
I can't believe Nenene was a pig all along.

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Other urls found in this thread:はっきりいう

Official MV for the episode 7 ending song.

ERNESTA compilation.

Ah, a thread for my favourite Greek tragedy slasher anime.

>The ultimate purpose of the Granbelm is to unseal the magic
That's a bold assumption considering no one knows why Magiaconatus does anything. I'd say it's probably not the case and it doesn't want to unseal the magic at all. Probably it needs some virgin tears to renew the seals once in a while so it makes Granbelm and picks the mages it wants. Making the winner into a full fledged mage is simply a bonus and an encouragement for participation.

My minipig wife.

Last threads have been garbage, wtf happened

ERNESTA did it.


>Shingetsu is fighting to get rid of magic to not let anymore people who have been let down and driven crazy like Anna appear and to stop the family abuse and murders that is happening to breed the lineages

>mangetsu is fighting because she wants the magic power which brought something special into her life, she was always normal and had nothing, no friends,always used for her normal cooking

>anna was warped by shingetsu's kindness and her mother spoiling her, her healousy and hate grew stronger as she realized she was not talented and was responsible for giving shingetsu her magic gem, the smallest one

>kuon fighting for her sister

>nene fighting for her height and mother but was betrayed by her mother who abandoned her for her new life away from magic

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post rare final bosses

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Burgers prime time. They should go to sleep in about 7 hours, then we'll have good threads again.

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Isn't the Anna and ERNESTA thing basically a love triangle? Magicosmonaut loves ENERSTA, ERNASTA loves Anna, and Anna loves Magicoconut.

Anna's self-description amused me a lot.

don't underestimate the west cost user

I wonder how that girl who got Ko'd in ep 1 may feel now knowing that Anna's dead/eliminated

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What happens every season: a Thread for an anime who flies under the radar of everyone is usually comfy and calm, that's it UNTIL it gains fame and traction, then it's shitposted to death in other threads (Symphogear for an example), thus atracting the type of retards who complain in those threads. Basically popular = bad. Million Arthur threads were comfy just because it was almost dead.

>fucking Mango
>kissing Sushi
Is Kuon trying to one-up Kibou?

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All of the granbelm competitors are already part of Magicoconut's harem.

Kuon is secretly trying to sabotage ERNESTA.

>Official MV for the episode 7 ending song.

This is kinda gay

>Anna got cheated out of her win by a stupid ass move
This semen slurping battle royal isn't for me lads

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>hardly has any magical potential
>destiny dictates that she will never become a mage
>was lied to by her mother and stepsister for most of her life
>magicalcoitus favors her stepsister more
>tries her best to forge her own destiny and achieve her dream of becoming a powerful mage
>through sheer force of will and anger reconstructs her damaged mech and gains a power-up
And to think the show wants us to believe Manko and Shitgetsu are the MCs, when Anna should be the protagonist. No wonder this show is flopping.
Also, that fight should have ended in a draw. Would have made a nice little arc of Anna and ERNESTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA reconciling with each other.

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>stupid ass move
Shouldn't have monologed. That is how you gets stabbed in the back.

>almost kill her mother to steal super crystal
>still loses
This is why she is a secondary antagonist.

Maybe she should have chosen a destiny other than dedicating her entire existence to making someone else suffer, because that's fucking stupid.

wouldn't be the first time

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According to staff tweets she's not a bad mage, Shingetsu is just abnormally good.

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I really hope someone draws a hate fuck doujin of Anna and ERNESTA

>Anna grows a fire cock

Uru always does a good job

Justified. I'd be pissed too if the person I treated as my best friend and family lied to me my entire life.

She's in magicunny barrier now, she will be freed in the end.
And yes Da Witch will be a loli and final boss.

She's the opposite, really. You have to be cold hearted and hot headed to commit matricide and fraticide,

>Anna thinks she has her pinned down when suddenly ERNESTA penetrates her behind

I like to think that Ernesta only let Anna finish her monologue out of consideration toward her before pulling that move.

If its true user, you're kind of petty, user. Ernesta might have been in the wrong, but she only tried to spare her feeling. A less shitty person would have been angry but would have ultimately forgiven her since she had good intentions.

Anna was mad before she knew she lied.

The lie was all of not telling you that your grand accomplishment was not done on your own merit. It's entirely on you if you decide to be an egotistical fuckwit when they tell you that maybe you're not as hot shit as you think you are.

What's her career path now?

water heater


Anger management counselor.

But she's kind of useless in that job.

Breeding sow trying to create a daughter that can defeat ERNESTA.

But she has the second best singing voice, so that's fine. Also she makes a good sheath for a sword.

You shut your whore mouth. Maria is cool and will save sword from the despairtrain.

Ne³ is the only sow in Granbelm

this isn't like you...

No magic

her anger is enough to heat a home

But anger.

Her anger will give her curse powers, it will transcend magic.

Live fuel for steam power plant

You can't never defeat me.
Get fucked.

What's her power output? Thermal efficiency? Emissions rating?

Anna's theme:

>power output
We can compute it from the scene where she boils the bath water, but I doubt if it's more than 10% of her max output.
>Thermal efficiency
It's magic
>Emission rating
Few carbon footprints from screaming ERNESTAH!!!

Her anger could literally fuel jetpacks.

It was amazing.

That's too modest. I give it at 0.1% at most

But she doesn't have magic anymore, only anger.

That's why it's magic

>two most sympathetic characters out of the running
What are we supposed to cheer for now?

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Anna's imouto. She'll bring her back with blood magic, using ERNESTA''s blood.

But Mangetsu is the most relatable MC in years.

Magic isn't nearly as strong in the real world, the Armanox acts as an amplifier

I'm rooting for Mango to crush everyone's dream.

>second best


We still don't know if her boiling hot body was magic or just anger.

Being second to Nana is nothing to be ashamed of.

Only the sociopaths are left cheering manko to destroy their hopes and dreams.
Personally, I want Anna's anger to override grandblam and take over control of it.

I'm rooting for K-on, but I still want to see here molested by Suishou.

Okay, we know that:
>granbelm is held irregularly, depending on if magiaconatus feels like it
>only people chosen to participate is ones with high magic power
>loser gets all their magic power taken and can no longer be a mage
>families of the loser gets weaker over time as a side effect

What if granbelm is basically a race to the bottom? Magic can't truly be sealed, while mage families should get weaker, some fairly strong mages do pops up occasionally. When enough strong individuals pops up, granbelm is held to basically get rid these people. Certain ridiculously powerful individuals is inserted by magiaconatus to trick people into thinking they become powerful because they won granbelm.

I've gathered up the current info we have, wanted to make it look pretty but got lazy since this shit already took way to long to begin with

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NEET. Her mom will support her. Oh wait, never mind.

Magicalcoconut is actually just some old mage who holds a grandslam every time he gets horny, hence the irregular intervals, and female only participants. The winner gets the privilege of birthing his spawn and as a bonus, the family where his genes mixed with gets more powerful, as a form of magical sharing.

Shingetsu-chan is a cooler name than Erunesusta.

With Tsubasa in her "Muh Kanade" phase once again, her career prospects aren't looking good on Symphogear either.

If you want completion you could have a separate section for external info
See and there was a translated interview in past threads

ERNESSSSSTA was waiting for Anna to say something, ANYTHING that was even remotely redeemable. Poor girl had to put her sick puppy down.

I hope somebody else does that, seems like a major pain to go through the timeline and also find sources for the interviews and stuff

Unless happens then Suisho to dab on everyone

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Did she fucking die?

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One of the interviews:

Good chance

I will drop it once my girl Suishou is out

It's not out of the question

>Families get's weaker the more time passes
Sounds like a failsafe for Magicoconuts to keep having magic feed to itself, that plus having either Manggers or Suishou constantly killing and winning, maybe that's why Suishou is ridiculously strong.

Now they real antagonist
Everyone in this show is so fucking shit and now the most fun girl is out/dead, it's not fair

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Only as dead as her mom.

It's very unlikely.

This isn't Madoka Magica. Nobody is actually going to die.

Ask again later.

'tis just a flesh wound

>not kaos or my friend hazuki

Kaos is way to motivated to be relatable.

Kaos is a Mangaka, and my friend Håzûkį has friends. Mangeters had none aside ERNESTA and her situation is how any random user would act given a inch of power.

Manko lil sis x Clare

Anyone who tells you otherwise is in the denial stage of grief.

Clare x Anna

That's sick

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You're sick.

Entering a magic giant robot battle where you don't know if you actually die or not and even if you don't die you still feel pain takes more motivation than continuing to do little doodles and Hazuki only made friends after meeting the long black haired beauty, same as Mangetsu. Also Kaos and Hazuki are both huge perverts, whereas Mangetsu has yet to show that she's a deranged masturbator.

Attached: tfw hazuki.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

She still has magic. Losing didn't strip her of her magic. She's just a shitty mage with boiling water magic.

>He wouldn't jump into a death and life situation the moment some magic power is given to him
That's why Magicofunny won't recognize you as worth.

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Her soul sure did

Even failure NEETs should feel more accomplished about their skills than Kaos.

>Losing didn't strip her of her magic.
If she didn't died that's what happened thi. The interview and the show stated it pretty clear.

Took you long enough, and you missed some mention yesterday (don't remember the thread).

Nene-nee said she didn't lose her magci, she was just stripped of her right to participate. Am I high or what? Are you? Who's high?

look man katsudon posters are legion
there isn't just one of us
i personally can't be everyone, but if i see zook posting i will reply in kind

>ERNASTA loves Anna,
woah now

Only the stone, which they use to use magic, gets destroyed, I think.
I don’t see why their actual magical ability would be affected .

She did said that her curse was still up even if her magic is gone. If you have any doubt please read the interview user.

That's not even the most dubious part of my statement.

>he thinks this series will get doujins

Only after Kibou impregnates her

no user would be trying to fuck everyone

Case and point.

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>>those who get eliminated lose their magic completely and can never become mages again.
Seriously. Why people keep thinking Anna is alive?

The most kino episode in a while.

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Suishou, of course.

No, it's literally hot

>implying last episode's tyrant axe spree wasn't kino as fuck

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Ernesta a besta

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Don't glorify murderers.

He, she's not the one who started swinging an axe around like a maniac.

Anna winning would have been better for everyone. She didn't really give a shit about winning the Granbelm anymore, so she probably would have just dropped out after beating Ernesta.

Swinging an axe around don't make you a murderer, only swinging your axe into someone does.

Couldn't even do that right, Anna.

Attached: attempted murder.jpg (640x480, 57K)

Ernesta's the worst kind of character, the kind who goes "Oh woe is me, why am I so amazingly gifted and talented at everything? I wish I was normal and not the best person to ever live." I always find it completely impossible to sympathize with these kind of characters. Yeah, i'm really sorry you're just too good at everything.

Anna is still alive

I can't believe no one thought to keep an eye on her after that.
>lol sorry but I've been lying to you for years, my dearest angry and violent daughter. I trust that you have calmed down and won't murder me in my sleep tonight, though.

Ernesta and Anna's mom literally handled Anna the worst possible way at every single step of her life since forever, so i'm not surprised they continued their proud tradition of fucking up at basic human empathy and interaction.

How will the next episode top this weeks episode?

That's because you're a sad pathetic sociopath. Probably self inserts into shit too. I mean it's not like her powers cost her family and the person she cared about the most.

Anna was a psycho even before the truth was out.


I didn't really want figs of the armanoxes until this ep, but now I do.

The Kuon x Mangetsu part is actually a completely uncensored sex scene.

wow that mv is gay

Not until Mangetsu beats Shingetsu, so last episode or second to last.

being the best VA of our generation

Rape and cheating and real world stabbing cliffhanger.

The MC is boring and barely does anything. She had like two lines this episode.

I hope Ernesta is permanently mindbroken

The song MV shows a scene from a future episode where Shingetsu runs crying into Mangetsu's arms.

She already had the emotional range of a brick.


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The lyrics are there in the MV. Anyone translate?

How did those two end up naked in bed? How did Mangetsu even end up naked in ep 2?

Magicrackers is a pervert

Forced yuri kiss, Shishou is truly a sinner.

More like Magicomatose is based.

would i be arrested if i have consential sex with nene-nee?

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Just show the cops her ID. Unless you're in Australia.

Suisho is homeless now so she decided to live with Mangetsu. However she is unable to pay rent so instead pays her with body heat and hugs.

In the anime she says that she only lost the right to compete. O'll beleive the anime over the interview.

Why is she so angry all the time?

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She isn't angry now ;_;7


Mother is a faggot. She should've been honest with her daughter from the beginning. She did it to herself.

Finally caught up...
>Official MV for the episode 7 ending song.

It's her mother's fault.

She's a spaz. A sexy, deadly spaz.

That scene by the river is pretty funny. It sounded like Shingetsu was talking seriously about the dark side of her stone skipping power.

Magicalcocytus stole their original clothes after they transformed.

>All this people shitting on mangetsu
I'm going to have you guys personally apologize after she redeemed herself and fixed everything wrong in the world.

You wouldn't understand, I'm just too good at skipping rocks.
Other people get three or four skips and they think they've made it, I can do ten or twenty. It's ruined my life. So many friends lost on riverbanks, lake shores, and pond edges. It's a curse, and I've decided to eliminate rock skipping permanently. I'm going to remove the surface tension of water mangetsu, so that this terrible burden never hurts anyone else ever again.

Your food tastes like shit, manny

A hearty kek.

I don't get this. my understanding is Japanese people are too polite and go "ooooooooh sugoi" or "metcha umai" all the time. They wouldn't call something someone went through the trouble of making it for them "normal".

Mangetsu just has that effect on people. She has kind of a bullyable face.

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Speedwatcher detected, she did that the first time but mangetsu told her not to exaggerate because she knew it wasn't that good.

She's still a kid. She doesn't realize that it's people who are shitty, not magic.

> I've purged all magic and people are still huge assholes toward each others? I made a terrible mistake.

>she did that the first time
She didn't. Wasn't the first time in episode one when she ate the lunchbox while they were sitting by Shingetsu's mecha? She even answered "no" when Mangetsu asked her if it's delicious.

I'd say 45% she's dead, 45% she's sharing a hospital room with her mother and 10% chance anything else

what about Australia?

What a fucking dork.

As compared to being dead, not losing magical power. Her stone is dull now so it's gone.

Dorks are a big reason why this anime stands out compared to others of its kind. Dork anime is always good.


Kuon has been the best girl since ep2.

Granbelm is held every month, if you know what I mean.

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this is an opportunity for me to pick a decently knowledgeable user here, what does she say when the subtitles translate to "you don't mince words" about her bentos? I hear "hakiriyu" or some shit like that but googling it doesn't find anything, it sounds like an interesting term

So basically Shingetsu could've won anytime but she let her have a few hits in out of pity before she takes away her magic power (?).

She wanted Anna to surrender.

When it comes to sexual content in Australia, women with breasts B-cup or smaller are considered children regardless of their actual age.

>still believing clickbait from a decade ago

I want to kiss Shingetsu on her soft lips

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She is pretty, so at least she has that going for her

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"Hakkiri to iu" ?
Literally : '(you sure) said it straightforwardly

Both this and Symphogear had top tier episodes this week that were much better than anything else this season. How do they do it? How is it that action dykes is the best genre?

I'd also like to point out that Machikado Mazoku had a great episode this week
the triumvirate of fun

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Magiaconatus is actually Kibou, and thats why you always see her hanging around, not giving a fuck, and seducing all the participants.

I can believe it

That is retarded enough to work

>screaming so hard you have to stop and take a breath
Yoko Hikasa really knocked it out of the park this week. Also Anna with her hair down is a total bombshell. No idea how they're going to top this episode though, we're only halfway through the season.

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Why lie user

Anna with her hair and her crazy down is quite sexy.はっきりいう

This show would had been better if the girls actually died when they die.

Her body may still live, but the soul is gone

Mages: no sense of right and wrong

But then nenene would be dead and that would be awful

Justice for Anna

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Where do they pee in the armanoxes?

G-reco already went into detail concerning this topic.

They aren't in them that long.

Somehow I feel like the pacing is actually too fast for once. It's still the show I'm looking forward to the most this season unless Symphogear suddenly does a good job with the last arc, but I can't help but feel like something is kinda missing. I think the structure of exposition is to blame here.

You look at Yuuki Yuuna S1 and it's even a bit slow at times, but pays off around 70% of the way after building to it for most of the time. Anna climax is already wrapped up at the halfway point and we are just left with a void that has to be filed with the remaining Kuon & Suishou story all of a sudden. I'm gonna concede that it's easier to write a compelling story ripping off Muv-Luv compared to a battle royale but still, I'm not feeling optimistic. It's harder to pull off but in the end all that matters is the results, right?

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They are in them for the whole evening and night, like 10 hours.

People sleep for 10 hours without having to pee all the time.

Sleep is different.

They are basically asleep while in Magiaconatus land. They are Magiacomatose.

The thing that's "missing" is that we have basically zero connection between the two MCs or any reason to cheer for them. It's hard to even call their relationship "professional" at this point. They just sort of exist in the same space.

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Nenene disagrees.

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She was talking about playing video games.


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That's how it's called nowadays, huh.

I like the art, but I just don't feel like the plot is coming together...

Since the director had not problem revealing that Mangetsu's power is basically god-like, I don't think she's gonna win. Most likely there will be a twist.

I like that. In other shows the dark girl is all over the pink bitch like a beta orbiters. Here Chinko actually has her own concerns and her character doesn't revolved around Manko. That's an improvement, I think.

Mecha designer and chief animation supervisor said that White Lily Negro attacks were at about 30-50% of its full potential, dunno if it makes her "god-like".

>dunno if it makes her "god-like"
I'd say yes considering how easily it took down Nene with just 30% of its power.

She has already raped Kibou and NTR'd Nenene.

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I want to praise something that no one ever mentioned.
Shingetsu's anubis(?)-like magical clothes.

Oh yeah, it's pretty fucking stylish.

I suspect there's some Japanese shinto mythology explanation but Ill be damned if I know what it is offhand. Kaguya? That one about the rabbit?

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It was said in the first few threads. I love the jackal ears personally

>I suspect there's some Japanese shinto mythology explanation but Ill be damned if I know what it is offhand. Kaguya? That one about the rabbit?
I'm pretty confident you're talking about Tsukuyomi, the moon god.
I don't know if this make any sense, however character that used Tsukuyomi as motif often looks like Shingetsu's magical girl version.

Also, crazy theory time. Mangetsu name isn't referencing moon, but Amaterasu.
And then this will be the motif for the final fight.
>Tsukuyomi angered Amaterasu when he killed Uke Mochi, the goddess of food.

It looks great, but Ernesta is a bit of a mess thematically. German mech and magic, Egyptian/Arab outfit, yamato nadeshiko looks and personality.

Manko said they won't fight. Are you doubting an average high school girl, user?

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She's too much of an autistic dork to be yamato nadeshiko.

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Mangetsu's name (満月) literally means "the full moon" though.

Perhaps not an average high school girl, but I would be a little weary around someone who is clearly the descendant of ancient Voldemort.

+ five two _ one _ nine nine six _ one one two _ zero five seven five _

That's just her German genes trying to take over.

White Lily doesn't give a shit what the Mangetsu disguise says.

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Since Mangetsu said something like "I get the feeling we won't have to fight," it sounded like a prediction or oracle of sorts. Like she felt it somehow. You could say that it's fate that they won't fight.

Pretty sure the character designer just picked whatever looked the coolest. There doesn't have to be some deep lore.

Since her Armanox is Viola Katze, her clothes are probably meant to be Bastet, goddess of protection.

Probably saying it wouldn't be much of a "fight"

Well, she does look like Tsukyomi. Specially the rabbit-like ears. And her name means "new moon" too.

How many more episodes before WHITE LILY dark digivolves into BLACK LOTUS?

Which is why it won't happen. What would be the point of such a telegraphed ending? The final boss is Suisho. I bet once Manko beats her she will fuck off or forget about the Granbelm entirely.

Suisho will btfo Kuon next to show how strong she is. Ahinko and Manko will have to take her own together.
Which leaves them facing each other in the final fight.

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But she didn't even protect anything.

>Which leaves them facing each other in the final fight.
Manko said they won't fight. You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you don't believe our lord and savior Manko.

Doesn't matter if they'll fight or use power of friendship or whatever. I'm saying they will be the last two standing.

The final boss is Magicanus when it unleashes the magic world into the real world and all the losers have to help Mangetsu spiritbomb the thing out of existence.

>implying Manko isn't Magiaconatus itself

How many months have passed since the start of the show? Has anyone been keeping count?

They fight once per month so you can count yourself.

I mean Mangetsu's name is also a moon thing but her transformation is just your stereotypical frilly mahou shoujo dress and her Armanox doesn't have an apparent theme (well, they're all fat and blobby). Anna looks like a witch from a fairy tale, blue hair looks like a healer/priest from an RPG, white hair looks like a miko (?) and I don't even know what Nene is supposed to be with the cape and the freakishly undersized crown thing, isn't she Chinese or something? And the last (?) one has a cat onesie/hoodie complete with the tail.

Things don't exactly seem to have meticulously crafted thematic symbolism.


Some user was talking about Chinko and Manko having black and white visual motives. That's because of their names. Mangetsu (full moon) is a fully lit moon while Shingetsu (new moon) is a moon cast in shadow.

That been said, the evil one of the two is clearly Manko.

Attached: moon_phases_diagram.jpg (550x495, 28K)

Maybe. Or maybe we're just missing the references in their case.

God, it's Evangelion all over again.

Mangetsu is a princess and White Lily is a knight.

Everything would say yes, but then I expected her mother to be dead and she wasn't, and granbelm so far has been quite clear about not being deadly.

Of course if you really want you can say that Nene died and was replaced by a puppet and the same thing will happen to Anna.

>implying the curtains are blue for no reason

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Show's opening title is contridicting the rules of the game so I'm going to bet they are somehow going to have two winners rules be dammed.

>her powers cost her family and the person she cared about the most.
It wasn't her powers, it was her own decisions and actions.

I can live with that.

Bullshit. It was Anna's mother. It was her decision to make Chinko the heir, and it was also her decision not to tell Anna she was weak as shit.

They disappear from real space into a non-real magic space presumably they do not need to eat or pee inside a pure magic construct. When they reappear in real space they feel like they just woke up and physiologically it probably would appear that they did aside from the fact they just vanished and reappeared magically. More interesting is you can live stream and chat with the real world from inside the magical space via more "not magic" magic.

He means her real family. Seems like their home was wrecked and everyone else probably killed before Fugo family adopted her.
As for Anna, Shinko has always been overwhelmed by her passion and didn't know how to deal with her because of her autism.

Ernesta could have easily solved the whole thing by talking instead of running away.

What if Mangetsu is the legitimate heir of the Ernesta family who lost their magic stone and was banished from Italy/Spain?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Granbelm - 07 [720p][Multiple Subtitle] (00_23_39.418) 0001.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

She was like 8-10 year old when she ran away. She wasn't mature enough to take responsibility for what Anna's mother did. Also, let's not forget she was an orphan until the Fugo family picked her up.

Mangetsu's either the Magiacanotus or a previous princeps, not a regular mage.

Mangetsu is just a regular high school student.

Gods can go to school too.

So what you're saying is she's some type of tsukihime with a TYPE of MOON-related name?
>>In ep4 Shingetsu was saying she took the damage in the past battle while holding her arm. Does the damage to the mech transfer to the pilot?
>Actually it does. Strictly speaking, normally the damage doesn't reach the pilot, only under special circumstances... let's say if the pilot was synchronizing with her mech too much. Renata has been in an abnormal sync mode continuously...
Even if she isn't dead, she's sure to suffer some serious damage in real world.

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I knew that post, it's just that it seems weird (to me) to now rise the stakes when so far you have taken every step to make the fight appear less serious.

That said, I do hope Anna is not dead because I don't want her sister to take her mantle in her hate against Ernesta.

>In ep4 Shingetsu was saying she took the damage in the past battle while holding her arm
Does this mean Shingetsu is always more synchronized to her mech than the other girls?

We're fast running out of bad guys to fight and I don't know how far Aoi Yuuki can take this.

They can still turn Manko to the dark side. She's almost there anyway.

Having Nene make an explicit comment like "what, did you think I was going to die?" or whatever her line was is pretty much textbook setting up for someone to actually die for real.
>>Among the 7 Granbelm participants most are middle and high school girls. Is this because it's the best age to use magic?
>It's fine to interpret it like this. Of course it's not always the case but the percentage is high. They are both "shrine maidens" and "sacrificial lambs" at the same time...

Smells like yucky tuna.

I hope her vocal chords are alright, especially if it took more than one take.

She's fine, she can still scream TSUBASAAAAAAA!, or no talk at all in the episode.

My bet is on Anna being blind, don't think they will kill of anyone and there was a lot of blood in her eyes.

Exactly how righteous does one fury have to be to cry blood tears?

> most are middle and high school girls.
Magical girls lose magical power when losing blood.

What's his endgame?

Attached: magiaconatus.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Living as an ordinary high school girl.

Getting into Chinko's pants. The keep saying she's loved by magiaconatus, after all.

Step 1: Get a bunch of cute girls and make em fight
Step 2: ????
Step 3: Profit.

>he still hasn't realized this is a villain origin story for Ernesta and Mangetsu

Will we ever know any stuff about Rosa? She was quickly butchered of the show

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I hope does she does scream Tsubasa's name while fighting her.

Is this Shingusta's former family?

Yoko Hikasa needs to scream in every role.

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Nah, Chinko lost her family when she was a little girl.

Mangetsu, first episode.

Maybe this is a sort of what if. Like how Shingetsu would be living if her family didn't get murdered.

But why did Anna hated her so much to begin with, did she just grow bitter since everyone was acting like Ernesta is the prodigy when from Anna's pov she was way better and her mom and Ernesta were too retarded to let her in on the joke until it was too late?

Anna was petty and jealous from the start.

>wow Anna you're so good at magic
>but we're going to give the family inheritance, the right to fight in Granbelm, and your little sister's love and respect to Ernesta and we won't tell you why
I'd be mad too.

There's being mad and then there's having a 10 year grudge where you swing axes at people.

I think it probably started when her mom decided to make Shingetsu the heir. As soon as she did that, Anna probably went ballistic. Unable to deal with that, Shingetsu ran away.

Anna probably grew more bitter on her own afterwards until she met Shingetsu again some years later.

A giant magical contraption literally falling in love with a girl and creating an avatar in Mangetsu to fuck her would be genuinely funny.

Sometimes you just have to take a battleaxe to your stepsister's face, and sometimes you have to try to murder your mother in her sleep. These things happen.

Anna was losing blood from her eyes and she was fine.

It's a concept drawing made in the style of an old commemorative photo for the completion of Viola Katze, so it would probably be the Ernestas from a few generations ago and some engineers. They post concept art from time to time on the official Twitter, and apparently the Armanox were fully mechanical in their early designs.

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I'd actually love this.

They explicitly show you the opposite of that. She was loving and wanted to share with Shingetsu and have her with her.

Don't forget the constant frustrations from being unable to beat Ernesta in fight, and knowing that Suishou is actually stronger than you.

That was most likely before Ernesta was selected as heir.

>Somehow I feel like the pacing is actually too fast for once.
Part of it is that a month passes in the lead up to each new fight, but we see basically nothing of it.
Like, Mangetsu and ERNESTA probably hang out and do gay stuff, Suishou sits around being hot and mysterious, and Kaos 2.0 bangs the Chinese sisters, but we see very little of it.

We've had a few but another couple breather episodes wouldn't go remiss.

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And that's the thing. Anna loved Ernesta and wanted to lift her up with her. But then her mother has basically told Anna to fuck off and only Ernesta matters. And Ernesta played along and made things worse with her "lol you'll never beat me faggot" shit. It's not hard to understand how Anna saw that not just as a basic familial betrayal, but also a betrayal of the love and trust she was giving out.

>And Ernesta played along and made things worse with her "lol you'll never beat me faggot" shit.
No. Ernesta ran away and as far as we know Anna didn't see her again until the current Grangelm started, which must have been years after Ernesta ran away.

Anna's hate probably grew over the years while she and Ernesta were apart.

Where's the Zangetsu to stop Mangetsu's latent fight hobo tendencies

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I love how Anna fags basically have to trip over themselves to explain why Anna isn't horrible. "It's Ernesta's fault Anna dumped her follower into the streets!" "It's Ernesta's fault I stabbed my mom as she slept."

Anna loved having Ernesta along so long as she was playing follow the leader. As soon as Enesta started showing signs she was better and the favored she went metal to the point where Ernie fled. Ernesta may have made a mistake, but it was Anna who chased her away.

It's one of the early concepts they post on the official twitter

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How did they end up naked in Shingetsu's bed?

Ernesta is a slut and takes advantage of vulnerable, trusting girls.

>Puppet strings and Mobile Trace system > Shitty chair and dick stick controls
Thank God they changed that part.

Attached: Nenene styling on Manko.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)

Mind-machine direct interface is superior to both.

Who will lead the uprising?

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But not interesting at all to look at.

Anna stalked her for years.

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You don't really realize how pretty Anna is when she's always going full ERNESTA

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How do they avoid getting their strings tangled?

Shingetsu will win the Granbowl and do a Kamen Rider Ryuki by rewinding time to make it as if magic never existed, there by preventing Anna from going crazy and Kuon's sister from getting cursed. After which she will wake up in a world without magic by Anna, who is now sane and loves her like a sister. Mangetsu is her best friend (and Anna's rival for Shingetsu) and Kuon happily with her healthy sister.

They're not actual physical strings.

Episode is so kino I have rewatched it seven times.


I'm glad they use magic, since going with mostly mechanical requires you to spend some episodes explaining all the worldbuilding stuff and you're going to need 2 seasons for that.

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All considered, Nenenene³ took her defeat in a real mature way and she's even trying to help Manko. Or maybe she's just cozying up to her because she experienced first hand her OP powers and hopes to ask her some favours once Manko wins.

perfectly sized milkies that fit in one's hand too

Attached: hopeless.png (1280x720, 997K)

She just doesn't want Manko to say no when she asks for Kibou's hand in marriage.


Why is Anna so hot, bros?

Good look. Passion. Redhead.

Well she's cold now.

I will be mad if we don't get atleast a G Gundam reference.

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but nenenenene went kung fu on mangs ass

Fuck midget chinks

Anan did nothing wrong, guys just don't understand a woman's heart and love.

Kibou is doing just that.

Isn't the promotional artwork based of some of the shots from G Gundam?

How is this?

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Anna did nothing wrong.

Holy fucking shit YOOOO. Now I'm excited for Kuon Shining Finger

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This hasn't been reposted in a while.

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>when your sheer anger distorts the sound waves

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It'd be more popular if they had more shots like this.

Why does everyone hate her again?

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Look forward to next episode then.


The magiaconatus loves her though.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.05_[2019.07.12_16.25.39].jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Because she's not as charismatic as the villain.

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She is a mature woman.

Nice headcanon.

Go to hell, Mick Jagger.

It's literally what happened.

If Anna really hates (love) Ernesta, her anger will be strong enough to revive her.


>Magicoitus brings Anna spirit back to defend itself against Shingetsu

I don't, I want to protect her

Attached: comforting pat.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

I'm in the process of learning photoshop just so I can make a diaper edit of this.

>implying Magiaconatus is not head over heels for Chinko

Why is japanese such a sexy language guys? I just spent 10 minutes saying japanese gibberish and it came out as a beautiful song.


This also needs a repost.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 02 [720p].mkv - 0026.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Shut up Ernesta.

Suck my Chinko, faggot.

>How do they do it? How is it that action dykes is the best genre?


Female revenge/violence is the high iq genre.

>Among the 7 Granbelm participants most are middle and high school girls

Bullshit what about older females too from college girls, housewives and OL's. They deserve to have Granbelm's too.

Magiacoconuts isn't into old hags

>Magiacoconuts isn't into old hags
Wrong. The Magiacoconuts system is broken as hell OL's can get Granbelm's regardless.

gents, we have just witnessed the pinnacle of voice acting

Magiconuts has literally my taste

Then why did Neneene make it into the top ten?


You have a terrible taste for bringing in MangoSue

Anna did nothing wrong.

Manko is Magiaconatus. The one they love is Shinko.

Pretty sure she didn't got a single right in her life.

What was it's name again?


wait wrong show

It's in her blood.

Attached: WATASE-AOBAAAAAAA.png (1280x720, 769K)

Lovin the screaming beams.

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>How is it that action dykes is the best genre?
Can you tell me how it's not?

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I don't think Kibou would want to rape them.

Kino episode.

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Ne**3 tricked them

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>you'll never work for an anime audio company and record screaming for a living

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This is just undertaker vs mankind but with girls in magical mechas.


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Manko broke her, now she is just her playing.

If Mangetsu is Magiacrobats and she loves Shingetsu, then why would she put herself in this scenario?

Attached: Granbelm.webm (1280x720, 349K)

>implying it wasn't Kuon who lure her there

I bet Suishou did this

Macropics are weak to K-Ons.

If Mang is Magicalcoitus I don't think she has any control over what happens.

I wish we were in Friday already

>Mangetsu loves Shingetsu

Oh no no Oneechan is mad right now !!

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Keion needs some good spanking


She loves Kuon too. She loves all little girls.

What do you mean it's original from last broadcast

which ep is this again? I quickly ran through them all again and couldn't find this part

Preview for the next episode.

I just noticed there's this visual motive whenever a girl powers up. Pic related is from Manko's and Anna's.

Chinko still hasn't needed to use this sort of thing so I guess she hasn't gone all out yet?

Attached: power up.jpg (1896x2132, 327K)

Chinko doesn't have a heart so she can't power up.

t. Anna

It's in the OP, she's probably always powered up.

Attached: 1558556926115.jpg (1280x1440, 764K)

>she's probably always powered up
But when they power up they also get the crest on their eyes (Anna only got it for a second, though).

To me it looks like Shingetsu has been fighting in normal mode so far.

Shingetsu is that guy in a shounen who always says that he's only fighting at a fraction of his power level.


These gears start moving when the bitches power up so I think Chinko hasn't done it yet.

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I didn't like the way they reused Mangetsu's sperg-out song. It didn't feel fitting.

The one the used when Chinko summoned the spirit? It fit just fine.

So we all agree that we want the anime to end with Ernesta winning the big fight, being all happy about destroying magic, just for her to be stabbed from behind by Anna's sister, right?

I think Chinko is gonna come around and get over her hate for magic (and herself) at the end.

Because Manko crushes her and her dream?

Clare is a good girl. Not for grudges.

Anna please, I'm sure she's more reasonable than you despite her mother and sister being hospitalised/six feet under indirectly due to shingetsu

Anna was a good girl too.

>by mangetsu

Clare will stab her outside of Granbum.

Because she's gonna get character development. That's a thing you know.

Being a murdered would make her special, right?

>Because she's gonna get character development
Through dream crushing?

Through dream building.