Post anime girls who are literally you

Post anime girls who are literally you.

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Attached: anniedonut.jpg (600x768, 58K)

This but I'm poor.

Attached: Hanako Honda.jpg (640x360, 19K)

I know Yea Forums is full of losers like me, hehe

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Wanna fuck?

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Attached: yuuko.gif (500x500, 446K)

Attached: Joseph.png (1280x800, 1.01M)

Right down to going from an idealistic, kind-hearted and energetic kid to a lazy, cynical and self-serving adult

Attached: faye.jpg (621x564, 125K)

Attached: YUKARI_3.jpg (640x480, 65K)

But I'm a boy, user...

Attached: witch-goblin-slayer-125438_waifu2x_art_noise2_scale_tta_1.png (700x980, 461K)

You can be a girl, user
We can all be girls~

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Sure thing, even more if you have cash.

If all 22 anons are saying the truth, I wanna fuck you all so badly.

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I even walk barefoot a lot in summer

Attached: cotw 02.jpg (888x948, 153K)

these personalities aren't attractive in men, though

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me and your waifu

Attached: me and your waifu.webm (640x360, 2.76M)



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oy vey

Attached: 25FSSme.jpg (2647x4093, 650K)

cause you posted CHAAAOOOOSSSS!!!!!

anime is innately tzeentchian

Tsuy, because I am slimy lawfag too.

as if...

she was so qt in the manga