Which one?
Which one?
Right. How is this even a question?
>same persobality
>same retarded tyle of boxing
>same design
Why are the japanese such shit writers?
That doesn't make the other one bad in any way though.
You got all three of those wrong, retard.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to criticize things, it lowers the IQ of the room.
Left obviously. Fucking amazing show.
Shit sucks you fag.
Splain yourself fool
Does the story/fights get better in Ippo after the anime? I didn't start reading the manga after I was done watching it but I'm contemplating on doing it.
Joe because it has an end
I went through all of Ippo waiting for that famous moment of Joe dying to happen thinking they were the same anime lol
>I didn't start reading the manga after I was done watching it but I'm contemplating on doing it.
Read the manga from the beginning, if you can; even the original anime omitted some things for legal reasons. With Hajime no Ippo, it's most entertaining being able to read entire matches in one go (especially the non-Ippo) matches. If you enjoy it and catch up to the weekly chapters, just drop it if it's in the middle of a match, because fuck reading this series weekly. Between the translators taking multiple-week breaks between chapters or the months some of the matches can take, you'll quickly get starved for Ippo-related discussion.
Also, avoid the Ippo threads on Yea Forums. They're almost always populated by shitposters who don't even read/watch Ippo and just spam that shitty oxygen meme.
t.user who got into Ippo through the anime after seeing oxygen memes posted on Yea Forums.
No way I'm going to read 500 chapters of events that I already went through just because some things were omitted.
>just because some things were omitted.
did you watch all the way up to rising or just the first season?
I only have one episode left in New Challenger
>I only have one episode left in New Challenger
then you haven't gotten to the third season. the third season 'rising' was a complete shitshow as adaptations go. the only part they got right was originally supposed to be an ova, which they tacked on to the end of the third season after the voice actor for kamogawa passed away.
Maybe I will check it out in the manga if it's really that bad but no way I'm starting from the very beginning
>kamogawa passed away
did you watch the 'champion's road' movie and mashiba vs kimura ova? if not, watch those, finish new challenger and switch to the manga from chapter 397 and read from there. rising is complete garbage, as an anime adaption goes. while the first two anime omit real-life references and shortens some of the matches, towards the end of new challenger, to save time, rising completely omits characterization, build up to the matches and dumbs down characters to save time, on top of the music and sound-direction being decidedly shittier they splurge on bringing some real life celebrity to announce the matches, when they changed to a different director.
Rising really sounds terrible. As far as the references, HnI was my first exposure to boxing, I wouldn't get the references nor do I really care.
>rising completely omits characterization, build up to the matches and dumbs down characters to save time
I'll never not be mad about this. Fuck Rising.
Joe's a better series
If you meant in a fight then Ippo, pretty sure he's in a heavier weight class than Joe and also has oxygen magic
Both. Only a brainlet would purposely limit their opinions.
ippo's hair is light brown?
I still can't get over the fact that the author of Berserk was an understudy of Morikawa, at one point; much less the fact that Hajime no Ippo and Berserk both started publication in Oct. of 1989.
>and just spam that shitty oxygen meme.
Haven't seen that forever, it's just been "coach is a retard" and "left hand is bullshit, ippo not realizing coach is a retard makes the retirement arc pointless"
Joe is so much fucking different than Ippo in every way it's not even funny
Kamogawa is a retard. I gave up on Ippo threads during that long-ass drought of chapters, right after DynamiteGlove.com died.
>Joe is so much fucking different than Ippo in every way it's not even funny
Sendo from Hajime no Ippo is a literally an early Ashita no Joe, Yabuki Joe reference, just not as much an asshole.
why not both? read more sports manga.
Did Raiku drew this?
left for anime, right for manga
Fucking scondaries. Ippo gets brain damage and flopped so hard he got beaten by a 3rd world fighter. His persistence is pathetic while he couldn't achive anything.
>not right for anime and left for manga
>beaten by a 3rd world fighter
Why is this worth mentioning? Ricardo is dominating the whole class.
what the fuck are you talking about you cocksucker
They are completely different. Ashita no Joe used boxing fights to extensively tell a story. Hajime no Ippo uses a story to extensively tell boxing fights.
If you have low IQ, you probably prefer HnI.
>3rd world fighter.
Harsh enviroment creates stronger people,just look at how great blacks are at sports
smooth brain
I genuinely did not care for Ippo.
That's my second favorite boxing manga after Joe. It's great.
This one.