Clare could beat you up.
You mean Claire?
posting best girl
my wife
This what a piece of art about strong women should be. The "progressive" west can only watch and learn.
A rose by any other name could beat you up.
nice ass
It's okay
Raki is a fuckn lucky bastard
are there any doujinshi of Raki banging the whole squad ?
story aside can we talk about how this manga has some of the worst fights of all time? its seriously the same shit every time
>same varient of teleporting and slashing
it doesnt help that every claymore uses the same weapon and all fight mostly the same way with very slight deviations (that drill thing was pretty cool). it seriously weighs the manga down for something so focused on action. maybe it was better when people followed it as it published but i tried to binge read a lot of it and it was real old real quick.
True, no axes, spears, flails, "weapons from the east", bows etc.
Agreed wholeheartedly, the story sure didn't help. It seems like they didn't know what to do about the whole "underneath their clothes they look disgusting" either. I mean stitches? Really?
And let's not forget that they never show the supposed endgame: the war on the mainland, so much wasted potential. The only thing solid throughout where the monster designs
I love Teresa!
Post her NOW
I noticed right away that they never showed the Claymores sheathing their swords properly because it'd be physically impossible for them to do so, so they only showed them starting or finishing the motion because you gotta have the gay sword-on-back thing. It bothered me. At least Berserk went out of its way to show how Guts carried the DS on his back with the chain and harness.
Only good thing about it were the designs and art. Too bad it was shounen garbage.
this might be the only manga in my memory with a good ending
i absolutely loved the scene with Galatea and Dietrich getting shitfaced
i never thought we would actually see that
For one thing that’s definitely why the base Yoma stopped being a thing quickly, awakened beings are infinitely more diversified and interesting.
It was never the endgame you retarded fuck, it was only mentioned ONCE in a general infodump to provide some context, but even in-universe it's never treated as something that concerns the characters because not being living weapons is what their growth is all about so nobody cares about someone else's distant war
Imagine being this retarded.
Remember when the anime fucked up SUPERB
It's Claír
>brainlets still don't understand why the war wasn't a focus
I wish we got a sequel to the manga where he was.