Machikado Mazoku Translation

Let's get Ch.27 started.

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Other urls found in this thread:おおざっぱ

The first term ended without a hitch
Teacher: Everyone, I hope that you can all learn something during summer break
Teacher: I will support you however I can

Teacher: Miss Shadow Mistress
Teacher: Have you already started on your assignment?
Shamiko: No...

Shamiko: This is a letter for a duel challenge.
Shamiko: Chiyoda Momo, the magical girl at class A...
Shamiko: I'd like to challenge her once more!!

Shamiko: But I can never really write the word "corruption" all that well
("Demon" is tough too)
Teacher: Was calligraphy really necessary for this?

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Teacher can read the mood

Shamiko: Sensei, I... I've tried to convince Momo to become my dependent, but she turned me down.
Teacher: dependent...?

Lilith: a dependent in this case is formed via contract
Lilith: It is similar to kinship in a magical sense.
Lilith: It does vary depends on the terms of contract, but it is a very convenient bond to form.

Lilith: If we can form the contract successfully, then I can summon Momo at my pleasure...
Lilith: Or to force her to transform to ear strange outfits...
Lilith: huhuhu... I can't wait to really toy with Momo when the time comes...

Teacher: Miss Lilith seems to have some problems in being a guardian figure
Teacher: I will hang onto this, since she and I will have need to have a one-on-one~
Shamiko: oh-?

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Bless you Shamilator

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I only sorta know the meaning

Shamiko: "If you want me to become your dependent, you'll just have to beat me first..."
Shamiko: That's how she puts it.
Shamiko: Which means that I will have to challenge her to a lot of duels!!

Teacher: ... I do think as a teacher that it's better if Chiyoda-san could make some friends.
Shamiko: Not a friend, become my dependent!

Teacher: That and "Mistress" can imply being a queen.
(Mis.tress (noun))
(1. A woman in position of authority. Female owner)
(2. Queen*)
Teacher: Since Miss Shamiko is a self-employed demon...
Teacher: this title would make more sense if you were to hire employees.

(somewhat embarrassed)
Shamiko: So Mistress has that kind of meaning...!?
Teacher: Huh!?
Teacher: You've been using the title without knowing its meanings?

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Sensei a cute

On the statutory crime of dueling

(Letter of duel)
(To Magical Girl Chiyoda Momo)
(Today is the day that you)
(I shall make you mine and)
Teacher: This dueling letter... you've worked hard to write this

Teacher: ... but I will have to confiscate your letter as your teacher
Shamiko: Why!?
Teacher: Because it is illegal to duel under law

Teacher: I couldn't have students that have to be put under counselling just as summer break gets started
Teacher: ...we will have duel reworded into something closer to 'sports'.
Teacher: Any questionable expression needs to be toned down so that you can have a beautifully drafted letter instead.

Shamiko: But then could you tell that it's still a duel letter?
Teacher: Miss Shamiko's passion will come through if you put your heart into the words of your letter!
Shamiko: I see!!

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(I've done my best with this word pun with はたはた)

Teacher: Well, the phrasings are rather crude at that
Teacher: I don't think that "I shall make you mine" is a good figure of speech
Shamiko: .... may... maybe...

Teacher: I think it's better if you don't use rice paper and opt for the cuter and easier girly letter papers instead.
Teacher: Make sure that you add the proper greetings at the start
Teacher: and be sure to show concerns for the recipient in closing

Shamiko: It's done!!
Shamiko: ...

Shamiko: ... Sensei
Shamiko: Does the lettering here still look like duel letter or is it just not to the letter anymore?
(it's cute)
Teacher: you want it to the letter?

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I want to voice out the words in the letter

Shamiko: Ah, Momo!
Shamiko: Thank goodness, you haven't gone home yet.
Shamiko: Here, read this!!

Shamiko: ... huh?
Shamiko: ... are the colors of your clothes different than the usual?
(it does suit you better though)
Momo: it a problem if I change up the color of my clothes?

Momo: ... a letter?
(Greetings. How are you doing in this blazing summer heat?)
(You look somewhat down a couple days ago, and it makes me a little concerned as a demon.)

Momo: ... Shamiko, are you worried about me?
Shamiko: That' not it...!!
Shamiko: ... hold it. Just read it after I leave!!
(don't read it out loud!!)

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Shamiko... Are you sure that's not love letter?

A roundabout expression

Shamiko: We've already decided that we will look for Momo's sister together.
Shamiko: but
Shamiko: that doesn't mean that I've given up on making Momo into my dependent!!

Shamiko: Today is the last day of school where things draw to a close.
Shamiko: Let's take a day off from training and let me take the lead and set the agenda for the day.

Shamiko: This is the time to fall to darkness, magical girl!!
Shamiko: Come by the bank of the river by yourself come 1500 today!!

ps: The weather is really hot right now, so please change into something that won't trap the heat and is easy to move in
Momo: I can't read into what the letter's trying to say...

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Miss Momo doesn't know how to read between the lines

Anri: Huh? ... it's ChiyoMomo.
Anri: what's up? you got a smile on your face
Momo: so I am smiling...

Momo: ... I got this letter form Shamiko
Momo: Although the content goes all over the place so I don't really follow it, but...

Momo: I think that she's trying to tell me to stop with the training and go out to have fun together more or less
Anri: Eh~ that's good, that's good!!

Shamiko: Momo should be reading my duel challenge right now...
Shamiko: Magical girl...
Shamiko: Today's the day that you and I from a new relationship!!
(ku...) (ku...)

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Start of the summer round

Shamiko: There you are, Chiyoda Momo!!
Shamiko: Today will go down as the day that you fall to darkness...

Shamiko: what's with your getup!
Shamiko: Didn't I tell you to change into something that's easy to move in!?

Momo: ... it's pretty easy to move in and it keeps me cool
Shamiko: In other words, this fluffy outfit would do to deal with a trash demon like myself...?

Momo: ... thank you for the invitation
Shamiko: Why are you thanking me!?
Shamiko: drop the act cause it's scary

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3rd panel: (see, Wing Tsun Kuen!)

Keeping it cool bump

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I want to become a demon who could plan things out

Shamiko: ... nevermind
Shamiko: I've even done my warmup just for this very moment!!
Shamiko: Here I go, magical girl!
Momo: umm.

(Thought they're going to hang out)
(Thought they're going all out)

Momo: ... so where to?
Shamiko: What do you mean?
Shamiko: I am heading to the future of the dark clan if you put it that way!!

Momo: ...Is it just that you never made up a plan?
Shamiko: I needed to make a plan!?
Shamiko: I thought that I should just go with the flow as things naturally fall into place ...

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Cute gays!

Miss Peachy killing times

Momo: Let's just walk around if we haven't decided on where to go
Momo: We can't really kill time here since there's nothing over here
Shamiko: Is there even a need to kill time right now!?
Shamiko: that's so deep..

Momo: run into cats all the time in this park
Shamiko: oh~!!

Momo: ... This shop has a gachapon machine where you can get TamaSakura-chan
Shamiko: that so...

Momo: "TamaSakura-chan buried in meat". I already have this one...
Momo: Shamiko, here.
Shamiko: Thank you very much...
Shamiko: ...what about the duel...?

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Shamiko: challenge
Momo: proposal

cute couple

I wasn't asking for this sort of darkness

Shamiko: Well... Momo, you did give my duel letter a read right?
Momo: Duel letter? You meant that letter from the morning?

Momo: ...weren't you inviting me out to play?
Shamiko: No- I was trying to make Momo into my dependent
Shamiko: so I wanted to call you out and fight you!!

Momo: ... I see... I've totally gotten it wrong...
Shamiko: Ur... huh?
Shamiko: Why does Momo...
Shamiko: suddenly look like a dead fish...?

Momo: No... it's just that...
Momo: I feel really embarrassed about looking like some floating fruit punch...
(what's with this ponytail)
Shamiko: crap, Momo fell to darkness in a difference sense of the word

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Heartful Peach Morphing Stick

Shamiko: I am sorry
Shamiko: I've completely ruined Momo's mood
Shamiko: You're spending time out with me when you are not good with doing things like that...

Momo: ... no, it's not that I am not good at it....
Momo: It's just that I didn't follow what you meant by outing for two, that's all
Shamiko: Is that really it? Same here!! Then let's start this over!!

Shamiko: Momo came here to play, so let's just hang out for the day
Shamiko: and it's a rare thing that you're in such a cute outfit...

Momo: ...I am not going to be in a cute outfit
Momo: This is about the same as what I wear at home
Shamiko: That stick could do that!?

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Hairclip with a promise

Shamiko: Let's go out together like this sometimes
Shamiko: Maybe we can find some unexpected clues out of the blue...
Momo: ... um

Shamiko: then, urr, well, as my way for making it up to you and to prove on what we've agreed to

Shamiko: we're already at the shopping center...
Shamiko: here, wear there

Shamiko: Kukuku, Chiyoda Momo...
Shamiko: I made you fall to darkness, even if's just with your hair clips!!

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A single party interview

Shamiko: Allow me to pick fight with you every now and then
Shamiko: Although the letter ended up being hard to figure out
Shamiko: I did spell out how I feel in it

Shamiko: Although I've spent all of my money,
Shamiko: but I've had a really good time today
Shamiko: Maybe I should do a part-time job during summer break

Shamiko: ... but why is it that I think that I am missing something...

Lilith: Shamiko...
Lilith: am i going to have to live at this school until classes start against by September...?

Hang in there, Shamiko! It's a little embarrassing to go back to class and pick up what you've left behind on the last day of class though!!

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it just gets cuter and cuter. Thanks for the translation

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That was a cute date. Thank you once again, Shamilator.

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Momo is such a tsundere....

thanks a lot shamilator you're the only reason I browse Yea Forums recently

Ganbare, Shamilator!

I will come back late and do 28.

Thanks for your work, Shamilator!

Thanks Shamilator! I'll be waiting.

Mikan: No.3 Sakuragaoka Tama city...
Shamiko: ahh, Mikan-san, what's the matter?

Mikan: Shamiko! Just the person I need!
Mikan: I am looking for this apartment around this block
Mikan: it should be called Banda Terrace....

Mikan: But the only place to live here is this derelict wreck...
Shamiko: Ahh, that's my home
Shamiko: See, Banda Terrace

Shamiko: ...does that look like a wreck?
Mikan: no...!!
Mikan: I just think that it's rare this day and age to see a house with this kind of feel to it!!

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ShamiMomo wedding when?

When Shamiko will gain enough strength to princess-carry Momo.

Cheaper what a can of juice runs for

Shamiko: are you... moving in?
Mikan: Um. Although I didn't realize that it's the same apartment as with Shamiko.

Shamiko: But.. can a highschool student rent out an apartment by themselves just like that?
Mikan: It's ok!

Mikan: It looks like that people who are involved with the light or the dark clan
Mikan: don't have much difficulty in renting special properties
(see the key here)
Mikan: that and

Staff: This room gets the light and dark discount so the rent is only 120 yen a month.
Mikan: I took the offer the moment she said that!!
Shamiko: there's even something like a student discount for this sort of things!?

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Difference sense of taste

Shamiko: This town is really unbelievable at times
Mikan: yep. Momo said that this place was made habitable when Sakura-san was around.

Mikan: Speaking of which- I really caused quite the commotion a few days ago because of Sakura-san. Sorry about that.
Mikan: I ruined your clothes because of my curse too.

Mikan: take my clothes if you are ok with that
Mikan: I'd like to sort things out with me moving in and all

Shamiko: ... you got anything that doesn't expose the shoulders?
Mikan: All of mine expose them....

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Would you consider translating Fruit Tart? Since it's a Kirara show too.

Ask for that when we get caught up in the latest Machikado chapters

Please give OP a rest

Deepest arigato.

This is common with night owls

Shamiko: But Mikan-san, you were invited over to the town by Momo.
Shamiko: So you shouldn't to rent a house of your own...
Mikan: Umm... but I want to think by myself from time time...

Shamiko: Got into fight with Momo?
Mikan: There's really nothing major.
Mikan: ...I owe both Sakura-san and Momo debts of gratitude

Mikan: But Sakura-san's whereabout is still unknown
Mikan: and Momo's been constantly on the lookout for her...
Mikan: It doesn't sit well with me that she's keeping things from me...

Mikan: and then there's those mysterious training that she does in the morning that always put out a racket
Mikan: my active hours just won't work with her's....
Shamiko: Mysterious training...!?

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A demon's self-proclaimed innocence

Mikan: My curse was much worse when I was a kid
Mikan: It was Sakura-san who made it possible for me to socialize with people to an extent
Mikan: by suppressing the curse with magical power

Lilith: Tampering with the curse...
Lilith: Sounds similar to Shamiko's situation
Lilith: How was Chiyoda Sakura like as a person?

Mikan: Gorgeous and strong... and she was huge?
Mikan: I honestly feel that worried even if she's gone missing. I feel that she's still alive and living somewhere out there

Lilith: ... is she the type who will make an innocent demon dance to her whims or throw her out like a cannonball?
Mikan: I don't think she's that type!?
Mikan: What made you something so specific out of the blue!?

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Secret behind the cheap price

Mikan: anyways...
Mikan: I've managed to find a comfy and cheap place to live
Mikan: so it's time to get to work

Mikan: Although the condition does bother me a bit, but if we touch up the wallpaper...

Mikan: The monthly rate of 120 yen may be a bit too cheap...?
Lilith: Calm down there Mikan
Lilith: that could just be a specially designed wallpaper.

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Also, add "I guess" or something like that if you wanna keep the question mark

Clothes are a bit chilly

Shamiko: ... Mikan san
Shamiko: might really just be putting up a brave face
Shamiko: when she's actually quite scared in her heart
Shamiko: and she came to this time specifically because of me who's a complete stranger to her...
(calm down)(calm down)

Shamiko: ... well, Mikan-san
Shamiko: I will try to find ways to break your curse
Shamiko: as a memento to us being neighbors-

Mikan: neighbor...?
Mikan: I was just about to escape from this decrepit ruin you know!?
Shamiko: It's not a ruin, it's a functional house

Mikan: But my shoulders have been feeling the chills
Mikan: It's not just me. This room is cursed as well
Shamiko: that's because your shoulders are exposed

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Thanks. I misread that as ooki for some reason.

Correction to panel 3.
Mikan: Gorgeous and strong... and a bit sloppy I guess?

I want to become a demon who can sort my thought out

Shamiko: So, can Mikan-san also help me realize my goals?
Shamiko: as a memento to being neighbors!
Mikan: Goals....?

Shamiko: I want to
Shamiko: 1. find Sakura-san
Shamiko: 2. which is why I want to look for dark clansmen in town
Shamiko: 3. and I want to get stronger then to release the seal on my home
Shamiko: and how my dad ended up as a box is a mystery on top of yet another mystery.

Shamiko: 5. then there's turning Momo into my dependent in darkness...

Mikan: Sorry, I really couldn't follow what you are talking about...
Shamiko: I've lost track of what I was trying to say as well...

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Dystopia room 203

Lilith: Shamiko, given the situation
Lilith: I think that finding clues on Chiyoda Sakura's whereabouts should come first.
Shamiko: ehh...

Lilith: It looks like that Sakura was quite a powerhouse who protected the unique status of this town.
Lilith: This town's safety should become more secured if she can somehow come back to the town

Lilith: Why not look for remnants of Sakura while you go looking for members of the dark clan?
Lilith: This house that's been marked down after having been the scene of some accident may be a leftover from some past incident that Sakura had dealt with

Mikan: I knew that something must have happened here...?
Lilith: Crap, I slipped my tongue

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Don't give up, ancestor

Lilith: Sakura looks to be quite skilled at manipulating barriers and spells, right?
Lilith: that seems to play into the seal placed on Shamiko's father.

Lilith: Which means that if we can find Sakura
Lilith: then we not only will see a gain in combat power but we'll get hints on how to lessen the curse.
Lilith: we'll also get an answer what the circumstances were when your father disappeared

Lilith: ... that would push everything forward all at once
Lilith: This kills several birds with one stone

Lilith: that and Sakura doesn't looks like the type who would bully me
Lilith: I would get an opening if Sakura takes over the job of looking after this town from Momo!!

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Important ethical scene with the Ancestor

Lilith: Did I say something that's out of place...?

Shamiko: Ancestor's incredible!!
Mikan: Ancestor-sama sure is good!! That was easy to digest!!
Lilith: Oh, ooo...!?

Mikan: have some offering!!
Mikan: although all I have here are just some Mikan manjuu!!
Lilith: Ara...
Lilith: No one's punishing me even if I've yapped nonstop and even showed my evil face...

Lilith: What's this warm feeling in me...
Lilith: I... was praised and I was actually helpful..!!
(but I am missing something)

Ancestor has opened a new door for herself!!

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>So incompetent that she's never been praised
Guess it really was Adam that left her.

>never been praised
being a dark clan is suffering, I feel bad for her now

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I wont let this thread die

>(but I am missing something)
But I'm not getting nearly enough of whatever it is

Lilith-san is super cute this chapter too

Headpats for Lilith!

I love this.

Teacher is cute.

when do we get more Joshua

More plot to read, thanks a lot.

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we're slowly getting more characters
it's nice

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>Dress is in front of Ancestatue Panel 2
>Lilith changes into it for the rest of chapter

Sasuga author for that consistency. Also, thanks Shamilator

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>tfw accidentally offer your clothes to ancestatue

I assume Momo keeps the black clips.

god I want to pin Lilith down and continue the Dark Clan lineage

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>Lilith: Or to force her to transform to ear strange outfits...

Yes, she will wear it from now on.

I hope the translator stubs his little toe on a table. This was a completely out of place and terrible line I'd expect to see in some western porn game.

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>Shamiko: Come by the bank of the river by yourself come 1500 today!!
Shamiko: Come to the bank of the river today at 15:00. Come by yourself!
>PS: The weather is really hot right now, so please change into something that won't trap the heat and is easy to move in
PS: The weather's really hot right now, so make sure you wear something that will be easy to move around in but won't make you too hot.

>Shamiko: In other words, this fluffy outfit would do to deal with a trash demon like myself...?
Shamiko: In other words, she thinks she can deal with a trash demon like myself just wearing this fluffy outfit...?

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>(Thought they're going to hang out)
>(Thought they're going all out)
(Thought they were going to hang out)
(Thought they were going all out)
>Shamiko: I thought that I should just go with the flow as things naturally fall into place ...
Shamiko: I thought that I should just go with the flow and let things naturally fall into place...

VERY cute couple.

>Shamiko: crap, Momo fell to darkness in a difference sense of the word


she needs to put some clothes on

> Momo signs letters with peachbutt
> Shamiko signs letters with her tail

>Shamiko: Let's go out together like this sometimes
Shamiko: Let's go out together like this every now and then.
>Momo: ... um
Momo: ... Okay
>Shamiko: then, urr, well, as my way for making it up to you and to prove on what we've agreed to
Shamiko: then, erm... well, as my way of making it up to you and to give you some proof as to what we agreed on...
>Shamiko: here, wear there
Shamiko: here, wear this.
Damn, you can see Momo falling HARD for Shamiko in that last panel. This manga is so freaking gay.

Warning, very lewd.

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>Shamiko: Allow me to pick fight with you every now and then
Shamiko: Could you allow me to pick a fight with you every now and then?
>Shamiko: Although the letter ended up being hard to figure out
Shamiko: Although my letter was evidently a bit difficult to figure out,
>Shamiko: I did spell out how I feel in it
Shamiko: I did tell you how I felt in it.
>Shamiko: Although I've spent all of my money,
Shamiko: I spent all of my money,
>Shamiko: Maybe I should do a part-time job during summer break
Shamiko: Maybe I should get a part-time job during summer break.
>Shamiko: ... but why is it that I think that I am missing something...
Shamiko: Hmm... I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Nah, she's more of a kuudere.

of COURSE Mikan's eating.... mikans.
Does that make her a cannibal?

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Guess I'll call myself the Shamilproofer because hell, why not
>Mikan: I am looking for this apartment around this block
Mikan: I'm looking for an apartment around this block
>Shamiko: ...does that look like a wreck?
Shamiko: Does it really look like a wreck?

>Cheaper what a can of juice runs for
Cheaper than what a can of juice runs for
>Mikan: Um. Although I didn't realize that it's the same apartment as with Shamiko.
Mikan: Yeah. Although I didn't realize that it was the same apartment as Shamiko lived in.
---(ええ) in this sense means yes

She fell for her when Shamiko asked her to be her minion. This is just reaffirmation.

Well, yeah, true that. She just keeps falling harder and harder. You're right.

what would happen if demon goat and magical peach combined?

>Shamiko: But Mikan-san, you were invited over to the town by Momo.
Shamiko: But Mikan-san, Momo invited you to come here,
>Shamiko: So you shouldn't to rent a house of your own...
Shamiko: so you shouldn't need to rent a house on your own...
>Shamiko: Got into fight with Momo?
Shamiko: Did you get into a fight with Momo?
>Mikan: There's really nothing major.
Mikan: It's nothing big, really.
>Mikan: ...I owe both Sakura-san and Momo debts of gratitude
Mikan: I owe both Sakura-san and Momo a debt of gratitude
--the idiom is a debt of gratitude, regardless of how many "debts"
>Mikan: But Sakura-san's whereabout is still unknown
Mikan: But Sakura-san's whereabouts are still unknown
>Mikan: and then there's those mysterious training that she does in the morning that always put out a racket
Mikan: And then there's this mysterious training that she does in the morning that makes a horrible racket...

>Lilith: How was Chiyoda Sakura like as a person?
Lilith: What was Chiyoda Sakura like as a person?
>Mikan: I honestly feel that worried even if she's gone missing. I feel that she's still alive and living somewhere out there
Mikan: I'm honestly worried that she's gone missing. I hope that she's still alive and living somewhere out there
>Mikan: What made you something so specific out of the blue!?
Mikan: What made you say something so specific out of the blue!?

That was a nice date, I hope there will be more of them!

>Mikan: Although the condition does bother me a bit, but if we touch up the wallpaper...
Mikan: The condition does bother me a bit, but if we touch up the wallpaper...

>Shamiko: and she came to this time specifically because of me who's a complete stranger to her...
Shamiko: and she came to this town specifically because of me, a complete stranger...
>Shamiko: I will try to find ways to break your curse
Shamiko: I will try to find a way to break your curse
>Mikan: But my shoulders have been feeling the chills
Mikan: But my shoulders have been feeling chilly

*Demon Yuzu, more commonly known as the Lion Yuzu, is a subspecies of Pomelo. Pomelo was introduced to Japan during the Nara period. They are produced mostly west of Kanto region.

Miss Peach steps in

Shamiko: Mikan-san, you should still tell Momo how you feel straight up to her
Mikan: You're right. I moved out just all of a sudden. I should have a word with her.

Mikan: I was all shriveled up like the skin of the Demon Yuzu, but now I am feeling way better!
Mikan: it'll be fun to see how it's like to live by myself as it's new to me...

Mikan: I think I will put a bookshelf here and put the TV to this corner
Shamiko: I will bring my console over so we can fight each other!!
Momo: that sure sounds fun

Mikan+Shamiko: Momo!?

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>I want to become a demon who can sort my thought out
I want to become a demon who can sort my thoughts out
>Shamiko: as a memento to being neighbors!
Shamiko: as a memento to us being neighbors!
>Shamiko: 3. and I want to get stronger then to release the seal on my home
Shamiko: 3. and I want to get stronger so that I can release the seal on my home
>Shamiko: and how my dad ended up as a box is a mystery on top of yet another mystery.
Shamiko: 4 and find out how my dad ended up as a box. It's a mystery on top of yet another mystery.

A box's corners are not rounded

Shamiko: what are you doing here?
Momo: I have something to discuss to Shamiko...
Momo: It's rude of me not having greeted your mother properly a couple of days back

Momo: I was thinking that I should bring some boxes of dessert or something along that line
Shamiko: I don't you shouldn't sweat it over the small stuff

Momo: ...but then I would be putting salt on open wound to give you all this box-shaped item when Shamiko's father is now a box
(What do you think is more appropriate...?)
Seiko: I also think you don't don't have to mind that so much!!

Seiko: Although this is not a deal deal at all, but a rice ticket would do nicely if you insist on giving something!!
Shamiko: Mom, why are you here!?
Seiko: I've heard everything with the wall being so thin!!

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Sataniafags btfo.

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>Lilith: It looks like that Sakura was quite a powerhouse who protected the unique status of this town.
Lilith: It looks like Sakura was quite a powerhouse who protected the unique status of this town.
>Lilith: Crap, I slipped my tongue
Lilith: Crap, I slipped up and said too much

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>Lilith: then we not only will see a gain in combat power but we'll get hints on how to lessen the curse.
Lilith: then not only will we see a gain in combat power but we'll get hints on how to lessen the curse.
>Lilith: we'll also get an answer what the circumstances were when your father disappeared
Lilith: we might also get an answer about the circumstances surrounding your father's disappearance.
>Lilith: that and Sakura doesn't looks like the type who would bully me
Lilith: that and Sakura doesn't seem like the type who would bully me

> chilly
physically cold
> The chills
spoopy business
"the chills" works better for the joke.

Attached: shamiko.jpg (1000x1414, 499K)

Yeah, I went back and forth with that, but yeah, you're probably right
>But my shoulders have been getting the chills.
Thanks, user

Picking the peach out of the fire

Momo: I was getting worried with Mikan suddenly saying that she'd go rent a room all of a sudden...
Momo: but she looks fine so I can relex now
Mikan: No... I just want to be able to cool my head off a little!!

Lilith: Oh Momo,
Lilith: could you be feeling lonely, it's being lonely am I right!?
Momo: eh...
Lilith: You got all agitated from seeing Mikan and Shamiko getting close all of a sudden, right!?

Lilith: You are so easy to read, my dear!!
Lilith: Just go and eat a TV dinner all by yourself tonight!!

Lilith: I'll accept thatttt!!
Shamiko: Ancestorrrrrr!!

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Are Momo's momos really that big? I have my doubts!

>Mikan: have some offering!!
Mikan: have some offerings!!
>Lilith: Ara...
Lilith: What's this?
>Lilith: No one's punishing me even if I've yapped nonstop and even showed my evil face...
Lilith: No one's punishing me even though I've yapped nonstop and even showed my evil face...

No Shamiko, don't be like Baka!

Magical girl Reversi

Momo: I don't feel lonely but...
Momo: I'll be living here for the summer
Shamiko: ehh!?

Momo: It's hard to get in touch with Shamiko when you don't have a mobile
Momo: that and the room right next door is unoccupied
Shamiko: no... but...

Momo: Very nice to meet you, mother.
Seiko: Nonono, same here.
Shamiko: mom!?

Shamiko: I'll be living my life while flanked by these magical girls on both sides during this summer break...!?

Hang in there Shamiko!! Become a demon who could smoothly get along with your neighbors!!

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Momo's new h̶a̶i̶r̶c̶l̶i̶p eyebrows are going to serenade Shamiko every time a peach looks her way

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I don't know. I haven't read fruit tart. Not care if I'd care enough

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Momo, you idiot. How are you supposed to masturbate to Shamiko without her hearing you, if the walls are so thin?

>Momo: Very nice to meet you, mother.
what did she mean by this

>Shamiko: Mikan-san, you should still tell Momo how you feel straight up to her
Shamiko: Mikan-san, you should still straight up tell Momo exactly how you feel
>Mikan: it'll be fun to see how it's like to live by myself as it's new to me...
Mikan: it'll be fun to see what it's like to live by myself as it's all new to me...
>Mikan: I think I will put a bookshelf here and put the TV to this corner
Mikan: I think I'll put a bookshelf right here and put the TV in this corner.
>Shamiko: I'll bring my console over so we can fight each other!!

Chiyoda "Gay stalker" Momo

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Has /u/ found out about these threads?

I was being very literal (but then welll...) Japanese would usually mean Shamiko's mother.

/u/ has their own thread for this.


>Momo: I have something to discuss to Shamiko...
Momo: I have something to discuss with you, Shamiko...
>Shamiko: I don't you shouldn't sweat it over the small stuff
Shamiko: I don't think... You really shouldn't sweat over the small stuff...
>Seiko: Although this is not a deal deal at all, but a rice ticket would do nicely if you insist on giving something!!
Seiko: Although it's not a deal deal at all, but a rice ticket would do nicely if you insist on giving me something!!
>Seiko: I heard everything because the walls are so thin!!

>Lilith: could you be feeling lonely, it's being lonely am I right!?
Lilith: Could you be feeling lonely? You're lonely. Am I right!?

>no season 2
>shitty nendo

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>Momo: It's hard to get in touch with Shamiko when you don't have a mobile
Momo: It's hard to get in touch with you when you don't have a mobile phone, Shamiko.
>Hang in there Shamiko!! Become a demon who could smoothly get along with your neighbors!!
Hang in there Shamiko!! Become a demon who can smoothly get along with your neighbors!!

Nono, user was asking a rhetorical question. It's a meme on Yea Forums to ask that about something where there's an innuendo of sorts. That line is fine like it is. In fact KEEP that line. It's marvelous.

Yes. In fact some of it's being copypasta'd to their thread.

I keep thinking that the eyebrows of Ancestatue is its mouth.

You don't need goggles to see the ships coming into this port.

is there an eyejuice version of this fig?

>crying face parts
You can change the face, like a nendoroid.

but i preordered from amiami and she doesn't seem to have it

it's going to be released in 2020 though.

The full OP & ED are both on Spotify lads in case y’all did not know.

Hang in there, Shamiko.

I would recommend using "x's mother" or "ma'am" in these cases unless there's an intentional implication of planning to join the family, otherwise you're adding information that isn't present in the original. A certain audience may enjoy that, but it does compromise the integrity of your translation.


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although it's fun an all to pile on the innuendo, but ma'am fits this better.

She was more surprised about her mother popping in unannounced than what Momo's saying.


Yes, I went back and read it again, my bad.

Amend panel 3:
Momo: Very nice to meet you, ma'am.
Seiko: nonono, same here.

Seiko: could this be...!!
Momo: It's meat.
Momo: thought I'd use this as a greeting gift since I'll be living next to you for a little while...

Seiko: I can't thank you enough for giving us something this wonderful!!
Seiko: Yu! Ryo! Come on!!

Seiko: Miss Momo has given us the right to gaze upon this beef!
Seiko: come and pay your respect
(It's red)
Momo: That's not it
Momo: I am giving this to you so that you would eat this!!

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I'd show Shamiko's family my beef.

The convenience of not needing to wash it

Seiko: for tonight...
Seiko: let's have a Sukiyaki party to welcome our neighbor!!

Momo: Is it to troubling to invite me to this?
Seiko: Not at all. Please call Mikan-san here as well

Seiko: Even my sealed up honey once said that we should share with our neighbors!
Momo: ahh... well...
Momo: cutting this Negi right on top of the sealed dad is a bit too...!!

Seiko: It's ok. The daddy box is built like a tank
Seiko: It will clean itself in 3 minutes no matter how dirty it gets
Momo: even if that's the case!!
Momo: I can bring the collapsible table at my place!!

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The dark clan happily gorged on what was once egg afterwards

Shamiko: Mom, let's just borrow Momo's table
Shamiko: six people all sitting next to the daddy box is just too cramped
Momo: Shamiko...

Shamiko: I'll lend a hand
Momo: Ahh, me too...

Momo: Shamiko...
Momo: I failed to to break the egg...
Shamiko: How did you get it to look like that!?
Shamiko: Momo, are you troubled by something!?

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Momo please what the fuck

>next to the daddy box
That sounds so wrong.

Momo's corruption level has gone up

Momo: Shamiko, Ryo-chan, Mikan should be coming over soon...
Momo: Keep this in mind when Mikan's lending a hand to cook the food
Shamiko: eh...?

Shamiko: Mikan-san is the kind of person who would utterly transform the ingredient?
(I think having this flambeed would be better)
Momo: It's not that, but rather...

Momo: Momo's sense of taste is questionable
Momo: She loves citrus in everything
(gotta have something sour when you have a cold)
Momo: She can make just about any meal under the sun have a sour taste...

Momo: I know that she meant well...
Momo: but I'd want my Sukiyaki to have this rich sweetness to it...!!
(the food's been great lately so...)
Shamiko: ok... I get it...

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So it looks like Momo is cursed too

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>Seiko: Miss Momo has given us the right to gaze upon this beef!
Seiko: Momo-san has given us the right to gaze upon this beef!
--You've been using honorifics all along. Kinda weird to switch to Mr/Mrs/Ms/etc
>Seiko: come and pay your respect
>Momo: I am giving this to you so that you would eat this!!
Momo: I'm giving it to you so that you'll eat it!!

is it time?

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Seiko is such a dork.

>Momo: Is it to troubling to invite me to this?
>Momo: cutting this Negi right on top of the sealed dad is a bit too...!!
--should we use spring onion instead of negi? "Negi" is not one of the usual transliterated words people use is why I'm asking.

The girl who carries tangerine with her all the time

Mikan: Thanks for calling me over! My name is Hinatsuki Mikan.
Mikan: My family makes processed foods such as Mkan and whatnot.

Mikan: This is a Yuzu salad dressing that we make, and here's some mandarin Sablé biscuit and orange juice
Seiko: that's really generous of you...
Seiko: Thank you very much

Mikan: Oh? I see that Momo bought some beef over

Mikan: I just happen to have lemon on me right now
Momo: Ryo-chan, please go shopping with Mikan please

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Oh, so wrong but oh, so right!

Then I will opt for Welsh onion.

Works for me.

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>Shamiko: six people all sitting next to the daddy box is just too cramped
Shamiko: six people all sitting around the daddy box is just too cramped

wouldn't green onion or spring onion be understood by more people
i never heard of Welsh onions, had to look it up
i call them scallions as well

*yellow hankerchief refers to

This isn't a repeat of the Yellow Hankerchief incident

Mikan: This is the second time that we've met, Ryo-chan
Mikan: I've heard the story about Ryo-chan's father from Momo... it's been tough hasn't it.

Ryoko: no... my mom's never been good at hiding in secrets
Ryoko: I knew that my dad's not going to come back for a very long time

Ryoko: Ryo likes to read hardboiled fiction at that, so
Ryoko: I thought that my dad's been doing time at prison for whatever he did before

Ryoko: so it's actually a relief to know that he's been next to us all this time...
(that's what being kept in the dark is)
Mikan: She really is resilient...!!

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But it isn't really green onion. We can afford to be a pedant instead of 4kid it all.

>(I think having this flambeed would be better)
--for the benefit of Typesetter user
>Momo: I know that she meant well...
>Momo: but I'd want my Sukiyaki to have this rich sweetness to it...!!
Momo: but I want my Sukiyaki to have a rich sweetness to it...!!

Sorry, long green onion.
Also commonly called spring onion, bunching onion, Japanese bunching onion.
Anyway, never mind. It's easy to look up even if left as negi.

Someone post Syneed

The citrusy girl who loves all kinds

Mikan: This supermarket hasn't changed at all. It brings back memories.
Ryoko: Mikan-san used to live in this town at some point?

Mikan: yeah, our factory was at this time when I was a kid
Mikan: ...I had to move when the factory broke down due to various circumstances

Mikan: Momo and Momo's sister took care of me when all of that happened
Ryoko: I see...

Ryoko: ... Mikan-san
Ryoko: You should buy things aside from Tangerine
Mikan: Sorry, it's just second nature...!!

Attached: p-0006.png (650x1880, 591K)

>Momo: Momo's sense of taste is questionable

Shouldn't that be "her sense of taste" or "Mikan's sense of taste?"

>Ryoko: no... my mom's never been good at hiding in secrets
Ryoko: no... my mom's never been good at keeping secrets
Ryoko: no... my mom's never been good at hiding things from us.
>Ryoko: I knew that my dad's not going to come back for a very long time
Ryoko: I knew that my dad's wasn't going to come back for a very long time
>Ryoko: Ryo likes to read hardboiled fiction at that, so
--Does Ryoko refer to herself in the 3rd person? I don't know... if not, then it should be "I like to read..."
>Ryoko: I thought that my dad's been doing time at prison for whatever he did before
Ryoko: I thought that my dad was doing hard time at prison for whatever he did before

The magical girl will do whatever it takes

Seiko: Yuko, go and bring the ingredients out with Momo-san
Shamiko: ok

Momo: lay it out...
Momo: lay it out...
Shamiko: why did you decide to transform

Momo: Although the egg ends up kind of strange...
Momo: I don't want to fail this time with laying the food onto the plate...

Momo: I will do whatever it takes to get it done right...!!
Shamiko: Momo, just chill please
Shamiko: the ingredients are glowing!!

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>her sense of taste

Ryoko explicitly refers to herself in third person at all time.

Momo is getting excited and pouring magical energy into the food

>Ryoko: Mikan-san used to live in this town at some point?
Ryoko: Mikan-san, you used to live in this town?
>Mikan: yeah, our factory was at this time when I was a kid
Mikan: yeah, our factory was here when I was a kid
>Ryoko: You should buy things aside from Tangerine

Gotcha. Good to know.

what is she up to

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>Seiko: Yuko, go and bring the ingredients out with Momo-san
Seiko: Yuko, you and Momo-san go bring in the ingredients

I want to be a demon who could come to the rescue in the nick of time

Shamiko: Momo, after watching you for some time
Shamiko: I've finally found this weakness that you got

Shamiko: are too hanged up with doing it all by yourself!
Shamiko: Mikan-san was a little down from Momo never bringing the topic of Sakura-san up with her

Shamiko: That and how that you really don't trust just about anyone...
Shamiko: some day a demon will sneak in on you for that!!

Momo: ... is it smart to tell your enemy what their weaknesses are?
Shamiko: it's not but it's in return for the meat!!

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The universe goes round once more

Seiko: good work for putting stuff out and for the shopping errand...
Seiko: Cheers!!

Shamiko; This is the first time that I've had Sukiyaki...

Momo: ... Shamiko!!?
Shamiko: Ahh! sorry, I felt weird from experiencing a taste that's out of this world

Attached: p-0009.png (650x1880, 653K)

>Shamiko: I've finally found this weakness that you got
Shamiko: I've finally found one of your weaknesses.
>Shamiko: are too hanged up with doing it all by yourself!
Shamiko:'re too hung up with doing it all by yourself!

what? imagine what will happen when she tastes the peach

Forced broadcast

Shamiko: to think that I would be having a toast with the likes of you one day...
Shamiko: what an odd feeling this is
Momo: ... same here. it's quite incredible.

Shamiko: although we are just neighbors for a little while, but let me know if we're being too loud
Shamiko: since we have more people in the house
Momo: ... it's ok

Momo: I don't really mind the noise
Shamiko: Really? what a relief

Lilith: Can everyone... hear me...
Lilith: The tofu and the negi are ready... so finish them off quickly...
Lilith: I want to move on to the udon...
Momo: sorry, but it's kind of distracting when you speak directly into my head

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Guilty as charged

Mikan: I've made some salted grilled beef out of the leftover meat
Momo: ... it's good
Mikan: see?

Momo: I thought you'd squeeze lemon into just about anything!?
Mikan: you should spell it out if you need help with anything
Mikan: and you should trust me more!

Mikan: Ahh
Mikan: the Peach juice will taste better if you squeeze some lemon into it

Mikan: ...what's with that look
Mikan: just drink it in one gulp if you are sure that it'd taste good!

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Just noticed the multiplying. How many shamils are working on this by the way?


>Shamiko: although we are just neighbors for a little while, but let me know if we're being too loud
Shamiko: although we're just neighbors for a little while, please let me know if we're being too loud
>Lilith: The tofu and the negi are ready... so finish them off quickly...
Lilith: The tofu and the Welsh onions are ready... so finish them off quickly...

And that's as many as 40 tens!
And that's terrible!

The young ones having Shōchū with stones

Momo: ... Mikan
Momo: I am sorry that I never discussed my sister with you
Momo: My sister is important to you as well

Mikan: saying that now?
Mikan: ... jeez, it's no big deal!!
Mikan: you were just worried about my curse more or less
Mikan: Momo looks real sloppy, but she does mind the little things
Mikan: How about showing the part of your that's easier to pick up by others?
Shamiko: I agree with that!!

Lilith: Seiko... the idle chatters of youth can be embarrassing to listen to...
Seiko: I think that I am still quite young when compared to you, ancestor-sama
Lilith: you need to face reality, Seiko...

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>how about showing the part of your that's easier to pick up by others?
I cannot parse this into an intelligible sentence

Mass produced daddy boxes

Shamiko: ... Oh yeah,
Shamiko: will have to offer these to dad as well
Mikan: ... oh?

Shamiko: What's going on, Mikan-san?
Mikan: That box...
Mikan: it's the same as the boxes that we use at our factory

Shamiko: ... eh-
Mikan: I got a few of these in my room right now
Mikan: I took them here when I moved in

Mikan: See
Shamiko: there's so many dads here-!!

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>Mikan: you should spell it out if you need help with anything
Mikan: you should tell me if you need help with anything
Mikan: you should say something if you need help with anything
>Mikan: the Peach juice will taste better if you squeeze some lemon into it
Mikan: Your peach juice will taste better if you squeeze some lemon into it

I think it's trying to say something along the lines of "How about opening up to us a bit more?" or something like that

"How about being a little easier to read", or something like that

Cardboard box sentai papa ranger!

Mikan: I don't understand what this means...

Momo: so... that... sister...
Momo: she sealed Joshua-san into a run of the mill cardboard box that was still being used?

Seiko: never mind that, now's the time for party.
Seiko: leave that for later
Momo: you are way too calm about this ma'am!!

Seiko: It'd be fun to put honey in here and make a shuffle quiz out of it
(I am confident that I'd get it right)
Momo: don't do that even if you're confident about it

Hang in there Shamiko!! Dad will feel hurt if you couldn't figure which one is your daddy!!

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>so many dads here
flashback to retarded dragon girls right here

>Momo: I am sorry that I never discussed my sister with you
Momo: I'm sorry that I never discussed my sister with you
>Mikan: saying that now?
Mikan: You're just now saying that?
>Mikan: Momo looks real sloppy, but she does mind the little things
>Mikan: How about showing the part of your that's easier to pick up by others?
Mikan: Why don't you just let your guard down a little bit so that other people can understand what's going on!
>Lilith: Seiko... the idle chatters of youth can be embarrassing to listen to...
idle chatter*

Isn't leek the typical translation?

Attached: miku.gif (480x404, 160K)

>Mikan: it's the same as the boxes that we use at our factory
>Mikan: I took them here when I moved in
Mikan: I brought them with me when I moved in

leek is the typical translation, yes

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That's a different vegetable entirely

Overflowing!! Machikado Mazoku (ch.27)
~Dark clan vs kanji character's aesthetic sense of balance edition~

I mistook you for the ink!
So.. sorry about that!!

I am working on the invitation to a duel to Momo.
"Magical girl, now's the eve of your corruption..."

(eve of your corruption)
(it's kind of embarrassing if the handwriting looks bad)
Shamiko: it's hard to get the balance right on the letter paper
Shamiko: I'll need some practice before penning the letter

Shamiko: umm-
Shamiko: umm-

Anri: What's this, it's a bit freaky...
Shamiko: whoa- Anri-chan!?

Attached: 00035.jpg (1354x1920, 494K)

>Seiko: never mind that, now's the time for party.
Seiko: never mind that, now's the time to party.
>Momo: you are way too calm about this ma'am!!
>Hang in there Shamiko!! Dad will feel hurt if you couldn't figure which one is your daddy!!
--I'm thinking it says "Dad won't get hurt even if you can't figure out which one is your daddy!!" 当ててくれないと

Overflowing!! Machikado Mazoku (ch.29)
~chapter 29 is all about meat edition~

Dance of the new fridge
(Maruma Butchery)
Anri: Isn't that ChiyoMomo!
Anri: whacha out shopping for?
Momo: I was just picking out what to get as a greeting gift to Shamiko's family

Anri: greeting gift huh~
Anri: then just go for meat!
Momo: ur... no...
Anri: I got top grade beef!
Anri: just choose the beef!
Momo: no... they were hoping for rice coupon...

Anri: but ChiyoMomo!
Anri: that rice would just become Shamiko's fatty deposit
Anri: the beef could go into Shamiko's muscles!

Momo: then beef it is...
Anri: thanks for the patronage! Do you want these to be boxed?
Momo: bo... box... just pass on the box...

Attached: 00036.jpg (1354x1920, 475K)

It'll hurt If you get the shuffle quiz wrong.
reason being is that 傷つくぞ is at the very end of the sentence. there's nothing to negate this.

>I am working on the invitation to a duel to Momo.
I'm working my letter to duel to give to Momo

I think that's what was used before? needs to be consistent.

This manga is warm and cute, has a sense of surrealism and a tinge of melancholy about it. Goes well with Rachmaninoff.

ok. it was a bit of an effort to try and retain the word pun that Ito went for.

Oh, shit, you're right. I'm just kinda mediocre with translating, so yeah...

Dvorâk, too. being as that's what I'm listening to right now.

Yeah, I was wondering if that's what was going on...

>I'm working my letter to duel to give to Momo
I'm working on my letter of challenge to give to Momo.
I'm working on my duel challenge to give to Momo.

I love the little things like the cat playing with Shamiko's tail there.

You skipped the best part, the 桃かわいい on the page where she was practicing writing.

>Anri: Isn't that ChiyoMomo!
Oh hey! It's ChiyoMomo, right?
>Momo: I was just picking out what to get as a greeting gift to Shamiko's family
Momo: I was just picking out what to get as a greeting gift for Shamiko's family
>Momo: no... they were hoping for rice coupon...
Momo: no... they were hoping for a rice coupon...
But ChiyoMomo! That rice would just go to Shamiko's boobs! The beef could go into Shamiko's muscles
Would Momo have a hard time deciding if this were the case?

OH WOW, I didn't even see that until you pointed it out. Why is Ito so awesome.

Thanks user. I love how momo is basically resting her cheek on shamiko's horn.

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I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the grass that turn the freakin' goats gay!

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I think the goats were gay long before the chemicals came around.

So I have.
Bravo Ito.

Thank you Shamilator! you do the Devil's work! saying God's work seemed out of place
i'm going to get diabetes reading this series, truly the cutest!

>Shamiko: Momo, just chill please
Momo, calm down

>Momo now has a complex over boxes
I love it.

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Shamiko makes my pee pee the BIG pee pee

We know, Momo.

Well Momo, you better grab the bull by the horns and grab the goat by the horns.

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>not j-j-jam it in
I'm disappointed.

we already had that fan art

Attached: [Erai-raws] Machikado Mazoku - 06 the time hath come.jpg (1920x1080, 207K)

I'm sorry Shamiko, I can't help it anymore

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Momo, no!

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Momo: I am not a lesbian
Momo: Sure I'd like to legally molest Shamiko, but this and that are two different things

Hang in there Shamiko! Become a demon who is strong enough to withstand her friend's violent yuri rape!

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>legally molest

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Man, I haven't enjoyed currently airing show this much in a looooooooooooooooooong time.

The op is too good. Everything is too good.

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Me too. The first anime that I watch the day it comes out since 3-4 years ago.

>Shamilator Proofreader
>Shamil Proof er
How much further can this go?





As in, the fact that it's not legal is the only reason Momo hasn't molested her. She'd like if it was legal.


Just tell Shamiko's benefit and Momo will buy immediately...


all you need to do is say "muscles" and Momo will do whatever you want as long as that thing is bulking

Well, it was more the muscle comment that did it.

Warming up bump

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Good work Shamilator.

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tail cramps

Momo looks so tiny.

mahous and mazokus convert to chibi for storage

not anymore after those streches

Need to train hard, wouldn't want to get a cramp while having the tail in three coils around Momo.

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among other things perhaps

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Will Shamiko faint if you'll open the umbrella at her?

>tail stretches
Need to train its flexibility

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Foreshadowing from Episode 3

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It's time to finally unbox the truth.

Tl onegai

pink-haired yanderes

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happy happy friends

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You can't call the two as just "very good friends" anymore.

Fun bit of VA trivia for the 3 of you who're interested: The VA's for Momo, Lilith and Mikan are all in the Re:Stage anime that's currently airing.

They were all horsecocks too last year.

When will Joshua possess Shamiko like Lilith did?

Shamiko right next to a male.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.49_[2019.08.18_02.20.37].jpg (1280x720, 81K)

Shammy in her natural habitat!

Yuri in a world with males> yuri in a girls only world

Truck Driver was also male too... The only important 'male' in this story so far is Joshua. The only progressing relationship in this story is Shamiko and Momo.

Well, it's easier to stick to yuri when the competitors are salarymen or truck drivers. Cute demon shotas are harder to beat though.

I want to but I just cant read without typesetting
Its not yuri until they kiss

Yuri in a boys only world>*


> It's not Yuri if they enter each other's dreams, share blood, and get introduced to mom
The water's pretty deep user, you should get on this ship before you drown.

luckily, cute demon shotas is married and still haven't make actual appearance.
It's actually very much Yuri. The story is purely focus on Shamiko and Momo

Will they kiss though

>It's actually very much Yuri. The story is purely focus on * Shamiko and Momo
* relationship

>Its not yuri until they kiss
This way many harems will turn out non-hetero.

Attached: girl_meets_girl.jpg (1100x500, 371K)

>Shamiko is mine, so
>What the hell are you saying!?
>Pay attention, Shamiko! This is Momo's confession!

Horn croissants.


Attached: handlebars.webm (1354x952, 416K)

>ouch, Momo, let me go
>Shamiko's been a bad girl
>You've invaded my dream and brainwashed me with that lewd body of yours
>I didn't do anything that terrible!
>Let me go! let me go home!
>Do your best, Shamiko! Take the responsibility for making Momo-san fall to the dark side!

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She seems to appear too big here.

For you

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Now she can live in an orange box!

Still waiting for chapter 6 before I start reading

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That's more accurate.

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This show does cuteness much better than other shows that try to be.

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Yuri in a story with prominent male characters > *

Anything else feels like engineered fanservice at best and a temporary condition born of lack of options at worst.

Standing on her tiptoes to put them in Momo's hair was soo cute.

While I can understand what you're saying, that's a bit of a minefield for me, because the male getting involved in a love triangle with the potential yuri girls is an instant drop.

this show filling the hole Wataten left behind for anybody else?

it'll be done tomorrow or wednesday

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Yes, it's as lovely. Probably even truer about Endro, both have a cast of dorks, CGDCT with feels and cursed demonesses.

Nice. Thanks user

It strikes me more as filling the void left by Gabriel Dropout.

Well, yeah, if you're looking for a safe source of fetish fuel, you're better off going for something that focuses on delivering that and that alone. I think you're cutting out a huge potential source of stories by disallowing male love interests because that pretty much forces the involved girls to be dedicated homos from the very start, but I still think it's better than them not interacting with males at all because they're making a conscious choice instead of being stuck in a female prison.

To me, dropping a yuri show because of males is like a lolicon dropping Ichigo Marshmallow or Wataten because they have hags.

I just don't like bisexual love triangles. You can have males and have the girls be dedicated homos, and that's what I prefer. But I speak only for myself, and am not saying everything should cater to my tastes.

There's things worse than bisexual love triangles. Like liking a straight girl only to ended up being rejected... I prefer bisexual love triangles that yuri won in the end.

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Cute! Thanks!

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poor Shamirin

Lucky Shamirin

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By that logic every romance without NTR is cutting out a huge potential source of stories.
Technically true, practically irrelevant.

What is yuri rape actually?

Nonconsensual anal fisting between two or more females.

NOw that I can read what they are saying, this seems a whole lot more sinister and rapey.

>Momo will never effortlessly overpower and peg you
it's not fair

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I wonder how many other demon girls Momo has raped.

All of them, she needs to know whether they are demon girls before executing them.

Not enough.

No, that logic is saying that refusing to read anything that contains NTR is cutting out a huge potential source of stories. Only reading things with NTR would be the same. The point is that you shouldn't write a story off completely just because it contains something that triggers you.

what's wrong with NTR?

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Do your best, Shamiko!
Become a demon whose threads aren't constantly going to page 9!

>Ryoko: I thought that my dad's been doing time at prison for whatever he did before
Poor Ryoko, she thought her father was a prison demon.

i really like the feel of these panels

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Ryo's a smart kid.
Hang in there Shamiko!
Shamiko is like Yurika on the last page.

This series is much stronger than Gabriel Dropout though. The backstory and character growth are well established.

I'd like a CGDCT that does the LoGH thing and uses plenty of romantic period soundtracks.

a lot of eye juice will be spilled

Is something going to happen?

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Only cute shotas are allowed in the box.

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Should I go to school tomorrow? Are you going to bring forks with you?

Murderization! Forkerization!

Only kitties are allowed in the box. Pappiko is going to get so much puss

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Shamilator, I just looked at this again and it seems like the last line is saying"
"With just these hair clips, I'll make you fall into darkness!!"
Does that seem better for what it's saying?

More like "it's only hairclips, but I've made you fall to darkness!"

Ah, yeah, that's much better. Thanks, user.

Yeah, like user said:
"They're only hair clips, but I've made you fall into darkness!!"

Yagate Kimi ni Naru pretty much successfully did this. (doing a yuri manga/anime with prominent male characters and not having everybody be gay)

I've made you fall into darkness, although it's just the hairclips.

What about what user suggested here:

first one perhaps. It's only the hairclips.


take the name off you don't do useful work

Hey typesetter, This one is a pretty long trail. Here's the final text:
Hairclip with a promise

Shamiko: Let's go out together like this every now and then.
Shamiko: Maybe we can find some unexpected clues out of the blue...
Momo: .Okay...

Shamiko: then, erm... well, as my way of making it up to you and to give you some proof as to what we agreed on...

Shamiko: We're already at the shopping center...
Shamiko: here, wear thus

Shamiko: Kukuku, Chiyoda Momo...
Shamiko: It's only hairclips, but I've made you fall to darkness!!

Don't come if you're a magical girl. I'm armed to the horns with two forks (filed down and capped on the ends for safety) and a butter knife.

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Oh yes.

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Is it Thursday yet?

5 hours

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That's until Tuesday, user.

Not here it isn't.

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It's already Tuesday.

I'm assuming she's supposed to sound like a loser like usual and not actually cool, so the original where she's tacking the qualification onto the end would better capture her speech. So something like "I've dragged you into darkness [to the dark side]!!! Although it's just your hair clips!" There's probably some nuance going on with the first half too, but I don't even know if there are enough translations to catch up with. Certainly not conveniently readable ones.

What happens in five hours, then?

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user, I don't understand.

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did anyone go to comiket

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>conveniently readable

But that chapter is translated already.

this show is making everyone gay

Hang in there, Shamiko!

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Backstory and character growth aren't super necessary for a comedy series, but you are correct. In any case it's not unheard of for the replacement to turn out to be better than what it's replacing.

Portable noodles dispenser.


No, just Momo.

Mo-mo-mo-momo daisuki Shamiko-san

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Momo is making everyone gay?


Do you think she was gay before the trauma or has Shamiko awakened something in her?

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Stalker cancer but Machikado doing pretty good on Amazon

Nips showing some taste for once, nice.

Momo saved the world, she only understands intense physical relationships with demon girls.

Is it Thursday yet


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Lesbians like noodles

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look at that dorky smile
who knew ancestue could be so cute

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I wish I were kinda good at art so I could make my own ancestor statues.


She's a magical girl. She's automagically gay.

Yeah, but you're missing the Male LI part.

It checks out.

Attached: Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san - Vol.3 Chapter 23_ Rotation Ramen - 8.jpg (1035x1470, 455K)

w-what is Momo doing under the covers?

The definition of クレイジーサイコレズ.

Sakura oneesama spent years grooming her for this.

Shamiko eating out momo!

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thirsty for momo's magical peach juice

magical peach protein shakes

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What does she mean by this?

user, how hard is it for you to understand that Momo would still have fallen in love with Shamiko even if Shamiko didn't use her abilities, and that Shamiko is a hard working and a cute girl?

I wonder what would have happened if Momo bumped into Ryo first.

Ryo would remind Momo too much of herself. It's a different dynamic with Ryo being this intelligent.

Yeah. Maybe a short fling at best.

Ryo is the little sister that Momo needs in a way.

Adam has truly pleb taste.

The curse lift has worked!

Anyone have a webm of Shamiko reacting to THE TIME HATH COME? That was such a perfect moment.


how is such a cute sound even possible

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I just want you all to know what Momo smells like

Shamiko: Momo has this nice scent to her
Shamiko: It smells like peach, as in the fruit
Momo: That's just oscillation of the ether body. It's not what Shamiko's thinking about-
Momo: ...nevermind! Just drop this already!

Attached: how momo smells like.jpg (522x387, 48K)

Are there banana, melon and avocado mahou shoujos?

I'd banana a mahou melon

just ether juice

Gambare everyone.
We will have more Machikado Mazoku content to discuss next time!

can spell noodles without les

Why does Shamiko have Momo's sheets? Is she doing all the cleaning now? Momo is lucky to have such a diligent wife.

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plot creeping nearer

Dai banana

Hang in there anons!
Become a strong captain who can navigate the stormy seas of youthful girls!

Shamiko was sweating buckets the night before so she washed it.

>Banana magical girl

Attached: Banana is the best MG.jpg (744x616, 62K)

If Shamiko has low sexual stamina and Momo has high stamina, wouldn't that mindbreak Shamiko?

Shamiko can retaliate in dreams.

Momo will just retaliate in real life.
That sounds like a cycle.

It sounds like a marriage.

> The spirit is willing but the flesh is soft and cute
That's some 24/7 honeymoon action right there.

Momo has endless stamina thanks to onee-chan. Shamiko has a lot of work to do if she wants to catch up.

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what would cause Shami to sweat so much?

Muscle training with momo

wouldn't that just make momo Horny and the next day harder on Shamiko?

It's a win-win situation

at night?

Is Momo's scent natural or from a bottle?

It's magical.

Will Shamiko smell of sulfur?

She apparently smells like food

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Looking forward to seeing this without it being darkened.


Even if you didn't brainfuck me into loving you, I still would have fallen for you. You work very hard, you're incredibly fun to watch... You're goddamn cute okay

i'd rape you every night even if you weren't a demon, because cute things are cute

Curious if anyone would translate this (partly nsfw) shamiko x momo doujin (which is from freaking two years ago) or if it's even worth translating since it's a bit long. It does look really cute though.

Tailoo in peachgoo

I'm more curious to know if there's a Durian mahou shoujo.

>Miss Dangerous

For me its the void left by the kyuuties.

>Momo: That's just oscillation of the ether body. It's not what Shamiko's thinking about-
認識 isn't used like this.
It should be translated to:
Momo: The oscillation of the ether body make it so that Shamiko perceive...

Oh, reminds me of that HP love potion thing, where what you smell is what you like/love.

Attached: 76366970_p0.jpg (1852x2575, 3.13M)

That's just the oscillation of the ether body. It's just how you're perceiving it, Shamiko...

That is very cute and wholesome

Everything about this whole series is cute and wholesome

The heart tails are coming now.

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Momo putting her Heart Peach into Shamiko is cute and wholesome.

I feel that this one is better than this , based on the line after.
Unless I'm misinterpreting what exactly it means.

ITs hot out. Have a nice wet peach.

Attached: 76354960_p0.jpg (1240x1754, 579K)

Anri a cute

The only difference is that it's not how people talk in English.
>It's just how Shamiko is perceiving it
>It's just how you're perceiving it, Shamiko
You wouldn't say that when you're talking to somebody directly, you'd say it more like the 2nd line.

They mean the exact same thing. It's just like said.

Remember that page where Lilith and Shamiko were talking about her Crisis Management outfit and Lilith let her know about how the pieces of the outfit could get out of order or not appear? Well.

>Say Momo, you really do smell nice. It's just like a Momo peach.
>That's because my ether body's wave function collapses for you in such a way that yo- ...nevermind! Just drop it already!

>my ether body's wave function collapses for you
Too lewd.

Yes, but you're missing that it was cut off. And the sentence after.

Consider this:
The oscillation of the ether body makes it so that Shamiko perceives (a scent they like).

so that you* perceive
Again, nobody talks like that in English when they're talking to somebody

My whole point was this: . You can phrase the rest of the line like you want. just don't use the word "Shamiko" like you're using it. It's evidence that some ESL translated it.

It could be that some weeaboo translated it and wants to keep the "Japanese feel" for greater immersion, user.



I'm pretty sure they do when explaining though.
I don't deny that it can be touched up more, my point is that both sentences gives out different implications.
The first implies that there is something further but its cut off, which fits with the sentence after and Momo's flustered expression.
The second doesn't.

Ah, I see, right. That makes more sense. I was somewhat glossing over that part.

Yeah, it needs to be cut off like that, you're right, but you're wrong about when they explain something TO the person. If you're explaining to somebody else about that person, sure, but when you're talking TO the person in question.

but not* when you're...

See above, I agree, I was just blanking over that part as I didn't consider it important.

It's okay, user.

Momo sure would like to crash into Shamiko like a wave and leave her dripping with ether.

more please

I wish Momo would crash into me

We know, Shamiko.


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it just reminded me of a song

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What does shamiko smell like?


like peaches after Momo is done with her

Nobody would talk that way in English. This doesn't happen if I am just summarizing what I've read in Nip, but I get this ESL output the moment that I go line-by-line when I am drowsy.

Yeah, I know. I've translated stuff, too. It happens. It's that it's really difficult to think in 2 languages at the same time.
Hang in there, Shamilator! Become the translator to ascend to the highest ranks!

Her body? Cheap body wash
Her tongue? Peach

A vibrating mass of ether emits a detectable scent.

Yes, there is banana mahou shoujo

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> Momo's long hard vibrating ether

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good goat

Like kindness with a tint of outrage.