Yuno is sleepy

Yuno is sleepy

Attached: yuno sleepy.jpg (685x432, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1533433569627.jpg (654x794, 124K)

Sleep tight, Yunocchi.

Attached: 1537819205790.jpg (846x476, 71K)

Attached: 1449192796051.jpg (864x913, 90K)

Made for ass worship.

Attached: 1472433867181.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

then get some fucking sleep, bitch

Sleep tight, Yunocchi.

Attached: 1557094804730.jpg (480x480, 45K)

Attached: 14696673756379.webm (1280x720, 1.44M)


Attached: 1553494840849.jpg (555x603, 127K)

Why are Finns so autistic?

Attached: 1547606536150.gif (238x190, 1M)

Being in the bath with Yuno would be so nice. Her sitting in front of you while you hug her from behind must be the best feeling in the world.

Attached: 55.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

I want to wash her hair.

Attached: 1320515657686.gif (320x180, 488K)


Attached: 1546826033775.jpg (731x824, 67K)

I want to be her hair.

Attached: 1472512423808.jpg (1920x1080, 253K)

i want to be her ass hair

Yuno is hairless below her head. Hairless!

Attached: 1480980153210.jpg (553x572, 83K)


Attached: 1481923768938.jpg (1280x720, 170K)

Yuno has magnificent facial hair!

Attached: 1535023683600.jpg (1280x720, 283K)

I always liked how they used photographs for certain stuff

Same. It gave the anime a special kind of feel that no other has.

Praise the Yunobutt!

Attached: 1565877895906.jpg (570x844, 184K)

Stop lewding Yunochi!

Attached: screaming_wide_girl.jpg (1200x675, 96K)

Attached: 14821046.jpg (863x1200, 109K)

Why do Yuno's joints bend all weird?

Unless you are Ume-sensei, then you have no right to tell me not to lewd Yuno!

Ume-sensei would just tell you to get better at lewding Yunocchi.

Attached: 142876871190871.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

Do not bully the Ume.

It's okay to do it a little bit if it's tasteful.

Attached: 1458507493838.jpg (1280x1740, 230K)

Sorry, she's too cute so I can't help myself.

Attached: 1557632112187.jpg (715x800, 147K)

I want Yuno to beat me why

I miss Yoshinoya

She's still in the manga.

Attached: 1508194064239.png (705x2122, 331K)

Post the coolest Yuno that you have.

Attached: e5a5d0c74cc4d90f627ff3dec6849f91.jpg (1600x1200, 430K)

You were fishing for this one, and yuno it.

Attached: 1565728221164.png (868x921, 319K)

Ume would probably enjoy it.

Attached: 1525188545772.jpg (1600x1200, 590K)

Yuno is always cool

Attached: 1443538307645.jpg (638x680, 143K)

she knows exactly what she wanted to be when she volunteered to be a football

X ◡ X

Attached: 1543308504185.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

did Yea Forums strip your unicode

Dirty girls like her need to be punished!

Yuno is very flexible!

Attached: 1393021678275.jpg (2560x1440, 1.13M)

Yes. What did we do to deserve this?

She's really not that flexible.

Attached: 1548409588160.jpg (1540x1200, 477K)

There's a reason this show destroys nutbladders user.

Attached: 1352616600205.gif (380x253, 996K)

Join me, widebros

Attached: NAtsume PAIN.jpg (1000x1000, 299K)

I think she looks a little cooler in this one.

Attached: 1458503826857.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

what a horndog

Attached: 1544511999256.jpg (354x975, 83K)

Right here with you

Attached: 1550154066301.png (1469x869, 968K)

She really needs to stop eating cakes

Attached: hidamari3_76.jpg (640x480, 28K)

Look at the dumper on her

Are you sure?

Attached: 1536422707750.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

Yunos pubes would put a rainforest to shame

That's a nice poop cutter right there

Yuno doesn't poop.

How do you know?

If she did we would have heard about it by now.

S5 when?

Attached: 7DFA0D3E-4D9B-4532-B4CB-A47C0417A4C6.jpg (700x438, 34K)

As soon as we donate a couple of million to Shaft and find a new seiyuu for Yoshinoya-sensei. ;_;

I wanna have babies with Yuno

Miyu Matsuki is irreplaceable desu

>tfw you will never be Yunos loaf pincher

Who is the widest Hidamari and why is it Hiro?

Post stacks.

Attached: [Nutbladder]_Hidamari_Sketch_SP_-_01_[D0C77CD2].mkv_snapshot_20.33_[2015.06.18_23.16.44].jpg (414x569, 66K)

Attached: 1510707895311.jpg (1200x1199, 137K)

what game is this from?

Train a machine learning model on all her previous recordings to create a Yoshinoya bot.

No matter how good the result sounds, that would be more insulting than replacing her with a new VA.

Based Binland.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-15-22-22-24.png (1280x720, 765K)

Around stacks, relax.

Attached: hidamari stacc.png (361x697, 371K)

X ||| ||| X
U ^ U


Attached: 1542772388098.jpg (237x475, 26K)

Pro Evolution Soccer
it's from the Yea Forums 2019 summer elite cup, probably one of /u/'s games Forums_Summer_Cup

Why is Yuno so stackable?

Attached: [Nutbladder]_Hidamari_Sketch_×☆☆☆_-_SP2_[E3D40077].mkv_snapshot_07.02_[2015.05.31_21.44.39].j (463x460, 66K)

Want to play Mario Party with Yunocchi

I think that's /vg/'s /きらら/

it's /u/'s aesthetic, they have that cell shaded look somehow, and I remember that happening in this cup where Ume was stepped on by a barefooted lesbian, which is basically paradise for Ume.

Saori Gotou is pretty much the perfect replacement. A bit less breathy, but the tone of voice is near identical. Yumi Kakazu is a good alternative too.

Attached: futbol.webm (960x540, 2.58M)

It's that perfect compact size.

Attached: 1534777814524.gif (320x240, 442K)

Not anymore

Attached: yuno_blooms.png (957x594, 368K)

>When they start singing Sketch Switch in the tub
Ano ano donna iro ga ima desu ka?
Egao no howaito namida no buru-
Kasanetemita toki

Attached: 1541294838842.png (790x1344, 1.03M)


Attached: 1541663763351.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

Post Sae,please.

My wide wife yuno

Attached: 1563687572040.png (651x546, 285K)

Looks a bit like currybutt from Moon Princess


Attached: 176e3dfd8471f961bd02352123d64f81.png (420x630, 329K)

Attached: images (4).jpg (554x554, 63K)

I remember several years ago user said he was going to make a compilation video of every "Saeeeee" in the series.
user lied.q


Attached: vlcsnap-2019-06-17-10h07m13s846.png (704x416, 346K)

Is Yuno an easy lay?

Yes, yuno is very light so she can easily be picked up and laid wherever

Attached: Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb 12 (1080p,Blu-ray,AAC) [868FBD78].mkv_snapshot_00.36_[2018.02.26_22.32.2 (447x508, 163K)

How wide is too wide?

Attached: 1498666839810.jpg (1280x461, 105K)

That's a fun thing to think about.

Attached: 1558300239156.jpg (960x960, 151K)

I want to princess carry Yuno around the world.

Attached: 9d63f31865b00432ab5fa9e9e27a1e79.jpg (2000x1600, 900K)

>too wide?
Not such a thing

Why is she screaming?

She saw some boys.


Attached: yuno.jpg (850x471, 93K)

Attached: 1558323546765.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Arisa is literally me

Attached: [Nutbladder]_Hidamari_Sketch_×☆☆☆_-_05_[3D3CADC0].mkv_snapshot_20.04_[2015.04.26_15.48.57].jp (1280x720, 56K)

Damn the new pes game looks like you can do more stuff with it

Very handsome young man

I thought they were just a myth

Natsume is my spirit animal

Attached: 1556716368822.png (1920x1080, 641K)

Have you considered getting a better spirit animal?

the 4cc aesthetics team had 2017 and below extremely figured out, but 2018 broke that
they're slowly figuring it out but it still looks pretty good

*laughs with PES18*

Attached: jp summer lineup.png (1160x656, 1.64M)

>reminder this series started in 2004
>tfw that all the cast [if this series happend in real time] would now be in their 30's, with even Nori and Nazuna being christmas cakes

Natsume is my wife.

Attached: 1535939984037.jpg (1920x1080, 568K)

None of them are cakes cause I married them all.

Nah, I relate to her too much

Attached: 1490146397243.png (1366x768, 569K)

Attached: nutbladder-hidamari-sketchc397honeycomb-11-9023c2e3_17-dec-2012-14-18-03.png (1000x563, 698K)

Don't just go arround posting my wife like it isn't big deal!

Attached: Shizune.gif (225x197, 280K)

Attached: sae without glasses.jpg (1280x720, 341K)

huh, she looks fairly normal without glasses

nah THIS is cool

Attached: (Hi10)_Hidamari_Sketch_-_11_(BD_720p)_(HT).mkv_snapshot_03.26_[2019.04.16_16.53.36].png (1280x720, 963K)

Full collection announced for November.

Attached: 816726025421_anime-hidamari-sketch-picture-perfect-collection-blu-ray-primary.jpg (467x600, 149K)

I couldn't care less unless there's also a japanese BD box being released.

Look at Sae's eyes,she is down for some fuck

New season any day now

With me.

Attached: 1545853142924.jpg (1280x720, 201K)

After all this time, it still hurts. Why did her route have to be so shit?

Attached: The-Word-Pain_Borders.jpg (963x582, 67K)

But Sae likes dick.

Attached: n6.png (800x1200, 386K)

Your wife is a lesbian.

If I got cute sheets for my bed, would I be a step closer to being happy like Yuno?

I'll be getting it.

No, only making Yuno real can bring us happiness. Personally I'm pursuing the occult magic route but I've run into numerous difficulties when trying to summon her.

The rest of the team couldn't handle the edge,so the writer decided to fuck up the whole route

That sounds dangerous for Yuno's health. That's why I've been trying to open a portal to Hidamari instead.

Attached: 1322589357113.gif (368x340, 1.9M)

But if you make a portal to Hidamari, that also means Hidamari has a portal to us. Do you really want to expose that idyllic world to the savagery of our world?

I would assume the portal will close after I've gone through it.

Besides, you would be subjecting Yuno to the dangers you mention too, and she wouldn't even have her friends there to support her?

My friend Yünö.

Attached: 1522459025833.jpg (832x910, 111K)

No matter how it's done there will need to be some trial and error to work out the finer details. The important thing is to continue making progress towards our goals however we can, and to always believe in ourselves.

Attached: 1550673463892.jpg (800x1472, 210K)

hey, endless Tewi is CATCHY

It's actually Uuno thank you very much

Attached: uuno on söpö.jpg (1920x1080, 730K)

>tfw I'm sleepy as fuck, but I also have to take a shit
just kill me right now

Attached: 1560432776619.jpg (1000x900, 450K)


Low quality Sae

Attached: 1563804100229.jpg (378x290, 15K)

I want too cum inside Nazuna, take responsibility and make her my housewife! Than she can learn how to cook!

Post ur largest Hidamari so I can make a mousepad with it ok thanks

Attached: 1563352861303.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Is Binetsu Kuukan still going or are the translations just dead? last chapter was back in june
I'm enjoying it quite a lot so far, Amane is so fucking cute

Attached: 2.jpg (1092x1600, 374K)

Attached: 1d5e4a408a9fc16b38f85ae359313b82.jpg (1920x1080, 268K)

it is very strange to see boys be wide but I like it

Attached: 123757 hidamari_sketch nori vector_trace wallpaper.jpg (4320x2430, 2.96M)

lewd Yuno!

Still going. Only the latest chapter hasn't been translated yet I think?

Attached: yuno5.png (1533x891, 2.03M)

that isn't nearly wide enough

Attached: narrow.jpg (544x6520, 333K)

Attached: 1541782455654.png (450x300, 137K)

Please don't, my nutbladder is already in pain and I'm not sure if I can take any more.


Attached: what.png (679x673, 257K)

sa sa

Attached: 1561740901270.jpg (221x286, 23K)

hei mee vittuun täältä. identiteettivarkaus ei ole vitsi

Attached: uuno on jumala.jpg (782x540, 102K)

Attached: pistävät katseet.gif (640x360, 2.23M)

hey, I've met you ages ago in wide threads. I remember you from that exact filename.

Attached: mielipide jellonasta.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

Maybe I stole that filename too.

Attached: Yuno why is that man eating Hiro's hair.jpg (430x300, 34K)

Attached: ilmeeni-kun.jpg (855x934, 129K)

That takes me back. I remember all of those being daily dose posts on the long dead Kuvalauta.

no such thing

Attached: wide.png (2000x281, 195K)

Pizza > cake

Attached: 1530807851977.png (670x410, 445K)


Attached: pizza.png (500x281, 107K)

Attached: 1548007820494.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

>You will never order Pizza with Nori and then spend the whole day inside playing video games

How do we destroy japanese pizza?

Attached: 1452565303160.webm (800x450, 2.64M)

Eat it?

I'd rather have a bowl of Miyako's

Attached: cereal.jpg (600x600, 325K)

But that's the opposite of what I want.

wide steppy

She probably just finished having sex. Everyone gets sleepy after sex.

Why are Yuno's dreams so weird?

Attached: (Hi10)_Hidamari_Sketch_x_365_Special_-_03_(BD_720p)_(HT).mkv_snapshot_00.11_[2019.08.19_22.02.53].jp (1280x720, 144K)

Yours aren't?

Attached: [HT]_Hidamari_Sketch_06_(720p,Blu-ray,AAC)_[7B67EFDD].mkv_snapshot_00.13_[2013.07.13_20.57.23].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Repressed sexual desire. Yuno wants to be lewded.