ITT: Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Thread

What's Yea Forums's take on YKK. favorite scene?. First two OVAs or second two OVAs?

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I hope you've read the manga and not just watched the OVAs. When the camera was introduced I'd hoped that the series would have been more about Alpha going around photographing places but it wasn't really used very much. I don't know if I have a specific favorite scene but just seeing the two children grow up throughout the series was great. Alpha meeting Nai was nice too. I wish they had kept the little joke with Alpha not understanding that his name was Nai. The stuff with the Alpha in the sky ship was cool too.

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>starts to read it
>pretty chill chapters
>pretty arts
>starta to like it
>discovers that the MC is a filthy dyke
Fuck this shit

this is at the top of my to-read list, what am I in for?

Definitely my favorite manga ever. It's been a long time since my last read but I sometimes go back to some chapters just to enjoy the drawings.

I don't remember much about the OVAs, but I remember liking the first two a lot more over the second two.

The main character is a robot and robots in the series share information through their mouths. If anyone's the dyke it's the other robot that she "kisses" that's kind of obsessed with her. Later on she somewhat confesses feelings for the kid she's known for a while. Though there's really no romance in the series outside of the two kids and even that's pretty mild.

Sci-fi slice of life with obscenely short chapters. It must have been hell following it monthly.

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Just imagine reading the last volume after following the series for more than 10 years. That must've felt like saying goodbye to a loved one.

first 2 ovas are unparalleled. to me its the scene where she just sits there and enjoy the twilight. i had never experienced such comf in my life

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A wholesome and comfy tale of the death of humanity

The OVAs suck. Read the manga.

I enjoyed the OVAs but they're better as supplements to reading the manga because they exclude and skip a lot of stuff, including character introductions, which can make watching them by themselves kind of confusing or not as engaging as the manga if you don't already know the context of things.

favorite scene would have to be the Snow with Alpha and Takahiro

Why can't this manga have an English release?
I want it dammit.

There's too much battle shonen and isekai for Viz and Seven Seas to license. Don't know about the other companies.

Its a stupid slice of nothing for yuri fags and praised by pseudo intelectuals. A fake, dishonest and boring post apocaliptic setting about characters doing nothing but shit. Same with Aria. Barakamon did it way better even if Naru is annoying at times.

YKK is nothing like Aria. I actually was hoping for something similar to YKK when I started Aria (or rather Aqua) but couldn't stand it.

>yuri fags
Someone was speedreading I can see.


They don't suck, but they're more of a pure cinematic experience rather than an actual story.

>First two OVAs or second two OVAs?
The manga.

Do you still have the file
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou -Ashinano Hitoshi Art Collection- [3000h png] [tabv]?

The hard drive i saved it on, died.

please share

It's on Panda.


Near the end of the series when she throws her camera up in the air to take a birds eye selfie, and wonders if her owner is looking down on her, revealing to us for the first time that she’s no longer holding out hope on him still being on the road somewhere. It’s the specific part of the ending that hit me the hardest.
Imagine being (you)

YKK was one of my top 5 till texhnolyze has killed every joy that I gained from it.

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How did Texhnolyze kill your joy of YKK?

texhnolyze huge spoiler
i've realized that YKK is almost the surface world in texhnolyze

watch Texhnolyze till episode 19.

Beautiful artwork and cute MC, but it is quite depressing.