ITT: Japanese authors criticizing Japan

People on this board often whine about Japan wanking and Yamato Damashii, but sometimes authors see beyond blind nationalism and point out the flaws of their culture and country.

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Other urls found in this thread:édelon_Castle

Team Medical Dragon sends a lot of massive headshots to the fucked up Japanese medical system.

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Self-critical Japan is my fetish

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It's pretty common, loads of Jap writers are immensely self-hating

Same for GTO, but for the educationnal system instead of the medical system. As well as a good number of punches aimed at the way their society works.

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What flaws does it point out? I assume it's more than just stuff being expensive like in America.

I remember Baku-On threw some punches too.

not really , most critics i read where deserved.

GeGeGe no Kitaro? It's a bit toned down compared to the original manga, though. As someone who lost his arm in the war, Mizuki hated Imperial Japan.

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I always thought it was cool how he learned to draw with his other arm.

Nakabo Rintaro?

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Futago no Teikoku is basically a manga about Japan's invasion of China (with a bit of fantasy to hide it), featuring women of comfort notably.
Probably one of the main reasons why it is actually on hold (the other one being probably the hero being not cliché enough and having a real personality)

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the bikefu anime?

It's good to see some authors realizing what the fuck is wrong with their country. It is kinda shocking to see how little the average Jap knows about WW2 for instance, and even fewer know that they were the bad guys.

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it's hard to defend any side in that war given the atrocities and rape they all committed
where's that page from the kantai thing with the ship girls bringing out the old sun flag

>the bad guys

Most thoroughly lances the ingrained subordinate vs. superior dynamic that exists in all Japanese organizations, it's just particularly dramatic in medical manga because it involves putting the well-being or even lives of other people before the pride of the boss man.

A lot of stuff about patient priority for the rich too, though that is definitely a common issue across most medical systems world-wide.

I remember a manga from the nineties about the corruption of the japanese agricultural industry and how it was destoying the rural communites
don't recall the name but I think it was translated to french

>Bad guys
Please pack up and take your propaganda (whichever country's it is) with you, starting to talk about war by defining a "good" and a "bad" side gives you 0 credibility.

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Yes. Well, it was just one scene actually, but having a punch like that against the Japanese society surprised, especially as anime are in general really tame about criticism.
Basically, it was something like
>retard girl perfectly spits out some long line from the road rules
>other girl asks her if she understood what that line meant
>retard girl: wakaranai
>great, you're a perfect product of the Japanese educationnal system

The failure to train new doctors for one. In the manga a Japanese doctor that went to america to train as a surgeon, he ended up having hundreds of hours more time in the operating theater than any of his peers that stayed in Japan. Then he was looked at like an upstart because he had comparable skills and achievements to the older surgeons. It highlights that med students in America are trained by doing rather than being told to sit back and watch or do paperwork for years and years and years.

There we a lot about how the political power plays and maneuverings weren't beneficial to patients but the doctors playing politics. But It has been a long ass time since I've read it and I forgot a lot of those details.

On the subject of expenses. I think it showed that the Japanese system cared about the wealth of the patient over their medical needs. If you needed surgery NOW but were poor, you are second place to the rich guy that showed up under his own power with a stomach ache. A warped view of triage based on who needs the care, rather than what care is needed.

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Nationalism is irrational

How many Americans and Brits recognize the terrible things their countries have done?

American and British media constantly brings up the flaws in America and Britain. People are well aware of their problems and the shitty things their ancestors did.

Okay retard.

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Nobody will shut the fuck up about it. It's constant and everyone thinks they are oh so original with their criticisms.

t. fact-denying Nazi

Brainwashed retard.

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Every single day, although how they go about it varies. Sometimes it's positive and used to demand for change, most times now (at least in America) it's used for only negativity, censored or misinterpreted (sometimes both), and generally used to only bring others down

we left every country better than we found it, only mistake was bringing africans out of africa

Hardly anything about Japan's actions is justifiable considering they didn't even come about as any kind of plan but rather as a result of glory seeking officers striking out against orders and getting the country involved in a pointless war that spiralled out of control and cost many millions of lives.

literally peddling jonestein tier tinfoil psyops

What the actual fuck is this /pol/ tier shit

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>daily thinly veiled politics threads

>Womens march
>Somehow leads to ISIS defunded
Jesus fucking christ the shit /pol/ fags create

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they avoid a lot
you should look up operation mockingbird and the conversion of news companies into propaganda outlets

yeah mizuki absolutely skewers the imperial military, the society of the time, and all the rest in his autobiographical and semi-autobiographical works. even gets some shots in on postwar japan where appropriate

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Mizuki would like contemporary Japan because it's much better than WWII Showa Era Japan. The authors who complain about Modern Japan are the ones that grew up during the 60s-70s, and saw the country prospered in the 80z.

Onward to our noble deaths in general

This taught me that there are some immensely autistic people out there

however ethnocentrism is a rational evolutionary selected perspective.

I hate posts like this
what makes your country so superior american

you should look up the identities of the people that ran the east india companies, the atlantic slave trade and the chinese opium den business

God damit, the only setting where having a harem makes sense and them put it on hold.

Tell me more about this. Is it of Mice and Men, Grapes of Wrath levels of bad?

Yeah people like you are why they get away with it.

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Nationalism is to nations what the immune system is to an organism. Without nationalism, the nation-state becomes vulnerable to the emergence of foreign influence (viruses) and parasitical immigrants. Japan is actually a good example of how strong nationalist sentiment is necessary for the maintenance of a nation. After WWII, they were forced into a subservient relationship to America which saw the importation of ideas which ultimately led to the lost decade(s) due to their inherent corruption. Those same ideas were what led to the 2008 crisis in the US, namely a housing bubble and casino style management of the financial sector (sub-prime mortgage bonanzas, chopping shit-tier debt into pieces to be blended together and resold as not-shit debt, insider trading as a staple of political lobbying). The Japanese government still runs their economic policies based on these foreign ideas, which are also responsible for the shift from rural to urban focus for the population and thus the behavioral sink conditions which have led to a crash in births and all sorts of sociological/psychological issues.

A lot of focus is given to things that the US did in the more distant past, but even that is promoted to distract from the things that have happened in more recent decades. For instance, you will almost never see Operation Mockingbird mentioned despite it being one of the most important topics today. The entire meme of "fake news" goes right out the window when you realize that the CIA used their international drug and human trafficking money to buy out the news media from journalism colleges through to the corporate level during the Cold War. Nowadays they don't even really try to hide it either; big name networks bring on intelligence agents openly to have them dictate what the people are supposed to believe. MKULTRA gets a decent showing in fringe circles and even in film/on television, but most people still don't recognize it for what it was.


what is the manga that some guy posts in the opt with the soldiers talking about stuff?

cat shit 180 is pretty good, depicted the japanese diplomats as a bunch of shit flinging monkeys

/pol/ lore is extremely retarded and convoluted. No wonder to people convince yourself that killing innocent people will actually do something

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In America we are taught about the Indian genocide, slavery, racism, and all of the other shameful chapters of our history.

I'll see if I can find it

mizuki lived into his 90s, he saw all of that too

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my fucking sides
>wake up sheeple!

yes buy they don't actually tell you who ran the slave trade or were the most racist groups they're all just labelled as white or assumed to be white

He only died like 4 years ago. He saw everything

I tired to say that Mizuki would be okay with modern Japan because the ones who try to reignite the past are falling behind and in a job where they can't gain power.

He'd blame the otaku problems on mostly the parents rather than the child.
found it, I'm afraid I know little about it though I think I translated a french review with google translate in the past

Everything there is true, search it up.

sounds very selective

Kinda. Depending on where you grew up they'll focus on different things. I grew up in the south west and learned aaaaaal about how shitty we were to the natives

But not about Vietnam and Korea

>Nationalism is to nations what the immune system is to an organism
but what if you're a non-retarded person and you don't care about the preservation of the nation-state

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Would you really trust a world government?

then you get raped and beheaded by a mujahideen

then you will be invaded and subsumed by those that are look at the current islamic invasion of europe

t. lost the war

You sound like those whiney Koreans


Outbreak Company is mostly light-hearted "bring anime to the elves", but in the background the Japanese government are trying to incite revolution so they can install a puppet government and gain control of the magic kingdom's resources. When their ambassador doesn't play along, they first try to assassinate him, then when that fails they leak his location to a hostile nation.

There's also a bit where the protagonist wonders if introducing local artists to anime has left them creatively sterile, and another where Japan tries to cripple the kingdom's economy by getting all the nobles addicted to a trading card game.

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Holy shit, you're the kind of person who always gets offended when someone criticizes something despite not doing it, aren't you? Is this autism?

i think i just caught schizophrenia

As much as I'd trust a national one. America is already like 50 countries mashed together anyways. The only real defining thing about our country is that we're the only one with any meaningful free speech (even places like Finland make it illegal for terrorist ideologies to own property, but we're cool with it). And I guess we also have gun rights, but I'd be okay with tossing those.

Even a casual glance over it will tell you that it is wrong. The Library of Alexandria was not destroyed by Caesar in 48 BC. It's possible that part of it was burned, or that a warehouse near the docks used for storing scrolls was burned, but there is no agreement on the matter in ancient sources. Some say that 20,000 scrolls were destroyed, others don't mention any damage to the library. Later writers make mention of the library after 48, indicating it was not destroyed. Furthermore, there is no particular connection between Alexandria and Mithraism. Mithras is based loosely on the Aryan Mithra, morphed syncretically with all sorts of other influences. It's conceivable that this cult had its origins in scholarship conducted at Alexandria, but there isn't any evidence of this of which I'm aware.

Only retards don't care about the preservation of the nation-state.

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ITT retarded /pol/ strikes again. Please pack up and leave.

Humility and collectivism is a positive trait though.

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Name a single justifiable or good thing (in the long run, I don't care about shit like hitler petting a dog) Imperial Japan did.

I hope you like being enslaved to a banker-king now that they don't have to worry about balancing competing national interests.

Get nuked

advanced metallurgy, america learned a lot by studying their warship hulls

They helped make the US the World Police

Unit 731 advanced medical science by decades, all the info was good enough for the war criminals to be pardoned.
Destroyed the European domination in Asia.

Nukes were never used, the areas were up and running days later.

Fucking constantly, idiot eurofag. Some americans here never shut the fuck up about columbus, slavery, hiroshima and nagasaki, colonialism blah blah blah nowadays.

>Being this retarded
This is your brain on nationalism

how delusional are you?
they were nuked to intimidate the russians

You need to read Gate, made by a TRUE patriot defending Japan and not some pussy ass devilman crybaby.

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slavery in north america was a cake walk compared to central america, south america and the caribean

I’m American and I will say you are a delusional fool. I’m not backing up the Japanese or anything but history is determined by the winner of the war.

>Humility and collectivism is a positive trait though.
lolno, collectivism is only good for ant colonies or a mindless drone society, not for well being of individual. Any society which does not put individual needs in front of collective is heading towards being an utilitarian shithole. It doesn't work in the long run.

America's big bad action in WW2 was at least committed on the people who were acting as conquerors. What Japan did to the Chinese arguably propels them past the Nazis in terms of sheer inhumanity.

>what is fire bombing

Them getting wrecked by the USA lead to the rise of modern Japan under American influence, which lead to anime.

Here’s the thing. China and Japan always had their stupid dick contest, Nazis are arguably heavily misrepresented and purposely misinterpreted by the west so Germany could continue being a little submissive bitch over a faked genocide.

The Epic of Gilgamesh does not 'parallel' Noah's Ark. The Noah story in the Torah is almost certainly based on Gilgamesh. Don't get things backwards.
The Demonization of other Gods in the Torah (and Bible) should not be taken as true in any real matter. It was literally propaganda. Moloch and Baal were general Phoenician Gods - possibly the same Deity or at least closely related. Note the Canaanites were not Phoenician, they were Semitic like the Jews, the religion spread out from Phoenician colonies. Some child sacrifice is assumed to have happened in Carthage directed towards Baal but that was also under the pressure of almost certain destruction by the Roman Republic. Ba'al is a general term for 'false gods' that the other tribes worshiped in the area.
Zoroastrianism has no appreciable link to Islam, it never spread far past the borders of the Iranian (or Proper Persian) ethnic group. Zoroastrianism as a more codified Religion is older than Judaism as a more codified Religion (although a messy history of Judaism goes back further). How can you get something that wrong?
Sodom and Gomorrah being Ancient Nuclear Wars? Really? There is no reason to believe that anything in the story is accurate, or even that either of those cities existed as described or at all.
Islam being created by the Vatican? I suppose the non-Catholic Eastern Roman Empire and not even Christian Sasanian Empire were totally under the influence of a comparatively poor and backwoods Church that they might not even had known existed.

Finding something on this chart that is accurate would be a surprise.

Don't a bunch of works talk about the suicide rate and lack of babes being born?

He said to name a positive thing.

Yup, most people don't notice just how much Oda is using the Wano arc as a vehicle to point out the flaws in both old and modern Japan.

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dude are you a troll or retaded they literally zeroed the blast site of Nagasaki over the largest christian cathedral in japan

they found what they think are the remains of sodom and gomorrah a while back apparently they think the site was struck by an asteroid

You say that, but the Lemurians were the ones who actually sank the original Japan, which is where the actual Grand Root was being handled. People like to accuse the Lemurians of potraying the Nazis poorly, but the people who do (the Bolshyvk Republicans) are the ones who actually commited the acts and moved the bodies from the sunken Atlantis Fort MS12 which is where the actual atrocity occured under the leadership of the Ancient Hebrew Conglomorate EgoThetan.

Do you REALLY think Thoth would have allowed the Illuminati to interfere with Lemurian geotapping to suppress the Zeitgeist? You're a fucking lefty mindbrain. Go get alternative and redpilled.

Go live in the woods, ancap.
>Doesn't work in the long run
Just because a civilization falls, doesn't mean they were not a net positive. All the fruits of civilization only grew by subordinating individual needs because civilization only forms where individual freedoms are sacrificed.
Where is your long lasting individual society? America? Where George Washington marched an army on unpaid soldiers?

Well, too bad the desires of an individual can be detrimental to well being of him and the society.
The only individualist societies to ever exist are the Western democracies we live in, which are rapidly deteriorating as we speak and almost entirely dependent on birthrates of immigrants and cheap products made in countries we destroyed.
Individualism did not exist until very recently and is based solely on mindless consumerism and self-delusions of grandeur.
After all, it's far easier to be a special snowflake in a world of 8 billion snowflakes and demand the world to become accustomed to your excesses than to be a humble cog in a machine.

True but they were also the only nation in Asia that could stand up against the western nations. You have to remember that the whole of Asia was under threat from the Europeans.
They basically made the decision that instead of uniting other Asian nations by helping them their lands was better served in their hands.
And so they dug their grave by invading a country many times their size.
The millions losses of lives was a justification to try keep the lands they got too by the way, in a sort "what have they died for" deal.

I read that, but it seems very much like trying to force a connection where there isn't one.
People just getting excited and trying to justify the stories of the Torah/Bible/Koran- no one puts forth this kind of effort to justify other religions.

bro its all we fucking talk about. Modern politics is just yelling at the other side on whats wrong with the country.

They had a plan user. They were after the resources of mainland Asia. That's why they attacked Pearl Harbor. They thought by blooding America's nose and showing strength they could push America out of the Pacific. Allowing them to conquer Asia unmolested.

It can, but it's far better than taking away freedoms from individual for betterment of collective. And who will decide what's best for that individual? Yeah submit to your masters cattle, they know better than you what's good for you. Take a happy pill and get back to your work citizen.

Simply looking at extreme forms of collectivism, like communism, makes it clear what shitholes it produces. And western countries even with all of the problems are still superior to any collectivist culture.

ah I wasn't the guy saying it was a nuclear war the salt profiles disprove that, I just thought it was an interesting tangent

no they went after pearl harbour because the yanks were blockading their fuel reserves

the role of the christian church in europe drove a collectivism that pushed their society to where it reached its peak

I thought the working theory is they got flooded when the black sea formed. They even found settlements at the bottom of the black sea.

You mean not selling them fuel

There is nothing wrong with being critical of your own country, but you can only do it right if you love your country and want it to be better. That's where hollywood goes wrong, they don't love america, they hate all goys.

I wouldn't call medieval europe "peak". Pretty sure what made us reach a peak was scientific revolution and enlightenment values of individualism.


Who taught you history boy?

>It highlights that med students in America are trained by doing rather than being told to sit back and watch or do paperwork for years and years and years.
Too bad the AMA literally lobbied to restrict residency funding, so a lot of graduates end up waiting or become temporary slaves to get a chance. America is way more fucked up because doctors and administration lobby to block newcomers, it's just grass is greener syndrome.

Someone besides his high school janitor.

I think it's more likely they were struck by a cosmic plasma discharge (lightning from electromagnetic interaction between planets or the sun). There are sites in Egypt where statues show signs of extreme thermal damage, the stone being melted. This would also account for descriptions approximating nuclear warfare such as are found in the Vedic literature. There are various other features across the planet that appear to show an episode of intense EM interaction with another body as well as a near universal record in myths of a lightning wielding god. The "strike profile" for asteroid and cosmic plasma discharge are actually very similar because the discharge blasts material into orbit and creates impact proxies. The big way to tell the difference is if you can find material from an asteroid or not.

Only in the sense that the counter-action to Christian tyranny resulted in nationalist revolts (Hussite wars, Protestant schism, Anglican schism) against that collectivist system. Christianity drove Europe into the dirt and only with the Renaissance and a return to pre-Christian ideas as found in Greek texts imported from the Islamic empire did Europe again flourish.

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Mr. X

Basically any series of Inio Asano

America? Yes. Britain? No. Britain fucked up every single country they touched and it wasn't until America de facto took over their empires after WW2 (we called it "aid" for "allies") that we fixed them all. Even the mess in the ME is inherited from the brits and we've substantially calmed things down by ensuring Egypt and Israel don't go batshit insane total war so the Suez canal operates normally. Despite this somehow brits mock us and paint us as evil as we continue to stabilize all the evil they've wrought on the world.

We should have just wiped those brit subhuman inbreds off the face of the earth.

Goodluck defending Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and hanging-people-from-cranes Iran.

Oh and brits are incredibly condescending despite crawling over here for work because their economy is a crumbling mess that's been propped up by the US and EU for the past 4 decades. They're fucking garbage human beings who don't know their place because the US is too nice to purge them all like they deserve. I still can't understand why America was keen on helping them in WW2, some disturbed sense of lineage I guess. I hope as we move towards the future we can cut those troglodytes off completely and ban them from our great nation so they stop leeching off of us.

Can't go a day without the Left reminding us.

>they were the bad guys
They were the based guys, with a cucked emperor.

So, nothing at all changed since Tezuka's Black Jack?

>Goodluck defending Nazi Germany
They were treated unfairly in the ww1 peace treaty. War was justifiable
>Stalinist Russia
They were defending from invasion and were on "good" guys side weren't they?
> hanging-people-from-cranes Iran
infidels asked for it, kuffar. And you're next.

they had to be imported from the islamic empire because the documents were previously held in constantinople and the muslims took it some of the dispersal of ideas was a result of christian scholar monks fleeing and taking what documents they could escape with before being beheaded or enslaved by muhammadeans

>pear harbor
By that time Japan already knew they would lose. They had people visit USA and took a look at the military production. No chance.
The plan to bloody America's nose and show strength is true but it was done with a favorable peace negotiation in mind. But USA said "fuck that let's fight" and Japan got fucked.
Before this though Japan was heavily reliant on the trade with China and if I remember correctly USA was also a major part in the China trade so there were conflicts sparking already.

>Christianity drove Europe into the dirt
If Europe were smart they'd round up the pagans and atheists and exterminate them before they drive civilization back into the dark ages like they did to the less Christian half of Rome

Wrong area, Sodom and Gomorrah assumedly would be somewhere in the Levant or at least close to it. The Black Sea was too far away to be the basis of the myth, especially one as 'personal' as the story presented.

The Black Sea flood could have been the origin of the Flood Myth that was popular in the Middle East, but given the large amount of those kinds of Myths throughout the world, its more likely that its just based around the regular flooding of major rivers and the damage that extreme floods can cause.
The Tigris and Euphrates were notorious for their dramatic floods.

stop making wars for the benefit of israel like the whole Isis, iraq & libya nightmares and then we'll talk

If Rome was smart they would have put ALL the Christians to the cross. Nero didn't go far enough, that's why Rome fell.

its the banks though the fact that no one bombed the german IG farbin factories is a perpetual mystery

Gulf of Persia also flooded in at the end of the ice age.

I'm suspicious of all these electric universe theories

I might be wrong but to me Japan acts a lot like earthquakes. They'll stubbornly refuse change until some trigger occurs that causes quick sweeping reforms.

Libya was the French and English you fucking retard. Sarkozy literally went to the EU members and UN and demanded they deliver Gaddafi's head on a platter and the British proposed the no fly zone to begin with.

They only demanded the US help because they literally couldn't maintain a military campaign for more than a week before running out of resources and because Killary is a blood hungry sociopath she pulled us into it.

Consolidation of pre-existing groups, nothing new
We got Saddam in an Iraqi town. Still nothing compared to both World Wars, both Indochina wars, giving up China to the japs, starving the pajeets, tucking tail and running leaving SEA to the japs, Libya, the list goes on. Even the fucking Cold War started because Churchill kept visiting the US to fearmonger about Communism despite it mostly affecting shitholes. Truman didn't even give a shit but Churchill was constantly shitting himself because the commies were claiming eastern europoor land as their own. If we had just let Germany wipe out London a lot of terror could have been stopped.

The Germans were not treated particularly unfairly in the Treaty of Versailles. The punishment they levied on the French after the Franco-Prussian War was far more unfair. Turnabout is fair play, wouldn't you agree?
Regardless the acts that they perpetuated in the War are unjustifiable there is no reason to have something like the Dirlewanger Brigade, ever.

that's implying that the ones in charge of Japan even had an understanding of what they were doing.

They had to be imported because Catholic policy was the destruction of all non-Christian texts, knowledge, and culture except the bare minimum needed for appropriation in order to be accepted by the general populace. "Christianity preserved texts" is pure propaganda.

So am I, but they make some compelling arguments on certain topics.

If I recall correctly it was only Yamamoto who was against attacking Pearl Harbor. He had visited America before and had a better understanding of how they thought. He was overruled because the other generals felt that America would be so ashamed by the attack that they would never think about retaliating. He argued that America doesn't believe in face or honor the same way Japan does and they would be angered into retaliation. He also argued that America had a drastically superior resource supply to Japan and there was no way Japan could win a long drawn out war.

>why Rome fell
It didn't though. Just the faithless subhumans fell. The Byzantine empire was the longest lasting empire in history

It's honestly very black and white with Japan.
They are either turbo nationalists like GATE's author or 'God Japan Sucks shit it's the worst it's even been' like Real Life Japan. Much like everything else they do there is no grey area. One extreme or the other.

People would just think it's too soft, not critical enough which is a shame.

was it? I thought the series had some bite to it.

Western part of rome which was the heart of the empire fell. How can byzantines call themselves romans when they don't even control Rome? And Christianity definitely contributed to its fall.

>hey let's bomb these guys who have more manufacturing power than the rest of the world combined and the latest assembly line technology that can pump out goods at an inhuman rate what could go wrong
If they were smart they would have went for manufacturing plants like the US did with the nukes. Of course they'd get caught, but it was a better risk than pussyfooting with Pearl Harbor of all things

>And who will decide what's best for that individual?
The majority. It's an unthinkable that a single impertinent brat should be able to destroy himself, and by extension people near him just because he wants to despite countless wiser men saying otherwise. All actions have consequences - and for an example - a kid becoming a drug addict will hurt not only himself, but his family and should his parents be tolerant, they too will become degenerates.
>Yeah submit to your masters cattle, they know better than you what's good for you.
Quite literally yes. Free will does not exist and we all are slaves to something. I'd rather be a slave to people wiser than me rather than myself, as I see myself as a very flawed individual. Hell, in my country most people think that the poverty problem can be solved by simply increasing welfare and that no tax money gets wasted. Democracy is a sham.
>Simply looking at extreme forms of collectivism, like communism, makes it clear what shitholes it produces.
Communism can produce good things. Actually, I can't think of a single European country that is better now than it was under communism. Ironically enough people living under the communism prefer it to modern regimes and it's the millenials and zoomers that shit up the statistics. Turns out people prefer stability and humble lives, not ability to buy iPhones.

The irony of GTO is it was largely successful because it pointed out the flaws of the education system, PTA, and etc. It made the teen side characters look sympathetic. I remember reading one of his non-GTO later works and it was very much angry adult shaking fist at stupid kids.

>Only in the sense that the counter-action to Christian tyranny resulted in nationalist revolts (Hussite wars, Protestant schism, Anglican schism) against that collectivist system.
No. Hussite wars were aimed primarily at corrupt Catholic clergy and Germans. Protestant schism was aimed at corrupt Catholic clergy and only escalated when both Catholics and Protestants did not want to . Anglican schism was a move out of pure greed.
>Christianity drove Europe into the dirt and only with the Renaissance
What? The Greeks were just as collectivist and fanatical as the Christians were, the only difference was that the Greeks did not kill people because of religious differences, which is obvious since the Greeks had a very primitive system of beliefs that had neither Christian dogmatism nor Hindu theology to make it survive throughout the ages.
>and a return to pre-Christian ideas as found in Greek texts imported from the Islamic empire did Europe again flourish.
People in the Renaissance weren't any different from people in the Middle Ages aside from anthropocentric focus - they had their fair share of religious wars too, and atheism was still unthinkable. Animal trials, common both during the Antiquity and Middle Ages did not cease. The Renaissance is product of technological progress and acceptable levels of urbanization, not a bunch of scholars translating neo-platonist trash.

roman catholic church was the dark ages, protestantism fought back

>let germany wipe out london
Jesus fucking christ you're a retard, do you seriously think if the German miltary was up to invading Britain over the channel (which, keep in mind, was protected by the second most powerful navy on the face of the fucking planet) they wouldn't have done it? Yanks did absolutely fuck all, you had the oh so difficult task of fighting an easy front while the soviets did the vast majority of the work, eat a dick.

>I remember reading one of his non-GTO later works and it was very much angry adult shaking fist at stupid kids.

ISIS = yanks and isreal funded and backed to fuck over syria so israel would gain the golan heights and neutter the syrians
there's a reason john mccain was seen chumming it up with them

you know, mainland USA and their manufacturing plants are pretty dang far from Japan and they would have a pretty hard time getting close to them without tripping every single alarm.
And besides, the japanese military only went ahead with that plan because they believed that american politicians were literal hyper-capitalists that thought of everything in terms of cost-benefits

Plato survived just fine throughout the ages to the Renaissance. It was Aristotle who became fashionable after being rediscovered via translations from Arabic to European languages.

What are you talking about? The Epic of Gilgamesh was literally Noah's Ark, as written as a buddy comedy.

This talk is pretty interesting.
Did you know that many of the most popular and largest Churches took 100+ years to finish? I wonder if this is something that's lost now, a project spanning several generations. Can you imagine someone today saying: "I'm going to start building a big house. It's going to take 100 years". Who would say: "Yea, sounds good"?

wasn't the British navy stretched thin at the time though?

>soviets who were literally starving to death until they got early lend lease aid from Britain, on a sublease from the US's lend lease program

Soviets did work because the US economy fed those retarded commies into a fighting army. Right up until 44 they were pushed up into a corner and couldn't even step outside their cities because of how bad the Germans were pounding them. All they did was wear out the germans with bodies and American material aid. As for Britain, we fucking picked up ALL of the slacks you subhumans left across Asia because you dumbfucks got destroyed by a bunch of 5ft yellow island monkeys with 12th century swords. Your "world-class" navy was a fucking joke and finally got called on your bluff which is why you're a rotting island nation of retarded inbred drunks with no power and no prestige

Specifically Kamen Teacher.


Ahem. (((Hollywood)))

Noah's Ark is the Epic of Gilgamesh without the friendship

rome fell becasue christianity moved them away from the heart of europe and closer to jerusalem because of the christian tie
it meant you lost the wealth redistribution that kept it all together

>And besides, the japanese military only went ahead with that plan because they believed that american politicians were literal hyper-capitalists that thought of everything in terms of cost-benefits
They weren't really wrong

Rome wasn't the center of the Empire for quite some time before the Empire fell. Ravenna in Italy was sometimes the Capital, and Constantinople eclipsed it long ago.

They got BTFO by German u-boats and superior japanese aircraft. The US entry into war basically started with "leasing" battleships to the brits

>Projecting your own insecurities this hard
have sex

>>And who will decide what's best for that individual?
>The majority

>most people think that the poverty problem can be solved by simply increasing welfare and that no tax money gets wasted. Democracy is a sham

You're contradicting yourself. If majority is stupid why should they force their stupidity on individuals? Sounds to me like you're some authoritarian with submission fetish instead.

The problem with these authoritarian systems with benevolent dictator is that these rulers are not always wiser or benevolent. People who get in power might not be doing what's best for you. At least in democracy, people can try to complain if life goes to shit. Under dictatorship you'll get booted to work camp.


They moved it closer to the crossroads of europe and asia's trade routes. By which I mean they rebased their empire right on top of it

I would say it's because the men of talent turned toward Christianity which allowed corrupt and incompetent politicans to take power in the empire. They also lost control of the military, which kept demanding more and more money even though the empire was broke.

Christianity further destabilised already unstable empire. Rome was strongest during its pagan times. After christianity it was just slow deterioration.

The Epic of Gilgamesh almost certainly came first and the Ancient Jews (or the precursors to them) were known for 'borrowing' ideas and beliefs from larger nations like Babylon.

isn't there a sumerian tablet that's even older than gilgamesh?

>majority decide
>democracy is a sham

Some even believe the idea of a Yahweh came from the brief period when Egypt was quasi-monotheistic and worshiped Amon.

sorry, I don't think I adequately described the way they viewed americans. When I say hyper-capitalists, I mean like literal cartoonish hyper-jews who can only think in terms of monetary investments and cash returns with no consideration of intangible benefits

Still not entirely wrong

There is a 'proto-Gilgamesh' that was found dating from somewhere around the 18th century BC in what was Babylon. Whether or not it is a different story or just an early version is hard to say.
Possibly, but unlikely. The Levant area had a history of worshiping one God above the rest while acknowledging other deities. Its not a far jump to go from that to total monotheism. Some older Torah passages have bits and pieces of the idea that Yahweh may have been the best God, but not the only one.

The flood myth is just a side story in the Epic of Gilgamesh to explain why Utnapishtim is immortal. Gilgamesh isn't the flood hero.

The Sumerian version of Gilgamesh's epic only mentions his journey to meet the flood hero, but doesn't expand on the flood myth like the Babylonian version. The Sumerians had a separate Epic of Atrahasis (Utnapishtim), but it'd be difficult to determine chronology because of how incomplete our collection of Sumerian myths is.

Like a user said earlier the military generals had to much power and constantly tried to one-up each other for the "Emperors glory". This is while they're also fueled by the military nationalism propaganda "bushido" so yes, they were crazy. I would assume any topic of being defeated was swiftly shut down.

I remember reading that the idea of Yahweh being the only one probably didn't exist until the Jewish people were more spread out. Before that it seemed to follow the way other religions worked where gods were tied to specific places. Once they were spread out it became our god is wherever we are type thing.

You're not entirely wrong, I guess.

Judaism was really refined as a Religion during the 'Babylonian Captivity' and Cyrus's returning of them to the Levant. So that interpretation is entirely plausible if not rather likely. Hard to say y'know?édelon_Castle

>self hatred thread
cringe gooks

Attached: AbeFacepalm.png (825x413, 400K)

I'm sort of scared to look up how long some public work projects are

interesting, I wonder what it tasted like?

supposedly one of the things that drove the scientific revolution of the 1700-1800s was that the christian view was to find god's truth and spread the news of how everything worked

Did it end btw? I remember reading this years ago but there were no scan updates.

Fucking based. Except the photoshopped coca cola bottle.

What faked genocide might that be?

any chance of more rasputin the traitor ever?

Attached: rasputin.png (1009x1419, 509K)

the one with all the fake survivors

His non GTO stuff is pretty meh. Even his GTO spin-offs are mediocre.

Not that guy, but thanks, it seems interesting.

Remember when there was a manga that said Japan LET themselves be nuked

Here's a short one:

actually now that I think about it Umishi had a whole bit about useless bureaucrats fucking people over

Attached: umishi11.png (766x1100, 173K)

>America? Yes.
Fucking idiot. Cuba, Chile, I can go on...

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Obviously some nationalism is good for a state but like an overactive immune system too much will make your country start thinking of grandiose ideas and fuck everything up as they start attacking everything in sight.

I can't seem to find it but what about that series about the really bent cop that was using all his contacts favours and money to take down this ruthless police cabal that assassinated people but fucked him over too many times
kuro something

Is this the outline of the Fate series?

I like the ambition and vision.
Seems like a bit of a pipe dream though.

Nice /pol/ thread

Where did you read that?

Ushijima the loan shark is an extremely grim dive in some dark corners of the Japanese society.

That's mostly because we usually don't have enough time to teach it. America's public school system insists on teaching our history with colonization as the starting point regardless of grade, so most classes are lucky to reach WW1, much less Korea. If public education was less retarded (which is extremely wishful thinking), students would almost certainly learn it.
t. went through 15 years of various history classes

I'd be very surprised if anyone in this thread studied History.

stories about going through the gas chamber 8 times

ctrl: sanctuary
Come on people. Sanctuary is Akumetsu without the sci-fi sensationalism.

isn't there that ron paul curriculum thing?

How do you guys not have enough time to learn your history? You only have a couple hundred years of it.

got it I think

Attached: kyuu.gif (600x898, 236K)

Is that a book or something? Whats your sources?

How about subtle social commentary on Japanese mindset?

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sorry clicked the wrong image off by one
inspector Kurokochi

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Not only is it constant, it also only focuses on specific events whilst ignoring the wider context of everything else.

My favourite meme is people whining about Britain's invasive whilst ignoring that Britain itself has spent most of its existence being invaded. Why focus on one thing and ignore the other, both are equally relevant.

>Zoroastrianism no appreciable link to Islam
>a Judeo-Christian offshoot

Where the fuck do you think the early Jews got the concept of Hell and Satan?

Flamanville EPR

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Yes. It goes up to 25 volumes. I can spoils some of the end if you want.

they never mention who paid cromwell to kill charles the 1st

including the vigilantism?

What is this criticizing exactly? Isn't it about one guy being a lazy asshole?

Go for it. I was at when MC was getting scouted by that weirdo who came from America. Spoil everything. I'll probably read it a few years from now.

Can't comment on how that systen works, just looked it up and it seems to be something that happened after I finished my education. Looks somewhat promising, but I could see it going wrong fairly easily.
We get a rather in-depth education on everything up to our civil war, at which point the teachers realize that 3/4 of the year is gone and now have to prepare for finals. Basically, the teachers are shit at managing their time effectively.

wtf I love warlords now!

>US fixing the world one 2000lbs bomb at a time
>the only thing that we did wrong is not taking subhuman brits out

>Wano looks beautiful on the outside
>But on the inside it's sickly and poisoned, and being ruined by politics trying to keep the country locked away

Sorta. The girls think he should have done the other boys' work and everyone would get to go home.

Nope, it's about the collective mindset where you have to be responsible for others' failings, lest you be criticized for failing to read the mood.

I think I understand now, at first I thought that MC-kun was assigned cleaning duty for the whole class (since I thought that was how it works in Japanese schools) but only cleaned his own desk. But in reality everyone was supposed to clean their own desk?

That's how oriental asian are in general. People are humble to the point that it is absurd.

Have you ever heard the phrase "two wrongs don't make a right?" Yes Britain got invaded a bunch of times. So did most places. Doesn't mean that gives them the excuse to colonize half the world.

>History stops at 1861 in America
Explains a lot.

A group of 5 boys were assigned to clean up the class. MC was the only one who showed up and did the job, but he only did 1/5 of it. In the end he was scolded too, and people blamed him for not just doing the whole thing and saving everyone the trouble.

kys tranny

look up the identities of the "colonisers" and who ran the opium dens that destroyed china

Close. Multiple people are assigned cleaning duty. He only cleaned his part. The rest of the people who were on cleaning duty didn't clean anything at all. They all got lectured.

Yes, I suppose it does in a sense.
I think most Americans would agree that our education system is one of our greatest failings.

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it didn't used to be that bad, there was an intentional policy of dumbing down

Adding to this. I understood that MC didn't communicate his idea of splitting the task into 5 parts to his classmates.
Not that I think that would have helped.

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Actually, Noah's story isn't based on Gilgamesh, but on the story of the immortal man that Gilgamesh consults when he tries to attain immortality. That immortal man is the earliest version of Noah.

What you want me to look up the identify of every monarchy and parliament that was in power when all of Britain colonization was taking place? Are you trying to suggest that there was some other power at work apart from Britain's innate imperialism at work?

This is not only a Japanese thing, but true everywhere.

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Real pity. I really like America.

Triangular diet? What's this about? What rules is he breaking?

Zoroastrianism is in absolutely no way an offshoot of Judaism. What could ever make you think of that? It is a unique Religion all on its own.
While the Abrahamic Religions may have 'took' the idea of heaven and hell from it and other religions, neither Religious group is based on the other.

>be wage-slave peon
>call collectivists cattle

Great example of anyone who uses the term NPC seriously.

no just the "dutch" guys running the east india company and the bankers, there's a pattern

Any manga have the balls to show the Emperor?

He refuses to eat his meal in a certain order. Apparently it's big deal, enough to make you become the black sheep of the class.

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I was simplifying so as to not confuse people by name dropping obscure characters in an obscure story from an obscure culture.

this might be due to differences in culture, but that's pretty autistic yo

To be fair I have to admire Japan's ability to pull themselves up from the ashes after WWII. They went the China route and started my manufacturing cheap knockoffs of famous goods. They also manipulated their currency relative to the dollar to the point that the U.S. threatened them repeatedly throughout the 60's and 70's. By the 80's they were able to transition from cheap goods to luxury items and become an economic power. But for 50 years they fought and clawed their way to relevance despite western countries trying to undermine them and keep them poor.

the desert abrahamic religions took a few things from the indo-european derived zoroastrianism

I believe he's referring to a religious and ethnic group.

To be fair everyone has had NPC like thoughts in their life. But I don't don't see how it's helpful to call them drones, it'll just make them more drone-like.

collectivism works for homogenous ethnocentric groups

Nope. I recall people pointing that out when the new Emperor was crowned, how it's taboo to actually show the Emperor anywhere. He's never even mentioned outside of being used as a calendar marker.

Say Hello to Black Jack got some laws changed in Japan regarding their medical system.

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Did these "dutch" guys orchestrate Brexit?

I literally had spent half an hour reading wikipedia articles about Sumeria and the epic of Gilgamesh after reading your post. Any non brainlet can do the same and research a little bit.
Off topic: I had already seen a lot of the statues and pieces of architecture mentioned in the articles, when I was in the Louvre and Pergamon museums. I feel like I was witnessing something amazing. Mystical manga based on ancient Sumeria when?

America basically bailed them out.

Attached: Korean War saved Japan.jpg (728x869, 139K)

Like the Chinese and their god knows how many deaths?
Collectivism works for small groups, like families or small communes.

One of the concessions of MacArthur was that the emperor was paraded throughout the entirety of Japan so that people would see he was just a normal person. People still bowed and showed reverence to him and the US gave up on trying to undermine the worship of the Emperor.

why is brexit relevant here?

>NPC like thoughts


our education system is trash that focused less on actually preparing people for their adult lives and more getting test scores high.
Like shit fucking Orangutans got better education that us

fuck, I missed out the word small

Is he blaming British occupation on the Jews? I'm not surprised. The British seem to have horrible streak lately of blaming everyone else for things they've done.
And I know everyone has had those thoughts in their life but most people outgrow them when they leave school and gain some humility.

>To be fair I have to admire Japan's ability to pull themselves up from the ashes after WWII.
Still not as impressive as going from practically medieval society to kicking chinese and russian ass in wars 40 years later.

The point is that everyone acting slightly different from the norm will be singled out and ridiculed. Contrary to what battle shounen series may tell you, Japanese people don't look fondly on quirky individuals who want to break the mold.

no but to ignore the jewish role is detrimental considering their major role in financing

>watching Shin Godzilla
>"Oh no, a giant lizard is killing thousands of people! What do we do!? I'll call the minister of defense!"
>"Hello, Im the minister of defense. A giant lizard you say? Hmm.........let me call the army general."
>"Hello, Im the general. Oh a giant lizard huh? Well we cant just use our forces haphazardly. Let me contact the prime minister."

>"Ahhhhh, the lizard has mutated and now its killing thousands of people every second! Ahhhh help us! Minister of Defense do something please!"
>Hello, this Im the minister. Let me contact the army general again........."
>repeat 999x while Godzilla kills 10 million people

Attached: Godzilla vs Gigan americanposter.jpg (650x1015, 266K)

That's always fascinated me. Characters like Goku, Luffy and Naruto are extremely popular in Japan, but are completely antithetical to the Japanese ideal.

Well, I don't remember where the part you stoped at is, but basically, at some point after the success of the 3rd Batista surgery, the professor finds out he has no support remaining in his service as all the candidates for his seat "stole" them all. At the same point he finds out he has an aortic aneurism that needs urgent heart surgery, and he throws a challenge at the 3 candidates: the one who can devise the best procedure for his surgery will gain his decisive support for the professor's seat.
That's the moment MC leaves the Batista team, so the female MC has to plan a surgery without her ace. Stuff happens, and the professors picks the "American" guy's plan, leaving the 2 other cnadidates in disarray.
However, during the surgery, the "American" guy's chosen anesthesist fucks up massively and cause a catastrophic situation, and the MC team has to save the day.

Than, after the surgery, the son of the American guy has a brain snap after watching his father failing for the 1st time, stuff happens, and he ends up falling from the roof of the hospital after trying to commit sudoku (though it's unclear if that's what he wanted). MC somehow "saves" the kid by "catching" him on the ground, but both are greviously injured in the process. Before collapsing, MC asks the intern to be his surgeon. So surgery happens and both MC and son are saved.

After the failure of the professor's surgery, the American guy is out of the contest, and eventually the female MC wins the seat by sucking more dicks. Then male MC leaves the hospital definitively because he senses that both him and her are falling in love and he doesn't want to have any bonds. The nurse's brother is GTFO, and the American guy eventually takes the direction of the hospital rating agency the old professor was trying to set and fund (to fuck everybody else, of course).

Really? That's interesting. What laws?

Those characters are loved so much because people wish that they could act like those characters and break free from their boring life where they have to keep their mouth shut and keep their head down to not stand out.

Why wouldn't it be? Its a classic example in a long line of "Britain knows best" thinking that goes back hundreds of years.

Yep, Shin Godzilla was a great critique of Japanese Bureaucracy.

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Only if a large proportion of jews were involved in financing and organising horrific operations.

Providing thats true I don't see how that matters. Britain didn't have to engage in those campaigns.

you mean like the trans arlantic slave trade?

t. 16yo philosopher working a summer job at Mc D's

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Okay sure. What percentage of the jewish population was involved in the slave trade?



Ah, the kouhai and senpai dynamic

The manga Fly Daddy Fly I believe it's called has a korean character who helps the MC get into shape and teaches him to fight. It's a short story but several chapters are spent talking about the prejudice he feels being a Korean in Japan.

Now all of Japan knows he's a manlet now though.

Attached: hirohito_macarthur_1945.jpg (1228x1600, 335K)

Yeah, I rarely see Anime and Manga discuss how racist Japanese society is. The only racism usually seen is foreigners being racist to Japanese people, or people in a fictional society being racist to another group.

>five shekels have been deposited into your good goy account

This is best thread I've been in on Yea Forums in a long time.

The very idea of it rubs me the wrong way. Just because somebody is older/has been in an organization slightly longer than you doesn't mean that he's better than you at everything and you have to be subservient to him forever.

Oh yeah that was the other thing they did. They forced the emperor to wear western clothes to further de-deify him.

There's a paragraph about this worship in Diary of Hiroshima. At some point the doctor finds out that a portrait of the emperor was intact and has been put to safety by the army, and he rejoice to oblivion, saying how great and how joyful of an event it is that the portrait was safe. All in dozens of chapters describing the devastation and lack of everything and and constant stream of people dying and struggling. Absurd sense of priority, but also telling a lot about the mindset of the people.

no I get that, it's just the thought of regulating eating habits out of the need for conformity that gets to me

Sounds like Yea Forums too.

Damn, they memory holed Professor Tony Martin.

Video must work in an alternative dimension where your brain is clearly situated.

Why can't you weebs go back to idolizing Japan?

Attached: stages of grief.jpg (640x640, 54K)

Could have been worse.

Attached: Hirohito truth machine.jpg (610x582, 214K)

Gundam. Feds vs Zeeks is Post-WWII Japan vs the Japanese Empire.

you are an irksome little toad
I couldn't find the original video so this will have to do
the transatlantic slave trade was run and owned by mostly jews, over 110 million people are estimated to have been sold into the slave trade of which only about 10% are thought to have survived the crossing
the sources he sites aare based on official business records and ownership documents also official jewish history records

I just looked up what triangular eating is, and it is the single most anal thing I have seen today, which is saying something as I had guard drill today.

The lack of this is why I lost interest in Senko San

The guy's job is literally killing him but he just accepts it.

Senko is nothing more than a bandaid.

are these guys ever legit?

>Look up Professor Tony Martin expecting an academic who probably spent his whole career mired in controversy and criticism.
>Guy is a holocaust denier
Yep that'll do it.

Care to give a brief summary?

It's a self-perpetuating cycle. You will do to your kouhai what your senpai did to you

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what;s the name of this manga?

I guess it's kind of like how you're served the first course before the second course, and if you don't eat your veggies you don't get the meat.
But in the context of school lunches you either bring your own food or have it served to you all at once, and in that case nobody ever gives a shit what order you eat in, just that you eat it.

yes, it has a surprisingly low amount of dick-headery, given the subject-matter

Attached: golden stare.gif (124x124, 3K)

What series is this?

Literally called "Yugami-kun Doesn't Have Friends", and you can see why.

given all the fabricated evidence and supposed witnesses proven to be liars, can they actually prove it happened the way they said it did?

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How did you even get into this line of thinking? Do you require a personal inquest for every piece of history you read? Did the American war of revolution really happen? Did the dutch really colonise South Africa? Did the Spanish really invade South America? We're prisoners really shipped off to Australia? Where does it end?

It's state-level military, my dude. Just imagine the normal military, but all of the NCOs have inferiority complexes.

It's not only the bureaucracy, actually. It's also how it works in the private sector. If you're a trainee in a company and you suddenly needs to use the copier to copy some page, you'll need to ask to your senpai if you can. Then this senpai will have to ask his senpai if you can use it. Then all those people will go to the office's manager place to ask if you can use it. Then all those people will go to the general manager to ask, then everybody will go to the company second in command, then everybody will go to ask to company's director. Then the company director will say OK, and everybody will go with you to the copier to show you how it's done and watch you copying your page.
Repeat the process everytimes you need to copy something (well, maybe you'll skip the final stage with the company director for the following times, but that's it).

That's how Japanese people ends up having ridiculously high hours of presence at work (while doing nothing and having terrible work efficiency).

And I'm barely exagerating.

Even worse, she actually encourages him, saying "good job today! :3". She is aware of what is destroying him, but she just wants to support him while he does it.

>rue de la soif

At the Nuremberg trials, the Nazis questioned never tried to deny that the Holocaust actually happened. They tried to shift the blame at best.

Why do you deny something that the perpetrators themselves admitted happened?

because the history of one specific group is constantly distorted or not mentioned at a systematic level

and why have we stopped talking about japanese authors criticising their their government and society

Did it not occur to you that the "real evidence" your showing me right now could be fabricated to push an agenda?

you're arguing with some /pol/ reject holocaust denialist

you may as well be arguing with someone who thinks the moon landing was fake; it's a waste of time

Yeah and if your country sounds like Post 2010s Yea Forums you KNOW you've fucking got problems

I live in Europe and work in an investment bank in quantitative stuff, IT department on risk things. I got my job two years ago, my first job and now I am coordinating a small team of people with 6+ years of experience in their fields. In Japan this would be impossible, that mentality of seniority=authority/competence is disgusting. Mind you, my company is foreign, the mentality within national companies in my country is similar to Japan's.

The same "trials" which were not based on any actual legal doctrine and stated from the beginning that proof was not necessary for prosecution. Those tried attempted to shift blame because they were told from the beginning that they would be found guilty no matter what evidence came to light.

I mean i was trying to initially talk about the concept of nationalism and British Imperialism which was sort of relevant till you started bringing up the Jews for some reason.

do you have work experience with them?
would be interested in hearing them

Because they've carried out too much fabrication and distortion of evidence for me to trust their words

I'm jaded by the distortions of history and its use as propaganda, I just want the actual truth to be told because it makes me angry
like the whole operation talpiot/911 thing or the USS Liberty attacks

Funnily enough I imagine there's an awful lot of overlap between those two.

Not that guy, but I'm going to read it. Thanks

because the jews were a major financial power in britain, france, portugal and holland that lead to much of the colonialist expansionism

The jews were completely expelled from Portugal during that time by the Marquee of Pombal. The jews that remained pretended to be Christians in order to survive

I wonder if this was inspired by the movie Stand Up And Deliver.

The moon landings aren't fake, some of the early footage is dubious but the project itself was successful, however there is evidence that some of the "moon hoaxers" and "flat earthers" are linked to wingnuts and federal level dissinformation efforts they're typified by the likes of Alex Jones

Not anime, but Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: All Monsters All Out Attack has Godzilla as a spirit of vengeance of all the Imperial Japanese Army killed who had their suffering denied by modern day Japanese politicians.

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Another problem is that in Japan nobody is willing to contradict their senpai/superior, so when in a business somebody has a bad idea, nobody is willing to point it out.

it's why they ended up in amsterdam and england then america

what's that japanese phrase about the nail being hammered flat?

>no they went after pearl harbour because the yanks were blockading their fuel reserves
Only if you consider Indonesia rightful Nip clay

>Japan invades Mainland China
>US says knock it off or we stop selling you oil
>Japan says mind your own business
>US stops selling them oil
>Japan needs a new oil supply
>Japan looks at South East Asia
>American Philippines is in-between Japan and that sweet Indonesian crude
>IJN says hold my saki and watch this

Pearl Harbor was to temporarily cripple the US Pacific Fleet in order to give the IJN time to solidify it's impending conquest of the East Indies. After that, their plan was to lure the Americans into a trap (Midway).

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That's interesting. Might be worth talking to the makers of Ghost adventures about where they got that picture from.
Do you happen to know what episode?

I understand you're angry. Just be careful you don't get misled by your hate for the system to mislead you.
Like say, some government plant infiltrates alternative circles and distributes fake propaganda to discredit them. I wouldn't put it past them.

The Atlantic is rather legit. One of the only mainstream media aside from the big press agencies that's not entirely partisan.

Why didn't every country then try to colonise other countries if it was the financiers pulling the strings? This seems like trying to shift the blame.

personally im surprised no one has posted the "another jap war crimes denial thread" gif yet

It's literally right there, in the OP image "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down."

Do authors get any backlash from criticising Japanese social hierarchies and traditions? Why do the publishers and editors allow this to be sent out?

I'm under the impression that everything goes in fiction to the Japanese, as long as you don't touch extremely sensitive subjects like the war, or the Emperor.

Well, I have no direct experience with them, but I have experience with people working with them, and expat who lived and worked there.
Also, I know someone who married one, and well, err, all the waifufags who jerk on their perfect Japanese superior waifu are better staying in their own world, because the landing in the real world would hurt them a lot.

If you want a (small) example of the Japanese society at work, you can try reading this thread in this forum. The subject (rugby) may not have interest for you, but all the stuff it says about Japan may pick your interest.

Also, this article about the use of instutitionalized violent training in high school sport clubs

That's why they assassinated the original author.

Shit... we don't even see political content in comiket.

Imagine doujin works laced with comtemporary politics!

It's one piece of forged evidence amongst an ocean and a lot of these images aren''t even that sophisticated a deception

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>beat your students to make them good at sports
>they lose against mutts with superior physiques
Imagine being Nippon olympic athletes lmoa

I once read a (straight) hentai Doujin with Shinzo Abe, Donald Trump. and Kim Jong-Un. It was weird.

does Aggretsuko count ?

Most people don't know shit about shit, especially not history, because most people don't care about anything that doesn't directly affect them. It's not a Japan only thing.

Fucking cowards. I feel the need to mock the emperor now. Same as the king of Thailand, that dressed in women's clothing when going on vacation.

Come to think of it, the exact same thing happened in Neon Genesis Evangelion. Was Anno making a reference?

that is the normal military

the guy who was writing some very criticising stuff about Fukushima got his manga axed
can't remember the title, though

It certainly does. Probably helps that it's meant for an international audience, being a Netflix original.

This photo is pretty weak. Why would the civilians be facing toward enemy fire?

Wait till he posts pictures of the pool at the concentration camp and follows it with the "if it was a death camp why would there be a swimming pool there?"

>that New Game doujin with Xi Jinping
Netorase with real politicians is something I can get behind

You know what I meant.

Akumetsu really was the shit.

never. in fact the constantly cover up their crimes by focusing on irrelevant shit to save face.
>wont shut up about jewish genocide and black slavery
>ignore native american genocide and slavery
>wont shut up about feminism and global warming
>ignores the hundreds of pedophile rings going rampant and organ trafic

In America it really depends. Lefties like to go all in on injun shit about how we "genocided" them even though most were wiped out prior to expansion thanks to disease (and there's no proof of things like smallpox blankets beyond one British officer during the early colonial period suggesting it as a possibility) just as an example. The right on the other hand goes all in on rah rah blind patriotism. It honestly makes finding good American history books a pain in the ass because they almost all fall directly into those two camps or, worse, are written by non-historian journalists.

>t. poster slipping in from alternate dimension where existence of Atlantis is unremarkable historical fact; everyone thinks is just well-written parody

God, I hate using this word, but this is the most cucked post I've read in months.

Dude, I've been looking for scans for that series for months.
Where did you get yours?

though I take these images with some inherent scepticism because as you can see they're often a little partisan and pushed by retards and braindead neonazis for their own agendas

I've never taken that idea as strong evidence of anything
these camps were no picnic but the level of fabrication is deeply concerning to anyone trying to uncover what actually happened there

the bunkhouse picture where they've edited in bodies is stronger evidence of deception
the story as told has many holes

>ignore native american genocide
I literally live in a city named after Andrew Jackson, and we still covered this shit.
Please do not make things up.

lmao what a cuck

Where do I recognise that art style from...?

>Thread is about manga criticizing Japan
>Lion's share of the thread is about Jews, Holocaust Denial, and American/British history.


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what's so hard to say about the "american genocide" it's the natural consequence of introducing the diseases of crowded civilisation to a naive population, you'll notice nothing like that happened when they invaded india
there is no need for malicious intent in its spread and the blankets story has been proven to be bunk

If you can, there's a Japanese history podcast (called History of Japan) that has a series of episodes (called An Unnatural Intimacy) covering the American/Japanese relationship that goes a lot into the political/diplomatic elements that led up to the Pacific War. The one part I never realized is that FDR was convinced that Germany was the bigger threat and at one point even offered to let Japan keep all their overseas territories (so Taiwan, Korea, Manchukuo aand whatnot) if they left the Tripartite Pact and the fucking retards turned it down. There were plenty of politicians and officers who knew a war with the US was basically suicide but there was no real political leadership, the military hawks were out of control and the political system of the time basically allowed everyone to deflect blame so nobody was forced to take responsibility to step up and right the ship.

I truly forgot that this isn't a /tg/ thread until this post.

Thanks for reminding me how far /tg/ has fallen too.

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You are a retarded goal post mover. And in tune with the thread i agree that the Britain knows best thing is a genuine problem. We shouldnt have been embedded so deep within the EU in the first place.

/f/ has also fallen rather far, too. It is an empty husk at this point.


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yeah there are official reports written by europhile bureaucrats from the 70s talking about how best to persuade the brits that joining the european economic community despite all teh predicted problems and direction of travel towards a superstate could be peddled as a simple economic union
they never should have entered, but if they don't leave now then doing so later would be even more damaging

I can never take anything from SnS seriously again after what it has become.

>tree roots
people actually believe this over there?

It's not as much about "crowded civilization" contacting a "naive population" as it is just isolation. India was never some far off land which had no contact before the British showed up. In prehistory you had the Aryan invasion. They traded with Africa and the Mediterranean in ancient times; Alexander the Great even went conquering there. Then the Muslims invaded.

Almost nothing of the sort happened in the Americas. Some megalithic structures on the east coast of NA suggest that northern Europeans may have made limited colonization attempts, but other than that there are only some strange DNA outliers in South America (pre-Incan nobility with links to the Black Sea peoples and Amazonian tribes with Pacific Islander links) to suggest contact. Indications are starting to emerge that the Amazon region had a very large population with multiple cities, as some of the earliest Spanish accounts mention. They were still wiped out by disease because of their relative isolation compared to the Old World where many ethnic groups have been in constant contact and playing musical chairs of invasion and colonization.

given japan's extended isolationism I wonder if there was any disease epidemics caused by reintegration?

Oishinbo. It was a shitty series, but it was still one of the best selling mangas of all time.

You had a pretty sweet position within the EU and even got to keep your own currency. Best of luck getting your ships back from Iran.

Kill yourself Abe-san

t. fellow Nip.

It's not self hatred to critique a massively broken system like Japan. People like to bitch about places like America but oh boy is Japan a shit hole in so many ways.

We did. With brittish politicians being completely unable to go for a hard brexit to the point where it isnt even considered an option then they shouldnt have done it in the first place. I have no idea how it might affect scottish independence going forward, but i see a lot of people convinced that scotland is going to break off the next time a vote is called because of this fiasco.

I don't know if 200 years really counts for much, and even then their isolationism included trade with the Chinese, Koreans, Dutch, etc. Sailors and merchants would still have been bringing germs into the populace.

We do know the vikings did make it to newfoundland, though they didn't have to organization and structure to turn it into a solid foothold.

Honestly, its just a massive shame that the Mississippi civilization didn't leave behind more records. I wonder what kind of politicking led to rise and fall of that polit-entity.

I seem to remember hearing about disease outbreaks occuring during America's occupation of Japan following the war, but I am unsure if that is the reason for them.

Lobbying has always been cancer.

I have no hope as politicians have completely disregarded the idea of a hard brexit as an option. The sooner we do it the sooner we can solve all the immediate problems caused by brexit.

Hm. I expected it to be unremarkable. The first few arcs were so good.

Unfortunately it is also here to stay, as lobbyists will always push for people to vote against anything that limits what lobbyists can do.

And the nazis were right to be disgusted at what Germany had become. Look up Weimar republic and it's utter filth.

All they're doing is imprinting the white guilt in you so you'll be a good cuck.

The indian genocide is highly debatable and borderline false in so many ways. I can't believe people still think that shit is true.

I wish we hadn't murdered as many Amerindians as we did while destroying their cultures including the oral histories. There's a lot of fascinating stuff just in what remains from the genocide, such as seeming correlation between myths and mound structures and Egyptian myths and religious structures, which would be great to get a more in-depth explanation of.

>conversion of news companies into propaganda outlets
That goes all the way to the early 1900's though.

Lots of chefs come from japan to start restaurants in North America.

In Nip land they'll make you wash rice for 3 years before letting you do anything else in the kitchen. Come to anywhere in North America and you can be cooking on the front lines and maybe even run your own place if you've got the money or find investors.

To be fair the only mention of native americans in US classrooms begins with the first colonizers and then there is usually a cursory mention of the trail of tears. Mostly US history is focused on slave trade, revolutionary war, civil war, and WWII.

Exactly! Imagine how many political texts and other stories were lost when the Spanish annihilated the Aztec corpus of literature. I bet there were records of high levels sophistication in state and trade that were destroyed by the Spanish.

That's not entirely true. You mostly get your start in American kitchens cutting ingredients then work your way up.

Taking cover?

Colonization is not invasion. The lands that colonials settled were fucking empty, and it was the natives who started hostilities in most cases.

Not to mention that the "natives" were the result of SEVERAL waves of invasion from Siberia. And that they constantly fought among themselves.

True, but you aren't expected to wash rice for 3 years.

>I wish we hadn't murdered as many Amerindians as we did while destroying their cultures including the oral histories.
Eat shit. They lived by the sword and died by the sword. And unlike other genocides they're actually bigger now then they were originally.

I remember that picture of Mizuki-sensei eating a burger from Mcdonalds. The aged old man had the biggest smile while munching on it.

You think it's silly to get that elated over a burger, but then you remember that you're looking at a man that literally starved on the frontlines during the war. In his memoirs, he said that one of the things he and his war buddies regularly thought about during the war was food.

The way the man values food and the privilege of being able to eat is probably on a different level than most people.

They probably don't mention the indian raids on white towns, the fact that indians kept slaves or the fact they were hunting their main food source to extinction.

I'm Canadian. We didn't even attempt to genocide our natives and we still get beaten relentlessly with the guilt stick. I'm so sick of hearing it.

They died defending their homeland from foreign invaders. Like most incomplete genocides, the survivors have been relegated to a marginalized position in society and have had their culture torn apart both by direct destruction as well as the abduction of new generations to be brainwashed apart from their people.

The treatment of Amerindians by Europeans has been nothing but pure evil. Only children and kikes think otherwise.

>They died defending their homeland from foreign invaders
Just like the previous tribe they killed for that land, and the tribe before them and so on. They fought and they lost, and they were actually allowed to live. They were given designated places where they could live for free, where they could self govern with financial assistance from their "conquerer's".
>the abduction of new generations to be brainwashed apart from their people
Eat a dick. The europeans actually attempted to educate them so that they could live and thrive in the white man's society. You think that's evil? You don't know the meaning of that word, or of genocide.

The natives got off like fucking bandits compared to other historical "genocides" and yet limp dicked fucks like you will sit here and bitch about it. I fucking hate morons like you.

Tell that to the Fenians.

I don't see how that really contradicts what I said.

Ahem Residential schools.

Remember Red River
Remember the Northwest Resistance
Remember the Concentration Schools, those were a form of genocide

Yes, we attempted to teach them the language and skills they needed to integrate into Canadian society. How awful of us.

tribal wars are brutal affairs you kill the men and take the pretty women, when your enemy use feathering as a torture technique you better fight hard.

look at the biblical OT genocides or the mongols

>suicide rate
Honestly a bit overblown. Japan isn't even in the top countries in that regard anymore. For perspective, Japan is ranked 30th while the USA is 34th. The average Nippon doesn't want to kill themselves that much more than the average Burgerlander.

>lack of babes being born
That's generally an issue in a lot of 1st World Countries. Though unlike the Sudoku rates, Japan is on the higher end of that.

>Red River
They killed settlers and lost.
>Northwest Resistance
They tried a fucking military uprising. And lost.
>Concentration Schools
No, retard. Genocide would be if we took them out back and shot them all. Trying to teach them how to survive in Canadian society does not equate to genocide.

It means we've heard all the excuses before. All the attempts at "civilizing the local populace."

And that still doesn't make it a genocide.

on the plus side japan isn't being invaded by thirdworlders with sub 90 IQs

>bad guys
>gaijin wants to enslave east asia for another 100 years
>gaijin wants to subject china to another century of humilation
>gaijin butthurt he couldn't colonize glorious nippon
>probably russian or emigre STILL butthurt over the russo-japanese BTFOing

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Will you start learning Mandarin soon then to make way for your new Chinese overlords?

>inter-tribal warfare gave us the right to murder them!
There is no justification for murder. Evil is evil. It was wrong when the Amerindians did it to each other and it was wrong when we did it to them.
>They weer given designated places where they could live
Why yes, they were kicked out of their abundant forests and plentiful plains to be corralled on the worst quality land, and of course any time natural resources were discovered there later, the theft started right back up.
>The Europeans actually attempted to educate them
No, they disallowed them from learning the culture of their tribes while pumping their head full of Christian nonsense to make them subservient to the Jewish world order like everyone else.
>The natives got off like fucking bandits; we only slaughtered them a bit, let them have some shitty land after we kicked them off their own lands, and didn't even completely destroy their cultures
Not utterly annihilating them doesn't mean that we did the right thing you fucking retard. What was done to the Amerindians was evil, period. There is no justification for crossing the ocean, murdering them on their own land, and taking it for ourselves.

>tfw your grandad is a japanese captured pow and you just laughed at this

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>Colonization is not invasion. The lands that colonials settled were fucking empty, and it was the natives who started hostilities in most cases.
amazing how one can be wrong in three different ways so easily

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Probably will have to, yeah, if we can't repel them. That's the joys of conquest.
>There is no justification for murder
There's plenty of justification for murder, such as self defense. Maybe look up how the colonists and natives got along. You might be surprised.
>Why yes, they were kicked out of their abundant forests and plentiful plains to be corralled on the worst quality land
That's bullshit and you know it.
>and of course any time natural resources were discovered there later, the theft started right back up
Which they still get paid for.
>No, they disallowed them from learning the culture of their tribes while pumping their head full of Christian nonsense to make them
If by "christian nonsense" you mean English, finances and fucking trade skills.
>Not utterly annihilating them doesn't mean that we did the right thing you fucking retard
It means we didn't fucking genocide them.
>What was done to the Amerindians was evil, period
And you're qualified to say this, right? Are you Jesus by any chance?
>here is no justification for crossing the ocean, murdering them on their own land, and taking it for ourselves
Just like they did originally when the third migration wave came from Siberia. Truly my heart weeps.

I didn't actually mention anything about genocide. Also is that where we're setting the bar now? At least it wasn't a genocide! Give yourself a pat on the back.

So wait where are ADAM LILITH and the other angels? Or shinji?

Why the FUCK are we talking about Indians and America?

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still you should look at the mayans and aztecs for brutal systematic destruction of their enemies via genocide or denial of culture

I actually finally found some sold info about it:

>Triangular Eating (sankaku-tabe)

>(ex.) Main dish  Rice or Bread or Pasta Soup Main dish Rice or Bread or Pasta Soup….

>In Japan, we usually learn how to eat food in triangular patterns when we were little kids. We usually learn it preschool age to elementary school age. When we start school lunch, it is the time to learn how to eat. It is kind of Japanese food culture, so teacher don’t go too strict nowadays. Kids don’t have to eat in triangular way, but many Japanese do triangular eating because we learn when school lunch time.

>I would like to tell about the triangular way of eating. So, you have to make sure it is in triangular order. This is good practice in learning know how to eat a balanced meal by yourself. I think you can arrange this as square, pentagon and so on. Please go ahead add a salad or a side dish. As time goes by, if I have meat or fish, I automatically want to eat rice, then I start to want to eat vegetables. Isn’t it nice?

Disprove it, then.

>Also is that where we're setting the bar now? At least it wasn't a genocide!
For someone who brought up the Fenians you seem very historically illiterate. Compared to some of the historical conquests the native americans made out like fucking bandits.

What is evil by your definition?

>According to Article 2 of the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
>forcibly transferring children of the group to another group
It's textbook genocide. I can appreciate you're trying to have a balanced viewpoint on things, but there are LOTS of ways that you can destroy a race or culture, and most of the easiest ways involve reeducating the children.

I look at it from the honesty perspective which exposes a very stark Catholic / Protestant divide. Secular powers and settlers were always in it for their own wealth and power and were fine with destroying the natives if need be. But on the propaganda and moral front they were bringing the light of Christian civilization to the New World. So they had to offer the natives terms, not merely conquest and displacement. So they would trade, proselytize, and essentially offer the natives a chance at integration into their civilization.

The difference is that the Catholic offer was honest while the Protestant offer was a deception. In and around Protestant North American colonies tribes that allied with the Europeans would eventually be betrayed, displaced by legal means or provoked into conflicts (either with other tribes or the colonists) that led to their destruction. Even Protestant missionaries were beholden to their community or monarchs and would always side with them against the natives.

Meanwhile in Catholic colonies the Church and monastic orders, not secular powers or settlers, were in charge of the offer extended to natives. And the Church had no particular reason to favor Catholic Spain or Portugal over Catholic natives. Jesuits were perfectly fine with arming and training natives to resist European slavers, and even fighting and dying alongside them.

Hence why South America is a mongrelized native-European mix while most of North America was all but ethically cleansed and re-settled from scratch.

I meant the "Nippon Ichi" and "Two nukes weren't enough" stuff.

Not a manga but patlabor 2 is a pretty poignant criticism of the jsdf and I guess the state of this world’s ‘peace’ in general

This thread has gone all over the place. It's great.

just shitpost so the thread hits bump and we can be rid of this damned thread

>the Nazis questioned never tried to deny that the Holocaust actually happened
imagine actually believing that

the Apache were merciless killers

Somehow this thread has turned into the white mans burden.

>"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down."
I don't see why this figure of speech is so frowned down upon. Have you even seen a nail that sticks out? That shit snags on to things. Worst case, it can actually get someone injured.

In this case, I think the figure of speech refers to rogue elements that are actually dangerous and can potentially compromise the safety of everyone. In which case, I see no problems with it being "hammered down".

Its too bad because the topic is actually interesting but /pol/ once again shits up another thread.

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>implying the spanish weren't genocidal cunts

In that case then yeah, guess I'm gonna have to say this: Genocide probably saved them from a worse fate. We were on this continent to stay, we were playing for keeps, and there was two ways that all could have ended.

We could have killed them all, kids included. Or we could have attempted to integrate them into the new world. And judging by the natives I see, I think they got out pretty well from people choosing the second one.

That's not even getting into the Comanche or Black Foot. I read accounts of girls they captured and the shit they did made my skin crawl. Apparently they used to steal gunpowder and set that shit off in slave women's vaginas.

Except it also applies to say, a student being bullied. They're pressured to not speak out and cause "inconvenience" until they bottle it up so much they jump in front of a subway.

A lot of these sorts of things start out with really good intentions and a good deal of thought behind them. Forcing picky children to eat their veggies and rice, not just their meatballs, is a very good thing. But as with so many of these little cultures and traditions, eventually the original intention is lost and all that remains is an, often drastically warped, aping of the original action.

For instance, there's no point to triangular eating if you give your kid two nice meat dishes and a bowl of miso soup that they happen to like. You're not teaching them any particularly good habits, you're not forcing them to eat their veggies. There's also no reason to force someone to eat triangularly with such religious fervor if they're already in the habit of finishing everything on their plate.

I wouldn't really call this sort of mindless cultural phenomenon exclusive to Japan, but Japan is definitely at the forefront when it comes to brainlessly doing what the guy before you did. In some sense, Western countries are the opposite - we brainlessly do whatever we want instead of listening to and valuing those with more experience.

if by catholic you mean the spanish then you seem to be somewhat misleading of their practices

>Maybe look up how the colonists and natives got along.
The colonists were the aggressors. They were foreign invaders. The land was not empty. The bullshit about "Indians not having property rights" is propaganda used to justify murder and theft.
>That's bullshit and you know it.
No, it is entirely accurate.
>Which they still get paid for
Sometimes, where they have fought tooth and nail in court to get a pittance of the pay they would get if they truly owned the resources.
>If by "christian nonsense" you mean
I mean they were indoctrinated into a foreign culture while being forbidden from learning their own.
>It mean we didn't fucking genocide them.
Some tribes were completely eradicated along with their cultures. "We just killed and destroyed a little, not a complete genocide" is still evil.
>More mention of the wrongs of others to try to cover up our own past evil

>The difference is that the Catholic offer was honest
Nonsense. The Catholic conducted just as much systematic destruction in South America as the Protestants in the north. More so if you figure in that the southern Amerindians had a much greater literary industry with thousands and thousands of codices being burned by Catholic priests and missionaries.

>Hence why South America is a mongrelized native-European mix
And also a total shithole.

>bring politics up
>ugh why is /pol/ here jeez

I don't even go to /pol/. Stop your boogeyman shit.

>the bunkhouse picture where they've edited in bodies is stronger evidence of deception

Why would they ever edit this one? The edited picture only appeared in some american journal too iirc.

Your definition of "rogue elements" can be very different with that of the Japanese. For example, they see people changing job more than twice in their lives as trouble makers.

I mean, residential schools were going on as recently as the mid-90s. This isn't the "new world" we're talking about, this was happening while you were watching Dragon Ball on Saturday mornings.

great font

>Look up Weimar republic and it's utter filth.
That's just /pol/ propaganda. Hitler mostly got in for economics reasons. I swear, neo-nazis are reshaping history much more than whatever illuminatis-kike they fear.

But the analogy the figure of speech uses doesn't make sense. Most of the time, a nail that sticks out is a definite negative. You have very little sympathy for the nail because it's existence is a threat to everyone.

For the situation you're bringing up, a better figure of speech would be "The Tallest Blade of Grass gets cut down". A blade of grass never hurts everyone, but it apparently needs to be cut down just because it disturbs the order or something. That makes the critique you're bringing up in regards to the figure of speech more reasonable.

When making analogies or figures of speech, you need to chose what you make things an analogue to properly.

I hate indians they are filthy like niggers, uh I

the concrete girl case a few years ago was where a schoolgirl was brutally raped murdered and stuffed in a barrel of concrete
the mothers of the boys that carried it out harassed the dead girl's family for causing their families such "trouble"

There needs to be more about how godawful Japan's film industry is.

Kine-san comes close.

The plural form of goy is goyim, you stupid gentile.

I need manga about Japanese bullies getting "isekaied" into an American highschool.

>The colonists were the aggressors. They were foreign invaders. The land was not empty.
Do you think natives settled the whole continent? Their numbers weren't nearly large enough for that. You seem to be under this misconception that the europeans landed on America dick first with muskets blazing. They didn't, and most if not all early land was traded for.
>No, it is entirely accurate.
No, it's bullshit.
>Sometimes, where they have fought tooth and nail in court to get a pittance of the pay they would get if they truly owned the resources.
You mean how they automatically get a cut from resources on their land without actually doing any of the work? Cry me a river.
>I mean they were indoctrinated into a foreign culture while being forbidden from learning their own.
Yes, because said foreign culture was taking over. They were offered the language, skills and in some cases funding that they needed to survive in the new USA. That's a whole hell of a lot better than what the European's ancestors got, or what the natives did to the other immigration waves.
>Some tribes were completely eradicated along with their cultures.
You mean the ones that wouldn't surrender? Tends to happen in war.
>"We just killed and destroyed a little, not a complete genocide" is still evil.
No, in the context of the history it is damn right saintly. The world ain't a shounen anime, kid.
It means they were also foreign aggressors and thus had no true right to the land.

I won't deny that the residential schools were often corrupt. That is a truly lamentable fact. But I'll say it's much better than what natives would have done to our ancestor's kids had they won.

Didn't the Japs fucking eat people

it's like religious dogmas

>Disprove it, then.
the idea that the Americas were empty prior to colonization has been debunked years ago. And while we have no exact estimate it's likely around 50 million plus, which is not "fucking empty"
Denevan, William M. "The pristine myth: the landscape of the Americas in 1492." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 82, no. 3 (1992): 369-385. (just google it)

They were. Thing is, the Spanish fucking wish they could get away with doing the sort of shit the English could.

The Spanish were no better, but the point is the Spanish and the Church were pulling in different directions and the natives could survive by clinging to the space that gave them. The natives in the way of Protestant colonies had no way to survive if the settlers wanted them gone. In Catholic colonies the Church was happy to cock-block the Spanish monarchy wherever they could, so natives could survive by converting and clinging to that.

The Jesuit order got suppressed over this shit.

Resorting to cannibalism is a thing that happened to a lot of wars where resources were scarce. That's a thing that definitely happened in wars throughout the world. But obviously, everyone that did it denied it.

always remember the cree, the civilisation that built giant fucking mounds but were massacrered by I think comanche

>apan tries to cripple the kingdom's economy by getting all the nobles addicted to a trading card game.

no there was a bunch of banquets where they served up pieces of captured foreign servicemen

That's just because the American system is being overwhelmed by mass immigration of foreign doctors, which fucks the entire process up

>so you went to university for years and years and have a degree? but do you have entry level experience doing this entry level job? well we only have a temporary opening for an unpaid internship, best I can do kiddo!

That sounds like some cartoonishly evil looneytoons shit you hear from some tinfoil hat.

>likely around 50 million plus
That number has been disproven ages ago, user. Hell there wasn't even that many enlishmen back then.

>they automatically get a cut from resources on their land without actually doing any of the work?
And yet all fossils belong to the owner of the land where they are found.

are you blind?

>ugh why is /pol/ here jeez

>Thread asks about Japanese Criticisim
>Bring up Holocaust Denial and American Colonialism.

Are you actually retarded?

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Bit of a stretch to blame your shitty health system on immigrants.

yeah but it actually happened, japanese officer class were a bunch of psychos
president bush 1 narrowly avoided being one of them, luckily he got picked up but some of his fellow squadron ended up served on bespoke silverware

Who gives a shit about wrongs not making rights or whatever, this just sounds like an excuse made by weak nations who are terrified of being invaded for being weak

The Ogasawara Incident?

Act-Age is your best bet then.

we have decent estimates of the population densities of hunter gatherers and simple farmers, they put the population of north america comparatively low

possibly, it's been a while since I looked into it

*pre-colonial population

Sorry Vegeta.

Constantly, but it focuses more on Japanese behaviour and societal norms with the frequent jab at current politicians while there is less focus on the war and such.

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>No, in the context of the history it is damn right saintly.
Not being as evil as in other instances does not make something saintly. Europeans invaded the Americas and launched genocidal campaigns against the people living there. There are no two ways about this. You can try to justify murder and theft all you like, but everyone of a noble nature will rightfully disagree with your assessment, especially when you outright deny truths such as the sub-standard nature of the lands assigned for reservations in comparison to the prime lands the tribes were forced to leave. All the nonsense you are spouting reads as 20 years out of date apologetics.

Saintly conduct would have been returning to Europe, establishing nothing more than small settlements near ports for the purpose of trade. Evil is deciding that we had the right to take whatever land we wanted and slaughter anyone who disagreed.

I would be more sympathetic to your stupid post if half the doctors weren't indians.

Does it cover how shitty a lot of their movies are?

Because spics cry about fucking everything, they are a passionate race of goblins.

what is evil?

Nearly all Americans will agree that the slaughter of native Americans and other war crimes were wrong user.

You're a retard. The reason Latin America is brownzone is because the Thirteen Colonies and Canada were sparsely populated and comparatively small as well as the fact Canada already had a large population of Frenchies when the British got control. In 1800 the UK and Spain had similarly sized populations, but Spain conquered half of north and south america and all the largest empires, while Portugal was a tiny country with a fuckhuge place known as brazil.


Everyone check out this fucking faggot.

Are you still crying about the activation of the mass autism array?

>That number has been disproven ages ago, user
ah, so that's why you haven't posted anything to disprove it then

>But I'll say it's much better than what natives would have done to our ancestor's kids had they won.
You're still acting like there was any way at all that the Aboriginal people could have "won" by the 1950s. We didn't have to stick their kids in crappy schools, we'd already beaten them. It's not an either-or.

Like, what happened during the settlement of America was pretty fucking tragic, but it's debatable if there's anybody in particular to blame. It's what happened AFTER the settlement of America, particularly in the late 1800s-early 1900s, that people call atrocities and genocide.

Didn't the Soviets translate for the Nazis

Murder and theft

Korea is skipped over yeah but everyone knows Vietnam was a clusterfuck dude

It's literally in our history books, why are you asking this question? This thread is about the Japanese

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I'm glad we did, could you imagine if we'd bred with them instead like the spanish did? The USA would be as much of a shithole as south america

Because it's all guesswork and estimates. The most middle of the road estimate is 5 million, with 2 million being the lowest and 18 million being the highest. All three of those are fucking far from 50 million.

>We didn't have to stick their kids in crappy schools
What was the other option? Let them starve in reservations now that we've made their way of life more or less impossible?

how are they evil?

The indisputable fact is that the Spaniards under Church supervision converted and integrated the native element while the Anglos led a protracted campaign of extermination in which they destroyed even the tribes which allied with them, and no amount of repeating the English mantra of the Spanish Black Legend can change that.

Who gives a fucking shit about the native americans? I don't understand why people get so upset at the idea that the colonization of the Americas was a net gain for humanity as a whole

>noble nature
No one like this exists in real life, europeans murdered the native americans and the world was better for it

Well it doesn't really bother me. It's not my health care system.

the gulf of tonkin "incident"

And here we see why the world is as shitty as it is. When humanity wipes itself out, you can thank the retards like these guys.

>Nonsense. The Catholic conducted just as much systematic destruction in South America as the Protestants in the north. More so if you figure in that the southern Amerindians had a much greater literary industry with thousands and thousands of codices being burned by Catholic priests and missionaries.

The Church destroyed the culture but saved the people. Indeed, they destroyed the culture TO save the people.

The Protestants destroyed the people, wrote a few dissertations about the culture that was destroyed alongside them, then started crowing about Catholic crimes.

>shitty as it is
Without the europeans colonizing the americas we wouldn't have the moon landing or the space race, our best chance to get off this piece of shit planet came from that "evil" time

if they hadn't suppressed the north american amerindians would they have ever built such a strong economy?


are you a catholic by any chance?

Yes, so what?

just checking to see if there might be a minor bias

Can we please post more manga that answers the OP's question? I was enjoying this thread.

not in this thread

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By that logic, the space race wouldn't happen without the Soviets. Were the Soviets saviors of humanity too?

>tfw banzai charges work in ww1 and nips think it will work in ww2
Absolute shit generals

Von Braun was dreaming up space missions before the war to pacify the German rebellion against the Jewish world order distracted him. Without the resources of the Americas used to destroy Germany, we'd already have National Socialist space colonies. Our best chances at getting off this rock or correcting humanity were dashed because of the resources available to the Jewish world order from the colonization of the Americas.

>The Church destroyed the culture but saved the people. Indeed, they destroyed the culture TO save the people.
Again, nonsense. Christian culture is the destruction of the spirit and subservience to ignoble masters. The Church brings nothing but degeneracy and misery.

I once heard that it nearly happened to Bush Senior when he served in the war. He was shot down attacking an island where it was known to happen.

man needs some form of faith
if you take one away they inevitably construct another.

The only faith necessary is faith in truth. Christianity is demonstrably false and rotten. There's a reason that every culture at some point was, and in some cases they still are, centered around animistic panentheism. The traditional religions, the shamanism of Europe or the Shinto of Japan, are truth and the only things worthy of faith.

Then demonstrate it instead of implying it.

Note that I have never claimed the Catholic conquest was less destructive and certainly they have destroyed more advanced and accomplished cultures. What I said was that their claims of bringing the light of Christian civilization (as they understood it) to the New World and offers of integration to the natives were honest (and guaranteed by the Church as opposed to secular powers) while the Protestant equivalents were lies and both the natives who trusted them and the ones who didn't were doomed.

yet european christianity actively selected eugenically for intelligence via differential birthrates of the smartest and drove the greatest revolution in history, what does any other system of belief have by comparison? other than slightly better metaphysics?

Ah, a hippy. That explains it.

shinto is pretty creepy

Christianity drove the dark ages. All of the advances came later when people started to rise up against the tyranny of the church and return to pre-Christian ideas.
>what does any other system of belief have...other than slightly better metaphysics?
If your system of belief doesn't describe the truth, it is dogshit and will result in spiritual degeneration as can be seen with Christians.

Did you miss the part where I praised the National Socialists and mentioned a Jewish world order?

I.. How?
In Italy we start from prehistory thrice in elementary, junior high and high school.

At very LEAST we reach the end of ww2 and reconstruction.

How many hours of history do you have? Half every other week?

>Christianity drove the dark ages.
The dark ages are a misnomer and a myth. The churches of antiquity were actually where most book production and scientific advancement was done.

don''t underestimate the power of passive eugenic selection

>hurr dark ages are a myth, watch this propaganda video