>"The Animated Series Hits Its Climax!".
Are you excited for Soulburner Vs Revolver and Playmaker Vs Ai? Do you think Pandor will amount to anything?

Episode 116: 完全燃焼 – Kanzen Nenshō (Complete Combustion)
As their battle rages on, Revolver is disappointed to see that Soulburner still has doubts in his heart. Enraged by this, Soulburner decides to cast aside the trauma caused by the Lost Incident, and the sadness he felt after losing Flame. With all his doubts gone, Soulburner summons a mighty conflagration to his right hand and fights against Revolver with everything he’s got.

Script: 広田光毅 || Hirota Mitsutaka
**Storyboard:**山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Direction: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Animation Director(s): Noh Gil-bo

Episode 117: 交わらない道 – Majiwaranai Michi (Paths That Won’t Intersect)
After finding out where Ai is, Yusaku heads to an island located in the outskirts of Den City, all by himself. Ai has already started making copies of himself on the island, using the SOLtiS he acquired from SOL Technologies. Ai reveals his motive for attacking humans, as well as all the thoughts he’s been keeping to himself. And now, with the future of the world on the line, Yusaku and Ai begin their first and final battle.

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: えらん|| Eran
Direction: 三家本泰美 || Mikamoto Yasumi
Animation Director(s): 佐藤瑞樹, 長谷川一生 || Satou Mizuki , Hasegawa Issei

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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/a/search/text/ono kamishiro/

Ai vs Playmaker should be good. But an anniversary series would be nothing worth having a break over, so that's a bit disappointing.

Hyped for Yusaku vs Ai in real life.

OP should also have the teaser and production details of 115.

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>Revolver vs Soulburner
Only to get it out of the way. I know Soulburner's conflict with Revolver needs resolved, but this feels more like stalling the plot than anything.
>Playmaker vs Ai
Somewhat, but mostly just to see Ai duel again and more @Ignister action.
Not a chance.

>Soulburner vs Revolver
Not excited to see Revolver being an idiot again. I'm all for a Salamangreat Synchro, though.

>Playmaker vs Ai
This I'm actually very excited to see. I hope it lasts more than 2 episodes if this really is the Final Boss Duel.

Only thing she can amount for is a suprise Final Boss. Otherwise, what was the point of giving her such a name if she doesn't fuck up opening something?

Should have been an antagonist.

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>No Tournament arc
>No Final Boss

whats even the point

Tournament arcs suck and Ai is the last antagonist.

People like to speculate when they have nothing better to do. Also, some nostalfags are infiltrating and this is their newest way to try to ruin our threads.

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>Boring series is finally over

Thank God, hopefully Yu Gi Oh! 7 has a more interesting plot, characters, & written better

This whole climax thing is really putting me on edge. If it's over it's over but, with the climax duel being Yusaku vs Ai in real life, there's a high chance that a whole new season follows after and they finally move everything to the real world and give more relevancy to everyone there.

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So really new series on Fall?

Yusaku vs AI, yes. The rest of the character are literally irrelevant this season. What a garbage finale

Wait until 2020.

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Agreed, when VRains first got annouced I was interested and I was a big fan of Ai, Yusaku, Aoi, Revolver, & Go then they shafted them all for Mr."Buy Salamangreats PLZ".

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>Yusaku vs Ai in real life
The Duel is still happening on Link VRAINS give it up

Even basedburner is relevant.

Soulburner is based. They shouldn't have wasted so much time on Emm, Kengo and Go.

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>roboppi suddenly turns mega evil
revolver was right. FUCK ALL AI!

>Tournament arcs suck
Some do, some don't. At least they let characters interact with each other, unless they get locked in separate rooms.

>worst MC
>literally shit duels
>no tournaments arc
>forced villains
>boring villains
>a huge load of shit
I wasted years on this shit and now I am mad

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>Hating on Soulburner
I would agree with you if Soulburner was a shit character but he isn't so
>Big fan of Aoi and Go
Fucking how? Not only are they boring but they contribute nothing to the plot. And what little they do is meaningless.

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I would like the next series to take place in the DM-GX-5Ds timeline and if it doesn't at least have it take place in a modern day more realistic setting.

Could he save the show?

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>literally trying to argue preference
You don't know how this works, do you?

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Was it really for next year?

>worst MC
Yusaku is ok in my opinion
>literally shit duels
There have been tons of good duels.
Yusaku vs Revolver with the Extra Link
Yusaku vs Go with the brain hack
Yusaku vs Bohman with Darkfluid
Lightning vs Spectre
Go vs Revolver
Soulburner vs Roboppi
Soulburner vs Windy
>no tournaments arc
With the whole "pick off each character one-by-one" it practically is a tournament arc
>forced villains
There are literally 3 main villains in this show.
Revolver is literally a cyberterrorist who wants to destroy the Ignis by destroying the network
Bohman is the culmination of all the Ignis constructed by the evil Ignis, Lightning
Ai has literally played a part in killing every single one of his species except Earth. He has every right to be pissed
>boring villains
Revolver and Ai are fun to watch in my opinion. Bohman only started to get good in the final battle
>a huge load of shit
I overally thought the series was ok. It wasn't total dogshit. I don't think any series was irredeemable, they all have their ups and downs just like VRAINS.

My only hope is that Spectre's VA gets more roles after this shit show

Ishige is having his birthday right now. Say Happy Birthday to him

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Unironically yes.

1 more day

>no tournaments arc
This isn't a criticism. You're just a sperg, though not considering Yuya the worst MC was already a huge tell for that.

Remember when people had high hopes when S3 was just started and thought the "YGO Cycle" finally kicked-in?
What went wrong?

So the consensus is that Vrains played it too safe and is otherwise an unremarkable 6/10 show?

I thought Japan had a different timezone.

> not 150 episodes

user.. check your calendar

First of all, fuck you for defending the "no tournament no big deal". Is a trend in yugioh.
Second of all, fuck off to reddit.

Based Yuyahater

It's miles better than pic related

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If those were the Lancers then it could actually be decent.

>people actually liked this character because haha le funny meme

YIKES at this poor man's Manjoume

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He was unironically one of the best characters of the show, and still got shafted relentlessly

I watched the whole thing and never got any enjoyment out of his dumb comedy, considering he was an endless jobber.

Ah yes it's definitely the fictional characters fault that they weren't used and utilized properly.

God you people would make up the shittiest fucking retarded defense to put the blame on everything else besides the show's director and writers themselves.

It's a fucking anime based on a competitive card game. The competitive spirit of a tournament arc is the liveblood of the entire thing (every other card game show knows this). The fact that you people are actually defending a card game anime having virtually no sense of competition whatsoever is retarded. It's literally just a bogstandard predictable shonen anime that just happens to use YGO as it's vessel for characters to fight.

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>Ai has literally played a part in killing every single one of his species except Earth. He has every right to be pissed
I don't get this one.

Agreed. No tournaments was the best fucking choice hands down.

>All his species but him gets combined into a big amalgamation - Bohman
>Kill Bohman
>Killed his species
Earth was pretty muched killed by SOL and placed into Go. I'm pretty sure the Earth that shows up in Bohman is just a husk of what he was

Because endless Bowman duels and Soulburner destroying everyone from S1 was such a worthy replacement. You apologists are pathetic.

>The absolute state of tournamentfags
Just because you enjoy linear duels with predictable matchups doesn't mean everyone else does.

>Representation of Yuya's growth as a person, going away from his idealistic view of his dad's entertainment dueling and making his own version of that
>Literally never uses it again
I don't understand why they would do this

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But we still got linear duels with predictible matchups. At least in a tournament it makes sense for people to be playing a card game. People dont normally play those outside of tournament settings.

Yes, as shit as Arc-V was, at least it was entertaining

>But we still got linear duels with predictible matchups.
I disagree, but hey, at least you admit tournaments are fucking boring in that sense.
>Trying to apply irl logic to an anime
Cardfags really need to stop this. The game itself is just a stand-in for the average shonen powers saving the world now. It's no different from ninja shit or quirks or whatever is going on in modern shonen. There's no need for tournaments.

>s4fags still delusional

> going away from his idealistic view of his dad's entertainment
But smile world faggotry was present in most of his following duels?


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>fun to watch
>shitvulva duels
Lmao look at this retard

That's the weird thing. They built up all this shit about him forging his own way to entertain but then directly after Synchro Dimension, we just reverts back as if nothing ever happened

>At least in a tournament it makes sense for people to be playing a card game
Fuck this pretext, the whole world revolves around card games. "Worldbuilding" be damned.

okay then
what is the whole "worldbuilding" you are talking about in VRain?
DM, GX, 5Ds, ArcV (what a shame the story turn out to be shit) worldbuilding will shit on VRain endlessly

I'm saying I don't give a shit about worldbuilding. Can't you read? Just give me a straight shill and a straight story.

>When Kamishiro was in charge, people wanted Yoshida back
>Now when Yoshida is back, people want Kamishiro once again
This stupidity must end, just finally bring proper writer for next series.

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Please dont tell me the reason why Ai is so shocked by this is because he used the SOL master access to give his system to all Ais in the world and he only just realized what kind of fucking dumpster fire mess this is going to create.

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When did it all go so wrong?

It's still baffling how anyone though isolating the cast in hotel rooms was a good idea.

Leave YGO7 to me

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We could always blame the directors and card shilling complications instead. trickstar and gouki seemed too powerful at the beginning, and i think they wanted a new blackwings through salamangreats.

Yugioh is like the american poltitcal system.
Get used to it.

Doubtful, he seemed singularly sad for Roboppy and even shed a tear. What he used the SOL keys for was to make Link Vrains F2P and shut down SOL.

>What he used the SOL keys for was to make Link Vrains F2P and shut down SOL.
Thats one thing he did.
Doesnt mean thats all he did with it.

It's a botched mess that lost its way and strayed into a completely different, aimless thing. This thing is pretty much the most hollow and pointless ygo spinoff to date.

Yeah, but giving Roboppy free will was an unintended side effect that he doesn't even know how it happened, so that was never his goal in the first place.

Just give Kaz power, just like how they give him in DSoD

Sure, but seeing how happy he was to have at least his shota comrade, would you put it out of the picture that Ai tries to defeat his soul crushing loneliness by making all the AIs smart.
Seeing as how it looked as if it Roboppi was... until that moment of course.

I don't get why all fault gets pinned on him when:
>Bohman was created by Lightning and it was HIS plan to absorb all Ignis into him
>Bohman then fully absorbed the Ignis, giving zero chance to recover them
>Having no "incentive" to let Super Bohman live anymore, PM and Ai finish him off, with Mirror Link Vrains' system (again, created by Lightning) fully banishing him
I get he is guiltripping himself by being the only survivor and the like, but factually is not his fault. Even in the 2nd part of the Roboppi Duel all people said there was no other option.

Unremearkable is 5/10, not 6/10 you MAL pig who rates everything average at 7/10.

Oh boy more darkness and edge how novel.

>seeing how happy he was to have at least his shota comrade
I don't think he was truly happy. Even if he let Roboppy tag along, Ai was still the one to send him away to his own appliance island first.

>too safe
Risk will sink this ship.

>implying ygo wont need DARKNESS and edgy

I don't understand how you can like a card game anime but not like tournament arcs. That's how you play card games...in tournaments. DM was like 90% tournaments and it worked because the characters were good.

Not if he decides to throw it in halfway through and derails what came before. He's kind of erratic.

Last few episodes will be Aoi, Takeru, and Yusaku hanging out to play Air Hockey and Revolver final duel with Playmaker

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DM tells me you're talking about the first anime. The first anime was pure shit whenever it wasn't clinging to the manga's bones, no one talks about KC Grand Prix (or virtual world, which was a tournament in all but name) because they were fucking shit.

well, that erratic make it fun
its make thing unpredictable

If you can't understand that then at least try to understand THIS. People. have. different. preferences. IRL logic. doesn't. apply. to anime.

So close yet so far

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I can stand tournament arcs but successive huge ones aren't good for keeping the story lively. And they're never a necessity.

I actually want a season where main villain is straight up DA DEBIL who betting using soul

But everyone talks about based DOMA arc because it took risks and made Yami lose for once.

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>based DOMA
In your dreams, that's pretty crappy as well.

>main villain is straight up DA DEBIL
Here you go.
Doma was the absolute worst DM filler arc, neck yourself.

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>Ceremonial duel will be Revolver Vs Playmaker
I guess it was expected but still disappointed. Why are we supposed to believe Revolver stands a chance against Playmaker when he lost TWO times?

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Literally Satan.

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exactly, but this time, someone who wont jobbed at everything, but at least net a win on MC's friend

Okay so if they arent playing games in a torument how are they playing card games? I'm just trying to figure out how a card game anime without a tournament might work...I guess like Vrains which people seem to be mixed about.

I like tournament arcs because everybody is competing for the same thing and you know there can be only one winner, so the stakes are high but not over the top like the world is ending or some shit. They're fun.

Also Virtual World is my favorite arc. Noah was a good antagonist, and that duel in the KC Grand Prix where Kaiba defeats Sigfried with 50LP left is one of my favorites in the series.

Read the god damned manga.

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Will Aoi finally fell for Yusaku when he saves her brother FOR THE THIRD TIME?

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What's the best OP and why is it Overlap

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yes, i know about that, about lol time reset, and the first rpg game where he success take over everyone soul until yami reveal
that's why i want another character

>I like tournament arcs because everybody is competing for the same thing and you know there can be only one winner, so the stakes are high but not over the top like the world is ending or some shit.
How often is this even the case in a yu-gi-oh! tournament arc? The motives for most characters isn't glory.

Based Overlap poster youtube.com/watch?v=o_Z0AhbSQxo

>that feel when you watch random episodes of the DM anime once a month but the last time you picked up the DM manga was in 2005 back when the show was still on the air

I havent read the Yugioh manga in like 10 years. Should I? Is it THAT much better than the anime?

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>No Final Boss
At your service

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The same way we were supposed to believe Jack stood a chance against Yusei.
> I'm just trying to figure out how a card game anime without a tournament might work.
SoL like GX season 1, heavily plot-based like Vrains, maybe even something completely wacky like superheroes or cops fighting crime with card games.


She's there to rebuild AI relations with humanity.

>"The Animated Series Hits Its Climax!".
Female MC soon

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Joining the lancers (Standard Tournament)
Meeting Jack (Fortune Cup)
Many tourneys in DM.

There are quite a few that come to mind.
Usually there is something important to the MC tied to being winner, not just glory.

They said YGO7 isn’t coming until next year so what the hell are they going to do for the last 3 months of the year? Yo on hiatus? Air reruns?

Jesus christ you people are masochists

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>tfw Jack was gonna lose against Yusei back in ep 5 if the duel didn't get interrupted.

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Simple. I'm not that hung up on card games needing to strictly make sense. It's anime man, swap it out for anything, magic soul powers or shooting fire or any other crazy shonen power. Do they need tournaments? No. And neither does this.

In fact in Vrains it wouldn't make sense for Revolver/Lightning/Bowman/Ai to hold a tournament in the first place.

Absolute banger, have Kimeru back for the next series as well

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And then open her Box and let chaos into the world.

LABO 2.0?

>VRAINS ending soon
G-Guys i don't think the other Ignises are getting human forms

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The tournament poster is a vanguardfag. Ignore them as they want to divide us

>Animated series
Shit, we're almost done with VRAINS.

It doesn't matter, Ai is beautiful enough to account for all of them.

Atem was trying to find his identity and stop Malik. He didn't really have a competitive motive. Meeting Jack wasn't about trying to come in first. Most of these tournaments are devices to tell a story underneath not because the characters want to be in first place. Why do you think cheating and villainy are often unpunished?

Ok Yea Forums its been quite a while now so this begs the question Would You?

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I can not remember the last time I've been so horny for an anime character.

But DBZ has tournament arcs all the fucking time. Same with YuYu Hakusho. I guess it's just an old school shonen thing that has no place in modern shonen?

he looks like Yuto's dad

DBZ is fucking trash

Maybe maybe not or we get a break. We'll have to wait a few weeks to find out

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>Not liking Soulburner
If you don't like him then you simply don't like VRANS

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The point is it's not necessary. You act like tournaments are a prerequisite setting when no, it's perfectly fine for characters to just have a conflict without some kind of contest going on.

DB and DBS got tournament arcs, DBZ didnt

You should have done what i did
>Dropped VRAINS when Emma Vs Revolver started
>Picked up again and dropped it after the first eisode of S2
Now im finally having fun but you should have taken a break if you didn't like it

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Dragon ball was chasing money. People just wanted to read fight sequences. I don't know if it's very comparable when tournaments in ygo have more focus on building motivations and relationships.

>had high hopes when S3 was just started and thought the "YGO Cycle" finally kicked-in?
>What went wrong?
It kind of happened to be honest. S3 is miles better than S1 and S2 (Not saying much but still). It's just a shame S3 seems like will end sooner than expected so it never got to redeem VRAINS

Attached: God this season sucks.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Every season gets shorter. ARC-V had 149 episodes so obviously VRAINS will have less

>So the consensus is that Vrains played it too safe and is otherwise an unremarkable 6/10 show?
A 5/10 for me

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>Every season gets shorter.
Zexal was 146 so that point's out the window already.

Vanguard doesn't really do tournaments anymore which is the funny part.

Unjustified hiatus for anniversary when anniversaries shouldn't be a big deal. 5DS wouldn't have been better with a break and Arc-V shows that putting emphasis on anniversary is just a bad idea in the first place.

What has the genre come to when Vanguard, the show with the highest tournament per episode count has stopped doing tournaments?

>What went wrong?

>Ai's reasoning for becoming evil is so stupidly bad you wonder what the fuck the writers were smoking
>Roboppi comes and goes just like that
>Every side charcater dies in the blink of an eye
>Pandor is just there but hopefully, she becomes evil or something
>Aoi fails yet again and there is no signs of redeeming herself.
Otherwise, i would say the season is pretty decent. Better than past seasons but if nothing cool happens later then i don't know. A part of me doesn't want VRAINS to end soon but the other is already done

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Cell Games, the tournament at the start of the Buu Saga and the tournament at EoZ.

No arc-v could've been perfectly fine, or at the very least satisfying if the people in charge weren't morons.

>Ai's reasoning for becoming evil is so stupidly bad you wonder what the fuck the writers were smoking
I think your family/race being wiped out and it in part being your fault is reason enough to justify anything. But we still don't know what Ai wants, which is the key thing that will make or break everything.

I never completely liked him. He had nice moments here and there but he still seemed like an asshole. Funnily enough, his friendship with Crow saved his character for me.

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To be fair i can really think of different ways to do Entertainment Duels. The whole concept is fucked anyway

So the next series should have legacy characters and arcs?

>>Roboppi comes and goes just like that
I'd say he's okay considering he made a way bigger splash and was more fun to watch than Haru.

Bring Okada

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The plot is too boring. That is the one and main mistake

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Can we really call the Cell Games a tournament? Everyone bar Goku and Gohan came just to watch given they knew they wouldn't be of help (although, props to the Anime for adding them helping during the Kamehameha clash even if it was for padding). And Cell in the middle of the match just blew up the arena and said "Fuck tournament rules".

>LABO 2.0?
Why are you so obsessed with this piece of shit. As far i as remember they didn't even get Subbed

If the plot makes sense, and the main non-legacy characters don't get fucked over / become stupid: sure why not? Arc-V wasn't really fucked by having its legacy characters.

Wtf, man. I was just saying.

>We get Labo 2.0 until April 2020
Can you imagine? As much as VRAINS bore me i prefer it over that. At least with VRAINS, we gets subs

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can you really call the kids tornament annd the squash vs jobberrs a tournamnt arc?

They'll just lose the time slot and get another one later. or reruns.

The existance of a tournament doesnt automaticaly mean a tournament arc

>People on NAC still blame Arc-V for how mediocre Vrains was

It wasn't Arc-V's fault that Vrains got completely rewritten before it even aired or how it got delayed a month so that they could force in Speed Duels and Skills for maximum DLinks shilling.

Legacy Characters shouldn't be main plot elements.

Jack being the KINGU of Synchro Dimension was badly done. He should have been strong, but not the main factor of the arc.

They put him in relevancy above most Arc-V characters which is just wrong.

Attached: whatcardwasthisagain.png (1280x1101, 1.02M)

it's a 5/10 maybe even 6 at best anything above that is delusion

Keep telling that to yourself buddy. It deeeefinitely wasn't Arc V's production trainwreck causing a domino effect or anything.

>It wasn't Arc-V's fault that Vrains got completely rewritten
Vrains' early premise was similar to Arc-V's, so after seeing how it crashed and burned, they scrapped it up except for things like BA and Go (which were rewritten latter anyway).

jack was more of a rival to yuya than the rest of the cast

Jack wasn't the main plot of the synchro dimension at all - the plot was driven by Jean Carlo (was that his name?) and Leo

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Let Kaz work on Gundam Unicorn style OVAs, like he was expecting for DSoD. I don't want him going back to the hospital again when NAS inevitably causes his blood pressure to go up.

what is that even?

>Legacy Characters shouldn't be main plot elements.
This is why I don't want any legacy characters tb h. They've had their time, let the new guys be the focus of their own show.

Yusaku should have probably lost to Go.

reiji was aa good ccharacterr but a bad rivall since he was both yyuya's boss andd he ddiddntt haave conflict with him. He is a menttor at most, Jack was the true rival of arrc-v

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Maybe we need a yugioh character with rubber powers so people can be constantly reminded that last turn turnarounds are always inevitable.

I can understand if the production fallout can cause a lot of rewriting, rushed production, and recaps early on Vrains, but that doesn't really explain the mediocre writing from S2 onwards when they should have already sorted themself out at that point.

Please, enlighten us about the production side.

>Vrains' early premise was similar to Arc-V's
In what way? Yusaku was originally a newbie who didn't like to stand out, the oposite of Yuya who wanted to be an entertainer.

Just to suffer.

Guys, guys. How about Jin x Miyu.

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didn't a lot of animators jump ship after Arc-V

>implying it's not just you being an ignorant ass
Look it up yourself, dummy. Here, I'll even help you get started. Go read through about how bad it was.
desuarchive.org/a/search/text/ono kamishiro/

I blame producers who wanted a new crow. Still having a lot of fun with vrains though.

Something that really stood out at the time was the show's theme at 1st being "Take a step forward, and try!", eerly similar to Arc-V's "Take a step forward with courage!". It also mentioned stuff like Charisma Duelists (ring a bell?).

Later? It suddenly became about Yusaku being an edgy hacker trying to "recover his lost time" by fightning a cyber terrorist organization. That's... like nothing that was announced at 1st.

What is LABO?

>Duels this time are with Virtual Reality in high speed duels on Hoverboard/Skateboard like devices
>The show's theme is "一歩を踏み出し、トライしよう!" (Take a step forward, and try!), on the premise of kids should try things out instead of giving up at the first try due to being overwhelmed by information.
>Yusaku is a boy who doesn't like standing out, and particularly doesn't stand out at school. However, he gets drawn into encounters with people as he tries out Dueling for once.

Attached: YGO6.png (1200x1160, 2.27M)

With half of the outsource animations studios jumping after Arc-V, VRAINS had to fill the first five weeks with a live cast hyping it up.


You think we'll ever get any interviews from the staff about what went wrong? I'm always interested in hearing about that kind of stuff.

Director change? Katsuya Asano may have rejected a lot of the previous plots.

>interviews from the staff about what went wrong
I'm interested too but not a chance. This is the kind of thing they'll bring to the grave.

No. They obviously won't embarass themselves in the public eye. We can only speculate by what we see or people low on the totem pole raging on Twitter.

>Yusaku being an edgy hacker trying to "recover his lost time"
This never made any sense. If it was just about getting revenge, it'd be one thing, but how did he expect to "recover his lost time" or whatever.

I prefer Yusaku and Miyu

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No. Behind the scenes issues rarely ever come out because of the kinds of people he Japanese are.

Time Travelling isn't that uncommon in YGO and neither is age regression recently.

Probably figurative language that got put through the CR translation blender. Just means he wants closure.

That won't happen. That would be suicide, for them.

>Probably figurative language that got put through the CR translation blender.
But didn't Spectre say that the opposite happened for him?

I don't remember what Spectre said, but it's not hard to figure out what it means. For Yusaku it was torture and he lost his childhood years to it when he should've been a carefree kid. Spectre had fun during the LI and found his purpose, so the opposite then.

I would've liked Vrains more if every season after the first didn't open with a contrived way of forcing Playmaker out of retirement when he's finally able to enjoy life just slightly more

What you can do when everybody else can't do their jobs right.

does kaz WANT to work on ygo?

The show actually seems somewhat aware of that, kek. Like that one time when he fainted and in his mind he's just sleeping on his desk and thinking how tiring it is.

they do their jobbings right, though

Revolver warned the ignis were bad news, and some of them were bad news. Is it really that contrived?

Sadly that's the only thing they are good at. For GG to win with Altergeists it had to be against someone who fucking bricked and tried to do his best with that hand.

This isn't wrestling.

No. Lightning sending Bohman to take Jin's consciousness to use as an avatar to Duel despite we being shown he could already make one himself is. And if you are going to mention Kusanagi's betrayal, why not do it from the start? It seems like the writers remembered that scene was in the OP and wrote something out of it in the fly.

Literally nonexistent.

>to use as an avatar to Duel
He took him to use him as a hostage you idiot.

>No. Lightning sending Bohman to take Jin's consciousness to use as an avatar to Duel despite we being shown he could already make one himself is.
He wanted to torture and use him as bait, simple enough.

>When you don't read an entire post

What terrifying card did he found?

Attached: Vrains 112.png (1280x720, 961K)

The post was stupid. You're stupid.

Topologina nabee.

>When you've been caught not reading

No, you're just a stupid person. He took Jin to use him as a hostage.
>why not do it from the start
Because he didn't think Kusanagi could actually defeat Yusaku, it was just a means to weaken him so Bohman could finish him off. Given that Bohman needed time to develop and pattern himself after Playmaker and Ai, trying to take out Playmaker like that early on would ruin Lightning's own plans. Why are you so stupid? Why are you so stupid?

Why not then have Bohman drag Yusaku into Links Vrains via one of the screens in the hot dog truck then?

>When you have nothing and resort to ad hominems

Because Lightning needed Yusaku to keep dueling Bohman until it was time for the endgame, as it says in the second post you linked to you stupid nigger.

He wanted leverage too.

>More ad hominems

Water and Light don't go to together.

just end this infighting we all know it's gonna be a DM super the nostalgiafags won the moment duel links became a success it's over

why did pokemon retain its super popularity while yugioh slowly died off into the shit we see now

Just put maekawa atsushi in charge of writing and we'll have wall to wall whining 24/7. But I would probably still like it and that's all that matters.
Pokemon has viedo game releases every year and people know the anime won't go anywhere.

I get it, but the point is that's more convoluted than just having Bohman drag Yusaku into Link Vrains for their 1st and 2nd matches (keep in mind they don't have Revolver's program yet). After they get it, they already have a reason to take them down because of the whole conquering humans plan.

What do you mean?
In the actual card game yugioh is way bigger.
As an overall franchise Pokemon is bigger because video games are a much bigger market nowadays than TCGs.
And they keep making actual games while Konami only made a phone game that was fun for like 1 year and then called it a day.

Taking hostages to use as bait and leverage is convoluted? The only convoluted stuff might be windy's dumb tricks.

Convoluted as a mean to get Playmaker to fight Bohman. Why not do the same that was done to Jin? The thing is that Jin as a hostage doesn't even get brought up until late into the game (even Yusaku and Kusanagi's promise talking about it was a flashback in the very same episodes the thread was carried).

Either he didn't know where he was or trying to go directly after an alert and aware hacker is a bad idea.

Do you like the new keychain?

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What's the issue with having Maekawa as the head writer?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 114 [720p]1.webm (640x360, 2.98M)


I would be fine with it, but he wrote a lot of the last third arc-v episodes. And some more famous hated stuff like dragonball gt and digimon 02. it would be shitposter bait.

Random trivia time
I was randomly looking at something nostalgic, namely a big "Thank You Miiverse" image after the service ended like 2 years ago. Surprisingly enough, my eye spotted a Blue Angel drawing! Didn't expect to see a VRAINS reference in such a thing.

Here's the link to the whole compilation, but it's really big.

Attached: BA Miiverse.png (315x114, 30K)

Miss me yet?

Attached: Katsumi Ono.jpg (172x258, 20K)

No, I'm enjoying the new Symphogear.

I know people hate Ono for ruining ARC-V but do people forget this is also the same guy that did 5D's? A season regarded by many to be the best YGO series? What the fuck

Attached: DnhJI_-VsAAQnnc.jpg (1200x1192, 192K)

That's interesting. I wonder if people made blue angel based avatars at one point.

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5D's pandering ruined Arc-V so some people's opinion of it changed.


Attached: junk_warrior_alt_art_hibiki_tachibana_yugioh_by_yeidenex_dd3ia14-pre.jpg (740x1080, 134K)

Will they put in a time skip to a time where humans and AI get along?

Attached: new future.jpg (1920x3242, 846K)

I think I'm gonna cry.

It's the other way around. Also, poke mo never ever stopped pandering to cheap nostalgia whereas ygo kept it's dignity.

>Also, poke mo never ever stopped pandering to cheap nostalgia whereas ygo kept its dignity.
Digimon also lost its dignity. I think the only childhood franchises with dignity are Yugioh and Bayblade

Like Kazuki would allow it. Remember that this franchise has an author. Only franchises created in boardrooms full of greedy pigs would sink into resorting to such a cheap move.
We will keep getting DM development in a movie every 10 years.

you are just talking about the anime right?

I can hardly call beyblade a childhood thing since it never reached the craze levels of pkm or ygo. At least in my country the anime died out really quickly.

Attached: Digimon.Adventure.full.2286231.jpg (899x1272, 186K)

Of course. Though at least the gamefreak branch of the videogames is pretty much shit right now.

>we all know it's gonna be a DM super the nostalgiafags won the moment duel links became a success it's over
Literally no one believes this. Even a female MC is more believable than DM Super

Is Vrains as a whole better than the low point (i.e.Pre WRPG Arc/WRPG Arc) of 5D's?

Well where i lived Bayblade, Digimon, Pokemon, and Yugioh were a big deal. Of course some more than others. As far as i know, Bayblade still gets Anime sequels and toys too

Attached: bed326cea82ad77353d94534ce2bb63bfd9e8472_hq.jpg (1024x1024, 173K)

Yeah, not enough ruka episodes.

The only thing VRAINS could possibly better as a whole is ARC-V and that's a BIG MAYBE


Yes. I particularly consider the early part of the first 5ds tournament arc as the lowest of the low the anime has ever fallen in terms of boredom.

You underestimate how bad Post-Synchro was. You have to remember, Synchro was considered a slog and a low point, and it was all downhill from there.

So apparently YGO 7 will be a massive crossover Anime. If that's the case then we'll see Yusaku and the gang soon.

Attached: 106130827.jpg (600x881, 335K)

Digimon was enjoyed only by contrarians who couldn't afford to play pokemon games and beiblade has aged awfully in the west to the point it is completely dead here.

Not maybe but more like 100% sure.

According to who?

>So apparently YGO 7 will be a massive crossover Anime

Attached: You base that on....jpg (1280x720, 441K)

So who do you guys would like to see come back from different series and team up? For me is:

>DM: Joey
>GX: Jaden and Syrus
>5D's: Crow
>Zexal: Kaito
>ARC-V: Yuya, Yuzu, and Sora
>VRAINS: Yusaku, Takeru and Aoi

Attached: YGO Trio.webm (720x404, 2.78M)

What kind of enemy would require the 6 best duelist of all times to beat?

Attached: Ygo MCs.jpg (293x800, 78K)

Opinion discarded

Never ever.

Digimon is still popular in the west but only between spics and huehues.

Stop pushing NAC/Org speculation as fact

People have been saying this each time a series is close to ending since 5D's and its always wrong.

Northwemko user doing his stuff I guess.

I don't know, I still enjoyed parts of XYZ Dimensions like Tyler Sisters, Yuya Vs Edo, Ute Vs Edo, Kaito Vs Dennis, Yuya/Ute Vs Ruri/Rin, Joeri Vs Yusho, Joeri Vs Yuya, Leo Vs Yuya/Reiji, Zarc Vs Gongenzaka/Jack, Reiji Vs Zarc, Yuya Vs Dennis and Yuya Vs Reiji

Attached: DpSHHqoVsAEDLQW.jpg (846x1200, 376K)

>What kind of enemy would require the 6 best duelist of all times to beat?

>Digimon was enjoyed only by contrarians
Are you genuinely stupid?

Yeah, but when's Ai?

Attached: 1511914266377.jpg (1000x2000, 279K)

Kaiba Over Heaven

Yuya's seiyuu, Kensho Ono, would probably be the easiest to get on board with a new series of all the MCs though.

The WCS champion.

Darkness Bakura Thousand the Supreme King

What about KENN?

yes because that worked so well last time

He just recently played Jaden/Yubel again for Duel Links. And he loves Jaden

Attached: 1564535644570.png (760x800, 117K)

This card indicates high intelligence.

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will he ever see the light of day ever again ?

Attached: 1506503528293.jpg (1200x675, 145K)

They'll unban him in a split format.

Dunno, but shilling Heroes would be tempting

prove it

Next yugioh takes place in the ruins of den city.

Attached: 1565990804731.jpg (691x490, 41K)

Soon, hopefully
Is Yusaku a bottom?

>aged awfully in the west
Fuck off with that shit taste and also wrong.

every one does

Aoi always takes the lead.

Why is Legacy of the Duelist suddenly a top seller on steam despite not being on sale?

It's the amber mammoth effect.

My Yu-Gi-Oh! Saikyo Card Battle II is coming smoothly

Attached: yu_gi_oh__DM_SAIKYO_CARD_BATTLE_II ___kaiba_corpx_dde9faq-.jpg (942x848, 134K)

I love that game so fucking much. I really want it to get expanded letting you walk all over Domino city.

Is the fanbase way of telling Konami they want Link Evolution ported to PC

Attached: images.jpg (739x415, 50K)

>getting an outdated version for memes
they don't think LE is getting ported right?

good luck with that

What type will be the next series' cyberse?

Attached: 1565904487714.jpg (706x908, 585K)

5Ds was shit.

I think Link Evolution will get ported to PC but for next year together with the PS5 and new XBOX when they come out. Konami did the same with Legacy Of The Duelist. But it's all for nothing because Konami only cares for Duel Links.


There won't be a new type but instead support for the under utilized. Aka really just saying Reptiles since all the sub waters just combo'd into MFAGS and Thunder got a THTD arche. Something to just end the Snake Rain memes. Insects have the sins of Inzektor so Ballpark is the best they get. Pyro Rocks for the future

I don't see that coming.


Is 5Ds better than DM? Why?

I love 5Ds personally, but it's not nearly as good as DM

BASED Ai and Revolver putting this miserable series out of its misery early

Attached: Yuzu Arc-V.png (1280x720, 711K)

How many episodes will this have? I thought it would be over 140 or something but it really sounds like its ending soon.

yusaku's not nearly as depressed as judai was.
119 or 120 maybe.

it will finish before 135

So I guess it won't be storm accessed.

Attached: 1565777612415.jpg (1280x720, 306K)

>cuckboros gets cucked in the anime and never appears which is why KoA is free to fuck with it's text
based, first shitvulva loses while shilling structure deck, then the so called ace gets nerfed

>Revolver's only duel this season is going to end as a loss WHILE shilling a structure deck
lmao never in the history has this ever happened before, the absolute state of our so called "rival", not to mention less winrate than the main girl

Since VRAINS is soon to end might as well do this
>Favorite Duel
>Favorite character
>Favorite side character
>Favorite episode
>Favorite archetype
>Favorite villain
>Favorite moment

Attached: tumblr_owldzurlkd1st0p9qo1_1280.jpg (675x1200, 220K)

Go vs Ai
Hanoi goon
Go brainhacks.

>Digimon also lost its dignity.
The anime lost it's dignity, but it lives on in the games.

Attached: 561543-Digimon-Survive-opening-movie.jpg (1920x1080, 610K)

Even Cereal Box user has given up on Vrainzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I don't think so


Which one?

There's no boring preliminaries to get through.

I'm still mad. I wish people didn't remind me so often.

Yeah, just a boring finale!

Attached: statler.jpg (480x360, 16K)

They're going to shove all 3 god cards into a duel that should be 3 episodes max?

>Favorite Duel
Soulburner Vs Bohman
>Favorite character
>Favorite side character
>Favorite episode
Episode 94
>Favorite archetype
>Favorite villain
>Favorite moment
Soulburner summoning a Link 4 monster and realizing he is is going to lose.

Attached: tumblr_popkhbNkvq1shfh62o9_1280.png (1280x738, 920K)

>mfw Vrains ends next month only to be succeeded by Vrains II immediately after

Attached: Ash blossom laughing at U.png (560x600, 167K)

>Next YGO is an anniversary Crossover series
>Yusaku founds a portal to a secret place Link VRAINS
>it's Duel Links

Short of vrains being destroyed there's no way to justify saying vrains is at its climax. There's nothing left to do.

Attached: 1565813389091.jpg (1200x1195, 242K)

I miss Arc-V, bros

Attached: Masumi Kotsu.png (1366x768, 502K)

>still saying this
>rushing the game when they don't even have xyz yet & might be having minor delays b4 them

You mean standard dimension Arc-V?

Why does her mouth always look so wrong?

speed duel, duel link, crow, vrains, pendulums and action card were mistakes

Attached: 1289697145400 (1289697145.gif).gif (361x365, 56K)

Card games were a mistake.

thanos with infinity stones

Attached: 1277778477732 (1277778477.jpg).jpg (427x366, 23K)

The last 2 games before that had.
Betamon, gotsumon and tentomon/ hagurumon, palmon and terriermon as your partner.

Attached: Digimon Story_ Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory.jpg (600x800, 170K)

Then why so many of them? If they were mistakes they would be like geminis, spirits, or rituals.

Ritual Pendulums when?

>still crying about pends
never, mieru

If you don't need ritual cards to summon rituals what's the point?

The monsters could be the ritual cards themselves.

>that time someone tried saying OE Gravity could be summoned like so

So what's the @ignister link 4 going to look like?

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Attached: Just end your turn Jean.png (1366x768, 1.18M)

They should have saved Soulburner's peak rage for this duel.

Attached: 1565320811683.webm (800x450, 2.45M)

so, Synchro Summon?

Synchro needs exact levels though.

You and me brotha

Attached: 1482988547434.jpg (2048x1961, 505K)

and half of worth a shit ritual card need exact level

That's only some balancing. It's not fundamental to the mechanic.

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The only reason why im sad that VRAINS is ending is because Takeru AKA best boy didn't get enough moments to shine

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Attached: Ai_viscious.png (1366x768, 1.44M)

Maybe inserting a character into sell a new "breakout archetype" 48 episodes in entails some downsides.

Phone wallpaper for anyone who wants

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The Ai android invasion will begin soon. Maybe they'll show the city in chaos for real.

Attached: 1564573281362.png (1280x720, 753K)

God Aoi is so unbelievable hot Akira better impregnate her in the finale or he is a faggot

Attached: 1513942553690.jpg (545x600, 232K)

Akira has a failed company to rebuild or something. Aoi will just have to go back to casual heroism or having friendly duels.

Aoi should go get a real boyfriend and not her brother

And how will the androids attack? In different kinds of costumes?

Costumes of the people Ai's killed

I would like to have mAiner!Ai or samurAi!Ai attacking the city, though. Only one Ai would look good in would be Akira's and BS'.

specter vs lightning
lightning suiciding but lives with 1 LP

>Ai wearing Queen and Ghost Girl/Emma's outfits

Attached: SORUNNA.png (1280x720, 624K)

Ai would look better if it was GG's Season 1 outfit. ninja!Ai would be fun to see too.

Ai in original go's costume.

Attached: Screaming Go.jpg (1920x1080, 93K)

>favorite character
fuck off falseflagger

AI wouldn't attack in his non threatening form.

I meant the human Ai.

Who's better than her stepbrother? they aren't blood-related after all.

Attached: DvPztGBU8AI_UOI.jpg (1005x859, 109K)

If after the duel with AI VRAINS doesn't go full I, Robot then it might as well end there

Attached: tumblr_prwtl0Tnjg1rnl6fw_540.png (540x304, 269K)

Someone who doesn't use tindangles.

Naoki in his avatar.

Brave Max only likes blue angel.

Attached: 1564090944087.jpg (712x1200, 148K)

Then she'll switch to BA in the Link Vrains cybersex motels.

I'm genuinely kind of sad Brave Max isn't a relevant character, he would've added a lot of SOUL

That content never moved past written plans. Not enough data material.

Is really weird because I was 100% expecting him to get an Ignis, get good and become part of the gang but it never happened.

Calm your dicks down already

Attached: 1544068334474.png (1280x720, 899K)

YGO 7: duels in dreams.

Attached: 1503955996350.png (315x438, 111K)

YGO 7: Doctors playing card games

They've done it with Bakura a couple of times already and just go to Kingdom Hearts if you're that desperate for more

pretty sure there must have been a couple plus the Serenity stuff. Also rewatch Exaid riderfag

Let this shit end already.

Well good job bumping it and not letting it end, retard

maybe they meant the show, dumby

Yes, I'm tired with all these YGO bs. Just end the franchise already.

It's the ending that some of us took too literally. Looked like he got ahold of Earth there.

Attached: 42991339_2202646110012528_3970873367401070592_o.png (1200x405, 763K)

>I'm tired
Who glued you to the chair and forced you to watch it, kiddo?


Attached: 1545227796172.jpg (1920x1080, 551K)

We need Shouma's anime in place of whatever left of vrains' episodes.


Terrible ship, terrible fanart.

Was he the most sympathetic bad guy?

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Hell no. He was an annoyance for most of his run.

Then who was the most sympathetic bad guy?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS - 114 [720p]3.webm (800x450, 2.87M)


For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.

Attached: Ryuzu.png (1360x764, 954K)

Remove Asther, Crow and the quiz guy from Arc-v and add more Yuuri time. How would you have enjoyed Arc-v then?

Attached: IMG_20190819_073115.jpg (1076x720, 134K)

Is this some mecha pilot?

They have the same VA as Char Aznable and spouts off about MUH IDEALS so maybe

>Casino and Power Level scenes were his most funny ones
>The BS and GG Duel reveals his motivation being the same one anyone external to humans would conclude
>Brings Ai's "Good for you humans!" scene to an abrupt end
>Becomes even more annoying after his "dream"
>Admits being a brat but refuses to change. Not so smart after all
>Gets confident and shit for CHADburner misplaying like crazy
>Returns to robot form for forced sympathy. Knows his place as a cleaner robot.

No. If anything, most sympathetic one is Ai.

>Pyro Phoenix never used again

Based Ryuzu

He can use it against borrels.

That dragonmaid should have been the design of enhanced roboppy. I'm tired of shotas.

I am really glad I dropped gundam long ago. These new designs are soulless.

Will Ai ever be topped as the most handsome villain ever?

Attached: Ai clay.jpg (910x1024, 126K)

>soul/soulless meme

If kaiba's design continues to be corrupted to fit modern times, then yes.

Any news on that new series yet?

Man, I remember the days when we used to say Yuya was thirsty for the citrus. So much wasted potential on Arc-V really. I blame it on the cross-over characters stealing the spotlight.

Less sympathetic and more pitiful I think. Definitely felt bad for him more than anything.

>people think Ai is better looking than THIS
Absolutely retarded tastes.

Attached: tumblr_owayie89F21w6n2mbo1_r2_540.gif (540x810, 3M)

>news on that new series
No. But just given the new manga, I expect it to be even more geared to a japanese audience.

The True VRAINS were the Links we made along the way.

The True Link friendships was the VRAINS we made along the way.

Can LP gain ever be useful or meta?

Attached: 1565781565758.png (1280x720, 1.11M)

>Can LP gain ever be useful or meta

Attached: Time rules.png (816x29, 6K)

Well I'll wait for the day someone abuses lp gain to win a major championship

I honestly have no idea what the fucking point of him was

Redemption shota for Haru's bad treatment.
Just like Ai is redemption guy for Bohman's bad treatment

he just wanted to clean

Attached: 1560853439718.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

The goal of any good housework AI.

Attached: clean up and rank up.png (1280x720, 977K)

That's a Vanguard character

There haven't even been many in vrains. This is the second one.

Attached: 0.png (1280x720, 710K)

Should we expect her to also get a duel in real life right after Yusaku?

Attached: Aoi pop team epic.png (729x816, 180K)

It's over. The series ends after Yusaku vs Ai.

Literally who?

Why do you always reply this whenever someone mentions Vanguard? You sound triggered.

There are other anime besides Yu-Gi-Oh that people watch. Especially during such a dry period as VRAINS.


Attached: Chibi ArcV.jpg (1740x916, 1.03M)

Unless this climax is a shocking ruse, I wouldn't think so.

The fuck? This is the first time I've heard about that, therefore my reaction.

Calm down, dude. You're clearly paranoid.


>pathetic loser that is aoi
>dueling again
pick one

>better win ratio than revolver's
Come on, at least make insults that make sense.
I really want to see her dueling only because of the short skirt.

Attached: Aoi pantieshot.jpg (900x1200, 248K)

>b-but revolver
aoifags are pathetic


Attached: Not this shit again.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

Like that matters. Edo got to keep dueling. It's just that dumb production break maneuvers stand in the way.

Will the final villain of VRAINS also have a massive dragon penis? It's about time we get one of those again.

Attached: Bakura dick.jpg (500x491, 35K)

can't wait for this mediocre series to be over
even the girls were subpar compared to the older series

Now you're just lying to yourself.


Attached: 1573457505058.png (1056x1180, 1.29M)

but its true
aoi is the absolute worst main girl
emma and miyu are non existent
queen was also worthless in the end

Attached: Double Impact.jpg (1200x877, 145K)

>aoi is the absolute worst main girl
I have to disagree. Anzu exists to chase the MC and it never really goes anywhere ever.
>emma and miyu are non existent
Emma had 5 duels. Miyu is a motivational character like Shizuka.
>queen was also worthless in the end
She was an evil executive, that's all she needed to be.

Roboppi was charming when he was a maid robot at the start, then became annoying when he turned into a shota. I guess him going full evil was cool but doesn't save his character for me. Turning him into a shota was a mistake

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anzu had a decent design
aoi is so fucking bland that they have keep changing her design to be more appealing

>in real life
Why do you keep saying that?

garbage in garbage out

>Playmaker Vs Ai
>Palymaker loses
>Aoi reappears and kicks Ai's ass
Is the only logical conclusion for her character. I mean she had to survive for something right?

Attached: Edo.png (1280x720, 865K)

But by trying to redeem their previous arc they just kinda... repeated their previous arc

Baira as hot but otherwise i agree

Attached: Baria.jpg (680x612, 104K)

She might just not duel ever again like Yuzu.

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Anzu is just about as plain as Aoi is, had refinements in her design as the manga went on. and did nothing for a good 75 percent of the manga. You can't tell me this was worth 8 years.

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Nigga, you what? Aoi is the kind of girl you can find anywhere, pick her up and fuck her brains out

Attached: Aoi Happy Hour.jpg (1263x1035, 415K)

>they have keep changing her design to be more appealing

But they ruin it more and more with each version.

Aoi>>Blue Angel>>Blue Girl>>>>Blue Maiden

aoi is literal trash with no tits or ass
her fake ass avatars are the only somewhat attractive things about her
her RL self is the ugliest ygo main girl

Nice cherrypicking

you can't ruin shit that was garbage since inception

It's not cherrypicking. She just gave up and she isn't a duelist either so there was no point.

at least kotori had the decency to not even try dueling

wasn't this show going until march? will they just stop airing for a while. what the hell?

You're retarded.

Attached: Fairy Cheer Girl .png (1106x810, 1.16M)

They have to hype up the anniversary despite every anniversary turning into a disaster when they play them up.

why would you post a blank image?

Yes you can. Yuya is the proof, shit since the beginning, but got even worse with next seasons.

>Bonds beyond time
>Duel links
>The Dark Side of Dimensions

nah don't mind him, just a salty arcshipfag that his fictional cancerous pairing didn't turn out real.

arc-v maybe a shit tier series but the girls are top tier

Who knows really but if there is something for sure is that VRAINS is ending sooner than expetc

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You have no opinion in here arcvlover

>Yuya is the proof, shit since the beginning
I beg to differ, Yuya was pretty ok at the beginning but then Full Egao Mode happened

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there was also the new cards for BEWD, DMG, ABC and printing of the Cyber Angels. and they all sold a lot

Indeed. Though we can't ignore that up to late synchro arc ArcV was the best ygo to date.

Attached: Ruris older.jpg (2838x1718, 820K)

>yugioh vs gx
Never gets off the ground and is turned into filler. Causes Kaz to radically shift GX.
>bonds beyond time
Financially lukewarm and detracts from the anime by taking away staff.
Self explanatory
>dark side of dimensions
Detracts from Arc-V, something that was already having problems.
I'm counting a lot more bad than good here.

>we can't ignore that up to late synchro arc ArcV was the best ygo to date.
Ehhh one thing for sure is the hype was through the roof and then ep92 happened

Attached: Sora Dies.webm (495x372, 2.53M)

For a second I thought it was DDM fanart, oh well.

Attached: Firewall dragon ddm.png (414x600, 551K)

BBT was still a fun little movie and DSOD the best thing to come out of the franchise in years. Really have no issues here

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The movies would be fine if they could keep the anime stable, but they clearly can't. This isn't one piece, bleach, or naruto where they can keep cranking out movies because all they have to worry about is adaptation.

>Detracts from Arc-V
not even teh same studio or staff. stop the retardation. ARC-V staff was trash
BBT was made to promote the new cards while YGO was at its peak in popularity and breaking its own sales record AGAIN during the 5Ds era.
you arcfags are turning into the Digimon Adventurefags of YGO.

As far as we know those movies only affect the animation of the series so it's not really something that important

>pretty ok
>posts shitty pink hippo he was using from the start

I'm watching Yu-Gi-Oh for serious duels, not for clowns in a circus.

Oh its you

Begone XYZscum.

Attached: Shun Dies.gif (559x314, 1.72M)

this faggot speaks as if BBT has made everyone in the staff to drop the anime and it has AMAZING quality. while BBT looked the same as your average episode but a little better
and again. DSOD was made by TOEI. not even teh same studio and had a different budget allocated to it. the tv anme and movies don't share budgets you fucking retard

wait Toei made DSoD?


Attached: Eternal Avenge.webm (480x270, 2.94M)

>DSOD was made by TOEI.

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You can pretend all the anniversary movies went fantastically all you want. Even if you do, arc-v alone shows how stupid it is to treat them as something special.

>DSOD was made by TOEI
Ok retard

Attached: 1234543.jpg (1200x675, 94K)

Distributed by Toei not made by Toei you imbecile
They are ANNIVERSARY MOVIES they are meant to be special

DSOD was great and I haven't even seen Arc-V

It was, ARC-V just had the bad luck of having bad writers

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Kamishiro is the greatest writer ever.

Attached: Kamishiro Tsutumo, Arc-V's Writer.jpg (400x400, 19K)

Treat anniversaries as something special. Arc-V isn't a movie.

>arcv fags pushing the staff meme again
dark side of dimensions and arcv didn't even had the same staff members and had Konami digital entertainment helpng. and had Kazuki himself supervising the damn movie.
Arc-V problem was the staff. mostly Ono not being able to move on from 5Ds. and even Ono only managed to make 5Ds because Kazuki was behind the scenes. 5Ds was the last series that had the man himself helping it. once Kazuki left for good was when the shit show started

Attached: the dsod boogeyman.jpg (2010x1300, 239K)

You are just another nostalfag.

>5Ds was the last series that had the man himself helping it.
Zexal too to a lesser extent

Attached: 657299.jpg (1585x2333, 1.32M)

No shit clearly went off the rails during GX.

I'm a DM nostalgiafag who saw Pyramid of Light in theaters and I'm pretty sure the average poster here isn't even old enough to be nostalgic for DM. I would say the average nostalgiafag here probably is all about 5Ds as that was probably their first series.

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In a good way

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Attached: Overlord Judai 1.jpg (1280x2880, 1.96M)

No, there's a near even split between those nostalgic for DM, GX, and 5DS on Yea Forums.

the other funny thing is that Kazuki writes the small events of Duel Links and is even behind adding non card game gameplay on it while doing new artwork of the characters. you want a good new ygo anime? pray to god that Kazuki decides to get back at helping the anime and manga staff
Or that a YGO otaku gets into directing or producing the anime
until then expect more shit like the 777 episode
5Ds was peak ygo in terms of popularity you liking it or not. broke sales record one year in and after the golden yusei meme broke its own sales record while everyone was hyped as fuck for Zexal after 5Ds ending.
>The game maker Konami announced on Tuesday that Guinness World Records has recognized Yu-Gi-Oh! as the best-selling trading card game to date with over 25,175,567,833 cards sold as of March 31, 2011. The card franchise beat its own record of 22,587,728,173 cards, set in 2009 (the 10th anniversary of the card franchise).
5Ds ran from April 2 2008 to March 30, 2011in japan

>he other funny thing is that Kazuki writes the small events of Duel Links and is even behind adding non card game gameplay on it
I told you i was joking when i said that

>reuse footage for the special opening