>Yea Forums's fireden archive is gone
>all those piece of history lost forever
Why did this happen?
>Yea Forums's fireden archive is gone
>all those piece of history lost forever
Why did this happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
>desuarchive exists
>data on both sites is backed up regularly
Fucking newfag, this isn't like archive.moe in 2015
>Oh no, whatever will those totally existent historians do without our precious shitposts
nothing of value was lost
I noticed that earlier. Anyone know why?
Might not be permanent. The image server still seems to work
I bet most of you cancer can't even remember the original archives and their first successors. The original history of Yea Forums has been gone for a long time now.
Desuarchive is still around, as unreliable as it might be.
Easymodo and greenoval
Yea Forums archives are antithetical to the entire point of the website anyway