What does /a think of my new punoun tattoo
What does /a think of my new punoun tattoo
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Cringe and bluepilled
Might do solanin next !
you look like a terrible person user
Ignoring the obvious fact that this is a horrible thread and youre a faggit for having tattoos, much less anime tattoos, that one looks like shit and its a horrible placement on your body
I like it
Subtle and graphic enough that it's not a cringe anime tattoo
Its an anime tattoo. Its cringe by default.
You wish
>getting tattoos
Have fun with those in 50 years.
I didnt want anything crazy but i wanted something to signify some change/evolution and Punpun really stuck with me.
Anime tattoos arent really cringe desu unless its something like May from pokemon with her tits out lol.
Important part about tattoos is that its extremely personal to what the person likes and how they are.
I made this thread to get some comments and opinions and bad ones are bound to happen!
The only people who dont like punpun are because they havent read it
Change the artist. Lines are uneven as fuck, and your older tattoo is just one huge scar.
>Yea Forums threads in 2019
I think tattoos are dumb, if I really wanted to show everybody "I like x-thing," I would buy a graphic t-shirt.
I just find them extremely vain. I mean, this guy gets a tattoo and the first thing he does is post it on the internet for attention. I feel like people get them because they're addicted to that week long post-tattoo dopamine hit(look at mah new ink bro!), and thats why people get addicted to them.
I hope you die from cancer
Thanks for the input!
And yeah that was my last artist!
Appreciate this!
No, not for attention more or so opinions thats it really.
I hope i do too desu
>No, not for attention more or so attention thats it really
I dont understand people who make themselves get angry when they see someone with a tattoo. Why do you care?
>making a thread solely for blogposting
>non Yea Forums images
Come the fuck on.
Anime & Manga
Oyasumi PunPun
A manga
I like it, user.
I never understood either, its my.body whatever its not yours
Thanks user!
Are you really justifying a blogpost OP?
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.