Yea Forums told me it was bad. I’m on episode 25 and it’s pretty good. Why the hate?

Yea Forums told me it was bad. I’m on episode 25 and it’s pretty good. Why the hate?

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Because it's literally a gateway drug anime gone horribly wrong.

The Big 3 are all awful and Naruto is the worst of the bunch. You're free to eat shit though I guess

you're still at the part that was enjoyable. it'll go off the rails soon enough

Most of the Naruto hate came from the fanbase and former fans who grew out of it. Beginning - chuunin exams was when Naruto was pretty good, but after that it starts to decline into eventually complete irredeemable garbage.

keep watching and you will see

I will never stop getting mad at that

>watch 3% of a series
>wonder why your opinion is different from everyone else

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The very first arc is literally Naruto's best. It's all gradual downhill from there.

Because it's popular. Anything that's popular gets hated on and Naruto is no exception

Didn't someone make this exact thread last week? Bro you're not gonna just change Yea Forums's opinion on your favorite anime with shitty threads like this.

mostly this but, the quality of the show really plateau'd early on and stayed that way for the rest of the series

are you kidding? Yea Forums is a tsundere for naruto, you will see loads of naruto threads. it's a good series, but like most things that long, there is a lot of shit in between the gems. it's a fun, interesting world with a lot of neat characters, sometimes ones so cool that you feel their potential was wasted. imo, naruto is the harry potter of anime.

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Shippuden, probably. Shippuden is a landfill for filler because they caught up with the show constantly and needed to stall for time. The manga has a better flow than the show.

This is my first time making a thread about this topic

The story really starts to drop off at shippuden, espeacially after the akatsuki battles. The commen consensus there is around naruto iz that its a slow decline up to the kage summit, but still really good, and then it just starts freefalling after the summit

Because the FIRST part of naruto is better than most current shonen.
Like it or not.

It's just a part of the American anime community and it will go away some day.
Here in Europe people love Naruto (all of it)
Personally I think it's a good long running shounen series but I don't necessarily love it.

It unfortunately changes from "getting in a vital strike decides victory" in true "ninja fashion" to "only power levels matter" at some point. It goes back to what it was early on at one point (Hidan+Kokuzu arc) but after that little callback to its roots, it continues going full powerlevel shounen all the way to the end.
Likewise the theme of "you can choose your own future" gets turned to "actually, you can't escape your fate, you can only find some way to enjoy it" with the sole exception being the "chosen ones" who constantly keep reincarnating finally deciding to burry the hatchet and going back to being "friends" again, which IMO was only executed so-so, but that itself was good enough for me to be barely content about the ending of the manga itself despite all the build-up until then being pure shit. But I must say I have absolutely no interest in the sequel "Boruto", though that's more about me hating any sort of "next generation takes over" sequels on principle because they are just never better than the original cast to me.

Eh I thought it was pretty good untill the end of the pain arc.
The only arcs I thought were bad/boring before that was tge tsunade, Kazekage rescue abd rge irochimaru bridge arc.
I thought that the shikamaru and 99% of the pain arc were just as good if not better than the early Nardo stuff.
It only really fell through for me around the kage summit, but even then it had some fun stuff like Kisame, NIGHT GUY and Uchiha madara and I am not talking about Edo tensei Uchiha Madara.
I guess it also pissed people off that it pretty much abandoned one of it's major themes that hardwork vs talemt in exchange for focusing breaking rhe cycle of hatred and revenge which gave birth to talk no jutsu.
All in all for me it was a 7/10 series.
It had some 4/10 lows and some 10/10 highs, but all in all I enjoyed it.
Don't think it's the cancer of anime some anons make it out to be, but I get why people don't like it.

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really? im not op but im at like episode 18 and its kinda boring

yeah, the entire concept of boruto is just a cashgrab. there is no need to see a new generation do the same shit over again, and they kinda know that so they just carry over the power creep which makes it even more ridiculous. now you have boruto taking out a fucking god alien who can fight on par with peak naruto and sasuke at the same time

to be honest that new moral is better, but it would have been amazing if they could somehow have worked in both. i like the idea of rock lee being the true "hard work" protag, but the problem is how limited the interest in his abilities is without being able to use any of the magic. i guess if it was really well written with him constantly learning new techniques and training super hard to overcome the magic, but they could never have had the power creep they had in the show that we did get.

Imagine how cool it would have been, if the series had stuck more with over-the-top ninja-style magic, instead of straight-up wizard shit.

Kishimoto wanted several more arcs like the wave country arc, but the editors said no.

The thing with Lee is that he pretty much got replaced by Gai who was pretty much him, but better in everyway atleast skill wise.
Can't say if it was a 100% bad decision, because Gai was pretty based, but it's kinda hard to write 2 characters with the exact same moveset.
But I am not gonna deny that it was a huge shame.
Maybe Kishi could have somehow give them both spotlight without it feeling redundant, but fuck if I know how he could pull that off.

Because everything you liked about the series so far will be thrown out for melodrama, DBZ tier power creep and aliens

yeah thats true. they needed to make him MORE skilled in taijutsu than gai and actually have him surpass him in that area at some point. gai should have been more of a jack of all trades who couldnt do anything at a super high level, and then lee would be the focused autist overcoming everything with taijutsu alone

It's shit, don't waste your time.

That could work.
Make Gai fight Kisame.
Then let Lee kick madara's shit in.
Then Nardo can actually jesus heal his leg, but down for the count just like how he gave Kakashi a new eye.
After that Kaguya takes over, because Lee completely crippled/Madara making him weak enough to get shanked by Zetsu to not make his accomplishment feel like nothing.
Then Nardo and Sauce can handle Kaguya or whatever.

it would actually be really interesting to see a story in a world like this where there are crazy power levels and ninja jesus, but following someone who isnt on that level. contributing to fights but not saving the world as the hero, but still being a key part of the effort