Irisviel is the ultimate waifu material, Prove me wrong

Irisviel is the ultimate waifu material, Prove me wrong

Pro tips : You can't.

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>Prove me wrong
her daughter is better.

She is Lesbian

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so she's still a virgin?

Never seen the world, not much to say, that's kinda boring.

Here comes the mentally ill delusional spics

Mini cup is better

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>ultimate waifu

Official Art show She is lesbian

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She is 9 years old. You're a sick fuck

Threads ruined by /u/ cuck virigns.

Chocolate version is better.

You can show her the world thats a great opportunity, it is like a child with human intelligence and body, but without the brattyness

I like a quick fuck

All the other girl in nasuverse are shit anyway.

i can't

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Holy based.

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she's great but i'm more into her daughter

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You mean thread fucking saved from delusional shiroufuckers ?

Can't be helped she wants Royal Dicking

She let's her husband cheat on her.


Irri's great, she come with a pair of maids.

But she killed Shirou’s family and Kiritsugu.


Doesn't have a long shelf life, but quality over quantity, yeah.

I personally like this one.

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After looking at the two picture of those two i most fapped to... i've matematically concluded that the only solution to the equation is OYAKODON!

waifu =/= housewife

Imagine being manjew getting to look like this only to wake up one day in the body of an autistic ginger.

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Sorry i don't like worm.

Made for oyako.

Why not both? Perfect housewives (who are also Grails), unite!

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Her snek is better.


You're in luck.

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Based and Einzbern-pilled.

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She tries to get our adopted son to fuck our daughter.


>not wanting a harem

>marrying a philosophical zombie

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Irisviel is a very good waifu. She gets unfairly overshadowed in Fate.

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she abused her infant daughter to the point where she became suicidal.

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Liz and Sella come with Ilya, not Iri. Liz actually has a shared consciousness with Ilya. Basically, in order to free up internal storage and processing power so she can murderize people with a giant halberd, instead of having thoughts and emotions of her own, Liz gets a copy of whatever Ilya is thinking or feeling, and then some semi-retarded golden retreiver level thoughts of her own.

Sella is just a maid, but she's also a perfect being who will live forever, or until she gets murdered or has a fatal accident.

Trips... Confirm?

>nstead of having thoughts and emotions of her own, Liz gets a copy of whatever Ilya is thinking or feeling,
Is that why she tries to get Shirou to sleep with people?

more than likely.

You have to go back.

oh one other thing about Liz; the reason she talks the way she does is because she's not good with Japanese. This goes back to the fact that it isn't really important for her to know Japanese to do her job.

Go back where?

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Reminder that Prismaverse Shirou's gonna marry Sella.

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Can't believe this got cucked by Maiya.

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>the only man worthy of your daughter is the one you’ve hand raised yourself

Makes sense desu

what anime is this?

she is a illya downgrade

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