King Piccolo is even weaker than Raditz and Saibamen

>King Piccolo is even weaker than Raditz and Saibamen
Bruh, power levels was a mistake.

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The time skip was a mistake.

I like how scouters explode when measuring too high power levels.

So were Super Saiyans

>the emperor of the universe was weaker than some machines made by an old man in a cave on a backwater planet
That's vertical progression for you. DB did it so its successors hopefully would not.

Why can't they just display an error message or something? Seems like a design flaw to violently explode like that.

Even the mere concept of powerlevels that high is enough to cause manifestations of power.
It's because they break into the platonic plane at a certain point.

They do in the Broly movie

The power scaling of Dragon Ball has gotten to capeshit level of stupid, where do you go next after having your protagonist fight toe to toe with cosmic entities?

I have an idea as to why scouters "blow up" when scanning really strong dudes. What if scouters work by absorbing and processing ki that is in the air and attaching a numeric value to how potent it is, it's basically the same way that Goku can sense where people are and how strong they are intuitively. It's just that these machines were never tested on super strong dudes, their capacity for absorbing ki is really limited and just blow up when overloaded. A scouter needs a large as fuck "ki capacitor" if you want to gauge how strong any one of the Z-Warriors are.

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It's really not so crazy
If you plug a device rated for 110V into a 240V outlet overseas, it can pretty much explode too from the power overload. You can assume scouters work the same way

current 17 is still stronger lmao

Replacing the entire usage of ki with a more interesting system is a good place to start. DBZ universe already has magic, psionics and alien tech, just add stand type powers in the mix to level the powers of the different races.

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2 of pic related weren’t even caused by the scouters overloading.

It’s also possible lower rank officers got scouters that have lower power level caps.

What if they blow up so no one can figure out how strong frieza is

>classic characters will never be used significantly ever again because of the disparity between power levels

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At least some got to show off in the ToP

So what you're saying is that we don't know Kakarot's true power level until we shove a scouter up his ass.

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no they didn't

Another flaw is having a colored piece of glass covering only one eye. Must be murder on their vision

If Gogeta got a stand what would happen after they defused?

Well roshi kinda did and that's all that mattered to me.

Raditz, fine. He is a Saiyan after all but dime a dozen expendable freaks? No. The leaps in power in Dragon Ball were always ridiculous and I blame Tao

If Goku did God Fudion would yall could he beat Broly.

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No because Broly would just go SSJ3

That Krillin is gross. The muscle style after frieza saga is disgusting.

Isn't that top picture of Krillin just a shopped Buu?

Looks like Krillin to me


When was Krillin ever in the time chamber bro?

Raditz being stronger is fine. He was born on a planet with 10x earth's gravity and has since then worked as a planet breaker who fights aliens much stronger than humans in to his 30s. Him not being stronger is stranger if you ask me

why? King Piccolo was only one half of a Namekian.

It's garlic jr saga Krillin, who got fuckin swole

It's Buu. Krillin never completely loses his shirt in the Garlic Jr saga. Also, it's fucking Buu!

This. Human characters (including Saiyans) in DBZ should have nipples.

>characters (including Saiyans) in DBZ should have nipples
That's Kai, hence no nipples