Fuck you Araki

>literally removes a ENTIRE CHARACTER from the manga because he doesn't know how to nerf his stand
Fugo didn't deserve this

Attached: Fugo.png (308x542, 420K)

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Go talk about your unsubstantiated and deconfirmed Araki slander on Youtube.

why did he fucking completely remove fugo then ?

didn't want to kill him

He was gonna make Fugo betray the group, having a battle against Buccelati and dying. But Araki was very depressed at the time, and didn't want "a friend killing a friend".

>because he doesn't know how to nerf his stand
So, we are never killing this dumb theory, right?

he dropped a traitor subplot and didn't know what to do with the character after that, could have let him die against Risotto or something instead of just dropping him but whatever

>Grateful Dead by accelerating the virus' already short lifespan
>Beach Boy by attacking from a safe distance and even maybe pushing an ally into the virus
>White Album by freezing it
>Baby Face by virtue of turning into inorganic matter that can't catch the virus, and also being remotely controlled
>Metallica because it obviously does
>Clash attacking quickly and hiding in liquids if the virus is released
>even Talking Head, the lamest stand ever, can make PH a nuisance by making Fugo unwittingly lie about having released the virus
>Notorious BIG because what's the virus going to do?
>Green Day because of the better range
>Oasis by attacking from inside the earth where the virus can't go, without taking into account that the virus might not even be able to penetrate his armor
>King Crimson, obviously

Without counting Gold Experience and Man in the Mirror, who btfo'd Purple Haze during its first and only appearance

because otherwise they would have been an odd number of people during Silver Chariot's Requiem's activation

he was never OP fucking retard

damn araki really is a dumbass

just read purple haze feedback
gives him some extra love

how does that make him a dumbass?

I think he meant "OP is a dumbass"

makes sense

I don't want to think about Secco killing Fugo, so I'm glad that didn't happen.

He makes him leave to show that going against the boss of the biggest mafia in Itlay is not the most logical thing to do

it's not OP it's just boring. it kills stuff, how can you implement that creatively?

>Purple Haze is OP meme
He can't control it because he's a bitch
He isn't even immune to it because he's a bitch
The stand is slow, has limited range and limited uses
Fugo would get btfo by most of La Squadra members, even against Illuso he had to get baby carried by Abbacchio and Giorno

Are you kidding me? Half of the main characters could kick his ass because his stand sucks. Worst case scenario Giorno gives immunity to all of them.

Read PHF

Wait for the OVA of PHF

>Wait for the OVA of PHF

Fugo was a useless asset.

Attached: 1530191752858.png (1076x1105, 3.02M)

>png of a scanned photo

Attached: 1555752868252.jpg (160x316, 8K)

PHF Never

Wait are they making some faghan garbage instead of the next part

Attached: gm5Iy4r.jpg (728x410, 56K)