He watches anime sober

>he watches anime sober

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blow me nigger

take a chill pill

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no u

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>Needing drugs in order to watch anime
Shows just how weak and pathetic you really are.

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Wait what.

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i usually watch anime while having several beers and then go to sleep. its comfy

Demo is that you ?

MUH WEED, HUH IDIOTS? fuck you degenerates. Come in here talking about your substance abuse, thinking you're all so fucking cool compared to me, you fucking libcuck swine? Think just because you smoke weed you have to go on every board and every thread to talk about your lack of spine? You don't belong in MY ethnostate. DUDE WEEED! Weed shows just how fucking pathetic and deranged you losers are, why don't you pull yourself up by the boot straps and go do something productive instead of harrassing virtuous people like me online, making us out to sound like bores just because we don't abuse ourselves with drugs like a child dependent on his father's tit milk? You are showing yourself up for having no moral or physical backbone, for being lazy parasites who make a mockery of my people's white culture and you're fucking revelling in it like a happy hormone-stuffed confused stinking pig. Take your fucking degeneracy elsewhere, your mental illness isn't welcome. This board is for virtue!



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Anime or games on weed aren't that great.

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like to get shitfaced for certain genres, it makes it way more fun


>Anime or games on weed aren't that great

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*Blocks your path*

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drugs are BAD user

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based and satanpilled

I wish I could watch anime sober more often because I don't remember a lot of what happened, but then I go and rewatch and it all seems familiar and not new but I'm an alcohol

I only watch it drunk or else I cant feel the plight of characters or genuinely laugh at anything.

So usually I get home from work on a Friday. Have a quick wank to child porn ive traded or kemonomimi/catgirl hentai so thats out of the way. Then start drinking.

I watched the GER reveal episode of JoJo with my buddies while coming up on an acid trip. Holy fuck it was bananas. Especially when pic related happened.

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>He watches every show stoned and forgets literally everything after he finished a show
i dont know

that's not how being stoned 24h a day works.

I tried watching jojo once. Looked like a bunch of prettyboy degenerate homosexual faggots dressed up like women akin to a gay pride march.

So you watched ~100 episodes to reach that conclusion

>he doesn't watch anime on dissos

never gonna make it

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weed makes me more intelligent, creative and boosts my concentration desu

Satan's right

As a good christian I am compelled to believe the opposite of what this post tells me.

DXM and LSD are the closest thing to a key to the world of 2D, one time I was staring at pics on /w/ and watching them move like I was watching Anime, also watched hentai and my waifu's face kept morphing such as blushing and making her face lewder and shit, also moved her hands and started masturbating.

You'd think i'm making this shit up but you really gotta do it to believe it, download tor browser if you haven't already and order some chemical paper and go to your pharmacy and buy some robotussin

I watched 1 + 1/2 or so. Plus all the pictures ive seen on imageboards now and then led me to that conclusion.

Wrong. DXM makes 3D worlds better. There is nothing 2D in DXM. The cubelike dark chambers and morphing world doesnt do shit to 2D. At most, it makes you feel less alone and like there is someone with you.

You're right, Anime does look like it's 3D and feels like you're in virtual reality when watching, it's not that ugly kind of 3D like you'd see in bad CGI and MikuDance, it's really fucking cool like if you're watching something like Psycho Pass you'd feel like you're in a futuristic cyberpunk world, also background stills actually seem animated and the perspective of characters vs background look extremely well done even if you're watching QUALITY

>download tor browser if you haven't already and order some chemical paper
you can get a lot of shit on clearnet sites
>and go to your pharmacy and buy some robotussin
sadly we don't have dmx in my country at least not OTC and i don't want to get scammed by chinks on ali baba

Keep lying to yourself until you smoked yourself to retardation

I don't have anything against drugfags, but just as long as you
1) don't disturb me (in form of unpleasant smoke odor, violent behaviour, etc.)
2) don't advertise and spread your shit like you're doing right now ITT.

>yes of course i'm coming over to get blazed and watch dragon ball z bro, how did you know?

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>Drug junkie is also a spic
Muchacho, I...

>he injects marijuanas

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at least i'm not a seething mutt with no friends

>he requires a distortion of the senses to find enjoyment in life
Honestly I just feel sad for you and hope you don't hurt others in your sad existence.

>>he requires a distortion of the senses to find enjoyment in life

so anime?


yes goy, live a boring NPC life in this clown world matrix, don't explore the universe and spirituality and search for the bigger picture