Why does Asuka not want children? Is it because or her past trauma as a child herself?

Why does Asuka not want children? Is it because or her past trauma as a child herself?

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most girls her age don't want children

because she is a 14 years old girl ?
or she knows that shinji is not ready yet

Because children are annoying cunts that aren't worth having

She's 14

It takes time to learn to love children. And she's a damn kid herself.

>Why does Asuka not want children?

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>most girls her age don't want children
Isn't that true only to femcels?

Fourteen year old tomboys aren't usually known for wanting kids.

She said so herself.

femcels don't exist retard

then post evidence

Only teenage girls that have been groomed to want children would wish for one. Or those who think they can make a quick buck out of it. Normal teenage girls don't want to get preggo that early.


She said it in the scene in the screenshot, you stupid fucking nigger.

Famcels exist but all they are over 35 years old without children or husband.

Not that user but she really did say so herself. It's from that episode where she gets her period.

then post it

if user makes a claim he should be ready to support it
>y-YOU go look it up
The absolute state of california public school anons

she wants kaji's children

Because her Germans genes are trash, shinji must choice a Japanese girl to have a pure blood line.

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>must choice
I'd say fucking phoneposter but your filename says you're clearly not

Just admit you haven't watched Evangelion, Yea Forumsermin.

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Wholesome and Hikaripilled.

He's not making a claim, it's something the very show stated. Go rewatch if you need proof that badly.

I accept your concession newfag
>1. state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
Whether it's true or not isn't part of the word, it's asserting something without prior proof
But you're probably underage if someone has to spoon feed you basic composition

> complains about spoonfeed
> is begging to be spoonfed himself
The absolute state of asukafags

>newfag [missing full stop]
>proof [missing full stop]
>composition [missing full stop]
>it [missing full stop]
>anons [missing full stop]

I still would get her pregnant then have pregnancy sex with her.

asuka would be a terrible mother t b h
how can she love her kids if she cant even love herself

I asked several 14 year olds whether they wanted children and for some reason they either threatened to call the police or increased their walking pace to get away from me.

You can't love anyone if you can't love yourself

>asuka would be a terrible mother

>you can't love others if you don't love yourself
I hate this stupid meme

asuka broth

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Every teenage girl who's on her period says this kind of thing. When you're a 14yo girl struggling with the pain and discomfort of menstruation you end up wishing every month you could trade your ability to make babies in exchange for never bleeding your ovaries out ever again

Who hurt you?

>she cant even love herself

But if you love yourself too much it becomes narcissism/ the extreme of individualism.

Wow, shocker.

Once they have gone through puberty that changes.

I'm from eastern yurop and most girls at that age wanted to become mothers eventually.
Maybe in the west feminism has turned all your women into stronk independent feminists, but there are still a lot of girls that want a normal family.

was perhaps the case with my cousin

and will she die

To make the best soup in tokyo 3
and no

This doujin was legitimately good and WHOLESOME up until the sex ruined it

Where is she trying to go?

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Shinji's lovely suite

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Not him, I almost lost my hearing after some kid at a store just randomly screamed their lungs out right behind me. Fucking hell, would've flunged him into the trash if his father wasn't there. I would have literally kicked that fucking brat in the stomach.

Western Europe has better birth rates then the post apocalyptic shithole postcommunist countries simply because they are wealthy and can afford good child welfare.
t. Eastern European who never once in their life wanted kids because that's certain life of poverty.

Honestly, everyone "loves" their mother but nobody wants to become one

Anybody that argues damaged goods like Asuka would make a good mother is fucking insane. There is a reason why Asuka despite being one of the most popular characters, never makes "anime women who would make ideal wives and mothers" list.

Nge final was better than end of evangelion change my mind

you get to see tiddies in eoe

It's not that deep. Asuka is a child herself, but not the motherly or babysitting type. Most importantly- she's very self centered and wants to be the main focus of attention. Of course she'd never want children.
You wouldn't catch her changing a dirty diaper or being vomited on if it cost her her life.

To be fair, raising a kid in the modern world would be a nightmare. Imagine raising a teenage girl in the age of social media.

Asuka and misato both see shinjis cock in nge, therefore as cfnm trumps tiddies, nge is better

Depends..., main reason why the birthrates are higher there, is to due immigrants....
the local-population, well yeah, depends...

>Depends..., main reason why the birthrates are higher there, is to due immigrants....
Lmao, yeah no. Also stop typing like cancer.

Women don't want children in their most fertile years.
And if they do, then they want someone to take care of her and her children.

This is why domestic violence existed.
You either had sex just like you agreed upon before you married or have her back to her parents and brought shame upon them and her because she wasn't willing to do her job or you raped her because she didn't feel like it.
Of course you'd have to sacrifice for her and your and possibly her children as well.
You just made sure she did her job to your satisfaction and were responsible to do the same for her.
Or nowadays, you buy a really good looking sexdoll and fuck that instead of giving a woman the chance to abuse you by making you get hooked on her pussy.

Men and women may be the same species, but we have yet to be the same kind

Women dont want kids because kids suck.

The only good answer in this thread. The rest is /pol/shit and waifu shit. Sometimes I can understand why Anno hates evafags so much and stop giving a shit about eva

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I misread this post. Whoops.

You're not wrong though

imagine shinji being transformed into a baby by an angel and asuka having to take care of him

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Imagine the look on her face when he pukes in her mouth/on her face after she feeds him.

She'd be an awful mother in a theoretical scenario where a baby just appeared in her life.
But if it's the lovechild from some guy who loves and cares for her I could see her being a pretty solid mama

Try again in english, mouth breathing third worlder.

It's expected that you remember at least some key points of a series.
I've watched it five years ago and I still remember.
What are you, a goldfish?

Asuka would make the best mother.

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I like Asuka as a character but she's objectively a terrible person to be around. And Eva isn't your seasonal haremshit so being embraced by (You) won't magically fix all her mental issues

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Until they get so old and wonder where the good men went.

I mean, I know that women and basedboys aren't really good at long term planning and so on, but you have no excuse to not have kids, when your future is depending on kids that value your worldview and wish to maintain it.

Nowadays you have all these modern appliances like dishwashers, driers, washing machines, cooking devices, roombas, etc. to shorten the usual spiel of 24/7 housewife shit into a daily 4h game of prep work and maintenance.

Sure, kids suck.
But if kids suck, then what value do women have then?
They only have their bodies then, a deprecating asset, yet want to be paid as if they want kids by a man with his love and attention.

Not gonna lie, I see very successful women, but those are more often than not guided by a culture that despises thottery and doesn't put them on a pedestal, forcing them to actually have a life of their own.

The other women I have met so far, are all emotional abusive children who expect to be out on a pedestal for having a vagina that's been shared around like a used hot Pocket.
This always happens if you don't realize that men and women are different and both need to play to their own abilities best advantages.

It's your culture's fault for falling for a woman's cry for equality without understanding and comprehending what it means to be as disposable as an average man.
Of course other men were at fault too. They wanted the quick fuck, should have legalized prostitution instead.
Yet, nowadays men are held back so badly by making women appear equal and even superior to men, that various men are becoming desillusioned and even apathetic to the females.
To the point that they resent women for being born.
You want traditional men, but don't want to be traditional women, not even on, as it is nowadays, on part time or even for two h a day on average.
If this goes on, I just might as well have a child via surrogacy or artificial wombs.

Tell me I am wrong, sweaty.

You have the best situation to have several kids, invest in them and also have some good money left over to enjoy your old age.

Honestly, at this point I am just pointing out the obvious.
it's your turn now

>But if kids suck, then what value do women have then?
Full-cycle gestation. Sadly it's yet to be replicated by the tech for humans.

There have been instances of comatose women becoming pregnant and giving birth to healthy children.
I am just pointing this out , as sad as it is, it might be a clue at how a woman's value is solely based on her owning and using her fertility and youth.

...yes? This is what I said.
We have two difficult technical problems: producing an egg and carrying an embryo it to term.
Both are yet to be properly solved for human beings.
When we solve it we can fully decouple sex from having children.

Which would make women useless by default, as they are not meant or made to be as hard working as men.
And men would rather than have a visit to a brothel, a sexdoll and a nanny for his children till they turn the age they can go their own way.
I am not sure if this will be allowed by society.
They rather cripple men so much further instead, just as they do with the bachelor taxes.
Nonetheless, the future will be interesting.

So.. youre saying women have no value outside of raising kids?

Nope, sorry. I have no idea what you're trying to say. Unfortunately I don't speak middle eastern caveman.


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This discussion is truly relevant to evangelion

A society without any women would not survive for a single generation. The overall aggression and sexual frustration would be so great eventually the "alfas" would start castrating the "betas" just to keep the civilization from collapsing.

Why was this "character" in the show? It adds literally nothing to the story except that first scene being pretty funny.

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>Which would make women useless by default
Just levels the playing field. Be useful and you can get good things. Only a small percentage of work requires physical strength, and even that can be solved by steroids.
Also, most studies that I know of says that it's best when the kid has two parents while growing up, so there is that.
>They rather cripple men so much further instead, just as they do with the bachelor taxes
Yes, most likely. Men are idiots.
>A society without any women
What? They are still there, just not required for the reproduction.

Because she is a child soldier with a horrible family circumstances?

What's with this site and acting like not wanting children is abnormal?
Is it just preggo fetish fags trying to convince everyone their fetish isn't weird?

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>But if kids suck, then what value do women have then?
Comparable value to the most men.

its because Yea Forums is usually right-wing/conservative

Basically just for levity and potentially to sell merchandise.


>he doesn't know who runs Seele

Why the fuck can't you go two goddamn minutes without shoving politics into shit? Fuck off.

best girl

Fertility cripples women's social standing more than advancing it. Employers don't want to hire fertile women, maternity leave cripples their careers. Economic studies have shown kids are actually the worst investment one can make. All input and no return.

Guys. It really isn't that deep. She's just a teenager and periods suck ass.

But my porn told me women want to breed constantly and say "knock me up!" any chance they get and every anime has that girl who wants to have a baby with the mc.

What do politics have to do with wanting children?

Children with whom? Shinji? Would you like to have children with Shinji?

What would rei do if shinji told her he wants to put babies in her

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Please stop following the incels/pua meme crowd retard

>having children in your twenties in this economy
only if you're willing to get by on government gibs

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A lot?


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It's true.

Good future will involve AI getting to rule and everyone getting a robocatgirl/robocatboy. Bad future will be the same, but with most/all people wiped out.

>Nowadays you have all these modern appliances
Just like before XX century a single woman would have lead a miserable life in poverty, but now she can be comfy on her own.

Nothing. But pushing the idea that women should have children for a meaningful life is a conservative value.

t. conservative

Pretty sure most of the immigrants to western European countries are from eastern European countries so I don't really know how that works.

can angels get pregnant?

>wealth improves childbirth
Current Africa and Europe century ago show otherwise.

Most girls don't want children at that age, plus periods fucking suck so it's natural Asuka would get pissed at the reason why she gets them in the first place.

Maybe, but God can send a deluge for that.

Not based and cringepilled.

The thing about this argument is that you're vaguely implying that brain dead NEET /r9k/ faggots are somehow more useful to society than women that actually work and contribute to society because they have a penis. How does being a man inherently make you any better than a woman when you still choose to act like a woman anyways?

Don't forget the muslim immigrants...

Not him but I don't see it. Care to elaborate?

i don't think you know what a tomboy is

Great, as long as she stays pregnant she won't have to deal with periods

The girly girl trait is usually not an urge to be perfect in huge robot driving.

Would the story have gone differently, if instead of choking her, shinji would have hugged/kissed/fucked asuka?

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Who is the best angel, and why is it Ramiel?

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What sort of absurdism is this?
And why is Kiel a Grandpa, amd/or nosy neighbor?

Damn, just let Shinji have Astewka in peace?

That technically happened to Unit 0.

keel is trying to steal the secret to their ramen shop's success

>Cool geometric shape
>Big drill
>hetero af

>Listens to classical music (what a nerd lol)
>probably doesn't even have a drill
>Literally told another dude that he loves him while holding his hand in the bath together

Ramiel 1, Kaworu 0


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Why would an Asukafag want this for Asuka? Does her fans only see her as a fuck doll?

Patrician choice.

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In case you've been wondering. I had the brilliant idea to test rule34 with Ramiel. And who'd have thought, there is lewd art of it. (Incorporating the drill ofc)

Would your trust Shinji to be able to deliver a baby?

She's 12. Ask the other one of her that lived another decade aware she wasn't growing up and would never be a woman.

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Heh. 14 year old Shinji getting abused by a 12 year old...

Wait, no Asuka's also 14.

>Does he not know??

She is actually 13.

>Does her fans

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Kaworu made Ramiel

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>I'm not going to answer the question
>instead I'm going to point a grammar mistake
Thanks for proving my point.

Also from eastern europe. You're describing girls decades ago. Sure a good number of 14 year olds want kids eventually, but it's only slightly more apparent than in the few western nations I've been to.

u mad as fuck lmao

I don't have a dog in the argument retard. Stay mad

The smaller the girl, the more it resembles humoring a kitten.

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Because she knows she could never be a better mommy than Rei, and Asuka hates not being #1

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What about nurses?

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Get this Retake garbage outta here.

It's a prank bro. Hikari is only interested in Toji's seed, not Shinji's.

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I want to have sex with asuka until she gets pregnant with decuplets then have 9 months long vaginal pregnancy sex with her until she goes into labor then have anal sex with her until she gives birth then do it all over again until she runs out of eggs, and all while she is still in Junior High.

here's your reddit gold as promised

>a mommy

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She's all of mankind's mommy. The mommiest.

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> Asuka not want children
Too bad.

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Would she want children if you reciprocated her advances and loved and cared for her like she wanted

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I bet she's gonna be very good at taking care of cats as if they were her human children.

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Welfare not wealth. Countries which pay their citizens to breed maintain a relatively stable birth rates. Poorer but not third world countries with access to contraception and health care decent enough to prevent high infant mortality literally plumet below population replacement rates. Third world countries have little to no access to contraception and zero sex ed.

Asuka would probably would not consent to being turned into a always pregnant teenage baby factory that's always getting fuck vaginally by me.

>treating Asuka like a sex doll
>not having your 'must protect' instinct trigger on full alert when you see her

>Being impregnated with Shinji's children

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>not wanting your children to have the genes of a CHAD ancestry in which women chase after their dicks despite them being emotional wreckages

>treating Asuka like a sex doll
>not having your 'must protect' instinct trigger on full alert when you see her


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The chad part comes from asuka.

You know maybe your right. It doesn't have to be mutually exclusive

Reminder that Anno wanted Shinji to be english voiced by a transgender person

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no one cares

shinji dabs at asuka while singing hoes mad
how would she respond

>gendo and shinji are both emotional wreckages and socially inept
>still have 3 women each chasing after their 2 inch Japanese toothpick dicks

God you people suck

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asuka is cute, but she would look even more cute 9 months pregnant.

>original voice actors
>implying there is anything original about the old dub

Only applies to Gendo and Kaji, Shinji is canonically a tranny fag now.

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Pregnancy is disgusting.
I'm glad it can't happen to Rei, and Asuka would take every step necessary to ensure it doesn't happen to her.

imagine having vaginal sex with asuka while she is 9 months pregnant.

>Asuka makes her normal red angry face and screeches
>Camera cuts to outside Misato's apartment while fighting is heard inside
>Cuts back to Asuka over Shinji with her fists clenched and Shinji on the floor with a bruised face

>pregnancy is disgusting
How does it feel to be a faggot

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Gendo is a cool brooding loner, and women love the bad boy aura. He has that going for him. Shinji... not so much.

Why are you insulting that user when Asuka says the same thing?

Concession accepted

asuka but she gets shinji pregnant

Just because Asuka is my wayfu doesn't mean she can't be wrong

>my waifu is a faggot
Why aren't you a kaworufag?

She's wrong. Not a faggot.
user is a faggot

Being wrong is correlated with the big gay, therefore we can make the inference that Asuka is a homosexual.

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No Asuka can't be the big gay. That would mean my entire life is a lie. user STOP

What if Shinji was a girl

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It's already too late.

female shinji but everyone stays the same?
i wonder how gendo would feel if shin-chan looked exactly like a young yui

I like Zeruel more
>fuck you, fuck your base, fuck your evas
>lmao fucking noob pilot couldn't even finish the job
>oh fuck the robot is turning on I CALL HACKS!
I'll give Ramiel credit in that it took a huge operation just to fucking snipe him

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Are Tojibros and Kaworufags allies?
Discussing the boys usually makes for good threads.

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Well he is a pussy so he's like halfway there

Toji and Kaworu are usually bros whenever they meet in spinoffs and stuff, so yes

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I'm an Asukafag who thinks best boy is Toji. What a fucking bro.

>fuck you, fuck your base, fuck your evas
>lmao fucking noob
Please stop boomerposting boomer before I h4xor your base and pwn you. Stupid boomer millennial/gen x. This is why you aren't cool.

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>not being a 23 yo boomer

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Shut up faggot have a sense of humor.
Let me guess? You're trying to copy rei right?

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At least Rei wouldn't be using 1337speak in the current year like a boomer.

Why is Anno so adamant about them never meeting in canon? Same for Kaji.
Good taste.

What would shinji do if he saw kaworu and toji making out?

you sound like a boomer

Boomer and Zoomer need to be spam filtered


>oh gawd my i just took my blood thinners my hypertension is picking up damn kids

Has there been any news of a BD release of NGE and EoE in the USA yet?

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No, I think Netflix is the only official way to see the HD releases outside of Japan at the moment.

What is this, 2011?

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fuck man I just want a physical release, not always gonna have internet you know?

nigga shes 14

So wait whos gonna help deliver the kid
I don't think Shinji has any midwife training


Because Anno wants every character to revolve around Shinji for some reason

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Shinji is shown as naturally maternal throughout the series, I'm sure it would come naturally to him


I think the proper word there is paternal

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That's true at Rebuild but characters used to have a life beyond Shinji in NGE. I think it's half time constriction and half not giving a fuck and leaving the project in hands of the staff

Just keep the child in Asuka's womb as long as possible.

No, he's maternal

>midwife the size of a skyscraper
Have you thought about this.

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Isn't obvious? They flanderized her in their headcanons and made her into the same old tsundere archetype, which it's all about control (all those horrible bossy women really want is to make me an obento). Personally I find extremely creepy that many Asukafags like to ignore Yui's final message and pretend Shinji and Asuka are the new Adam and Eve, therefore they have to fuck whatever they want to or not. Considering how mad they get at Shinji for not raping Asuka when she was sleep, it makes sense for them

Attached: yui's message.png (500x281, 176K)

a lot of tragedy could've been avoided if rei and ritsuko bonded over using cats to fill the voids in their lives.

Asukafags don't really like Asuka, we all already knew this

The tsundere/kuudere shorthand for Asuka and Rei is useful, even if it's a simplification. Who can resist labeling things in media

The literal and figurative angel
Yes. But why are they sitting in water? Their pants are getting wet.

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Kaworu is much cuter. Also
>no drill
That's what you think, kiddo

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It's not about labeling but oversimplifing. If we follow this logic, Eva is just a 70s super robot rehash (every week a new monster attack the good guys's base looking for a McGuffin that can destroy the world and their only obstacle is a band of teens lead by MC who happen to be related to the guy who created the mecha and/or is the boss of the organization)

>why are they sitting in water? Their pants are getting wet.
*ahem* their pants are already wet.

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Kaworu is strictly for Shinji

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Imagine her cumming so hard it kickstarts labor.

Imagine her having embarrassing fetishes that now falls strictly to you to satisfy.

Imagine her deciding to take things into her own hands and has you on a leash as her sex pet.

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Kaworu is strictly for Asuka

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imagine the smell

it's less feminism and more the fact that everyone is too poor to afford children. America is a doomed hopeless place I can't believe people want to illegally immigrate to here.

>Eva is just a 70s super robot rehash (every week a new monster attack the good guys's base looking for a McGuffin that can destroy the world and their only obstacle is a band of teens lead by MC who happen to be related to the guy who created the mecha and/or is the boss of the organization)
>implying that isn't what eva really is.
the symbolism is just there to look cool.

>straight Kaworu
the height of degeneracy. Nigger.

I could fill more than just the voids in their lives if you know what i mean

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Not that autistic spammer but Kaworu is a hermaphrodite (mother of angels) so he can't be neither gay or straight by definition

He's the mother of the angels but he's still male because he's Adam.
Just like how the christian God is male but still our 'mother'.

>but Kaworu is a hermaphrodite
There is no good reason to believe this
>so he can't be neither gay or straight by definition
His soul is spliced with Adam's but he very clearly has a male human body. As for sexuality, all we ever see seems to imply homosexuality

Imagine Asuka pregnant with 11 babies while still in middle/highschool and very horny because of it?

Adam and Lilith are names but angels don't have our gender division, I think.

Didn't Kaworu's character sheet on the official eva site say gender: female?

Imagine Asuka just happy to cuddle with you and let her guard down in front of you

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>Didn't Kaworu's character sheet on the official eva site say gender: female?
We see him bare chested from the waist up in the shower scene and he has no breasts. Unless you're gonna bring some genderfluid bullshit into the discussion I don't see how you could see him as anything other than male

No, the show states multiple times that angels and lilin are very close to each other in genetic makeup.
All the angels as we see them are 'male' - they can penetrate and have phallic symbolism to them. The only one that takes on a more 'female' role is Adam/Kaworu because he 'created' them, but he's still male.

>sheet on the official eva site say gender: female?
No, he's always been listed as male except one SRW game where is gender is listed as a question mark.

Isn't shamshel female

You don't have to imagine it in the modern era

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No, what makes you think that?

their schedules? their apartments?

I want to comfort Asuka while she's in distress

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>As for sexuality, all we ever see seems to imply homosexuality
Only in spinoffs.
In the canon show, drafts, and rebuilds it's always Shinji that shows gay attraction to Kaworu but never the other way around. Kaworu never blushes at him or anything, I think he's above things like sexuality because he's technically a God.

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Maintaining society vs womyn's careers, hmmm I wonder which is more important?

He tells Shinji he loves him and seemingly wants to sleep together with him
I think the subtext is pretty clear even after the "Worthy of his grace" dub butchery

Yeah, I'd fill their schedules alright.

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Because she has g*rman blood. Everyone knows g*rmans are self-hating to the point of not wanting to reproduce.

I'm saying all homosexual overtones are from Shinji's side.
Shinji's the one blushing at Kaworu and clinging to him in the episode. Yes, Kaworu loves Shinji but there's not really any evidence that he means it in a sexual way.
Even the sleep together thing is said by Kaworu as confusion, not a genuine offer.

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A-user stop that

Just because Eva is 'deep' doesn't mean a large part of what it is about and it's appeal isn't because of specifically what you mentioned.
Asuka is a tsundere but she is also much more than that. Just because she is more than that doesn't mean the tsundere bits are null and voided.

She's not a tsundere, though.

Symbolize misato’s loneliness (or whatever)

Is Ramiel peak design lazyness?

jesus those legs are so tiny

Personally I think it'd be really cute too see Asuka bedridden with quadruplets and leaking milk through her blouse haha

He's the only sane character outside of Kaji and maybe Fuyutsuki

You'll need to feed her well and help her when she needs it so she can stand on her own better, knowing she's safe with you.

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I want to help her so her confident outsides match her insides.

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Just play P5 and fuck off.

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Lazy, and a cool enough concept and presentation that you didn't notice when she was painted onto the background and unanimated.

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Arael gf

imagine raising a girl and one day she suddenly decides that she wants to become a boy

>Not being a fit Chad while also wanting to protect your waifu
>not 1rm 3.5pl8 bench for your waifu

Virgin pls go

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Are u fucking retarded? Birth rates in western Europe not counting sand niggers are the lowest in the world

She is

I wonder if asuka ever masturbated thinking of shinji

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She probably cried thinking of him at one point, and then got angry at herself and cried again at the fact that she was upset about another person not comforting her

I wondered if she started off thinking of Kaji, but as she got closer or after she hit the point of no return, Shinji replaced Kaji.

And she said afterwards cleaning up "Why were you there?!"

Only little Asukas cry openly. Big girls drown it out with anger at being slighted and break things.

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and she'd take out the frustration on him in the morning to convince herself it didn't mean anything

She's Ms. status climber, has been since she was 4. Those types of women never take much interest in children or child-rearing, since they're a obvious impediment to one's career. They typically don't start to consider children until menopause and loneliness creep up on them. Asuka won't get interested in kids until she starts to open up, let go of her pride, and realizes mercilessly status climbing isn't the best way to deal with your loneliness. It tends to be lonely at the top.

Yes, this exactly.
Picks on Shinji extra hard just like she came extra hard thinking of him. It'd directly proportional.

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I wonder how things would have changed if the pilots just stopped being autistic and hugged each other followed by telling them they care.

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Womyn's careers, obviously. It's not like women have babies due to some societal sense of obligation. They have them for purely sellfish and individualistic reasons, society is just a byproduct of that. If women collectively decide they prefer careers and comfortable lives then there's nothing you can do about it. It's not like men aren't the main drivers of societal collapse with their chaotic greed and aggression.

it's a vicious cycle

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>femcels don't exist
Bwahahaha, if only you had assisted my highschool

They don't, even the most disgusting pigs can get pump n dumped by a guy who's desperate enough

People are way too invested into shipping and ignore every trait the character.

>Considering how mad they get at Shinji for not raping Asuka when she was sleep, it makes sense for them

I've literally never seen anybody mad about this. Only people pissed off about Shinji not holding or trying to help her. Not everything is black or white and needs to be about the MC giving the rod to somebody.

It was as recent as some days ago

Not related to the Asukafags or even those post but during my early years in the anime fandom, some fangirl posted that Shinji didn't rape comatose Asuka because he was too weak. I was pretty uncomfortable about that post but back then I wasn't aware of shoujo mangas

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>stopped being autistic
They would be totally unrecognizable from any version of them.

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And everybody calls him a retard, as it should be. She needed hugs, not dicks.

I wonder how things would have changed if the pilots just kept being autistic but hugged each other followed by telling them they care.

gotta watch this episode again

Autists tend to reject body contact. To be fair, I don't think any of the pilots was actually autistic for real

He's talking about the scene in rebuild when Asuka was awake though, not the hospital scene

I don't mean actually autistic you autist. Just socially inept or something

>Does her fans only see her as a fuck doll?
no, the fuck doll is literally rei and therefore reifags

Its been forever since I watched the show , but I think the scene OP is referring to is where Asuka says its "unfair she has to put up with having a period just because she's a girl" which... is not the same as not wanting to have kids.

Like, I think most people, male or female, regardless of whether or not they want kids, wish women didn't have periods. Its stressful and unpleasant for everyone that's involved (Unless, you like have some sort weird period blood fetish or some shit.

The might be more to the quote than I'm rembering, but even then, like its been pointed out, she's only 14. When I was 14 I had no interest in kids, and was more interested in getting laid than getting a girlfriend. Now its quite the opposite. So it doesn't mean Asuka will nescessarily think that way forever.

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Quite a few Asukafags in these threads think dick would fix her problems, and there was a post the other day and about 8-10 Asukafags agreeing with him. So that's just wrong.

You recall half of it correctly, but she also zettai iranais any kodomos. It would be a little late but this could possibly be her first, too, because her menstruation is mentioned now but never previously and "menarche" is part of her mindrape strobelight show,

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It's because Anno said he wanted to write more about her menstruation early on but didn't feel like he was qualified enough, so he just mentioned it once in a scene.

Ah, okay. you're right.

But like I said, very few peoples opinions and wants are exactly the same as they were when they were 14.

That part still stands. It's maybe the most significant part in this that she doesn't see any life past what she's trying to do right then, her body metamorphoses and she still thinks like a kid.

Because she's a neurological wreck that's barely held together by her desire to murder Alien abominations while piloting a clone of her mother transformed into a pseudo god. If she wasn't fucked she probably would want Shingies or whoever's children.

(Pictured Above)
Shinji playing with Asukitty.


Asukitty has terrifyingly turned the tables.

>a clone of her mother
watch the anime

Kaworu would get her pregnant.
Maybe even because SEELE ordered him to take every opportunity he could to impregnate her.

I can't wait for that sorry ass company to cease to exist. Their stock is falling like a rock alongside their profits.

"I will get my hands on that recipe yet, Second and Third Child! Just you see!"

Kaworu would impregnate her with 50 Ramiel babies.

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Shinji takes a condom, as she's being penetrated and thrust into by a Kaworu with a predatory look in his eyes and high priority orders.
She meekly tries to hand him the condoms, but her eyes go wide as he callously tosses them aside and pushes deeper, fiercer, and faster.
Shinji understood, weakly, that he wasn't going to stop, and there was no point in wishing she had not let things go this far in her room, so She shut her eyes tight to brace herself for what she knew Kaworu would eventually do.
Kaworu's eyes rolled back as He held tight, buried himself as deeply as possible, and released himself into her.
Shinji felt warmth enter her intimate space, and knew that it was done.

so is Twitter and facebook and that shit won't go away for years to come. If you got an almost monopoly on anything, you can loose money all you want, just having that market for yourself is reason enough for that company to exist.


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I wonder what she'll tell Misato or her Dad

My clit just crawled back into its hood and i doubt it's ever coming back out.

Eww. Go back to Tumblr.

Are you gay? Can i watch you and your boyfriend?

I'm only gay for 2D boys

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I like Arael the most.
>mind rape powers
>cool death
>nice theme song