Starting with an easy one
Shark Girl before serialization
> There's a girl who likes sharks
> She has numerous shark puppets that she likes to play with
Shark girl serialized
> The world is being terrorized by giant fish
> Agent commander Shark Girl works for the public general safety Homeland Safety Division Against Giant Fish (or some shit like that, I can't be assed to remember the whole fucking branch name she spews out)
> Her shark puppets aren't puppets. They're weapons she uses to fight giant fish
ITT: Series that went to shit after they were serialized
Nisekoi, but least Chitoge actually won in the serialization.
Am I being trolled, officer?
also has any more of Shark Girl come out since then?
Komi should have kept her oneshot personality.
was it dropped by the translators after the first chapter?
he only translated the first chapter so we would understand why he dropped it
I'm still upset about this
wait, seriously? also
>panty shot
what the hell did they do to you?
I'm guessing it was an publisher's decision. Like maybe they had a conversation that went down like this
> Look man, the whole slice of life manga shit is out dude. There isn't a single slice of life manga out there that's successful
> You gotta go the super hero route dude. You gotta make go with super heroes fighting monsters. This shit ain't gonna fly if it's anything but super heroes
> Oh by the way, you gotta throw in panty shots. Name a single successful series that didn't involve panty shots. You can't because there ain't any. If you don't throw in panty shots your series is gonna fail.
what's wrong with the slightly modified premise? you would be bored of the typical boy-meets-autistic-girl after a few chapters
No I wouldn't.
I wonder, with so many friends I can't remember, does any of them talk a bit too much when frightened?
so is it the editor's fault for suggesting the author to change the premise and characters to be significantly worse or the author for having no backbone to stick to the original?
I wouldn't call choosing to stop living having any semblance to owning a backbone
I would be surprised if it doesn't get canned in less than 15 chapters.
I like that one user's ideas last time a Shark Girl thread happened.
>Educational chapters about shark types while Shark Girl does things
>Whale Shark puppets had her in a festival wearing a jinbei, sharing one puppet with the boy
>Mako Shark had her running fast as fuck after embarrassing herself
>One had her in the dentist's office for something, I forgot what
Shit was cute and 100% better than what the manga became.
I never read the webcomic and the manga one seems fine. What are you guys shitting on this for? Is it because the tone shifted or something and you're apparently not a part of the target demographic?
If that's the case I don't think that's any justification to call the manga itself trash.
>One had her in the dentist's office for something, I forgot what
dear god that sounds adorable
>p-pls check my puppets teef
the original she was a cute chuuni autist, now she is a shonen protag and its dumb
so it was just a matter of opinion then, I understand
no its a matter of fact, the cute concept was ruined by a bad editor
>shark girl
Just add a lava boy
>This was the last we saw of him
jesus christ she actually did it
and I'm sure I would've also been angry about it too if I had read the original web comic, I went into the serialization blind just to see what was so shit about it and it was just okay.
the sad part is people like OP will probably seal the fate of the serialization purely because they'll constantly shit all over it. And new people who's never even heard of Shark Girl in any capacity will have a bad first impression because they keep hearing bad things.
It's a self fulfilling prophecy.
I thought Yea Forums loves garbage shonen manga for kids why is Yea Forums suddenly hating this one?
it wasn't supposed to be garbage shonen manga
it was supposed to be a cute SOL chuuni girl manga
imagine listening to your favorite band when they start out, but then next album they switch to a different music genre and all of a sudden you start to tell everyone that band is total shit because they aren't the same anymore
there are a million of those kind of manga anyway.
the web comic was great
the serialization was just okay
do you see the problem?
You could say it... jumped the shark
because the like their simple manga where nothing happens and any time somebody tries to do "something more" it's a FUCKING DRAMA.
Keep in mind, this is still "cute girl doing cute thing" shit
the webcomic was just couple of pages
It's completely possible that author ran out of ideas for the webcomic and wouldn't make more even if serialization never happened
I liked the characters in the Nanatsu no Tazai oneshot more. Elizabeth was more bubbly and Meliodas was less flanderized. Their designs improved in the serialization though
lost interest after Midoriya proved to everyone he could be a hero without powers and then got fed macguffin hair to make him powerful?
I don't think you know what that word means.
That is completely different.
Do you?
MacGuffin: an object or device in a movie or a book that serves merely as a trigger for the plot.
I liked the one shot better
>I liked the one shot better
That is totally fine. But you didn't read the oneshot before the actual serialization.
>he was nice to me n° 365
>nonsensical shonen
I dont want to insult what you like user but no option was good to begin with, the only good thing here is the art and its still there
oh fuck that
Oneshot is not a series.
Shokugeki no Souma.
It was clear that author didn't think it would go on for longer than 50 chapters, no plans were actually made
That hair was eaten in second chapter and was never relevant again. How is it compared to mcguffins like OP treasure?
>Name a single successful series that didn't involve panty shots. You can't because there ain't any. If you don't throw in panty shots your series is gonna fail.
If only Tsutsui got the message.
She must be been an old incarnation in hindsight
The point was that he couldn't. He had his moment of glory and also got to support his hero, but he's completely not cut out for the job and immediately went back to hero support.
You just blew my mind, user.
tone/setting is completely different even if they are comedy.
It is hetshit anyway plus the guy looks like a big faggot, better go with the longer route. It would be now slightly more interesting to see girls of other fishes.
Griffith should have stayed a girl
>> Oh by the way, you gotta throw in panty shots. Name a single successful series that didn't involve panty shots. You can't because there ain't any. If you don't throw in panty shots your series is gonna fail.
would you forgive him then?
Futa Elf when it happens maybe
Could an user keep track of streams because I have classes starting soon and can't record them in the mornings anymore?
Holy shit, that has just ruined it
>oneshots need some kind of plot if they want to run for years
what a surprise
Nagatoro. Before serilization: Actual bullying.
After serialization: Light teasing+nagatory became a pussy.
>oneshots need some kind of plot if they want to run for years
>before serialization
>fake NTR
>this time
>real NTR
You'll see. The entire thing is one big fakeout so the NTR hits harder
There it is!