Kyon-kun denwa

Kyon-kun denwa

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*ring ring*

Why does she sit like that?

From le what?

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Maybe her butt hurts.

from what?

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I don't know.


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is S2 worth watching?

i watched S1 with you fags way back when but recently found out there was a S2

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Not really. The Endless Eight meltdown on Yea Forums was great though.

Phone-kun, your Kyon

Japanese still don't understand chairs

Yes, the movie is also a must watch.

We've entered an endless recursion of time.

ok what order should i watch it in for the combined seasons and the movie?

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Why is that light so noisy.

How is it even possible to make light so noisy?

Season 1
Season 2
It's simple

If you already watched S1 you could watch it in it is entirety chronologically since that is how it was released when S2 came out.

Guys I think there's something wrong with Yea Forums, I'm seeing double posts

It's the last two weeks of August, I think I'll stream all of the Endless 8 eps tomorrow here.

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How in the hell did you JUST find out there is a S2? Either you're LARPing or have been living under a rock for a fucking decade.

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