
>evul for the sake of it

Is it really worth slogging through part 1? What episode does part 2 start?

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>Is it really worth slogging through part 1?
part 1 has a good start and a good ending but the middle is kinda boring
>What episode does part 2 start?
episode 10

>evul for the sake of it
If that's your problem with the show then you won't like part 2 either.

Skip part 1 it's trash, REAL Jojo begins at part 2 undisputed best Jojo is also in part 2.

just read part 7

>>>>>>>>>>>skipping parts

just watch the first two episodes and the last one, they're the best ones anyways

>reddit meme
fuck off.

if you are going to skip, skip part 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Some people just want more in life no matter the method and here he is just a mean kid, what about it?

>if you are going to skip, skip part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 2 is even worse.

>Is it really worth slogging through part 1?
I advise you to endure it, part 1 is boring but its events influence the plot of parts 2-6.
>What episode does part 2 start?

>shitty parent that treated him like shit

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Watch the 1st, 2nd, (and maybe 4th episode) 8th & 9th episodes of Part One.

Things you will be missing is-
Speedwagon Introduction, Zeppeli (Hamon) Introduction, Jack the ripper fight, Tarkus and Bruford fight, Tonpetty, Dire and Straits introduction, and George Joestar Death and Zeppeli Death .

Most of them are very minor characters and the only characters that appear in Part Two is Speedwagon and Straits.

t. reddit tourist

Unironically skip part 3. It first half is so fucking horrible even if it have good fights (polnareff vs steely dan, etc)

If you're gonna part skip because of a villain with not so great motivations then just read Part 7, the villain arguably has better motivations for his ends than the MC and that always makes for a compelling villain.

Was a super fun read and I'd genuinely recommend it to people who aren't even fans of Jojo.

Part skipping is for fags

if you hate it because of the villain then it doesn't get good until Part 4

>shitpost for the sake of it
Why OP keep doing that?

amazing thread op, sage