Why is their bond so strong?
Why is their bond so strong?
Wouldn't you want to have a good relationship with a loli vampire who resides within your shadow that can also turn older to suit your tastes whenever you/she wants? Are you that much of a faggot?
It's not. It's been broken more times than Kiss-shot's regenerating hymen as Seishiro went medieval on her.
literally where did I imply I wouldn't enjoy that?
It really doesn't make any sense to begin with. I don't get why kiss-shot didn't just slit his throat to get her powers back the second she had a chance.
Have you read/watched Kizu?
Such baseless accusations should warrant the death penalty desu.
This one needs a continuation.
>I don't get why kiss-shot didn't just slit his throat
Because she wanted to die
How could other girls in this show even compete with Shinobu?
>kiss your loli
>she screams at you and calls you italian
what do
stick my salami inside her bologna
Kiss her again
and this nigger is stopping her
It would make far more sense for her to kill the guy keeping her in lolimbo and go look for a new assistant, tell him what's up from the get go. I'm sure you can find plenty of guys who will happily take immortality and vampire demigod superpowers in exchange of killing you. Hell, I'd probably take the deal.
>immortality and vampire demigod superpowers in exchange of killing you
That's not how it works, if kiss shot turns you into a vampire you're just her thrall, thralls die with the master.
they cant
You don't die, but I think I remember now. The deal was that you go back to being human if you kill your own master vampire. Which is what she promised to arararagi, and why he went back to 90% human after sucking her blood.
In which case powers are not on the table, but she could literally just pay some random hobo to do it.
she was trying to give Araragi his humanity back as well, why would she kill him after going through so much trouble AND after he had originally saved her life?
daily sex
Would Araragi break up with Crab if Bat told him to?
>kill the guy keeping her in lolimbo
she eventually likes being in lolimbo. In one point she regains her powers and willfully goes right back to restoring her connection with Araragi to become a little girl again.
the point is that she took liking to rararagi and decided to live at his side
Because nothing comes between a loli and her prey.
>why would she kill him after going through so much trouble
Because he was actively interfering with her achieving her goals
>AND after he had originally saved her life?
She wanted to die.
Which is what confuses me about this whole relationship.
she clearly says she had second thoughts after being delimbed at the metro station
but then she tried to go through with it again
I don't think is that similar. Yue is in a completely different level of thirst compared to Shinobu.
Why? Besides him being the light novel protagonist guy™
Because she is loli vampire and he is a plot-armoured MC.
Lol mad
>Which is what confuses me about this whole relationship.
They are in love with each other, it's not that hard to understand.
>Yue rapist
yes, for Araragi's sake. She tried talking to him into staying as vampire with her.
loli power
The implication is in the inference made from your clueless statement.
First time is accurate. Not so much after that for obvious reasons.
She just wants some simple happiness as a woman.
She's basically a parasite that lives off him. There's no stronger bond.
Absolutely Basalmic vinegar
so it's because he's light novel guy™ and every femoid to come within visual range instantly becomes insane with lust for his cock
Just become a light novel guy too, it's not that hard.
In a heart beat
I'm pretty sure that being ready to sacfirice his life to save her played a big part
They would kill themselves for each other. They don't want to be separated
that's the problem, I've been light novel guy all my life but a vampire demigod who can traverse the loli-milf axis as needed has yet to become my life partner.
Have tried being japanese?
Clearly you're not searching hard enough.
we will all make it brothers
I'm italian so i'll do it again
Sorry i meant macaroni pizza Napoli
face of somebody about to experience the ultimate ara ara.
which is odd because, in the beginning, it's more like a prison for her. but she shows hostility towards the other girls around him even when she refuses to speak to him.
She was sulking. She has been attached to him the moment he came back to give his life for her.
New Pachimonogatari is out. It's super lewd.