My 360 year old wife Sophie is so cute!
My 360 year old wife Sophie is so cute!
Angel Gabu > Vampire Gabu
She's ugly because she's a monster
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
Your dedication has convinced me to watch gabu's show. If she turns out to be worse than sophie I'm going to be angry with you.
The fact that you use "gabu" instead of "sophie" as the identifier is a testament to gabu's betterness.
She's not yet your wife Akari
Gee, user. We know that Sophie is my wife.
Does this show still have threads? I thought it bombed hard.
She sure has a cute ass.
sofi's anus
>I thought it bombed hard
Sold 2x better than average isekai.
Imagine gaining a considerable wealth through the ages, and then spending it on anime figurines.
The only thing that got bombed hard is your mom's anus.
it's a cult classic
>sophie's little cleavage
What cleavage?
don't insult Sophie
her gentle slope is just so kyuute and arousing
What kind of psycho brings a vampire to the fucking beach?
What kind of psycho lets a vampire wear this bikini?
Yuummy damn oga oga booga
I'd totally do that (when I'm done sucking the blood of virgins and subverting nations)
Wait, didn't Sophie inherit her wealth from the previous owner of the mansion?
My 5000+ year old Lilith beats her hands down.
I bet you sick fucks want to do lewd and immoral things to Sophie like patting her head and holding hands, don't ya?
Actually, how did she even manage to settle in Japan?
I don't know about you, but having a sliver haired European kyuutie come to my neighborhood and live in a mansion in the woods would really ring some alarm bells.
Sophie's so socially isolated that I could probably trick her into thinking that kissing your friends on the lips is a part of 2010s culture. I want to make out with Sophie
Is the world even prepared for the time when Akari becomes a vampire?
I have a bad feeling that it won't end too well for Sophie.
She has some competition in that front
Stop right there criminal scum!
>holding hands
yes (before going out and without her consent)
>Bat ribbon
Is red hair a chuuni?
No. She just wants Sophie to turn her into a vampire.
Why does Sophie hold grudges for so long?
I want to hold her hips and pet her cervix with my dick.
OVA when?
The thread is lacking this sexpire.
Vampires can't sweat. WTF Sophie!?
Her sweat and pheromones are seemingly boner inducers.
Nor can they blush but here we are.
>that pose
what did she mean by that?
Can that body even survive childbirth after I'm done with her?
stake goes here
Her regeneration will take care of the trauma.
Kyuutie thread is immortal, user.
Does Sophie even know how babies are made?
Does Sophie count as a subtle tomboy?
>subtle tomboy
she's a subtle dork
>tfw Akari can enjoy these all day
She is a regular of 2chan. I assume she does.
Given that she's been having sex with people for centuries, yes. Ellie was actually originally a good, innocent girl; she just decided to sex herself up in order to compete with the number of guys and girls Sophie was effortlessly pulling in.
Did the author ever mention how Sophie become a vampire?
Her village was attacked by vampires when she was a little girl in the 1660s. She was the only survivor, the vampires deciding to convert her rather than kill her because she was cute.
Nope. Neither about Ellie even though we know she is Liz Bathory.
Sophie is pure, user.
Sophie still thinks babies come when you write an I Want a Baby letter to the civil office
i don't approve this
Why do you think she's so serene and calm? She's blissful due to having had dozens of boyfriends, a few husbands, and thousands of sexual partners across her lifetime.
Is this the best prank in anime history?
Which would be the best time to turn Akari? As she is know or after she grows up into a titty cake?
As her wife, I don't approve either
Definitely after she grows up to develop breasts. I bet Sophie would have enormous breasts if she hadn't been turned so early.
Imagine Sophie being molested by a big tiddy vampire cake Akari. Ah, I don't know about this user.... Is it bliss or hell?
You would be serene and calm too if you had lived for hundred years as neet.
Not the OP you replied to, but totally this.
Hell, 80 years are enough to make somebody stoic and in their world.
>Sophie would have enormous breasts
In my headcanon, the artist based her on Patchy so that's a possibility.
How would (you) spend eternity with Sophie?
Put something cold in a hot place. It's not sweat it's water.
Is Sophie passionate or emotional enough for sex? She seems perpetually detached.
This though you may end up breaking her small hole
The disinterest is what makes it great
She should once you break her shell. See that episode where she clinged to Akari after she got trapped under the tree.
I want to break Sophies shell___ and her tiny holes
Akari is a monster
Why would you stake her womb? Its supposed to go trough the heart.
>Actually, how did she even manage to settle in Japan?
Touhou success caused Japanese to like vampire ojou-samas.
>watch anime all night
>go to bed when the sun comes out
God I wish I were Sophie.
Can't blame them.
But you can already do that without being Sofa no?
No highschool dorks came to my house after that though.
But, you won't be a cute vampire.
To feed her
No secret vampire money supply, so I can't do it.
Humans need iron in their diet.
That's a child.
Not anymore
>360 years old
>a child
There's something wrong with your brain, user
Sophie is already hundred years old, tho.
What about Chuuni Gabu?
One of the best girls in her anime.
not today my friend. angel gabu is still better even
She may be a Gabu but I like Loli more in that show
why does every screengrab from this show look 480p
It was a different time
Ellie Scarlet will be the extra stage boss in Touhou 18. I can feel it in my bones.
low quality animation for a low quality anime
>Akari's eyes
Who turned her?
Once she's around 20 or so would be ideal
I want to do many unspeakable things to Remilia.
Reminder that she literally killed hundreds.
I wonder how she mellowed down so much in the present. Maybe it has something to do with Sophie.
The things I'd do to stick my tongue in her navel.
I wish that were me.
Oh no, a vampire hunter has come for Sophie! How do you stop her?
I love her back so much.
Does she return later? I feel like they could have made more out of that part.
Seduce him
Ellie is such a succubus.
Shino is so dangerous.
Where did Alice go?
Being tortured and murdered by Ellie and her friends!
I want tp take Ellie's virginity
You're a few hundred years too late for that
Can't you just fuck off with your husband loving your fucking dickhead
Your faggotry leaking out
Why Ellie such a alpha ?
Daily remember that one mad virgin lad managed to rape-transform this arrogant vampire into his plaything.
Though doing the same to Sophie would be a crime against humanity because not only she is oblivious to sex, but she'll break down crying. Sophie is the kind of vampire that you love to death and progress gradually, otherwise you may end up breaking her.