?
Well we all like her. That’s obvious.
>nothing special
She's very much top 3 hottest, her personality also helps her a lot.
It wasn't murder though. Thery were just terminals for 1 indiviual, the Will of the network
That’s fair.
>Being this wrong
Level fives are too weird for you to date and Index is a goddess and can’t be touched by filth like us regular humans. I’m just doing you a favor.
The most upstanding citizens of Blandvill.
Friendly reminder.
Not you GP, you're a swell guy. Literally the only non-shit MG.
Because almost everybody in this series in bland and they stand out!
She might be hot but she is Jewish.
Kitten mittens!
Cuter/sexier girls:
hungry loli nun
Arisa is also a forgotten cute.
But I have to admit she always felt like a re-color Saten.
Index is dogshit
I don’t like her pants. They kind of look like mom jeans.
Because she's not canon. Filler movie appearance only.
She’s a girl.
She’s... canon.
Oh so you're being a dumbass thinking giving reasons and filling in the blanks like a normal person for ones actions like we've had in AB is "excuses"? Wow you must be fun at parties /s
Literally disproven by Kakine.
Kanon Nakagawa!
Not really. Ayu probably changed after that incident and Touma dropping some illusion breaking fists.
Kakine is basically a scientist.
People only care about Anal Boredom due to recency bias. Once it stops being new they'll realize just how dogshit it is at trying to "fill in the blanks" which Railgun did just fine on its own.
>changes the topic
Nevermind, you're just interested in your usual namecalling than any discussion.
Beginning to think you are exactly that, yes. That and clearly assblasted over nothing.
>of look like mom jeans.
Casual wear on a good looking girl is hot.
No reason to use any additional effects, they will only take attention away from the things that mater – ass and legs.
>doesn't like nice legs in jeans
Fag detected
>he wouldn't regardless
It's MP, so just ignore.
Endymion is canon, we kiseki now
Nice scapegoating and deflection there, champ! Try not to be so predictable next time though.
I know considering she's proving exactly what she bitched about a day ago and how she can't hold a conversation. But I needed to have some fun with her.
Whoa guyz, I guess anyone who shits on Asinine Bore-ddy is MP now! Who knew?
Based and redpilled
Unlike the beetles they can't disconnect from the network
They are different publishers though?
>it's an MP complaining about people recognizing her when she isn't using her trademarked forced writing style episode
Yeah. At the time of announcement, they mentioned how it was one of their most demanded licenses and have a faster release schedule for it to catch up. It would change depending on sales, but it did not.
She tried so hard and got so far, but in the end her "boyfriend" left her
I love how the topic always "conveniently" shifts to MP when someone is getting shit on/hears something they don't like. Almost like the people here are the type of unsocialized losers to get offended by online comments or something ;)
They’re uncomfortable
Give examples since an anonymous person on the Web is so recognizable?
I won't judge you for running away though, since that's what people usually do on this forum when they can't prove their bullshit.
Does this retard have a job or is it just projecting his family issues here and trying to rile everyone up into his dumb Yea Forums war?
We should talk about Index (the girl) instead.
Yeah imagine being you, the retard who can't count the number of IPs in a thread and lets one shitposter live rent free.
Reminder that Haimura fixed her body and he'll probably fix Seria's too. Prepare for toned/abs midriff.
fuck off wojakposter
I wish I had her body. I wish I had her body and her brain.
Misaki is flabby and Seria is fit
Unfortunately he shares the values of a 13 year old as well who focuses on nothing but insults and how running away will bring your testosterone down. Oh sorry, taking his shitposting bait.
I don’t like that.
t. typical LN fan
Kamachi never described her as that though
He’s not very descriptive when it comes to characters regardless.
He's pretty descriptive and she looks nothing like that on the cover.
You’re just saying that because you have a crush on her.
It’s actually okay.
I wish I was as powerful as Accel. I wonder if people would actually respect me more even if I acted the same just because I had so much power of if you’d have to be mean kind of like he is for people to actually be conservative towards you.
Don’t you all hate when people don’t take you seriously? I feel like level zeros in this series get treated like that a lot and they want more power so that people will respect them.
Funny how this aged
I think Rensa is underrated. They could have done a lot more with him but they didn’t for whatever reason.
Kamachi will use her to give the AAA a robo-girl body
The Level 0 the story actually focuses on aren't truly powerless though so I feel the writer undermines his own point.
I think that in itself is the point. Though Touma uses nothing but his fist most of the time when it comes to AC.
>Not 7'5"
>Touma uses nothing but his fist
His baseline stats question that.
Level 0's are fucking crazy
Yes , they are.
>on the inside
Still a female, plus robots have no rights
>Aneri disliked that
Acid and Consoler are good girls?
>those outfits
Railgun chapters being added to IF soon?
Pretty much.
I could never wear Japanese school outfits. They look so cringeworthy in real life. Even in anime I think I could probably design better uniforms than old navy style outfits like that.
Is that literally the only word you know in how to describe anything? Hell, do you even like anything? Also, actually visit and see how nice they look.
>Word bad, me no like word
Literally nothing wrong with using cringe to describe something. Do you get mad at every other adjective too?
There is though, cringeworthy isn't even an actual word, kid.
Fuck off shill
Raildex has good looking uniforms. I used to go to a school with uniforms and they usually do look like shit but stuff like Kamisato's and the Tokiwadai's look nice.
I’ll call it something else from now on like I think the outfits are rustic and old school.
The rest of the internet says you're wrong, honey.
Imagine not just throwing a fit over a word you don't like, but thinking you can make other people stop using it.
That works.
The internet isn't a dictionary, kid.
>Imagine not just throwing a fit over a word you don't like, but thinking you can make other people stop using it.
Just like earlier, English isn't your forte. I don't have interest in stopping you but sure as hell going to point out how retarded you look ontop of probably not actually seeing said uniforms in person.
I think something like this is cute.
That's pretty nice too
They also have pockets! Isn’t that amazing?
Even literal who's like Itsuwa are ten times hotter than Goldberg Shecklestein over there.
Bit too overly done and try hard. Simple is best like in Japan.
Realistically you could change the skirt and tie into dark red or maroon if you think it’s a little much but I actually like how it is.
I think Itsuwa is actually supposed to look like a model, the double eyelids thing is a massive beauty thing in Japan
I think people just like her because she’s skinny and has huge boobs and she’s kind of not smart in a way so that she seems like she’d be easier to get that a normal girl.
No I'm sorry user that doesn't really count.
>it's a word now
The internet was a mistake
>he thinks adding it after because it's a rule suddenly makes it valid
Naw. Nor does it negate my statement: the internet isn't a dictionary, kid.
Merriam is not Wikipedia you can't just add things on your own.
Keep reaching instead of admitting you fucked up though, it's amusing.
Gas the boomers
Merriam and Wikipedia have nothing to do with the statement against your bullshit claim: The internet isn't a dictionary, kid.
At least complete grade 9 English.
Was the internet invented in 1977? Lmao just give up
Origin of a word doesn't mean common usage. You do know how Dictionaries classify things, right?
You sound like a broken record on repeat. The phrase predates the internet or whatever boogeyman you claim invented it. It is a word, it's in the dictionary, and no amount of damage control or covering your ass is going to change that.
Gee tell me what other contexts cringeworthy is used in, then, o great sage.
>You sound like a broken record on repeat.
It's the only thing that works on underage vermin like you. Have any other ideas to help you understand someone else's point or do they not teach you reading comprehension in middle school?
>The phrase predates the internet or whatever boogeyman you claim invented it
Again, origin of the word does not mean common usage, do you know how dictionaries record words?
>It is a word, it's in the dictionary, and no amount of damage control or covering your ass is going to change that.
It being a word and when it was instilled in the dictionary and how the internet are important to it are irrelevant to your initial statement, kid.
Gee tell me do you know what "common usage" means? o great kid
C'mon you can do better than this.
>he thinks adding it after because it's a rule suddenly makes it valid
It is literally what you said though. Going to pretend your own post doesn't exist now, hmm? This is getting embarrassing for you.
So you agree that the internet isn't a dictionary? Good concession accepted.
No one said anything about muh common usage. Keep moving that goal post sweetie, it's cute.
And that's why I had to mention it muh fucking dumbass. Don't reply to the post if all you know is how to beat around the bush than actually address the point.
Though that pattern for you is getting old now. Keep projecting like you've been for the past few days, it's adorable when you're cornered.
No I agree that you're the one who brought up "adding words to the dictionary doesn't count" (?) as a way to damage control the fact you got proven wrong.
Go ahead, I'm waiting for you to swing back to "B-but common usage" which has nothing to do with the word being used before the internet.
My post has only addressed that my statement against your whack ass post remains true: The internet isn't a dictionary, kid.
It's getting ridiculous how hard you're trying to dust that under the rug. Maybe you realize you fucked up in guessing who's who and what that post finally meant?
>Go ahead, I'm waiting for you to swing back to "B-but common usage" which has nothing to do with the word being used before the internet.
Oh nononono resident dumbass still doesn't understand that the origin of the word has nothing to do with its common usage and when it was registered! oh no you're a dumbass!
You're both dumbasses.
You do know there are these physical things called "dictionaries" which are printed on paper right? I guess consulting a dictionary means it's "from the internet" now just because it has a digital version.
Underages don't know that's why outlandish statements like claiming the internet is a fucking dictionary somehow exist in this day and age. I hope he means digital edition but somehow doubt it.
Your "point" is moot because cringeworthy has always been used in the same context, though. I'll wait for your dumb ass to prove otherwise.
Everything else you've said thus far has been an attempt to distract from your mistake.
It's not moot though because it has zero relation to when it was originally seen used to how commonly it is used now to be registered. Also, the internet is not enough for a word to be registered, kid.
Stay relevant. By the way, thanks for constantly fucking up here and keeping your bullshit out of the other thread.
No one ever claimed the internet was a dictionary, though? Your dumb ass is definitely determined to lie about it.
You absolutely did though
Once again, internet isn't a dictionary nor is it relevant to your claims. It means nothing, kid.
>it has zero relation to when it was originally seen used to how commonly it is used now to be registered
Source: user's butthole.
No, source how dictionaries work. Glad you panicked and had to resort to that old shitposting tactic though, kid. Also, nice that you took your time desperately searching but I'm sure you're going to deny that too in a panic kek
>By the way, thanks for constantly fucking up here and keeping your bullshit out of the other thread.
Yet here you still are as well. Guess that says a lot about you, hmm? Don't worry, I can keep it up with you until this one archives.