Flying Witch

I just watched the first three episodes of Flying Witch. I wanted to like it but I'm dropping it now. My initial impressions are outlined below.

The characters in this are poorly developed and dimensionless. Lame, bland characters like this are crippling to any SOL series. Furthermore, none of the characters are likable.

The script of the show is very dry and boring. It feels like a rough draft. The scenes themselves progress very slowly and screentime is constantly wasted. This is not a pacing issue but simply one of low value per unit of time.

The atmosphere is not immersive. It feels artificial and forced.

Visually, the setting looks okay but the character designs are ugly. The colour palette is bland and boring.

That is all I have to say.
I'm happy to hear other opinions. What did Yea Forums think of Flying Witch?

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I watched, and enjoyed, Flying Witch one day while I was at home sick. Curled up in a blanket with no where to go and nothing to do.
Not sure I would have watched it otherwise.

I didn't watch the anime but the manga is fine. Maybe try reading it instead? It feels like Yotsubato

I think you might expected a completely different genre for some stupid reason. also nice blog.


OP is a fag

I want to fuck Chinatsu in the butt.

Great blogpost user, how do I subscribe?


>oorly developed
This girl begs to differ

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I thought she had a raging erection from the catalog thumbnail but it was just a cat.

I'm receptive to the idea that a lot of issues with the anime arose from poor direction instead of the source material itself

>Lame, bland characters
what did you expect? for a SOL it was fine. it obviously is no azuamanga daioh but it's nice to watch a slower paced anime like this or non non biyori.

NNB is vastly superior to this.

OP here

I want to clarify that I am a huge SOL fan and that I picked this up because it was SOL. I even downloaded the whole series before watching a single episode because I was so confident I'd like it. I was disappointed for the reasons already stated.

Seriously the main character is dreadful.

Don't even compare this Non Non Biyori, they are in different leagues entirely.

doesn't mean it's bad.

I liked it because the parents are present, so the author didnt do the parents are in perpetual business trip. the main highschooler guy isn't an pushover self insert guy that are the usual for these instant girlfriend anime genre. The backgrounds are bland, but i just accepted this as a very long winded tourism advertisement to visit Aomori, Japan.

I remember watching this only for pantyhose feet and legs.

>Not watching based episode 7

Nobody tell him.

Just passing by to tell you that you fucked up, this show was MEANT to be watched once a week, if you go and watch 3 episodes on a row you are going to fall sleep from comfy overdose, which will lead you to think it's bad, the perfect way to watch this show is by watch 1 episode everytime you are back home from work, try it this way if you are still interested in continue the series.

NNB and Flying Witch are vastly different anime. NNB is more of a comedy with actual gags. Flying Witch is more of a "pure" SoL with only light situatinal humour. I prefer NNB as well, but that's probably because I generally enjoy that type of anime more. I don't see how one is generally more well done than the other. Don't pretend the characters in NNB are well developed and multidimensional. They all follow very common tropes (which is perfectly fine btw). The characters in Flying Witch are more realistic, so you might perceive them as less developed, because they lack the extremely obvious and exeggerated personality traits of the NNBs (like how Natsumi is very energetic for example). I'm not saying they're any better developed, it's just the lack of exeggerated traits makes them both more realistic and easier to perceive as having no persnality. In the end both NNB and Flying Witch are anime that simply don't need very well developed characters in the first place.

>Flying Witch
What IS a flying witch, though?

Okay Anime Master.

Believe me, I'm well aware of what you mean. Ordinarily I would only watch one episode a day of this at most.

Watching the three episodes in one day did not result in any bias in my analysis.

Your point is valid but likability is a factor as well. Simple characters can be fine in a well-executed show.

Characters aside, NNB has far better direction, script, setting, and atmosphere.

>I watched only 3 episodes then complained about a lack of character development

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>tfw no cute dork witch gf
why live

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Akane is pretty hot too. I love me some brown girl

*pushes up glasses*
>implying my character development projections were inaccurate

Props for trying but every point you made is widely applicable across the sol genre from a perspective of something that tells an actually story. You need to articulate and illustrate you arguments better if you want to not be called a faggot when comparing Sol shows, as most of the appeal of any given Sol is in the superficial aspects and whether they are in line with viewer's personal biases.

i wish it stayed closer to the one-shot, the guy in the main series is just a background character that maybe say 5 words per chapter

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One-shot was a completely different thing with the same name. Still cute though.

Maybe it could work as an epilogue where Chinatsu goes to highschool in the city.

Flying Witch has the best male MC within the last 10 years
You can't prove me wrong

Spent the whole day rereading the series yesterday. Always fun to see the hamster and cat interactions in the background.


it had only 4 good scenes

1. when she was on her four and crawling around in her room
2. when she was trying to fly with a broomstick
3. i don't remember what it was
4. when the blonde girl is visiting their house

I don't need to
As long as you can't prove me wrong, I'm automatically right :^)

It's just a nonflashy iyashikeish sort of SoL. Find something more noisy to fit your taste.

ummm that's wrong because my opinions are facts sweetie

Nobody is complaining about it being a SOL. The problem is that it simply isn't a good SOL for reasons already stated.

>ummm that's wrong because my opinions are facts sweetie
That's what you would like, wouldn't you, honey?

I agree, it took me a while but I started to appreciate his character more abd more towards the end.

Rude. Makoto is a girl.

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For now

Is she, though?

Don't worry, I'll make her a woman.

I felt really similar OP, I kept watching and I started to enjoy it more as things progressed.
I can't for the hell of it remember why I started liking it, as it's been a few years since I've seen it.
But thanks for reminding me of it at least, I'll give it another watch and see if I would still enjoy it.

I remember one thing, and that's one café episode that made me feel really comfy.

Sounds like you were expecting a sol comedy out of an iyashikei. You're looking at it from the wrong angle.The characters are simple and calming. The pacing is nice and slow, perfect for relaxing. And the colors are cool and refreshing, not over stimulating.

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The restraint of that man is seriously impressive.

Nobody is complaining about it being an iyashikei. The problem is that it simply isn't a good iyashikei, for reasons already stated.

Not with that attitude.

>crippling to any SOL series
It's a joke analysis that avoids any sort of specificity and you could change the picture and say its any other Sol show and itd work equally well.

I was saying the things that you're complaining about are the things that make it good.

I want to fuck Makoto and Chinatsu.

>I just watched the first three episodes
>The characters in this are poorly developed and dimensionless

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I watched it and gave it a 10/10.
What it tries to do, it does perfectly.

Contemporary SOL is lifeless. "SOL" doesn't imply that nothing happens, that's the OPPOSITE of what being alive is like. Call these shows CGDCT because it's what they are, waifu timesinks.

In terms of the characters, there is an element of personal taste involved. I personally did not like the cast of characters and this is a major problem for an SOL series.


Ayakashiko anime when

This scene was lewd as fuck in the anime.

Fall 2020

>making a flying witch thread just to say how much you dislike it

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Nobody is stopping you from posting positive opinions about it ITT

did op want fucking Shakespeare

>I wanted to like it

Absolutely. Kei is true alpha male.

>implying kei needs to restrain anything
He fucks when he wants to fuck.

He's like that gay friend girls like to have around

Please don't shitpost with Kii. She is a good girl.

Nice body.

She's selfish and greedy.

I want to feed Chinatsu cake.

R-Really? Its my favorite, I can't wait. Mahoro is the cutest.

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her wife is better

because a high quality iyashikei is something that should be treasured

They're all great. I like every character so far.

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I like Kuuko and her klutzy yukiona wife.

She's 9.

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This author draws really pretty characters.

Holy Inquisition here. Did I just here something about witches?

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Agreed, sometimes I would just stop and stare at the panels because his designs are so beautiful.

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Well, I disagree.

How heavy are the dumbbells Akane lifts?

>tfw no liquor store gf

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Is this a joke page or is it actually the quality of the scanlation?

Nigga, they're both iyashi-kei, shut the fuck up, contrarian.

>What IS a flying witch, though?

They're young girls blessed with magic, that makes them capable of fighting against the alien Neuroi.

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I thought that was a fighting witch.

Minna is such a dyke

I wish chapter schedule wasn't more frequent, bimonthly with regular hiatus is painful.

The opposite of a ground based witch.


The brown sister was good too.

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Are there more comfy and easygoing shows about witches?

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Wheiii whey whey whey whey

Big witches are cute.

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>having opinions is blogposting
Brain dead retard monkey.

Vol 8 including Drama CD

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This was a thing I stopped reading because no TL. No easy to get raws too it seems.

>cat standing on her pantyhose


What's wrong with that?

>characters are poorly developed
why I’m seeing this so often recently
clueless retards using this words so easily

Shame really. I only seen it posted on Yea Forums once.

claws and pantyhose don't like each other

Do you know "Gin no saji"? And Shirobako, obv.

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>The scenes themselves progress very slowly and screentime is constantly wasted.
This is the sort of person that's bored by nyon nyon biyori's best directed scenes.

Non Non Biyori is all over the place quality wise. There are parts of it that are brilliant and parts of it that are complete schlock and still more parts of it that are painfully standard paint by numbers banality.

user, you have ADHD. I'm sorry.

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Your senses are dulled so only super candied saccharine stuff works for you. Sad!

Sure anonymous. The post complaining about how Non Non Biyori hops around directorial styles too much is ADHD. Totally not the exact opposite of a rational response.

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how can you complain about characters not being developed if you only watch 3 episodes??

>OP actually gives arguments instead of the usual template "I marathoned the first 3 ep of this show, what did I think of it" "ITT: overrated trash" etc.
>gets called out for blogging
the absolute state

The only takeaway I got from here is that pic related has nice tits.
and that mandrake I guess.

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>The script is very dry and boring
>The atmosphere is not immersive. It feels artificial and forced.
>low value per unit of time
Drawing out a scene where something mundane is being done is what makes that act become special. Picking herbs by the sidewalk, chatting with new people about nothing in particular, lounging about. How is this not immersive? It lingers specifically to make you immersed in the mundane, in the magic of the moment.
>The characters are poorly developed and dimensionless. They're lame and bland, none of them are likable.
Do you need some tropes to get you settled in? A slice of tsundere here, a running gag there, maybe a bit of dumb genki to get you going? What are you really expecting from these characters- a drama? A play?
>The color palette is bland and boring
It IS a bit muted, but personally I feel like it accentuates the calmness of it all.

i miss flying witch so much bros...


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