Why doesn't he just give her raw garlic

Why doesn't he just give her raw garlic.

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His teeth look weird ew

Dude just give her the grandma's soup,it'll fix her instantly.

Kill urself tranny

That is a really nicely-written mass-energy equivalence equation.

>advanced pneumonia
>just give her some garlic

Didn't know antivaxxers where real

I don't care how rude urself is, that's uncalled for

>ultimate medicine
The writing is fucking shit. Has the author never heard of the bacteriophage?

Virus are manmade nanomachines so it won't have any effect after 3700 years.

this, Solyanka fix everything

>doesnt't work because bacteria developed antibiotic immunity 3700 years ago

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>self-indulgent comment

No antibiotics have been used in that time, it's fine.

>wahh don't talk shit about muh shounenshit

>i love spending time to browse these boards and pretend to be smarter than random kids show
really pathetic

>he thinks a colony of bacteria would retain antibiotic immunity/resistance a whole year after the last exposure to antibiotics, muchless multiple millenia

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>3700 years

Bacteria doesn't even need a year to develop immunities to antibiotics. that's why doctors make you go fucking Napalm on the stuff so your lymphocytes can kill off the remaining bacteria that survived so an immune strain doesn't develop.

>how dare you click on this thread for whatever reason
Keep seething babby.

>Posting on a board for Chinese cartoons at all

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A little chicken noodle and sprite is all you need

most bacteria lose that resistance just as quickly as they gain it when the antibiotic exposure ends. unless its a naturally resistance/immune bacteria to begin with
the ones that keep it are fairly well know. thats the MRSA type stuff. and I doubt given no professional-degree antibiotics they'll exist in one millennia, much less 3.

vaccines cure viruses not bacteria

wow, you watched a video on youtube and learned a new word.

Yes you absolute dolt, antibiotics are the ultimate medicine. The resources for its making are easily obtainable even in stone world conditions, and after 3700 years of no antibiotics, every antibiotic immunity developed by any ancient strains of bacteria is wiped clean long ago.
(no, bacteria doesn't keep any immunity it develops forever, it can lose one property and develop another in just a few hundred generations, a matter of months barely)

In this kind of stone world, antibiotics are a nuclear bomb against bacteria, just like it was when it was first developed in our world.

Exactly because virus are manmade and only a specific vaccine made by big pharma can kill them.

That's why narrow spectrum antibiotics are used in a complete regimen and failure to finish the regimen would result in the surviving bacteria with newly acquired resistance to rebound and recolonize. This creates a need to use stronger broad spectrum antibiotics which tends to affect the host cell more negatively.

The other problem is using an unknown antibiotic on an unknown pathogen. Too little dose or incompatible and the thing is ineffectual. Too much dosage of a broad spectrum will have an adverse affect on the host. It's important to test for drug interaction with the specific species of bacteria and it's takes time to identify and isolate what bacteria is causing an illness through classical streak plates.

It would be more helpful to treat her symptoms and bolster her immune system while monitoring her overall condition.

>It would be more helpful to treat her symptoms and bolster her immune system while monitoring her overall condition
That would be helpful. Too bad Senku, as an outsider, is forbidden from entering the village, much less being given an audience with the priestess to properly diagnose and treat her. Might as well use the time he has now to make a general all-purpose antibiotic while he waits for a time to check her out.

Good, I wouldn't want some moron making a blind antibiotic on my important person either. The accumulated folk medicine of the village would probably be more effective than a random antibiotic made at random.

You sound frustrated.

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She's been sick a long time and their "accumulated folk medicine" just says to give her lots of water and try to marry her off and get a kid out of her before she dies.

The "accumulated folk medicine of the village" didn't help her. Her own tenacity and Kohaku's deliveries of hot spring water helped keep her alive this far, but it can't cure her.

>Advocating folk remedies

Why don't they just pray the illness away? It would be just as effective.

>you sound frustrated
>not kircheis.jpg

if you're gonna do it, at least do it right

Then honestly she's fucked, long lasting bacterial infections leads to sepsis. It can be treated with a cocktail of antibiotics but the recurrence of infection is fairly high.

If the infection is bacterial in nature and was short term her immune system either creates immunity to it or her immunity fails again leading to sepsis. If her pneumonia is fungal or viral than the antibiotics would just fuck her up more.

Magical antiobiotics is the same as folk medicine except it has no applicable history. He's just gambling.

Why don't they just throw her into a bathtub full of leeches?

>He's just gambling.
Yes he's gambling. Gambling with the knowledge that the shut-in priestess hopefully has a treatable bacterial infection, and without being able to diagnose her properly is working on doing what he can to develop a treatment based on that common presumption. If it was fungal or viral he would've had to do something different, but this is far better than folk remedies or praying it goes away on its own.

Where are you gonna get leeches in rural Japan?

>vaccines cure viruses
Holy shit don't ever try to correct someone ever again.

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And once again the gamble is far in favor of doing harm than good. The villagers are doing the right thing by keeping her comfortable and treating her symptoms the best they can and hoping that she recovers. Pumping her with with an unknown dosage of an unknown antibiotic to treat an unknown species of bacteria is foolish.

When’s the twist where they find out that they were only stoned for 3 days and just got teleported to Africa?

And what makes you think that he won't diagnose her the first chance he gets to make sure that the cure they're developing can even work?

When you start developing a cure before even diagnosing the illness.

>implying antibiotics can defeat the Japanese common cold

So you can't do anything to even prepare for the possibility that it might be bacterial in nature and instead must twiddle your thumbs and wait for a miracle to let you both into the village and to see the priestess first?

Great logic. If it were you there Ruri would be doomed.

Russian top secret: Babushka's borscht is the panacea.

Why doesn’t he just stick a leek up her bumb?

>doesn't see the patient once, let alone examine her
>antibiotic is the way

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And what if by the time they can see her the antibiotic IS the way and they didn't make it in time to save her?



No, the right thing to do is to diagnose her. If you cannot diagnose someone don't try to cure them with snake oil. He is worse than the villagers and they are right for keeping him away if he has the ego to cure someone he's never diagnosed.

Another episode, another piece knowledge has been crammed into my cranium. God, I fucking love this series, just like how I fucking love science.

Has he made penicillin in the manga yet?

>vaccines cure viruses not bacteria
Do you have single digit IQ?

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Also death to transexuals.


I want to see all the butthurt that the creation of the radio will cause in some 20 episodes from now.

And by the time they can diagnose her, if it turns out to not be bacterial guess what? They just won't use the antibiotic. But if it turns out to be bacterial then they have the cure on hand. Wow, isn't that handy?

Why build an abacus when you can skip straight to the calculator?
Exhilarating... now THIS is the power of science.

A lot of scientist ITT

>folk remedies
> Numerous modern studies confirm that garlic has definite antibiotic properties and is effective against a wide spectrum of bacteria, fungi and viruses (9, 10). In addition, the antimicrobial activities of garlic are linked to the presence of some bioactive compounds (11). Moreover, many studies have demonstrated that garlic can be more effective as a broad-spectrum antibiotic compared with conventional antibiotics.

i wonder how Yea Forumsnime only fags would react to paper composite armor. /k/ was pretty chill about it, but knowing these retards around here.

Then you have to culture the bacteria and look for an effective antibiotic. That is the problem antibiotic is a vague term covering a whole spectrum of chemicals ranging from narrow spectrum to broad spectrum agents. Once again making a random antibiotic is not helpful and is just gambling with the patients life.

Don't post any more. We had no standards and you fell beneath them.

He makes a sulfer based antibiotic, not penicillin. And it does work in the end although he was sweating because he had narrowed it down to two types of pneumonia and only one was curable by antibiotics (the other it would have no effect on).

Stone World Bubonic Plague when?

Just wait for all the shitposting over "Senku Cola".

>the current Yea Forums takes everything so seriously that nobody edited this into the daily dose

So where is he going to find garlic?

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Dr. Stein threads are great. I always suspected that Yea Forums was full of retards pretending they were smart, but seeing all these people attempting to "correct" the science is something else.

This would actually be bad for their society. They're all primitives who are only just now understanding math and science, then you're gonna hand them a magic box where you simply put in the numbers and it'll tell you the answer. No need to actually understand!

They should only introduce calculators after everybody can do highschool level math, and only allow children to use them after they've mastered those skills going forward.

>ITT: if you know more than a monkey you're a fucking nerd and deserve to be made fun of

What's with the anti-intellectualism?
TV shows in the 90's have way more science than this lovely piece of shit and yet everyone has their ball hair twisted in a knot for Dr.Stone. Are they too stupid to realize this show doesn't actually even have that much science in it?

Why would you use a sulphur based antibiotic for pneumonia? Does she have a urinary tract infection?

Senku vs. Dexter vs. Jimmy Neutron
Who can rebuild modern society first?
Keep in mind Dexter developed a light bulb the first night he found himself stranded on an Amish farm. However, Deedee is a constant in Dexter’s life and will inevitably halt Dexter’s progress every step of the way. Jimmy’s dad will be present to make duck jokes and embarrass his son as well.

garlic is hardy, itll be everywhere. you can find it with your nose

Because he didn't have any faith in finding a mold with potent enough antibacterial properties to make penicillin from in this stone world and compared it to expecting to win the lottery.

In Japan?

Which is why people are starting to use older discontinued antibiotics now. We have so many antibiotics that we could actually cycle them over the decades and stay ahead of the game. Well, if it wasn't for fucking retards fucking that over and using everything too much all the time instead of getting on a decades-long cycle.

At least there aren't any Japanese trucks around. Except for that shitty one they build later on.

Garlic is a pretty decent antibiotic for certain types of bacteria, but it also has some side effects like thinning the blood, so it's not suitable for use on injured people (who happen to be the most likely people to get bacterial infections).

On the other hand, that also makes it useful for people who need blood thinners. Your prescription ran out? Go chew a few cloves of raw garlic and take some fish oil to tide you over. Keep some water handy, you don't want to use your tongue to force it down, trust me.

If you ever wondered why you have garlic breath after brushing your teeth, it's because the compounds in garlic stay in your bloodstream and you exhale them for hours.

Can I just swallow the garlic whole instead of chewing?

Some sort of mashing of the garlic helps with the realize of the enzymes in the garlic. If needed just crush them and eat the crushed cloves.

Not him, but I hear crushing the garlic is what makes its antibiotic compounds active. I guess you could crush it beforehand and leave it out the window to air for a while.

Chrome’s tendency to show but not tell to pass himself off as an all-powerful Wizard makes me question his methods going forward. Historically, a formal education was a privilege reserved for the noble class and administered by dogmatic religious organizations which led to Galileo getting shat on and witch hunts and shit.

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>coconut oil
>oregano oil
>ginger root
too many natural antibiotics to count

You need to chew it, or crush it. If you are a lightweight and can't handle chewing a clove of garlic, just scrape it onto a some toast.


Also there are milder varieties of garlic with less sulphur content but still having the allicin enzymes. That does mean you have to grow your own garlic though. It's not that hard, it's a low maintenance plant with little pests to worry about.

Grind them up and smoke them maybe? When’s Senku gonna find a bushel of dank kush and set society forward a few hundred more years?

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Hence Senku's plan to create an antibiotic that's historically proven effective against pneumonia (the disease he thinks Ruri most likely has, based on secondhand descriptions from Kohaku and the rest). Time is short and there's no antibiotic resistance in this era.

Assuming she's not one of the 3% that're allergic to it, she should be fine.

You really had to go into a thread to brag about knowing that one word.
That's freakin epic my dude.

based and red-white pilled

the science in this show is retarded and anyone who defends it is actually showing how much they don't know about science
you are not stupid by not knowing but you are pretty fucking retarded to try to defend it

Nice examples.

poor bait

Antibiotics are good if used properly. The guy who mentioned bacteriaphage watched a neat little video on the subject, I consider them to be a back up weapon that will allow us to revitalize antibiotics after a certain point in time.

and to show you how brain-dead the anime watchers are, nobody is bringing up the initial problem that people had with this arc, with the awakened stone humans being carriers for all kinds of nasty shit the villagers wouldn't have any hope of surviving.

Aww look at you, you're so defensive it's adorable.
The writing is still shit though.

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Antibiotics aren't vaccines. And vaccines don't cure things, they give your immune system a head start.

They prepare your body against both viruses and bacteria, depending on the vaccine.

>"Let's create something we can't make"
Brilliant George!

Reviving from stone wipes away any injuries and illnesses the person had

t. speedreader
Truly embarrassing

yeah this is discovered LATER, dipshit.

The antibiotic was probably the most important medical discovery of human history.
So much so that we've overused them and now bacteria is evolving to resist it.

So that means it's not true?

The series makes it clear early on that it's not trying to be realistic by having a guy perfectly count seconds for thousands of years and another guy punches lions.
Anyone to doesn't understand this is retarded.
The science is "based on a true story".

True. Nobody is talking about the epidemic that is already brewing and will probably wipe out a significant portion of humanity: STDs. Everyone just keeps fucking around like a bunch of degenerates thinking the magic pills will fix everything. Guess what? We now have super gonorrhea. No, I'm not making this up. There's actually an antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea and it's doing what gonorrhea did back in the days when a bunch of old white men told everyone to stop having sex ie. shriveling up your genitals until they fal off and you die.

It's being covered up and there's very little media coverage of it, probably because of how radical a moral shift would be required to solve the problem.

>he can't read

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>just keeps fucking around like a bunch of degenerates
Fuck off back to /pol/, you incel

Just wear a fucking condom.
If you're holding out for a world where people only have monogamous relationships you came to the wrong planet.
And just because something gets little media coverage doesn't mean it's getting covered up.

But that's literally what a coverup means

No it isn't. Coverup implies someone is hiding the truth.
But lots of things don't get media coverage just because they're not interesting stories.

just give her essential oils 4head

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What did he mean by this?

>People with perfectly treatable early stage cancers end up becoming terminally ill because greedy retards convince them to forego proven treatments in lieu of essential oils
Yes, I'm fucking mad.

Bacteria can sometimes lose immunity after some generations

>/k/ was pretty chill about it, but knowing these retards around here.
Wait, there was a thread there about that? Damn it i have to search the archives again.

Because they're hidding the truth from the masses. You just admitted it's a coverup my dude. You don't need to reply anymore, believe what you want. Deep down you know it's a coverup.

Don’t forget people using the more powerful antibiotics on livestock all willy nilly


>a world without niggers and whores
I fail to see the problem here. STDs are weak and should feel ashamed of themselves; even AIDS is a fucking joke. We are in desperate need of whatever powered up versions of STDs we can get, ones that are actually deadly for once, preferably without turning the host into a tax money sucking parasite for decades.

t. incel

user might be an idiot but you are just as stupid.

>Phage therapy

>t. nigger

>The rate of gonorrhea among blacks in 2014 was 405.4 cases per 100,000 population, which was 10.6 times the rate among whites (38.3). This disparity has changed little in recent years. This disparity was similar for black men (10.6 times) and black women (10.7 times)

But they don't work well on things worse than bladder infections.

BASED retard

>"I want people that have sex to die"
>not an incel

In some cases they are: bbc.com/news/health-48199915
In case the misuse of antibiotics won't stop, there might be a bigger market not too far in the future, too.