So this is Love Live now

so this is Love Live now
what happened

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Other urls found in this thread: 183

LL has always lewded the girls in magazines.

Eh, looks pretty tame compared to how Idolm@ster whores out it's girls.

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Do they sound the same in the video as Honoka?

that's why im@s >>> ll

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Next is Shizuku.
Predict who'll be after that.

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Not in a fucking virgin killer sweater

I also hate product placement in anime.

Is Emma Verde from Ticino? If so, that would make me pretty proud of being ticinese. I hope she is not a fucking grigionese

Making up for never lewding Maru.

I don't care if that was her in that video or not. I will always defend her. Always support her.

It's not specified, we just know she's from Switzerland.
Basato e rossopillato

>Adult woman does adult thing
Why are we supposed to give a fuck about this?

You shouldn't.

Full enkou

Sayaka is pure!


Take the bandpill.

>Has a lot of het porn
Yeah you're a /u/fag who thinks is canon even when Rin wants to suck TakeP's dick and Japan ships them hard. Fuck off to your board.


Anti-Idolfag now getting mad in two Yea Forums Love Live threads. Why don't you take this to the /u/ Love Live thread?



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this is retarded


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All idols are gay
Without exceptions

I'm an adult and I don't adult things but I've never been paid to be filmed having sex with strangers

I like this titcow!

She did nothing wrong.

The emoji girl is cute

I like this big titty braid girl why is there no art of her on boorus

>Two iM@S anime had male P-sans
>SideM also had a male P-sans
So much for all that muh yuri fanarts/doujin crap. iM@S yurifags are cucks and they are no money.

Post some TakeP/Producer/het pics to repel these idol retards back to /u/ and remind them that they don't own Idolmaster.

Then why does she deny?

it's been 3 (three) fucking years since that scandal and you're still talking about it

somebody should do Emitsun discussion before and after 2016 collage

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There is always thin line between prostitution, AV actresses and idols.
Only in anime they are depicted as pure and innocent virgins.

Before it was anons laughing at her weight, faggots shipping her with Ucchi and honkfags looking for her obscure pre-2013 eroges.

Except irl idols aren't even allowed to have bf's

Difference between a boyfriend and a customer.
And many do it with top executives in exchange for gigs and support.

>people say Japs looking all the same is a racist stereotype
>you literally have to mark moles for identification even when the face is clear


Like half of the girls are gay. This shit panders to everyone.


Stop pretending that anyone cares abut this.

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Sunshine doesn't have javsluts.

Otakus were a mistake

Since when did LL have stacked chicks like this?

She ruined the original group not Aqours.


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And yet yurifags still care more about self-insert idolshits like iM@S and ZLS because they are more popular and sold well. Yurifags don't give a shit about what true yuri is these days.

That's what javitsunfags believe.

The Knight rides, the Knight marches.

Fuck off falseflagging cunt. I see through your bullshit and you are not welcome in the LL fandom.

No-one cares but shitpsoters.

You are not a fan. You are a faggot. Nothing BUT a faggot. Stop pretending.

Here here.

Fuck off and stop shitposting.

The OrcTakus breed like rats. You exterminate rats.

Time to eliminate the red lines. I will do it.

No OrcTaku. You are seething. Seething that there is no safespace for you. You can run but you cannot hide. The blade falls upon your head.

based redditor

Fuck off OrcTaku. Fuck off and don't come back.

Based defender. Protector. Knight and Man of Honour. My shield and sword for her.

Farto dayo, user, farto dayo.

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>no rebuttal
concession accepted

I will defend her, I will protect her, I will always support her. That is what it means to be a Fan. A True Fan never forgets the meaning of loyalty.

Telling you what I am. A Hero is my rebuttal. My correction.

Just like how magical girls grow up to become vile witches, idols will grow up to become lewd AV stars.

make sure she doesn't fart in your face on your way back

Make sure you fuck off and die.

Why don't you take your drama to the /u/ Love Live thread anti-Idolfag?

eat shit and live

I hope you choke on that shit. I hope you suffocate.


No OrcTaku. You are seething. Seething that you don't have your safespace for hate. Seething that there is someone willing to call out and combat your bullshit.


i can smell your sweat from here, calm down

Why don't you take your Aidor/u/ to your general idolshit thread, Aidor/u/fag? Oh wait you're too chickenshit to do that.

Her or not doesn't matter. I will always defend EMTN. Always support her. Always be her fan.


I can hear your rage. Do your bleed? You will bleed.

go and take a shower. You probably smell worse than javitsun breath and farts combined

You're a OrcTaku. You smell like shit because you are shit.

you stink

Imagine trying to kiss that foul breath cow and get farted on. Poor guy.

You already smell and you will smell a lot worse when you rot in the grave.


Imagine being a braindead OrcTaku like yourself. Your parents would be ashamed. You should have been aborted.

I wonder how much abortions javitsun had.

Only incels give a shit

Funny. You're only on Yea Forums because you're chickenshit scared of getting banned on /u/ again.

I wonder how a retard like you manages to breath OrcTaku. No matter you will join the rest of your ilk in the grave. You will fall by the sword.

You need to go back.

Why? So the OrcTaku can hate on her freely? So they can attack seiyu however much they want? Not happening.

In defense of IM@S, it does it mostly to the older girls, and it's usually tasteful fan service rather than obvious stuff like

yeah you're making a big difference by seething in this thread you retard

I'm making a big difference by kicking the teeth in on every OrcTaku. Now they know. There are consequences. We can have a good thread but don't start shit.

how many teeth have you kicked in so far??

Speaking of teeth. That skinny yakuza guy strongly advised her to brush her teeth before fucking.

Just go back to /jp/ ffs. You're embarrassing yourself.

So like most of the LL fan base ?


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I'm needed here. I'm needed there.

Your teeth are as black as your heart subhuman. A thrust to your heart is all you deserve.

prove it

That's pretty lewd. I'm considering watching LL now.

>Those crooked teeth
There's no way to fake those. Confirmed

Same to you, you fucking faggot.

definitely not as black as her nipples.

Her or not doesn't matter. I will always stand with EMTN.

You are pitch black evil and as evil. You will be eliminated.

I feel no need to review the past but I can see it the corpes of my enemies, their scalps.

>I feel no need to review the past but I can see it the corpes of my enemies, their scalps.
so no proof then?

There's nothing blacker and darker than javitsun's black nipples.

Let's admit it. If it was really her in that video, it only makes it hotter.

Your heart is pitchblack and evil. Evil to be eliminated. Fuck off and die before you are made to fuck off.

There is proof enough around you.

>There is proof enough around you.

I don't care if that was her in the video but dare use it against her and there will be consequences.

I wonder if Honoka would be as kinky as her seiyū

99% similarity I don't care. I will always stand with EMTN.

there's nothing more gross than that fartporn of hers

The black nipples white knight seething as usual. Just stay in your general and fuck off.

Who the hell are these new girls.

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Christ, even for Yea Forums this thread is remarkably low quality.

The Heroic Crusader King is protecting this thread as usual. What have you done? Side with evil?

There is nothing more disgusting than your ugly mug OrcTaku. It deserves to be dunked in acid. It will.

The third gen. They're still only present in the mobage though.

i wonder if acid can help with javitsun's breath

I am sure she appreciates u bumping these threads

I usually don't care about bandoris but Aya does wonders to my nether regions.

I ask for no reward but knowing I did the right thing.

Acid would be a death befitting a traitor like you.

What else are you expecting from idolfags, they're like drones.

Same, especially so when she lets her hair down like that.

Orc did nothing wrong you faggot

99% similarity? I don't care! I stand with Orcs until bitter end. My favorite race in RPGs.

It's garbage
but you will realize in first few minutes (hopefully)

Do yourself a favor and start with Sunshine!

But then I miss out on the JAV idol!

Watch Love Live but never forget True Fans stand with their girl, no matter what.

She was the reason why that anime was shit in the first place. Horrible leader who almost destroyed that group with forced drama thrice and destroyed it completely in real life.

Nothing was destroyed. Love Live is still here. The only one who believes these lies are OrcTaku faggots and they are not fans. They should not be considered fans. They should be executed.

Kys sunshitter.

Pretty sure moose was destroyed. I'm not that sad because their replacements are better, but damn. That's quite a feat.


Love Live is still here and if believe in dignity, if you believe in good. You stand by all of them come whatever may. Remember what happened in Shanghai. Those same criminal scum are also behind the attacks on EMTN.

I hate them. I will slaughter them. I will stand for all.

>>Remember what happened in Shanghai. Those same criminal scum are also behind the attacks on EMTN
What do you mean?

Whore. 183
that is honoka's voice alright.


what the fuck are those things on her face

Fuck off and stop shitposting.

>informative post providing source and more information
blacknippletard is mad

I see through your bullshit. You are using that against her, you intend to start shit and you are shitposting.

I see you are mad for being called out on your bullshit.
have one more, javtard

You will receive another blade in your face OrcTaku and you will bleed.

You forced me to zoom in, fuck

At least the IM@S VA don't dress up and whore themselves out unlike JAV Live

Not yuri fanservice so it's already better than previous seasons

>state of JAV Live shiteater fans

Stop trying to start shit OrcTaku. Stand for one, stand for all.

IM@S is more wholesome and has better girls/music than JAV Live will ever have, liverfaggot

The state of the OrcTsku is nothing but this. Dead and rotting in the mass pit.

The OrcTaku do not know the meaning of wholesomeness only rot, rage and negativity but by my blade the OrcTaku will learn the meaning of loyalty.


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Loyalty? LMAO
Ur just an elaborate shitposter that sits on Yea Forums 24/7

Lotta loyalty for a hired slut.

Oh fuck, now I have a mental image whenever he posts.

I am a man with a cause. Who stood up for her as I continue to stand up for all innocent seiyu who need me.

Currently campaigning for Yuki Kaji. OrcTaku scum won't even let a newlywed enjoy his happiness.

This Knight prefers White.

I am in the business of extermination so picture this. The Hero Jon Snow wielding his sword to cut down horde after horde of the enemies.

Loyalty is something you do not understand OrcTaku. No wonder you are no fan of Love Live. True fans defend EMTN.

You might be on the wrong website.

Well, if you take what was said on Dumbbell last episode as fact, there are way too many girls wanting to become idols that are "good enough" to do so, but people are tired for "good enough", they want something special or unique, being a whore is pretty unique for the business so that I guess.


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I wish Nico's VA would do JAV too and remain in character whilst doing it.

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How can a LL thread be so controversial?

It's almost like you're new here.

Do the new girls have bigger tits than the μ's/Aqours girls?

honk is perfect

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Just how can it be possible? Love Live is love, Love Love is life

>Women are whores
No shit

Yes. Very much yes. It's better because of that.

>he thinks they aren't getting that fat producer dick

Wait, do they really lewd the "loser" of the poll? What the fuck?

Wtf I hate shiny colors now

Is this some sort of idol punishment?

u just called ur mum a whore

They finally listened to my dick.

>tfw i'll never see lewded Kasumi because she's the cutest and everybody loves her

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>that left food
what happened to that?

thats a nice view

Is her bust bigger than Nozomi?

disgusting javslut

Honkers is innocent
Don't you feel bad for the artists that unknowingly drew this pic?