I don't think they're fighting...
One Piece
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What else would they be doing?
by the way, chapter is finally out on jaimini too
Playing vidya on Jack's Dentendo.
>lights are off and they are facing each other
Holding hands
Post kino
Yawn, too slow I'd read the Viz version if I wanted to read it again
So who's kaidou's children?
gotta be the triplets
Why do only good guys die in one piece?
Kaido hasn't turned into a dragon yet, so he's clearly not taking this too seriously.
What about Monet, Vergo and Opera?
>Favourite character: Buggy The Clown
>Favourite arcs: Orange town, Impel down, Marineford ( Buggy part only )
Mr. 11
Maybe he doesn't really want to kill Big Mom
break next week?
Cover story arc int he future where vergo and monet are shown to have survived, monet flies them off the island to dressrosa where they find out everythign has changed, they settle down somewhere along the way and monet gets impregnanted by vergo.
Opera wasn't killed. He was incapacitated
>offscreen deaths
Nah, shit like that doesn't count. Only shown deaths allowed.
Is she just a really shitty version of vivi?
Lol, like one month has passed since the events of Punk Hazard, if Vergo and Monet were alive they would already had a cover story by now
>Only shown deaths allowed.
>Jobberkuri, Jobfuku, and Jobven are Kaido’s sons
Lmao, no. But seriously their designs, Daifuku’s especially, don’t particularly resemble Kaido. The only one who even slightly resembles him is Oven.
I highly doubt it
I feel bad for kuina
You can become stronger and still lose.
Wow thanks for stopping that torpedo coby.
Do you also think there should be more pink haired people in the world?
I'm ovulating right now haha.
Actually that jellybean didn't pierce the skull
Whitebeard was the peak of One Piece
That’s basically every princess after Vivi. If Vivi looked more distinct from Nami, I’d actually want her to join.
I almost forgot what pure torture Toei filler is.
Who'll be wearing the Luffy costume?
Shirahoshi was unironically more useful in fishman island than vivi and rebecca in their respective arcs
They should do fillers based on the strawhats that weren't at WCI
Difficult to be completely useless when you are an Ancestral Weapon
How'd he get himself a sword when they're banned in Wano?
usopp is a salesman, only civilians aren't allowed to carry out weapons
Zoro chapter soon
we actually did get some, i hope this trend continues instead of making luffy and zoro fight more goons
So Hawkins can make a giant ass straw doll? Whats the point of Daifuki's devil fruit then?
she just lucked out on beeing born important. she just cried like always and that somehow summoned the sea kings because she is an ancient weapon. still needed to be saved from beeing raped by carlos because controlling giant sea creatures isn't all that usefull on land.
She's a better version of Vivi
>she just cried like always and that somehow summoned the sea kings because she is an ancient weapon
Daifuku doesn't share genie damage so even if someone kills the genie he just forms the next one
You may not like it but Moria and Doffy are getting their redemption arc after wano.
did he died???
hawkins is a stand: if the scarecrow receives damage, he does too
Why can’t Zoro gather numerous strong allies like Sanji does? What happened to Zoro’s leadership qualities?
She led the noah ship away from fishman island long enough they could put in countermeasures. That alone is more than anything vivi and rebecca did besides crying and everyone else telling them they're powerless.
>Zoro’s leadership qualities
what? that was a thing?
holy, i don't remember reiju's pose being that lewd
Moriah is dead
How did Moria get a weak chin? Surely gaining weight isn't the only reason
Germa 66 was a mistake
They're supposed to be feared, emotionless living weapons but they look like fucking power rangers
How will she act around zoro?
You're a mistake
Kill yourself retarded shipperwhale
Immediate heart eyes
Moria Redemption fuck yea, Doffy not a chance, the dudes pure concentrated evil.
concession accepted faggot
She's the key to all of this
please i'm already tired of posting this Wano pasta but you guys leave me no choice
power rangers are cool
heh, i remember when people were theorizing that she was hiyori
because she's a funnier character than we've had before.
Too bad Oda downgraded this girl to become Sabo's wife...Could have been a better character.
Actually I'm worried Blackbeard plans on using Moria to bring Ace and Whitebeard back from the dead, as an excuse for Ace and Sabo to meet again or something.
But that's what will probably happen, why else would BB want Moria?
The whole underground royalty backstory for Sanji was so fucking gay but I guess they needed some important reason for luffy to go to wedding cake island
I don't think that user is pointing out strength. As you can see, Tashigi is still crying for help like a little bitch after vowing she'd get character development, but she's just a woman in Oda's manga, I guess.
Thread reminder that Vivi will rejoin the crew and get the Nikyu fruit
Ah yes, I remember when CP9 asassins wore rainbow colored suits
>Sabo's wife
>Koala immediately blushes when she meets Jinbe again 100 chapters from now
She's gonna be Jinbe's wife
you have good memory, user
>but she's just a woman in Oda's manga
Are you saying Oda is sexist or something?
Oda's homosexual color choices is the biggest reason why I stick to B&W. Tired of post-ts OP characters feeling like they came straight from a gay pride
they both would user but she'd also want colby to wear a beard
>corazon died with a smile
>his father died with a smile
>D onquioxte
>literally developing smiles
Fuck Luffy Fuck Dragon Fuck Sakazuki
He's bringing down the dragons and imu himself
Both,so technicaly it'll be selfcest
It all paid off in the end, since it confirmed that Sanji is going to become an incredibly powerful and world renowned character by the end of the series. It’s lit.
Remember still no Jump Point Post TS Chopper.
>complain for years that the straw hats get no character development
>get an arc all about one of the straw hat's backstories and his family and his struggles to accept his family's lineage
>hate it because the family comes color coded
Guys help I don't know what I want
will tank man ever return?
>Want Sanji to get some character development of his own
>Oda just copypastes someone else's arc on top of Sanji's
>It doesn't make any sense
>Arc ends with Sanji killing off the newest strawhat, his old crew, and the family he's been trying to save the entire arc
>This is treated as a win for Sanji
At least the Germa were cool though.
How was one piece so good for so long? I'm hoping wano does something crazy to put it back over the top again
But Sanji got not development
He's exactly the same as before the arc started.
We already knew he was a good guy with a sense of self sacrifice before
His attitude with women could have changed, but Oda said nope
there are parallels between the two
Imu lets a butterfly rest on his finger, while doffy kills one. Seems oddly specific
Good leadership is a must for the Vice-captain position
>to put it back over the top again
yeah but it's advanture shounen, not some kind of psychological drama
>Oda says lucky roo is the Zoro equivalent on Shanks' crew
>Implying Zoro is NOT the vice captain
Vice Captain for the strawhats is either an unintroduced character, or one who hasn't joined yet.
even with the positioning of who's holding a sword and who's holding a staff.
>pica, vergo, trebol and diamante come out of nowhere in the flashback
>immediately idolize mingo for really no reason other than muh conqueror's haki
>My favorite Strawhat is Zoro
they themselves said they wanted something to believe in. They were desperate people with nothing to lose
Isn't that Akhmed the Dead Terrorist?
To an extent she is
She's Vivi if she actually was outclassed by everyone else strength-wise (since it is the New World after all) but does her best despite that, and was still somehow less whiny than Vivi was anyway
Vivi had a lot more camaraderie with the SHs though which is the main reason why people like her
WOW I fucking LOVE offscreen fights.
Oda is a GOD.
This scene with music added. Shed a tear and I'm 30.
The same music used with Roger + Rayleigh:
>"Do you wanna turn the world upside down with me?"
So fucking kino.
The story doesn't justify it well though to be honest
>hates being associated with the Vinsmokes
>gets asshurt at the only reason for his bounty going up being said association with the Vinsmokes
>doesn't mind using the special Vinsmoke powersuit though
If Oda just wanted an excuse to give Sanji a power-up he didn't do a good job of it
Vivi also did her best, she infiltrated a criminal organization from her own will at 14.
>show fight
>WOW I fucking LOVE how Oda draws out his arcs, when is this shit going to end, Oda is a GOD
Usopp will be vice captain
who's your favorite brown skinned character?
okay, this is based
I'm pretty sure Oda's forgotten bits of the earlier arcs
This isn't exclusive to Sanji at all, in general a lot of recent big character moments being treated like something new when it's really just a repeat of stuff we got earlier on can't be explained any other way aside from this
He did mind though, multiple times, speedreader
best amv of this series desu
>for really no reason other than muh conqueror's haki
yeah who even care about conqueror's haki lol, not like it means something
It's so weird that they followed him ""only"" because he has CoC lol
Nah, if anything he's keeping it real by having most women be useless in battles. Some people get mad at him for it because women in other manga go to toe against men I guess, but I don't really hold it against him.
pretty much all the strawhats were like that too but, at least, luffy did something to earn their trust. these bozos just show up and decide all together to dedicate their entire lives to a random ass 10 yo
I was surprised that he basically didn't hesitate to use it at all
The problem is not the fights but all the irrelevant crap Oda stuffs the arcs with.
All of the straw hats have their own ambitions. Greatest swordsman, map of the world, rio poneglyph, etc.
Meanwhile, Doffy's goons had no such ambitions when they dedicated themselves to doffy.
>Meanwhile, Doffy's goons had no such ambitions when they dedicated themselves to doffy.
and that's precisely why mingo's family sucks ass
Oh yeah I agree. Bootleg Baroque Works. Only interesting ones were Monet and Vergo
>Only interesting ones were Monet and Vergo
ditto but i gotta add pink and bab 5 to the list too
yeah. I also kind of like Trebol from how freaking weird and unknown he is.
Why was hawkins too weak to kill Brownbeard?
is hawkins the only character who went from open shirt to buttoned up in the timeskip
lots of people tend to forget how manipulative trebol was towards mingo
I love him!!!
i kind of want his backstory before this, but it might ruin his appeal of him being just this weird fucking guy
I'm not moving to Japan.
i've always thought that he was a government agent, or an ex-one whatever, sent to "retrieve" the son of a celestial dragon
why was that cut so god damn slow in the anime?
I stopped reading for awhile and I peeked in. Is it me, or are the Wano designs very boring? Everything looks gaudy and obnoxious for the sake of being gaudy while all the women are still Robin/Nami clones. Oda makes better girls when he just takes guys and gender bends.
I'd like to read again when the current arc is finished, but the style and design choices are eyesore level.
Fem Mihawk is mine
>Meh chapter
>Shit episode
But the world government wanted to kill him
Will Zoro fight the man stronger than katakuri?
not when he was still a babby, they just didn't care for him and the rest of his family when they fucked off from mary geoise
They wouldn't accept them back when Doffy's father asked so doesn't make a lot of sense that they would send someone to retrieve him. They probably thought they would get killed by commoners anyway
>They wouldn't accept them back when Doffy's father asked so doesn't make a lot of sense that they would send someone to retrieve him.
things may have changed after he first displayed conqueror's
The anime did a great job in showing Newgate's final moments. I love that whole scene with Roger and his final speech
But after that Doffy tried to go back to Mariejois himself and got rejected again
She’s completely unlike Vivi. She doesn’t look, act, think, or develop friendships in the same way. She didn’t even make up foreshadowing nicknames for the strawhats.
Apples to Oranges.
Aspergers detected. They look completely different, other than both being thin females without deformity.
Not knowing the difference between character development and character progression.
oh, you're right. i thought the whole "i brought my father's head" thing was just for revenge
Wano is arc where most of the strawhat will jump on their endgame power level
>Oda makes better girls when he just takes guys and gender bends
I like Fem Apoo more than regular Apoo
She will fuck him while Sanji watches tied to a chair
Teach is younger than everyone except hancock
>why else would BB want Moria?
He's putting a team together. The biggest and baddest dudes from around the world. It'll be a waste to kill an experienced pirate just to power up his guys if Blackbeard can just sway him over.
Why does HanCOCK look like Law so much?Also,FemMoria,FemBlackbeard,and FemJinbei are creepy as hell.
shingaki's wano nami
Based Nami, she got some real good character development in that arc. Seems like whenever she's paired up with Luffy the arc is always top tier.
It's really gotten diluted over the years, but it's still pretty great.
So many adult men get beaten by a teenager. Imagine their shame
Seething Tranji
I swear to God if all this Oden wanking doesn't pay off... We wasted almost 4 arcs of buildup to this motherfucker at least reveal something impotant to the plot. Will Robin find a poneglyph written by him, talking about his adventure with Roger? We are about a year away from chapter 1000
For me its gomu gomu no bazooka
Have we ever had a disappointing OP flashback? Kuina and the stairs don't count because you can't get disappointed without expectations
Ahh, Kaido
Ah, I don't know man. I am just worried because, even after all that exposure we got, I can't give a damn about Oden.
Kuina was like chapter 3, wasn't it? Doesn't really count at all.
whats happened so far in OP since luffy got arrested by kaido? stopped reading around that point
luffy got a proper trial and was found guilty of piracy crimes. kaido got a promotion
Hard to care about someone we haven't seen. But I have faith in Oda
This chapter was boring
Crocodile is a woman turned man, that's why he can't fight.
>added so much new content of garbage fighting in that it only adapted half of chapter 913
I know they don't want to catch up to the manga but they should still be able to at least do 1 chapter per episode
sex doesn't exist in one piece
everyone is asexual
>ep 900 in 2 weeks
>100 of that is dressrosa
Anyone else feel like there's too many good guys for not enough bad guys this time around?
Like there's a decent number of people on Kaido's side worth seeing fights with:
>Kyoshiro before he reveals he's with Hiyori
>X Drake
>The 6 top headliners Page One is a part of
But compared to the sheer number of heroes we'd wanna see do something it seems too small.
>All the Strawhats
>All the important Minks (Inu, Neko, Carrot, the musketeers from Zou when it shows up)
>The 9 Red Scabbards
>Kyoshiro after he reveals he's with Hiyori
>Momo's gotta do something
>Possibly the Big Mom Pirates
>Possibly the Marines whenever they finally show up
to be fair, vergo is a monster and even sanji lost to him.
wano is fucking boring
How much of those 900 episodes were Ace/Sabo flashbacks?
>even sanji
no it's
>120 Dressrosa
>100 Whole Cake Island
and soon it'll be 200 for Wano, mark my words
Blackbeard is literally the only character in one piece that practices sex
She was bawling her eyes out and begging for smoker to come save her
If anything she became weaker as a person since alabasta
>no ones posted it yet
Wano will end next year in the manga, kaido will go easy on them and lose and get captured by the marines who arrive later.
This leads to blackbeard being killed offscreen by weevil.
So he's on the Rocks ship here, right?
Katakuri, Daifuku, Oven (KaiDO)
rejoice, we have a chapter this Thursday!
I always thought it's a nice compilation.
>hackposters making fun of OP sales. "Oda can't sell over 2 million amyore!"
>V93 features Queen on the cover, easily sells over 2 million
Yeah, redoing it with Perona was nice callback, but over the years it kinda became typical shocked face.
>while doffy kills one
speedreader here, was that in the manga too?
The power of a cute family
oda got lucky with one character design, knows he got lucky, and is milking him effectively for everything he's worth.
Good looking volumes sell faster.
and Queen*
>Zoro soaked in blood with a scythe in his mouth
Which kid wouldn't buy it? Sorry to burst your bubble, queenbro, but it's just the truth. Also, the sales still are but a shadow of the heyday
I'm afraid he's going to be fishertiger tier in the end
there was just a bump in the buildup to marineford.
just wait until they reach raftel, they will probably surpass marineford sales. We are getting closer and closer to finding out what the One Piece actually is.
Its a little late to sway him you numbskull speed reader. They killed Absalom. Moria won’t just hop into their crew after that
>that art of her shitting her brains out while wearing that outfit
>too young to appreciate Senor Pink
Well, what can we do.
They could have adapted it in 30 episodes if the anime was seasonal
>Kyoshiro after he reveals he's with Hiyori
look man, i despise anime dressrosa's pacing too but wouldn't 30 episodes for a 100-chapters-long manga arc be too few? i feel like, at the very least, 40 episodes are needed for an arc such as dressrosa
Sanji's second one.
>haha I like lucy too coby-san haha do you want to talk about him in my cabine? hahaha It will be fun won't it hahaha? I can show you my scars from the colliseum fights haahah
There's nothing weird in 3 to 1 pacing. Chapter 1 is around the length of three modern chapters and was told in less than an episode.
>yonko commander
>final boss of an arc in the yonko saga
Katakuri is the strongest yonko commander and now he's even stronger after the Luffy fight. King is Doflamingo level at best.
>There's nothing weird in 3 to 1 pacing
for sure but if we really want to be anal, a seasonal dressrosa would technically take 33 episodes. add in a few episodes to, i don't know, properly extend some of the flashbacks in the arc and you already have a 35+ eps anime season
>inb4 b-but muh jack feats
Feats don't matter in One Piece
This was fun but I dropped it somewhere along episode 50 since it didn't feel like the characters had a thing they were focusing on. Sure they're trying to find one piece but they travel all over the place and episodes feel too random. Should I give it another shot? I didn't exactly dislike it.
It would be better if the SMILE Headliners weren’t borderline useless. The majority of them seem about as threatening as a Totland chess soldier.
A fucking good fight
if you aren't hooked by baratie or arlong park, i don't think the series is for you
>stronger than katakuri?
dunno, I feel kinda average about One Piece until Arlong Park when I really got hooked up and Alabasta when I really started to love it
Marco and Jozu>Katakuri
Right after this there's a filler arc and then the first multi-island storyline (eps ~60 to ~130) starts, some lore and build up for the first part climax kicks off halfway through this storyline. So you should definitely give it a try if "randomness" was your only problem or you might just go for the manga since you will have to switch at some point either way with how horrible the pacing gets
doffy redemption arc when?
Probably my favorite ending to a fight
I’m seeing triple! Nine Namis!
So Donquixotes are all fucked world nobles because they're also Ds then.
The pacing and stalling, damn.
They gave hawkin's a transformation scene to fill in time, kek
Queen and Hawkins and the best two characters in Wano so far. Why isn't Oda giving more attention to Zoro, Momo, Kaido and Kyoshiro? Wano feels quite underwhelming for an arc that has been hyped for years.
>complaining about the best part of the episode
Enel face the character
>implying he would fuck anyone but Perona.
The real main character of OP
Who is Urouge?
Such as?
I didn't dislike those parts, they were pretty good even. It's just that I didn't feel like anything was progressing, every episode felt like a filler episode, decent filler episodes but still filler episodes.
Alright. I'll give it another shot then, thanks.
Zoro is getting the most attentions since... like ever. Kyoushiro is the type of a character that works the best in the shadows until shit really hits the fan. I agree on Momo and Kaido, especially Momo, he defintely shouldn't be outdone by two other kid characters, another Kozuki and most of his retainers after all of those years.
>I didn't dislike those parts, they were pretty good even. It's just that I didn't feel like anything was progressing, every episode felt like a filler episode, decent filler episodes but still filler episodes.
well if that was your problem, as many anons pointed it out after me, the real first big arc starts where you just left off
She looks like she'd spend a week playing your skin flute.
TYC's transformation for Hawkins' strawman was the best part of the episode though.
Oda only knows how to write two (maybe three) types of girls. So don't be too harsh on him
No, they fucking won't.
Sunny Go has no Klabautermann, it's just a ship with no soul.
Okama Sanji
I'm more interested in the possibility of a total ally wipe on Wano and for him to get sent in as representative of the Blackbeard pirates in the Wano clusterfuck. Orochi getting freaked the fuck out by a undead Yasu+undead samurai would be kino.
I remember being pretty enthusiastic when she showed up only to do fuck all aside of crying and screaming at Sabo.
uh? when did koala cry during dressrosa?
He might want Thriller Bark.
Sabo's flashback. And while she didn't literally cry there she had her "waaah Sabo-sama save me" moment when Burgess showed up.
Bad draw
Army of the dead people with all the df powers placed inside.
It's presumably a fake sword or a very dull one, given that the wound he 'healed' was fake. Stopping a over-the-top salesman hawking wares with what amounts to a prop that could be distinguished from a real one would be like stopping kids from hitting each other with sticks.
Thoughts on the long ring long ,land island arc?
Is she just a really shitty version of perona?
Are you forgetting that the other half of Germa's theme is being a fucking nazi clone army, user?
I want Koala to get beaten to a pulp or tortured on screen.
I don't really hate her I just want to see an innocent girl suffer.
Usopp has deceived all of his opponents
Unironically yes. Just with an even more retarded broken ability
>And while she didn't literally cry there she had her "waaah Sabo-sama save me" moment when Burgess showed up.
uuuh? she just alerted sabo that burgess was coming for his ass
yes they will, Wano is preludium to the final war/saga
Nami scat porn is the best, user
>"animation" is stiff
>pacing is abysmal
>filler scenes are a chore to sit through
It will get better by next week right guys? Toei was doing pretty ok in the beginning of Wano.
Yeah, but not all of his opponents are "a girl with overpowered gimmicky ability who gets defeated via being scared into unconsciousness"
She was hiding when he was around and asked him to come over and help. Then he said her to handle it herself and then she brought up Luffy.
Shirtless Zoro is in the next episode so it's already better than this week's episode.
I'm a degenerate please help.
>asked him to come over and help
user, i don't know what you're talking about
Have pic related, one of the most underrated character reveals in the entire series. The revelation that this goofy liar we've been hyped up to is actually an insurmountable badass is a moment that hasn't been topped.
Burgess for lookout role confirmed
Carrotcucks BTFO
>an entire episode wasted on this page-long clash next week
Disappointing, but I guess shirtless Zoro makes up for that a little bit
The davy back fight shenanigans and the fights themselves were pretty fun,but the supposed main plotthread with the stilts guy that arc was boring as fuck.
One of my favourite flashbacks in the series desu
We can all agree that this has been the absolute worst Wano episode so far, right? What a fucking chore to get through.
Kill yourself frogposter.
Katakuri about to get a third full sibling.
>nami has been showing her ass to every man in Wano
How many berries do they owe her?
Are there berries in Wano?
If I were Mama I'd murder and disown this little faggot. What a complete and utter waste. Any single other character in the entire series would be absolutely overpowered with the Memo Memo no Mi. Strawhats wouldn't stand a chance. Pudding just had to be a worthless little fuck.
Shut up!
no, they goooold
She had Monkey D. Fucking Luffy in a cage and didnt make him forget how to breathe. You KNOW this is retarded. Fuck Pudding.
Just wait until Act 5
Good thing Oda has dropped the act structure then
Kine'mon has good taste
I didn't see Stampede.
How was it?
If you're a fightfag, you'll love it
Not really, have you seen his wife?
>I thought usopp was supposed to be a stereotypical negro with big lips, afro and lack of bravery
>actually he a complete jew stereotype, curly hair, coward, long nose to boot
why did oda do this?
She looks good for a woman likely in her 50s
>Hey Tama! Thanks for teaching me how to make these nifty hats.
>Now, It's my turn to teach you something...
>One Piece Stampede Film Tops 3 Billion Yen in Just 9 Days
>Fastest Toei-distributed film to reach milestone since 2000
>fightfag wank ends up being the most successful
The absolute state of this fanbase
Doesn’t make sense
I'm not really into figurine but this one is a perfect mix of sexyness and cuteness
Is that a POP?
When will he get his redemption arc?
arleady started
yup, the megahouse collection. you know, the real degenerate ones...
I hate knowing that a fanservice fightfaggotry with contrived plot movie is doing great
My dream of having another film like movie 6 got shattered
How is Yea Forums going to deny One Piece is seen as a fighting manga for most people after this?
This makes me happy
Don't worry Zoro's dick will make her feel better.
Still one of the best moments, and one of the most defining for the series.
>Luffy, did I ever tell you about the forgotten race of birdpeople? They had long majestic wings, and their bodies were entirely covered in feathers. They were smarter than your average human for sure, but their entire race was obsessed with undermining and destroying human civilization, their only goal in life was to accumulate a hoard of shiny gems and trinkets. Wherever they went, they always ended up getting kicked due to their greedy and mischevious nature. I don't regret genociding them all one bit, the world is now a better place as a result.
Goddamn longbeaks.
Seriously didn't expect this. I thought that by going full fanservice they're going the safe route of doing good but surely not great.
To be fair, pretending it's not a fighting manga first and foremost was always pinnacle retardation. The most adventure focused arc included a freaking "death game" with like a dozen of different fights and ended with beating Enel who assumed random power up form for fucks sake.
Yeah there's always a retard to insult you if you dare complaint about Oda skipping a fight
its funny how he congratulated zoro and luffy for "winning" the fight in the bar, while he propably would have murked bellamy and his gang if he was in the same situation
But just because the fighting is OP's main component doesn't mean it's not a good thing to off-screen some stuff. Think of Bleach and 20 chapters of fighting underlings of underlings which killed FKT battle before it even began.
Well, he literally did it with Sarquiss next day.
>introduced as some random cherry pie hobo
>few chapters later gives one of the greatest speeches of the manga cheering for MC
>few chapters later revealed to be treacherous murderer MC's brother is looking for
Will there ever be a better villain introduction anywhere? I will personally kick Oda's ass if Imu madaras him.
Despite Blackbeard currently being an absolute pussy when death stares him in the face, I think he'll redeem himself in the end. Whatever his final goal is I think will be usurped by what Luffy wants to do and he'll try to help somehow. Maybe he'll be the one to destroy the Red Line with WB's DF but will do it because Luffy convinced him to.
I do think Imu/Gorosei or Akainu will kill him.
So Naruto refugees aren't a meme after all.
>will do it because Luffy convinced him to
That's some Naruto shit, I'd be disappointed
blackbeard allies with luffy, and Shanks allies with the WG against Luffy and blackbeard
He's a chad, he was just trying to make Whitebeard hesitate and since he's still alive I guess it worked
When he first showed up I hoped they would develop some sort of rivarly where they DON"T try to murder each other,but I guess him being a fat smug bastard that both punches shit and gets his shit punched in works as well.
>all you ever wanted was to have friends, to be known in the world... I know this feeling
>*Luffy reaches his hand out to Blackbeard"
>Teach, you are my nakama!
Latest panel count for Wano (up to 952)
>Linlin: 113
>Kaidou: 108
How long until Big Mom and Kaido join the Grand Fleet?
>Teach says he believes in him now and resurrects Shanks, Rayleigh and others he killed in the final battle on Raftel
Nah,if he does ally with Luffy I'll be because he will fucking die otherwise,and after the fact he will ask him to never mention this again and he might or might not try to murder him.
Mont D Blanc Norland
>Kaido, say you want to live!
Chopper will cure Big Mom's illness and Kaido's depression by planting sakura trees in Onigashima
Kaidofags, wasn't Wano his arc?
tell me Yea Forums, how is charlotte linlin not your favourite yonko yet?
>Choppaemon, help me!
>Of course I will!
>"All I wanted was to uncover the lost history of the Void Century, that was my dream all along, I never wanted to become Pirate King"
>"Luffy... You are the only one who stands a chance against Imu now, you beat me fair and square..."
>"But you won't beat him in your current state, he's too powerful. Please, accept my last gift."
>"The power to weild multiple Devil Fruits, it's now yours strawhat!
>Luffy awakens all the devil fruit powers of all the friends he made along the way
Because of her delusional dream.
>Teach grab his hand
>Stab his back with a knife
>Well, that was a spur of the moment, Zehahahaha
i hate to say this but shanks is literally redpilled in that pic
no, there's only space for a one true final villain
i wholeheartedly agree!
Sneknet return fucking when
Isolationism Ain't free. The tree of honour and bushido gotta be litterd with the blood of samurais. Kozuki PIRATE Oden aka "boiled" is not my shogun. he is pirate scum and probbaly tennrybutio spy as well :DD. Orochi and Kaido not Momo and Luffy ok. praise yamata no orochi.
You got a chuckle out of me, user.
>Isolationism Ain't free
Neither is open borders and we'll be paying for that with your head
>All D people face death with a big smile!
>Luffy does this exactly ONCE and is constantly in fear against multiple vastly stronger opponents afterwards
If Luffy was more of a pussy and namedropped Ace at any point pre-Marineford in terms of 'my brother is Whitebeard's right hand man', what antagonists would've reconsidered fighting him? The CD's are infamous for pulling rank and sending Admirals at people and Luffy being Dragon's son/Garps grandson is commented by those in the know like Ivan, but how far could someone get being related to a guy with a half-billion bounty?
Aren't we going to talk about stampede and how luffy breaks an eternal pose to Raftel?
that's what would happen
We already did that a week ago
I would talk more about Laugh Tale if I were able to watch this movie
we already did and complimented how in-character that moment is
>Suddenly grows hair
Orochi is a liar, a coward, AND bald.
So, what does this mean with Weevil? Whitebeards 'treasure' is his home island, will Weevil end up there and have a come to daddy moment or something? He's basically a big dumb kid and the story doesn't need another retarded manchild when we have a womenchild as a Yonko.
Possibly Buggy, Wapol and Foxy. Luffy's enemies are very rarely cowardly. Kuro knew who Usopp's father is, Krieg attacked Mihawk after seeing what he can do. Baroque Works higher fodder attacked Ace himself even.
>, what does this mean with Weevil?
that he obviously isn't whitebeard's son
What would his hybrid form look like? If it's anything like the Sanderson sisters, it'll have to look kind of monstrous.
Weevil should be targetting Wano about now. Remember that his mother's plan was finding Marco through Luffy and whole world knows where Luffy is right now.
what're the chances this gets a us theatrical release?
Yeah, but other then that there's basically nothing else about him and his role in the story is basically being another threat besides Blackbeard to the remaining Whitebeard pirates. That theory about him being some Frankenstein-type thing made from chunks of Oars Jr and other dead Whitebeard pirates at Marineford would be nice, but but we got a confirmation of his age a while back, so he can't be that stupid because he's only a few years old.
He'll beat up Luffy, making Fujitora seethe as his case loses any credibility and starting Marineford 2.0 after selling him to WG.
Kaido's army of SMILE users, that he worked so hard to get, will soon belong to an 8-year old girl. How will he cope with this?
>Oda advocating for the right to bear arms to overthrow despotic governments
I'm interested to see how the lefty commentators spin this.
>covers up her chest
>leaves her bare ass out so everyone can smell her tangerine musk
what a degenerate.
Late thanks, but thanks.
Any good places to see the movie subbed?
Will the Blackbeard pirates have a man on the inside in Wano, or will Moriah be their way in? There was a few instances of incompetence and internal failures among the BM pirates and the Beast pirates don't seem much better, but Moriah apparently knew how to sneak into the place long ago and him being sent in to fuck things up make sense too.
oh come on, what the fuck is this
>arc hijacked by a senile granny
>army hijacked by a little girl
Does he have anything left at this point?
oda said that he has plans for him, i guess we'll just have to wait and see
>being affectionate to Momo and extorting him once he's put in power instead of his sister
Avoid letting Linlin know about a small impressionable poor child with a food paramecia that can totally dominate his crew. Tama accidentally being left with the BM pirates and being convinced their the good guys because they're all O-Lin's wonderful family would be fucking hilarious.
Viper was a member of the Sun Pirates
well this is the translator who gave us "animal kingdom pirates"
tiktok opfags
How is he so popular bros? What's his secret?
>"uuuh, a fucking cucumber i don't know"
What does Hiyori being Komurasaki or not being Komurasaki change?
Ohhh!!!! Kaido is too powerful, I won't be able to protect my nakama... but wait... what was that thing that Rayleigh told me
>Strawhat is getting more powerful with each will that got inherited since the void century... don't you understand it yet Luffy? You have six new devil fruit powers to discover!
So she does have a penis?
that's my problem with the other Shounen, fighting scenes are mostly them just shooting some magical beams at each other, In One Piece thanks to Oda style the fights are brutal without overusing gore and you really can feel how painful each punch is
Reminder that Sanji is a furfag.
Quiz time
This. Hate shit like Naruto where it devolves into a bunch of abstract techniques and massive explosions.
Another reason why live action One Piece is a mistake
We're getting the next chapter spoilers as early as Wednesday right? Things will go back to normal
>hiyori as komurasaki
Hiyori, Robin, Komurasaki, Kiku
Herofags are making fun of One Piece
remember that not reading spoilers always pays off in the end
Zoro's wife
Zoro's nakama
Zoro's wife
one piece actually looks more brutal in the gore compilation lol
Does a lion get offended when a gnat speaks ill of it?
>12 year old edgelord thinks blood and gore = mature
Go back
>Generic and Cheesy Bloodstains ™
Did you even listen to him?
Is it true next chapter is really good and ends act 2? Apparently someone from VIS loved it.
Does Oda have enough balls to reveal that Sabo is not just Ace 2.0 but an un-diagnosed psychopath?
no idiot
Zoro's wives and wife (male) are so cute!
Pretty gay rumor, but I wouldn't be surprised if the new Act begins soon since Luffy is about to escape prison with the others.
Next chapter will most likely close off Vol. 94. So, there's a possibility it could be really good.
Nothing alike. Vivi was way too mature for her age when she was a child as seen in those flashbacks. Meanwhile Rebecca is literally a 10yo mentally even if she has reasons to be like that. I know that Oda doens't know how to draw a 15yo young woman but still.
>escape prison
It's literally they're base of operations now, no one suspects a thing and they have food supplies. Why the fuck would they move from there before the final battle? I mean, Luffy might since he is hyperactive, but I wouldn't exactly call it escaping.
94 closes with kaido and linlin clashing two chapters ago
Why haven't we seen shit like this one Wano? The stakes could be seriously upped if even one of the Alliance members or even a Straw Hat gets threatened with dismemberment, even if it's Franky or Robin something.
Last volume ended on chapter 942. With how short the chapters are, they won't make volume shorter than 10 chapters long.
based MHA. Also, fuck Sanji.
what do i win?
pad it with fanart and character poll shit and other junk no one cares about. not the first time it's happened.
Based herochad
Sure it does pedro.
>zero gore or lasting damage
>generic and cheesy bloodstains
We had dismemberment threat in Udon. Which was retarded as fuck considering the prisoners are there to work, cutting fingers one by one would make more sense. Stakes feel low because Beast Pirates are humiliated at every step.
Will Herocucks ever recover?
OPfags have just been getting BTFO all over the board today
Yeah, I'm thinking this is based.
While things like this do exist in volumes, it would be the first time when we have a volume with so few pages that are actually chapter parts. Also, last time we had 9 chapters was fucking Water 7.
>comparing feat of the main hero who cheated his way on top with hack ability that was given to him for free with the action of a secondary character from 20 years ago
are you even trying at this point jimbo
>Why haven't we seen shit like this one Wano?
because you're a fucking speedreader, that's why
If any of you are feeling sad today, make sure to hug a kappa
Wano has no steaks
But what if it tries to rape my ass?
What is his fucking problem?
Did you already see Stampede?
Thanks god Oda did that, I almost forgot Luffy's name
No, but we know that Bullet is a jobber.
Kappas are friendly and would never commit such an atrocity
>Luffy still calling Shirahoshi "Weakhoshi"
only like two weeks passed from FI to that page
They weren't worried that their friends were at Celestial dragon HQ?
help me jaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!
>casually dodges Hawkins' nails
>one shots Big Father
He strong
Why doesn't OP have gore? Is this show really for kids?
Hawkins' nails are a Yonko-level attack
So WCI was a top tier arc and Luffy vs Cracker was a top tier fight.
>Blackbeard tells the level 6 prisoners to fight eachother and the strongest gets to join him.
>Nowhere to be seen with Blackbeard
So who kicked his ass?
Nice propaganda.
The opening scene of the movie is Blackbeard shitting his pants at the sight of Bullet back in the Impel Down
Skypeia is peak One Piece.
Against anyone other than Luffy that'd be pretty good. Pudding isn't using her fruit well.
Is it actually?
Didn’t he say he wanted the strongest people from Impel
Based, Skypieapilled & LuNapilled
This is like watching paint dry.
Yes but he isn't stupid enough to free someone that propably would oneshoot him and his whole crew
Go watch MHA
Isn't MHA the story where guns would solve 90% of their problems but no one shoots the villains for some reason?
By far the worst of the arc so far. Pacing was horrible and judging by next eps PV, next episode will be even worse
Post fav opening in fav language
It's really weird how slow they go. They're further from the manga than usual and still adapt below the treshold that "stabilizes" the distance.
no way its good so far
Did we watch the same episode?
The Supernovas were a mistake and derailed the entire series.
Thread is post bump limit, what the fuck do you expect?
The Shichibukai*
Oda better not forget this moment and make BB a cartoon villain just because the audience hates him.
>I'll be tha nigga that mercs the celestial dragons
For people to post in the next thread you fucking idiot
whatever guys it was a thought
Franky looking like a villain makes this scene that much more kino.
Pink's line about if only he could fly a bit further he'd be able to see Russian and Gimlet is honestly my favorite part of Dressrosa.
Then you should have posted in the new one, retard, things like these usually do not carry. Many people won't even look at a dying when when a new one is up. There's literally no reason to post it here.
Hows about you deepthroat my ten inch wang you cumguzzling faggot
Who cares? Let them cope.
I'm sorry to say, user, this series was never for you.
correct. there is no way that it is good so far after a handful of episodes.
Can't wait for not a single character to die in the upcoming Wano war
Gay colors are bad, yes.
Imagine letting homos ruin colors for you. Get a grip.
what are straight colors, then, user?
It's a just way of talking ffs, I say gay because they are usually associated with bright colors
ah, so you're just a double digit IQ kind of person.
You know that little kids are the ones who are drawn to to bright colors? You fucking retard
wow, bright colors in a children's comic? who would have fucking guessed.
One Piece is aimed towards 14 years old, not 4 year olds. Not an argument
14 year olds are still children my man