Why didn't you tell me this was good?

Why didn't you tell me this was good?

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Because it's not.

Because we are honest folks.

A bunch of people did, you just chose to ignore them.


Because it's not
gatari/oregairu №10000990.

It's not bad, but I don't like it because normies talked about it more than the yagakimi therefore it's shit.

why is it called bunny girl senpai when senpai only dresses as a bunny girl twice in the whole series?

Why is Neil Armstrong remembered as the man who did that thing on the moon, even though he spent most of his time on Earth?

>most of his time on earth
>not all

He was a pilot, after all.


It was good. Just the main character was literally me

Hello, pseudointellectual teen.


literally me

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Well the first 3 episodes are pretty good

I told you in April fool

It's just Monogatari for casuals who can't get past the casual filter.

They killed the only good thing about this series.

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this desu desu desu desu desu.


Is the boy dressed as a pig though?

Writer is a hack and needs to rely on bunnysuits promise. She wears in the first episode and never again
what a shame

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Holy shit that writing. It's not just a bad translation right?

Your first highschool romance LN?

Someone post the scene where he "unfairly"fights some dude and the audience literally claps

This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

Where my Shokochads at?

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It gets worse with each episode. The first two episodes are great but then it loses aim and falls away into meandering and things start to feel random and unnecessary, like they forgot what they were going for.

actually the first half is the worst part
the second half legitimately tears your heart out and shows it to you

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Unironically it was AOTS. I just hope that movie did well enough to warrant a second season

doesn't the movie cover the rest of the light novels not covered in the series?

because it's monogatari but worse, which means it's still halfway decent but you never shake the feeling that you're watching a cheap knockoff.

>the Chad fair fight v. the virgin underhanded tactics

absolute kino

A lot of people told you it was good when it was airing, I'm sure.

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Rio > Tomoe = Kaede > Shoko > Saki >>> Mai = Nodoka


I don't get why people hate this scene so much. It's just as cringe as any other anime

>kaede before she got married and got reincarnated in another world with her son

find me an equally "cringe" scene then, shouldn't be hard

redditors liked that scene because it was 'cool' and 'just like them'
it's cringe

it's fantastic early on but falls off

most of the series is just tacked onto what would have been a one shot
I still enjoyed the more or less the whole thing but it's not something i'd go around raving to everyone about

they kept the title character and main girl out of the majority of the show
the other girls are enjoyable but they really just can't compare to her

Rio a best. A BEST.

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First three eps should have been the entire show

married to me, just to be clear.

I don't know where this
>muh first three episodes
shit is coming from, because the first three episodes were shit too.


It's a fun series, nothing amazing or game changing, but worth a watch. Not sure why it gets so much flack.

Bouken desho desho

i like it even though it's kind of cringe. The way the characters talk to each other is just far too unrealistic and reeks of hipster shit, but the animation is nice and the paranormal/romance stuff is decent.

theres gonna be a movie soon.
it will not end with a creampie.


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You can tell from this scene that author was bullied in high school like most bunnyfags

Exactly. First arc was the best. Got much worse after.

Also, I love how people talk about "realistic dialogue" when the MC makes lewd comments to all his friends...

you dont offer your friends bro-jobs?

Painful as always.

no really, only Kaedes arc was worth a damn

You know this how?

Tomoe, Kaede and Rio were the only good girls

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The author tried to create his own Araragi and Senjougahara but falied miserably. Their banter is so unnatural.


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>Why didn't you tell me this was good?

I've no clue even how it's called or why it's good. Considering the thread, I probably don't even want to know.

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Ah, discount normie monogatari

Because we don't spoon feed the animals around here.

Because I watched more than 4 anime.

It was okay at best.

Somone probably did, but then they were swamped by a bunch of other people saying how it was fucking terrible.

it's high school drama so it's an aquired taste

Mai a cute

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She lied though. Can't ever trust a bitch who lies.

This is the kind of scenario that you come up with when you're in the shower, days after getting the shit beaten out of you at the train station.

She's like Senjougahara, but better.

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Didn't know you were that much of a retarded snowflake, sorry.

>Light Novel
>Expecting good writing


Mai a shit


Best taste


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we can't like things that reddit likes

It was breddy gud

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Rule of thumb OP. If retards around here hate it, it means it’s decent. If a majority of the retards here agree who best girl is, it means she’s actually the worst girl. Hope I saved you some time.

not enough material

The title and trailer of this really put me off, but I finally decided to watch it. Luckily, she is only a bunny girl for like 5 minutes in the entire series. What a stupid title.

It covers 2 novels. I think 6 and 7.

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It's only the title of the first novel not the whole series. Blame the Anime producers.

> Open thread
> First post is best post
All is right with the world.

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Watch more anime.
The of girls are very accepting of his awkward behavior and rarely call him out on it.
MC is a boring self-insert.

Is the movie worth watching?

Who is the girl at the last volumen? Sakuta and Mai's daughter?

Is LN worth reading?

i do love yukino

Who cares what a site nobody fucking visits thinks

all women are liars

The ed is great, and this anime is full of sage.
Incidentelly, /a is ruined by attention whoring threads.

I got my shit beaten outside school can confirm


>all these upvotes with nothing of value to add
You are literal cancer.


Are you upset that people don't like your discount monogatari?

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I got to it recently, and it's better than Yea Forums led me to believe, but Sakuta gets away with just a little too much to be believable. You could maybe convince me that his constant perverted comments and assholish attitude could charm a single best friend and a tsundere, but everyone else would find him to be a cringeworthy loser. I started losing faith after focus on his sister and Koga were just as tolerant of his cancer as Mai was in the first arc. The fight scene is fucking awful as well

>flat chest
>big ass
Name a better combination

I want to do terrible things to Koga
dark things

Literally this, absolutely based.

fat chest and big ass

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Fpwp. Bunch of kn/a/ves

that's too big, I want a skinny girl with a big ass. and don't call me gay. don't even think about it.

That's Kaede

She wears it again in Tomoe's arc though

You know if it's best boy 8man was him in this situation, he would actually get beat up and using victim card to ostracize the bullies.

wow this

This topic deserves it's own thread, but to summarize: Bunny Senpai got fighting 100% right, and every other romcom gets it 100$ wrong.
>bunny senpai
>athletic, good-looking main character can hold his own in a fight, like any red-blooded teenage boy can

>other romcoms
>loser boy screeches autistically as he runs towards the bully; he gets decked in one punch, then is usually saved by the girl

Again, Bunny Senpai got it right; other romcoms got it wrong. Bunny Senpai got it right; other romcoms got it wrong. The scenario in other romcoms, with the MC getting beat up, is unrealistic. The scenario in Bunny Senpai, with the MC winning the fight, is completely realistic in every way, shape, and form.

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Is it even possible to watch it?


Objectively the best

When I was a young buck, we would say /thread

I don't care what Yea Forums says. Mai Sakurajima was the only character that made me cry this fucking decade with how perfect and human she was. I'll never find one like her in this world and I'll fucking die alone.


i cant believe this is real lol

>trip in 2019
kys tripfag

>am I oldfag fitting in yet?

please refer to post 192142877


I like the thumbnail

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I'm disappointed that she doesn't wear the bunny suit all the times


It starts good, but wears out it's welcome pretty quickly.