More like Kino Force
Fire Force
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I like it for other reasons.
Any cinegrids other than in 3x3 formats should not be allowed. Each frame in the cinegrid should have its own individual flair and look. Its just visual clutter when you make it like that.
O my speed faster than light
More like shounen trash
Fairy tail 2.0
It has SHAFT written all over it. It’s beautiful.
Are these actual screens?
Was avoiding this show because I'm not into gratuitous fanservice, but these shots are fucking beautiful.
Most of this is wallpaper worthy.
Is it worth watching to admire the visual design alone?
Check the first episode.
The show is directed like shit, don't let those screenshots fool you: the director is a complete amateur.
im the guy who made that and i know i did a shit job so i wasn't expecting anyone to save it. i didn't know there was etiquette to this shit. i have an even larger version with more shots but i guess its visual clutter.
yeah real amateur we got on our hands.
Damn now I feel bad. You know Im just playing man, No hard feelings. Oh and there is no etiquette about making cinegrids but Its just my personal prefence that it should be more controlled and minimalist than to have all the cool frames you liked from the episode. Love you;)
>director of Zaregoto and Mekakucity Actors
Thanks for proving my point I guess.
oh i wasn't offended or anything. i completely see what you're getting at and respect it. love you too.
I didn't find Zaregoto's directing to be bad, and the only good thing about Mekakucity Actors was the directing. I fail to see your point.
>I didn't find Zaregoto's directing to be bad, and the only good thing about Mekakucity Actors was the directing.
I'm so sorry.
Sorry for not getting your point across? You aren't doing yourself any favors, pal.
>Is it worth watching to admire the visual design alone?
That is why I am watching.
I miss Soul Eater
This part really hook me up, It was perfect and wholesome.
The more I read this, the more disappointing it gets.
When does it get good?
They’re gonna save him, right? He’s just gonna awaken 3rd gen abilities and solo Burns, right?
Not really. Characters are very one-note and annoying, MC's motivation is literally "become a hero", and fanservice is super distracting.
Take that with a grain of salt since I also find Demon Slayer really annoying (guess I'm just a whiny fuck), but given the choice between the two, I'd say Demon Slayer's the better show if you're going for generic shonen.
The visual flair of the storyboarding is great but the actual direction is average.
>actual direction is average
Not when compared to the average seasonal anime.
based and redpilled force
>Mob Psycho
>Kimetsu no Yaiba
>Fire Force
Works that use god-tier visuals/sakuga as a disguise for lame characters and asspulls powers.
Based and redpilled,fuck capeshit and fuck shonenshit.
It is an audio-visual medium, not a character-plot medium.
>how pdare you praise the audiovisual qualities of audiovisual works
I'm hyped for when the religion side of of the story really starts appearing the visuals will be amazing
But at the same time the people directing it need to start reading and translating into the anime the flow and mood of the manga better, this is an action series, not some sort of Romance for all those weirdly placed pauses and shots
Mob s2 was so fucking boring idk how people can enjoy it
I have no problem with the visual compliments. I praised this aspect myself. What bothers me is how many here think this is enough to make a good job. It is not. Style and content must be in perfect harmony.
you'd think they'd do a shit job if it was shit in their eyes, but here we are
Did it just end with shinra's smile? with no ED credits?
Picked up!
She looks like a lizard
Did a new episode come out?
I disliked this arc during the manga with how easily she fell for Shinra but whatever
Just waiting for the Benimaru arc
>make best girl
>she gets a crush on the MC
>MC has a libido for once
>probably won't be an item anyways
Princess Hibana deserves better
Posting from another thread but uhh
shell probably get joker by the end. they're both cynics with a moral compass that is comparable to that of a roulette wheel. not to mention, he's alot like shinra in some regards.
>even pretending to give a fuck about "cinegrids"
You forgot MHA.
That's just a thing retards say to justify being too retarded to appreciate this medium as a holistic entity comprised of the qualities of other forms of media which are then elevated, not supplanted, by audiovisuals.
I liked it but I have to agree.
Why should I not? Give me a concrete argument?
>directed the 2 best episodes of madoka (AOTD)
Cool, so why has he been pretty bad so far then?
It's below average. A lot of silence, awkward pauses between each line, lack of energy. Average directing would at least satisfy those areas.
It's pretty confusing, it's like he's actively trying to be a bad director by not doing what he's supposed to do.
Eh, Mob's writing is a tier above the other two
more catgirl when
Don't do that
thanks friend
what are you waiting for, faggot
its nice but on the other hand its sad to see SHAFT bleeding talents to other studio like this
The show has some highlights bit it's not comparable to the manga. Sometimes the animation is great, other times it's rather dull and scenes get cut in favour of the director changing shit up for no reason.
But those would be 8 and 10.
>It's below average. A lot of silence, awkward pauses between each line, lack of energy. Average directing would at least satisfy those areas.
It is all obviously intentional.
>the brown slut falls for the MC in like 5 minutes
this is trashy harem tier
It's funny, because the direction is what really sells the whole thing. It's incredibly good and well paced and looks gorgeous.
I don't get these faggots constantly crying about the direction. Are those guys just shounen faggots that just want to see fast paced action shit?
>why are shounenfags crying about a shounen not being fast paced action
The final boss will be unstoppable and consume all fire. Arthur will raise his hand and ask why dont they just use water and everyone will ignore him because he's clearly retarded.
Not every shounen needs to be a copy of every other.
Based Chad MC making women falling for him by hitting them instead of saving them like normally
*fall for him
The last episode was pure trash.
>i overcome your flames with the power of talk no jutsu and will
>i punch you once to knock you out
>now suddenly you are da good guy
>happy ending ever after!
What was even the fucking point of Hibana's character? She did nothing significant and she learned nothing (no seriously what was the MC even trying to "teach" her? she's still just a power obsessed cunt), what a fucking waste of 2 episodes.
Except Mob Psycho actually has compelling character development, a great message, and a good story. ONE is the best and you can kill yourself.
>except good writing after the lucky lewd shit
She was never that bad she was just a bitch with an attitude, a dude getting up to her and beating her probably got her wet, Shinra being all cute and moral also helped
best cinematography i've ever seen in anime
That isn't a story. That's a fanfic you'd read on the internet made by an autistic 12 year old fujo with 0 writing skills.
How far a mangaka has fallen.
You posted that like he doesn't draw cool stuff in Fire Force as well
The last episode was decent.
I think he was trying to teach her to trust in others more, but just made her end up falling for him instead. Before their fight she was a turbo social-Darwinist. Now's she's slightly less so, but is also attracted to the MC. No matter what he had to say, she wasn't going to listen to someone that couldn't even fight her equally.
Well it's retarded. Because in other SHAFT shows with the same style of directing, the silence is fine because it is carried by the dialogue and character interaction. Fire Force is below average in both areas so what are they trying to do?
Hibana or Tamaki better fucking win the MCbow or no one at all. If the mangaka lets that shitty Iris win I might burn down something.
I don't know what you're talking about. The show has a really nice flow and rhythm that keeps you on your toes, all without need for obnoxious noise.
>He a lot like Shrina
Shinra didn't get his ass pillaged by a priest. Also Shinra has some sexual attraction to Princess, desiring to see her naked/hoping for it. He never really acted like that to Iris, Tamaki, or Maki or expressed that desire.
Cringey samefagging.
>Style and content must be in perfect harmony.
Said the fat poorfag as he pirated all anime, feeling incredibly entitled.
Didn't he dream of Iris or smth?
>Didn't he dream of Iris or smth?
Here is your spoiler: It wasn't Iris. It was a girl named Amaterasu who later mind rapes him. She took on Iris form to make things easier. When he looks at Iris in a later chapter he thinks of Amtarasu and is spooked by it.
Barring the MC, she's gotten more characterization than anyone else so far. Compared to her, Iris is basically half of a character.
Oh yeah right, but the chapter you posted, Shinra seems to have feelings for Iris even if it's just a basic crush
She deserves every last bad thing that can happen to her. I mean if the bitch wants excitement so bad she can take her ass to the movies.
Its alright. Also FUCK INCAAAAAA!!!!!
Iris and Shinra relationship is more brother sister
Did you mean brother-in-law and sister-in-law?
Yeah, DP lucked out by getting all those Shaft refugees. They're going to be powerhouse studio in the future.
Fucking can't wait until Part 7. Shaft animators, David Production's love for Jojo, the best part, and Araki's art style finally being close to perfect.
Fire Force is gorgeously animated but a complete and utter pile of unwatchable shit in terms of characters and story and even the fighting.
it is just pretty.
nah all of those things are fine
> DP
> Kino Force
> Kino Aureo
> AND soon Kino Ocean
DP is so fucking BASED wtf?
pictures are better when moving, user
The characters are okay and way better than most shounen. Don't let Yea Forumsspergs convince you otherwise before giving the show a shot
>gratuitous fanservice
Are we talking about the same show? You must be thinking of something else. They're actually cutting out sections of fanservice from the manga in this adaptation.