What should I watch next out of this list?

What should I watch next out of this list?

>Blend S
>Fruits Basket (remake)
>Excel Saga
>Death Parade
>Ghost Stories
>Mirai Nikki
>Sailor Moon R

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none of the above, watch Boku no Pico instead

Hunter X Hunter

Boku no Pico

Erased. MC and main girl get together at the end.

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Kodomo no Jikan, but the manga because the anime was a rushed hackjob

Out of that list, ToraDora

Haven't seen it yet. What is that one about?

Sailor Moon R.

ghost stories is easily the funniest thing on that list. on most lists.

Literally Excel Saga and nothing else on that list

I second this. A wholesome anime.

Second this. Toradora is classic

Clannad. I wish I could watch it for the first time again.

Psycho-Pass, but skip the second season

if you're feeling comedy, Excel Saga
if you're feeling drama, Psycho Pass

a boy falls in love with a

Get Ghost Stories out of the way, then watch Sailor Moon R, because you might just want to keep powering through the rest of the series.

Spoonfeeders should be perma banned.

Excel Saga

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It's boner-inducing

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I don't get how this is spoonfeeding