Thoughts on Kare Kano?

Is it a good show? Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?

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Its the best i've seen in a while, and its refreshing to see an actual functioning relationship in anime
Also its a bonus if you can see the style similarities with FLCL and eva

>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
Why would you even care?

>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
yes, but who the fuck cares about what others say, specially here

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if you don't mind a gainax ending, it's great

Oh shit

>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
women watch those?

The teeth girl

Also there's none of that "nothing happens" bullshit you see in many current anime, things actually move pretty fast here

It just peaks too soon

the last fourth got painful to watch

It's meh.
Retards who say it's good have never watched a good shoujo anime before.

Manga a shit.
Anime a best.

I skimmed past the point where the anime ends, what a fucking creepy manga

Yeah this is why I hate romance anime 99% literally nothing happens.
"It's not like I like you"
"I-i love you"
"Huh sorry what was that?"
"Nothing *runs away crying*"
Stupid harem shows where nobody does anything.
Fuck authors who does this.

It didn't really do anything for me. It's refreshing in that it actually shows a relationship that develops instead of just teasing one for 120 chapters, but the male lead is REALLY flat and it becomes a little hard to actually care about the characters.

>Is it a good show?
It was so goddamn long ago, I can hardly remember it. But I do think I enjoyed it at the time, and it might be worth putting on my re-watch list.

>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
One of the first anime I gushed the fuck over was called Marmalade Boy. It was basically pure romcom shit, and I think I remember trying to hide my obsession with this anime from friends and family because I didn't want them to think me kind of weird for being a guy into what was the anime equivalent of a fucking soap opera. Well, that and the fact that it involved step-sibling incest. Still, I enjoyed the fuck out of it. Cute girls in love are fucking great. Don't feel bad for liking the shoujo side.

>Is it a good show?
It's the best romance focused TV show I've seen, anime or otherwise.
>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
Only in the sense that it doesn't usually get marketed to us unless it's ecchi harem wish fulfilment garbage.

I don't think the manga is bad. The anime just did such an excellent job of elevating the material it adapted it feels like a downgrade if you pick up the manga to see how the story continues.

Excellent first half. Then Anno leaves and there is no money, so the quality drops.

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It's your pretty typical shoujo thing, with interesting directing some of the time.

>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?

Good shit is good shit. Who tf cares what the target demographic is? Hell, I'm a guy and my favorite show is about 4 gay girls living in an apartment complex together.


>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
Stop dude. You're denying my 18 years of existence.

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Am i dreaming?

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>Is it a good show?
Yes, it is.
>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
Nobody cares. Now go watch it.

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>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
All 0 friends you have will care.

trolled epic style :D

Some normaldudes I know would watch anime on occasion. They'd ask me for recommendations and I'd tell them to watch some shonen or gritty actiony stuff to hide my powerlevel. I was surprised to find out they watched stuff like Chuunibyo and The World God only knows.

I enjoy it. Its heavy on the comedy, which helps the entire show quite a bit. A lot of others focus more on the romance or the drama with just occasional comedy bits and make it a chore to get through. Kare Kano is mostly about the drama that Yukino places on herself and everybody's conflicts or overacting in dealing with everything. It's a lot of fun.

The biggest concern is that the anime really stops halfway through the story. Sure, it's a decent endpoint, but then you find out that the manga is twice or three times as long and covers their entire summer and the events leading up to everybody moving away for college.

Anno’s directorial zenith

Sure, buddy

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I prefer EoE, but Kare Kano is the more accomplished directorial work.

>Is it weird for a guy to watch a romcom anime?
Like in, does it make you gay or something? Don't worry, not as much as asking this and worrying about it.

>they think you're just another one of those casual shounenshitters while they're actually mid-tier but you're actually the moe demon lord

I still can't get over the fact that they recycled the soundtrack into Evangelion 2.22

If Anno stuck around to direct the whole thing it honestly might be my favorite anime ever. Even so it's still 10/10 for the first 18 episodes, definitely worth watching just for those.

Very weird. You're probably gay, user.

should have ended right after they fug obviously, it was already such an unusual, distinctive plot development when you consider the entirety of mongolian yurt deco acoutrement