I'll start
ITT: characters that suffer from a case of 'tism
He was suffering from a serious case of dementia due to his brain being unable to store all the memories of the pass thousands of years.
hmmm, "I'm looking for net terminal genes"tism?
Isn't he also a robot?
Do they ever explain where he comes from?
There isn't a total explanation but IIRC they explain that Killy is one of the old, special safeguards. Before safeguards looked retarded. Probably the best design out of all safeguards
You try going on for thousands of years inside of a structure larger than several planets and gas giants put together, see how well that works with your noggin.
He's a fucking robotic cybernetic bizarro human thing, why would he be fucking normal? Leave Killy alone.
But is he a virgin?
He probably doesn't even know what sex is you dumb
He is an experimental human/safeguard
so he has a penis or no???
There was some official art where you could see his dick
Was it big?
>ITT: characters that suffer from a case of 'tism
also ITT:
>character has headache?
>it's autism
>character displays emotions?
>character does something differently than user would?
>character has autism or different mental disorder?
>my 100% normal waifu/husbando donut steel
Yea Forums in a nutshell
Every gundam pilot in wing. Except Duo.
Nobody in Blame! is really "human," at least not fully.
Obvious one.
A gas giant is a planet you fuckwit
Quattre didn't have real autism, he just had sheltered boy autism. You can grow out of that kind.
Rin-chan is obviously aspergers
his body is too strong for a normal human being