She sold out Kawamatsu, didn't she?
What is she planning?
One Piece
Other urls found in this thread:
Hiyori and Kyoshiro are scheming to take over Wano.
Do you know what a Calendar is, user?
Everyone lived in the sky and space before the void century
we already have the best yonko here in wano, tho
What did Oda mean by this?
bold of you to think we'd be checking in on blackbeard again after act 2, user.
Thread reminder that Vivi will rejoin the crew and get the Nikyu frui
Artur made an error in his translation of OP Magazine's ship information. The portion of one of Big Mom's ships being stolen by Bonney is inaccurate. This was posted in the previous thread, but in case some missed it I'll post it here. Too many people have eaten up this false info.
>you remember those Rebecca theories where waifufags thought she would be a badass woman fighter with fire power
>What is she planning?
To lure Zoro's seed into her womb
Artur really needs to admit that his japanese isn't that good yet. He shouldn't translate things he's not sure of
You know the Chinese have a different calendar than the Romans, right?
personally, i don't think i would buy a "hiyori was evil this whole time!!" thing anymore. BUT i do like the idea that she has some really strong pent-up rage towards his family for leaving her behind
hiyori ditching kawamtsu for greener pastures with kyoshiro would be somewhat interesting, in my opinion. we're talking about a 13 years old making some rash and impulsive decisions, after all
Franky bathes once every three days, the same as Usopp and Chopper
I hope so, because for the moment Hiyori isn't a very compelling character except if you're a Zoro self-insert.
What was Yea Forums's reaction to the first Enelface, aka when it was released in the manga?
franky is mostly made out of metal so it's a bit different for him compared to the rest of the crew
I guess he doesn’t want to rust his parts.
defend usopp then
Yea Forums wasn't a thing yet
Yet they all smell better than Sanji who smells like fish and cigarettes lmao
That would be the same kind of plot we had in WCI with sanji’s wife.
>Sanji who smells like fish
He’s been spending too much time with Nami
Africans don't bathe everyday
A manly man requires a manly musk, and Chopper is an animal.
nami smells like oranges
Why that specifically?
Kaienreki means "Sea Circle era," marine means related to the sea so I assume that's why they went with "Marine Calendar." If we're to take the circle in the name of the era literally, it could imply that whatever happened to start the era is what caused the formation of the current seas and red line.
We'll be getting Blackbeard preparing to sail iff somewhere, with his crew and a reveal of other DFs.
Then for Act 3 Intermission, he'll be shown sailing off somewhere, with him seriously punped up.
And for Act 4, the actual War, he shows up.
... not really. "hiyori was evil this whole time!!" would be more in line with pudding's story during whole cake island
So eating her out is like eating oranges? Nice
Oars is a cultural icon in the world of one piece
Oars and his symbols mean strength, size, danger etc
Its like Hercules or John Henry etc
So can Zoro sense that she's a liar? Like Luffy with Rebecca and Sangay with Viola
Wow, didn't realize the reference to Nami getting squeezed
Mostly because all of the seafood he's near in the kitchen
they know what they're doing
All the pussy he gets.
>What does Nami's x smell/taste like?
The answer is always tangerines.
Imagine how big it is...
t. Sanji
That's how they smell from Chopper's perspective.
even as a strong zoro / hiyori faggot, I don't trust her at all. she's obviously not telling the whole truth. my personal theory atm is she's scheming to take over Wano with Kyoshiro, and at the end of the arc Zoro and Kyoshiro will have a classic samurai duel.
So her butthole smells like this too?
>Hiyori is good
>But she's actually evil!
>But she falls in love with a strawhat so now she's good.
Yeah, really liking this theory from you guys.
Why not at least shitpost about the only one who's canon?
>She smiles like a horse too!
Huh, how come they didn't notice this typo? It's supposed to say "smell".
Also, just let me fantasize in peace.
t. Sanji
The world's strongest woman
I don't think Hiyori is evil (we already got Pudding last arc) but she might think her little brother is not fit to reign since he was absent for 20 years
The world's strongest man
I mean big brother, excuse me
yes. she didn't know momo survived, and was probably planning a backup plan with denjiro.
Women are weak and stupid and weak and deserve to be defeated off screen
Old trio of admirals is stronger than emperors
Look at the effect Aokiji vs Akainu had on Punk Hazard and the effect Kaido vs Big Mom has on Onigashima, Kaido's mansion still standing
meant to reply to
>Zoro, why are there bite marks and slobber all over Wado Ichimonji's grip? I did tell you it's considered the 23rd best sword in the world, right?
but sensei it still has kuina's scent,sweat and flavor left on it!
Nothing. She ran away, became a whore and was ashamed to see him again. You really think a sheltered preteen would be a double faced mastermind? Kyoshiro is probably a good guy too.
FUCK OFF retard
she's the closest to taking over Wano in her family. Clearly an Oden will have to take control once again but Momo is too young to be able to do it. everyone will rally around Momo to fight but hiyori will be the one to actually lead until he's old enough.
Tin Man, Dorothy, Scarecrow and the Lion against Kaido
I wonder where are the scarecrow, lionman, tinman of Kaido's crew, that we saw in Caribou's cover story
Jaiminis took the L
Why so many characters. How can you even keep up ffs.
She is a whore. If you expect loyalty from her, you are a naive idiot.
What the fuck is the point of that? that Means they want the same thing. And she’s already next in line.
>She sold out Kawamatsu, didn't she?
As a samurai, I'm 100% certain he preferred she ran away and escaped safely rather than her getting caught to be executed as a child to ensure the previous royalty never comes back.
Okama Sanji
Maybe Kaido had a really good engineer to build Onigashima...
Get out of Wano, white devil
She was captured and tortured for information. They executed her and captured the kappa. Kyoshirou picked a girl to pass on as hiyori when the time came to work as a mole by giving her the info they got from the real hiyori as a child.
I'm not really seeing the tin man in Yatappe.
They are awakened logia you retard. They just turned their surroundings into their element.
are we really sure about letting these guys freely roam wano without grandpa hyo to keep them in check?
There is no future for such criminals in this country.
based ochou
Hey Yea Forums, would you mind watching this for me while I’m out? I gotta pick some stuff from the store. Just make sure nothing happens to it, okay?
biro biro biro biro
biro biro biro biro
Marco is stronger than Kizaru
>How can you even keep up ffs.
I don't. I can't even remember their names, and I'm betting on Kaidou swatting them all at once like flies in the final battle.
technically momo is the last now, since he is only 8 years old while hiyori is in her 20s. unless he manages to die first to the next generation kaido in a decade or two, he'll outlive her.
>Kyoshiro is probably a good guy too.
Has there ever been a "good guy" who casually kills civilians in One Piece ?
>you will never have your fans cheer when you do something as mundane as picking up the snail
How do I achieve this level of funk?
by jumping off a cliff to divebomb a yonko as a dinosaur
pirates are good guys, even people like big mom and kid who confirmed to kill people
...They're both alive: they're both the last of their blood line until one of them dies.
King Punch is still stronger than Brachio Bomber
Oi, Kaido
anyone who kills anyone in one piece is automatically the bad guy.
post one piece trivia:
The Zoan type is the only Devil Fruit type that has yet to be shown with two known users for a single fruit.
Roger killed a nation's entire army for making fun of Buggy.
What a horny and devious woman
Why is Franky as retarded as baby Chopper?
I bet she actually did masturbate with the hilt.
I never knew I needed one of those so bad. Thanks for sharing, user.
Wouldn't Chopper and Sengoku's Hito Hito count or are they too fundamentally different for that?Does Sengoku even have the Hito Hito no mi or am I misemembering things?
Looks like someone's having fun
it has to be literally the same fruit, like with Ace and Sabo
carmel and linlin
>how can we beated the Beast Pirates even though we outnumber them by lots?
>PERFECT DEFEATER DEVIL FRUIT at your service, have a dumpling
I hope you're ready for Wano to just keep getting worse and worse and w o r s e!
so far she hasn't tamed an actual zoan user, but "regular" animals and smile users.
Sure, there's no way it could work on them, right.
ESL genocide when?
maybe if tama was born with conqueror's haki and she imbued her fruit power with it she could command regular zoans and normal humans
ESL are taking over this board kiddo
The sooner the better so there will be no more Sanjifags on this board
I still doubt shes the real Hyori, its all Kyoshiro's ruse, the sword monk is taking care of the real Hyori
>shutenmaru was the one that stole the onigashima blueprints
lame and convenient as fuck
Hey, I'm from OroJackson. Our forum is getting closed soon so I guess I'll be staying here :^)
>this is the best oda can do to represent a fight between two of the most powerful beings in the series
Why are we reading this trash again?
You'll all root for this man in the end, for him to crush Luffy and trample him under the boots.
You will.
state your favourite character AND arc
This, why wasn't a new character added?
Would you fuck Sandersonia? Depending on your answer I may have to kick your ass.
>implying I don't already root for him
What do you think of the following:
>World Government
In my opinion she is a power hungry hoe YO
She follows the strongest swordsman she comes across.
That's ehy she lefts kawamatsu for kyoshirou thats why she left kyoshirou for Zoro YO
or use a character not connected to the main red scabbard plotline
This. Why didn't Apoo do it?
I can see her do this.
>tfw my little sister did that with my wii remote controllers
Yes i licked them afterwards
>How can you even keep up
by not being autistic
>Whitebeard: Used a big polearm, was a true man
>Kaido: Uses a big club, is a "thing" apparently
>Big Mom: Uses a sword, is a woman
>Shanks: Wears high heels and uses a sword.
Is Shanks a man?
Depends. How many roads has he walked down?
No he's a poneglyph
As if Oda is against recycling plotlines.
Shanks is a hobo
You can fantasize all you want. Just never post here again.
>Injured Zoro and keeps his injury from healing.
>Injured based Gyukimaru.
>Sanji didn’t turn to stone on sight of her yet she is a “most beautiful” character.
Something is very off about her.
Cause Sanji likes men and traps
There is only one (1) thing Chopper can ever do better than Law
The bloodline of D is simply too important
Initially we couldn’t say that Sanji was a Beauty Canary, because Boa Hancock could turn anyone to stone like that.
All Chopper haters will apologize when he will be to be only character able to cure Luffy's sickness in the last arc
Chopper is superior at making medicine. Law is superior as a surgeon.
Chopper has Vegapunk-tier IQ, Law is just two or three standard deviations from the norm.
Without Law Luffy would die at Marineford
I can't wait to see Oda apologizing on his knees for being a bad writer all this time!
Everyone else read it already...
You do realize Marco was there too? Oda going the route still confuses me to this day
It's at Laugh Tale
gregorian, mayan calendar, etc
Would someone like him have access to Seastone Bullets? Has Shanks and his crew been to Wano?
anti-sanji fags = reddit
Oda’s favorite characters are Buggy and Luffy
Sanji going to be named Naruto, but then Naruto came out
Sanji is Oda's self insert. There's a picture of Oda doing the exact same pose as the eye-catcher
damn internet forums are really going extinct aren't they
No, that would be Shanks
Oda's favorite song of all time is I'm Gonna Getcha Good by Shania Twain!
Not necessary. Blackbeard isn't making a move right now. The whole point of that scene was to get Perona and Mihawk to where Moria is.
Reverie resolution is more important at the moment.
>Sanji is Oda's self insert
Where does this came from? Because Oda likes to draw chicks in skimpy clothes?
Som old ones are still around but they're really dropping like flies the past few years.
>So this boy, Monkey D Luffy... atm he's like the biggest threat to world order
>Aye he really is a pain in the ass, messing with the emperors and shichibukais...
>That's true
>So perhaps we should send an amiral after him, just so he could be killed and would not longer cause trouble?..
>Yeah nah
Sounds like they need a back up plan in case they both die.
Seastone bullets are wasteful, you only need that if you don't have haki.
Chopper is cooler than law because of Monster Point, Heavy point, and every other point that isn’t Brain or Kung-fu point
He is also cuter because of brain point and walk point
His dick is probably bigger, too
The only thing Law has over him is a Submarine and a best friend who is a bear
You mean like how Akainu sent Fujitora?
this page is better in black and white
lazy cunt should have gone there himself to get the job done instead of sending the blind bastard
Damn, remember when Monster Point was actually cool?
Do you remember how many breads you've eaten in your life?
I miss berserk kaiju Chopper.Shame we only got to see it a grand total of two times before the timeskip made him goofy.
When will Kaido fucking use his hybrid form?
Tashigi is getting cucked hard here
>futa robin and nami
Yeah, man. Maybe we’ll get to see chopper go all out with Monster point and he’ll go on a rampage, but like, a controlled one
Definitely but I’ve only got the colored ones saved
God, I want to be spitroasted by futa Robin and Nami...
when will tashigi be relevant bros
she was introduced 800 chapters ago
any site where I can get viz quality scan without the double spread been split in half? Or it doesn't exist
So keeping old Moriah in mind, did GODA have the stones to kill off Kidd's krew via Kaido and again have Kaido put Killer out of his laughing misery?
kidd is on his way to get back his people, right now. i think the named crew members will still be alive (and maybe smile'd too like killer) but the rest of the fodder might be gone
I mean, you can merge them together if that's what you want. But if you want to actually read through comfily you're out of luck.
don't forget pre-TS Horn Point...
Reminder that still no Post-TS Jump Point.
Will he get another flashback?
No Blackbeard and no Reverie either. My guess it's going to be Weevil, Marco and Neko
>a lot of best strawhat's attacks make use of italian words
thank you oda for paying homage to my country
Yep, it'll be about how he became Tsuru's apprentice and her plan to kill Kaido.
I love them!!!
>tsuru's apprentice
Is the approach of WEEVIL the END of the STRAW HAT LUFFY? Can the STRAW HAT CREW escape this powerful enemy?
Find out next act after that other one, on ONE PIECE!
Re-Read Law's backstory on Minion Island.
Weevil will take out Kaido
you sure that wasn't anime-only? because this is the last we see of drake during law's flashback
That aggressive Napoleon is actually shy around strangers
alright, you may pass
Yes, and who's ship was waiting on the shore to pick him up?
not tsuru's? her ship only came after the whole ordeal between mingo and cora
mama gives him confidence
Will we ever have a more classical arc like Alabasta where every straw hat get a fight or the manga against high ranked enemies or the manga is now too big for it?
I don't consider myself to be a fightfag, but I'd really like the whole crew to shine in battle at least once in the new world
I swear fightfags are the worst
Yes, and as a superior you'd expect her to be informed of everything that happened on the island? It makes sense, even if it's just an educated guess you know, actually piecing things the characters that appeaed together.
I don't understand something. So here, Oda clearly states that Chopper's "Brain Point" is just his normal everyday form, right?
But during his battle with Merry Christmas and Mr 4, he took a rumble ball to transform into Brain Point. How does that make any sense?
Useless bastard
she looks exactly like Kiku. what did Oda mean by this?
That traps aren't gay. Just disgusting like used up diseased whores.
One more thing about Tsuru is that Garp has a grandson in the Worst Generation, and Sengoku at this point kinda has one too (by being Law's father figure's father figure). Their relationships even mirror each other. Tsuru is the odd one out. So Drake would make sense. BTW, when will we finally see Garp and Garpgoku talk and argue about Luffy and Law?
When's he going to show back up?
Why do only good guys die in one piece?
reminder that law ruined everything
Rumble ball allows his brain point to find his enemy's weakness.
Chopper never used "Scope" without the Rumble Ball... though I don't remember Walk Point or Heavy Point having anything like this. And Chopper never used Scope post-TS.
I'm curious, do you think of any of the other Supernovas will get flashback backstories? I kinda hated that Capone's was dumped via exposition.
>Criminals and Pirates.
>Good guys.
I'm sorry?
She's Kuina who went full blackpill about being a woman and so is using feminine charm to bring down a nation
Zoro will only be able to save her by reminding her how great swinging swords at people is.
Now keep in mind there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest Komurasaki is secretly Kuina, and I'm just yanking in that Kuina stuff with the assumption that whenever a Strawhat gets focus, it means their backstory is going to come up again
>Sengoku gave Spandine the buster call
>Aokiji gave Spandam the buster call
>Sengoku wanted Aokiji to become the fleet admiral
What does that mean?
That's kinda dumb, since the point of rumble balls is only giving extra transformations, as has been stated multiple times.
But alright, I can take that headcanon.
What are you talking about? Babanuki lives
>the reason Hiyori had such a fucked up face is because of the stumble down the stairs she took when she was a child
Didn't Spandam steal the Den Den Mushi from Aokiji?
I actually don't think we needed anything more on Capone. You want to see his sad childhood leading him to his current situation? Or introduce some random mob boss for him to kill? Not everyone needs a flashback, lots of great characters do well without them. As for your main point, Bonney is getting one 100%, I expect Urouge to get one too. I doubt in Hawkins or Apoo will have anything. Kid (with Hawkins) is a maybe.
How do Powerlevel fags deal with the fact that Dragon has a bounty less than three hundred million ¥?
*with Killer
I can't believe Roger had less than 300 million in his bounty.
At this point I can only think that Kid and Killer will get flashback stories and since they've been friends since childhood Oda can have them both happen at the same time, other than that probably not. I think the rest will have a couple of flashback panels or just straight up dumped via exposition like Bege's, which is disappointing because I'd love to see more about these guys
>Imu doesn't care about him (contrary to his son)
>Gorosei doesn't care about him (contrary to his son)
>is actually weak as fuck
Checks out. Powerlevelchads, rise up!
Not even Dragon's allies know where he's from. Why would hicks that thought DFs were just a myth know? And he clearly wasn't from Goa himself, otherwise he wouldn't have been surprised at its state when visiting.
>Yes, and as a superior you'd expect her to be informed of everything that happened on the island? It makes sense
i mean, i guess but straight up saying that drake is/was an apprentice of tsuru is kinda misleading
We can excuse that. Bellies used to be 1 to 1 with 1998 US Dollars, but purchasing power loss is a one hell of a thing in One Piece
repeat after me,
queen = kuina
Bonney is getting one (hared with Kuma), that's not even debatable.
is jaimini dead or something? what is going on
Woop Slap knew about Dragon, note how he comments about "three generations".
But yeah, the random villagers didn't know since it wasn't announced to the public until Marineford.
I'd mating press her all day and night
God the nuts I would bust inside this woman
Amazon position only allowed.
It's always fucking futa isn't it?
Babanukibros are a joy of life
No need to be mean user, everyone on the ship is friends with each other, can't we be the same?
ugly big head
No. You can keep her. Humans only
Assume the position Nami
Like some of these brutal, savage and ruthless beast...
No, Nami! I'll take your place instead!
>Yea Forums back in the day: The KAIDO GROUP will be like an entire group of LUCCI, let's make all the hype! HYPE!
>Yea Forums at Zou: Pffft, GODA is always goofy
>Yea Forums now: Beast Pirates always SUCKED and we knew it
I hate to say it but that's my fetish.
God i fucking hate Oda sometimes
I remember when he had actual tension to his character and development to make. Chopper was insecure and having such destructive, uncontrollable power locked inside him only reinforced said insecurity.
Usopp was also insecure too, in a different way, but he had multiple opportunities to man up and develop. Chopper manned up during the timeskip, we didn't see shit happen. We can believe that Usopp is well on his road to becoming a brave warrior of the seas, if he already can't be considered one, because we saw his progression. With Chopper one moment he was conflicted about being a freak of nature and needing to become a monster to be stronger, and then right after he's saying that he's a monster and he's okay without showing him struggling and giving him a big moment to show him overcoming these issues.
It's why his character feels cheapened these days. It's not even the design, that's a separate problem. It's the fact that what made him interesting pre-TS was solved with a single line of "yeah I really don't care anymore even though I did like two arcs ago lol" like it was never an issue.
>Hating on based Mouseman
Get the fuck outta here
being gay isn't a fetish, it's a sexual orientation
why can't Nami be the one fucking instead? She's always getting fucked by futa
We’re definitely getting one for Urouge once Eneru comes back.
Chronologically, left occurs before right because One Piece is a time warping treasure that fucks up history and confuses people so that younger Luffy of the future past going to towards the future again and again is STORONGERER in base mode without using armament hakis than he would be with the Gear 4 Boundman at maximum strength with the armament hakis
I don't know, him being willing to use Monster Point for the sake of the crew is already a stepping stone towards accepting being a "monster". It's a natural progression. Especially that both Sabaody and Marineford were big shocks for the crew, something that may make you reevaluate your life. Zoro got something similar too. Usopp on the other hand repeats his "run away but found the courage came back for his friends" after supposedly manning up through the timeskip. If I was to choose, in this aspect Chopper definitely got it better, the problem is Oda decided he should be a mascot for the most part.
Bros, please don't take the bait... do it... for Bobbin,
No, but the fact Kaido is a crew killer will be readdressed in this arc.
I bet Moria was just as confident as Luffy in his own Wano arc.
what if Hiyori is not Komurasaki?
idk i like seeing Nami get fucked, she's very rapeable
>Queen is the only one who stayed on Onigashima while Jack and King ran away
Why is he so based?
people only die when it has a purpose for the story.babanuki dying would do nothing for the story of wano. In the grand scheme of things hes just a random underling of kaido with a name.
You could be onto something
what a stupid answer, what the fuck, for the first time an user is not asking a retarded question.
you know there are no chinese and no romans in One Piece?
so, the Marine and the Space are...??
Are you honestly trying to imply that Komurasaki is Hiyori's heartless?
Haki club
Nobody like hiyori
Shut up Tashigi
Did her eye color get retconned 2 times??
>after 650 chapters, an admiral vs admiral battle for once
>completely offscreen
>after 960 chapters, a yonko vs yonko battle for once
>completely offscreen
fuck you, oda
Okay retard.
Luffy slapped Vivi and told her her friends can die, yet none of his friends can.
>Gyuk storyline resolves
>Zoro, Hiyori, Kawamatsu and him rejoice, ready to report to Kinemon they have wepons
>a shadowed figure looks from afar
>pulls out a shamisen
>starts playing
>full view, it's our "act girl"
>curtain falls
>Hancock will never pin you down and rape you until she's pregnant
I imagine a cute friendship since Boa was already rejected as potential love interest
Problem is, while there's plenty to suggest that they could be two different people, there's no "why" established yet.
I mean, I suppose misdirecting us into thinking Hiyori is Komurasaki adds a narrative tension in the sense of "Komurasaki is sneaky, so so might Hiyori be", but I dunno.
>ywn hug a big cuddly kappa
why live
its kinda what luffy and boa already have
That was shit Robin made up.
That Poneglyph details the location of Pluton, but she didn't translate it so Crocodile doesn't get his hands on it.
Though chances are before the WG was formed it probably was called the 'Heavens Calendar', it was just renamed in order to remove all traces of the ancient kingdom once the WG came in to power.
somehow I didn't realize he was so huge. I thought he was a kappalet
oh no no no no no
In the spread at the end of 948 you can see he's roughly the same height as the other Scabbards. They're all pretty tall.
i bet kawamatsu smells
fair point. I'm just not sure why his relative size to kiku and raizo and luffy didn't register with me
What if you're not a fucking idiot?
Honestly, even if you're a conspiracybro, there's still an issue of Brook not recognizing her. Even though he clearly saw Komurasaki as she was being struck down by Kyoushiro. He still talks as if she was dead and a "third person" when he encounters Hiyori and Zoro. And she's "the most beautiful woman in Wano" and with Brook being Brook, no way he'd forgot her. Of course, this may just lead to a shitty contrived gag like "corpse of your friend" in Zou.
thier fight last for week and the beast pirates said that if kaido and big mum will fight for the rest of the day they will destroy the island
Why has the art in the most recent chapters felt kind of lazy? Is it just our shitty redrawers? I don't want to hate on muh boy Oda.
The Vivre Cards fucked up Corazon's height despite it being stated in an SBS so that's what I'm assuming happened with Kanjuro. He's consistently been shown to be a similar height as Kin'emon so I don't see how that would be the case.
950 is one of the best looking Wano chapters, I can't wait for the volume release
I don't know. I feel like Oda draws everything so tiny now.
Pretty sure they mean Tsuna-Goro
nah kanjuro is just huge now
Can't show a sex scene so deliberately.
I dunno but I loved this color page.
what did hiyori mean by this?
>Prostitute that sells her family out and body no less is a lying whore
No way
Shame Lucci did nothing in the final battle of Stampede.
>Oda: Man, woman sure are strong...
>Endgame chapter
>We're at Rafuteru
>Besides the Straw hats,there's also one more crew
>Cue ZEHAHAHAHA and a cheesy speech about being the pirate king
>They start fighting
>Blackbeard summons a blackhole that swallows a good chunk of the island
>Suddenly a mysterious figure materializes out of it
>He says,finally after 800 years he will be able to get rid of the D menace once and for all with the power of One Piece
>Cue a three-way CoC haki clash
R8 my shitty twist.
hahahahahah oh my young summer child it's not raftel but laugh tale
That's not really that far off from his height in the past though
Does O-Tama have a limit to her abilities? Right now she has the most powerful DF in wano if there isn't.
it is though
Wait until Brook summons everyone Kaido ever killed to aid in the final fight.
Did it ever state how she got that broken as fuck DF in the first place when she can barely find food in general.
checked. why is oda making brook such a beast?
i wanna have a children with Moon Flower, i claim her as my waifu
either someone in the village found it in the wild one day and gave to her since she was so young, or she found it on her own and ate it then and there.
she is my favorite crying princess
She tried okay?
All night until I die
Will Zoro cry in this arc? I think he didn't since Baratie, not even in comedy situations. Jinbe probably cried more than him.
So you’re the one who defeated Mihawk...he may have been the greatest swordsman among mortals but among gods it’s a different story
>can't even BLACKEN the sword
Yeah, no.
Mihawk isn't even YC tier. The WG only call him the greatest swordsman as propaganda.
I'm fine with her crying after all the stuff that's happened but I want her to do the "I'm not crying" face more because it's cute and funny. Her reunion with Kawamatsu would've been a great opportunity for that and I wish it happened then.
>white swords weak black swords strong
Wait till you see the swords without ANY color
That's right, you won't be able to see them at all to begin with! Can't block what you can't see!
Will she beat Rebecca and Shirahoshi in term of crying?
Flowing haki, son.
I don't think that's possible
I laughed when he pulled out his sword when Akainu was shittalking them, as if that would do anything.
>we already have the best yonko here in wano, tho
Yes. Based O-Linlin has been single-handedly saving Kaido's arc.
Did we get a vive cards on the Gorosei members? I'd like to know their height and age
No. We don't even know their names.
Trips of truth
>freely traveled the grandline up to dressrosa
If he was so strong why did he let himself get executed?
Roger gave himself up since he was dying anyways. What's his excuse?
Hiyori cries more than Rebecca ...
he was weak
the king was the real hero
How does he compare to Kinemon ?
it was a science ship with as state-of-the-art ship instruments his kingdom could fit his ship with for the time period. it wasn't because he was strong.
Crazy, their introduction is from over 700 chapters ago yet we still don't know something as basic as their name because for some reason Oda won't have things like databooks, SBS and vive cards reveal it.
Nobody cries more than Rebecca
It would be disappointing to learn stuff like this from such sources. They're not Ms. Doublefinger.
It's a Socrates situation, he believed he owns loyalty to the state.
at least one of them must have a family name that was already mentioned/introduced in the series and Oda is waiting for the best moment to hit us with it.
I guess the complete mystery surrounding them is a testament of the importance they will have later in the story even if they're the bitches of a higher villain (YM)
Is there even someone in the OP world who would risk their life for Kaido or Big Mom besides Jack.
No one seems really enthusiastic/ loyal about their Yonko captain
katakuri tried to protect big mom during the tea party but she yelled at him for doing it, implying no one should bother protecting her other than herself.
smoothie seems pretty loyal too
just like katakuri yelled at flampe
Pekoms definitely (unless it was to conflict with his loyalty to Mokomo Dukedom). He would rather die than join with Bege to kill her, and his last words are assuring him he'll fail. Minks' loyalty can't be overstated. Tamago and Katakuri also showed deep concern for her rule. So BM surely has many such people. I'm not sure about Kaido, we don't know to much about his men, but calamities probably could do it.
I'm pretty sure they used to be soldiers, although it's not really noticeable in english, in japanese they speak quite rough, ending their sentences with particle like ぜ, ぞ. Not very politician like
What did Garp mean by this?
>No one seems really enthusiastic/ loyal about their Yonko captain
some examples?
meh they all act more like it´s their job and try to stop collateral damage in general cause they know what happens if their boss goes apeshit
The multiverse is a mysterious place.
No, they don't. Katakuri specifically targets Luffy because he's afraid he may threaten BM somewhere in the future. Tamago gives a whole speech to Mon't Dor about what it takes to keep empire. Pekoms refuses to betray BM even if it means his death.
i was referring to these couple of panels, by the way
Why is Katakuri's "future sight" seen as so unique when Eneru and Sandersonia both predicted attacks before they even happened?
Aren't we going to get this animated in October?
We're nearing 30 chapters, aren't we? At this rate it may turn out Onigashima is truly Act III
Why does not Katakuri have any children?
He is 48 years old
He should spread his genes
Except Monster Point is no longer monstrous
The fact that he can fully control it means it's literally just a stronger point
>peace main pirate
Glad that Oda decided to drop that.
Enel and Sander can only predict attacks aimed at them, Katakuri can actually see into the future.
Tama is his daughter
Maybe he does but his kids are irrelevant to the story.
Because Katakuri can literally see the events that will transpire in the future and not just predict attacks based on intent. He even goes as far as to tell you what you'll say next word-for-word.
When was it said he doesn't?
Was it confirmed that next weeks chapter ends act 2? And that next weeks chapter is fire.
To be fair, he's a father figure to half his siblings. Plenty of work as it is.
that´s respect and experience, not loyalty.
Kata literally wants Luffy bring BM down since Luffy is the first strong person he can look up to in 40 years unlike his own mother
Pekoms choses Minks over BM in the end
we only got a tweet from one of the mangaplus' translators saying that 953 is gonna be lovely. i read that last time this same person hyped up a chapter, we got the killer/kamazo reveal
If you trust anons that spread rumors created by some spanish translator, then sure.
Basic CoO is just reading the opponent's intent.
Katakuri would have no problem dodging pic related because he actually sees the future.
Unconfirmed. The buzz was generated by a tweet from the official spanish translator hyping the next chapter. Supposedly, it's meant to close Act 2. We have no idea if it actually will.
>that´s respect and experience, not loyalty
that's one way to see it but right before those panels, daifuku and perospero were arguing about who the next captain of the big mom's pirates would be if linlin was killed
Bullshit, I'm pretty sure Oda didn't even send the chapter to his edtiors yet
i was skeptical too but, apparently, it's the norm for official translators
I have the chapter
the "next chapter is gonna close act 2 off" rumor comes from the fact that, i think, 953 will also close volume 94 off
of course he did. there's like a 3 week delay from chapter being finished to official release date due to printing and shipping.
If it's a 10-chapter volume like 93, the next chapter is highly likely to be the last of 94
Character: Ace
Arc: water 7 + enies lobby
>lanklet virgin
>Ugly dumb cuck with far worse swordsman skills than even zoro
>dying old man
>fit brainlet
>ugly woman
I want to see Law cruel side!
It's the shitty redrawers.
the next chapter is "supposed" to close out the next tankoban and people are always expecting a cliffhanger style chapter to be at the end of it. the translator is just using that logic to assume the next chapter will be big.
Where the fuck is Apoo?
he joined shanks
Usopp only had to repeat the running away plot line because his crew wasn't involved. He learned to be a brave man of the sea for anybody who deserves it instead of just for his Strawhats.
That makes sense I guess. Unlucky for him if Oda decided that this volume should have 12 chapters.
I think Act 2 is gonna end with the Rebellion army rallying together under Momo, and considering that Oda off paneled a lot of stuff people expected to see, it wouldn’t be too crazy if that happened next chapter with the prison army somehow rallying together. I don’t have a good source, but in a 5 act Kabuki play the third act is apparently the rising action with a tragic or dramatic ending followed by the fourth act as the climax, so I do want Oda to close off the second act which is technically supposed to be all set up anyways.
How was Stampede received? Is it as good as Film Z and Strong World?
It’d be funny if Kaido kicked him outta the crew when he learned he actually didn’t have a monkey Zoan or some shit like that.
According to Greg, if you're into action you'll enjoy it. However, don't expect a deep story.
Apparently it’s just a fight fest and doesn’t try to have emotional highs and investment like Film Z and Gold. It opened in less theatres and made less money as a result.
It is a bit pathetic how Zoro still can’t get his damn sword back
t. sanjikek
Great for fightfags, I'll personally watch it for Nami's outfit
Leave Act 3... to me.
i guess you can open and close those curtains now that hiyori isn't able anymore
One Piece true agenda is the secret power of MANLETS
Film Z had some nice emotional impact but let's not pretend that Tesoro's 4.5 seconds of flashback characterization had any weight.
Nope, those kids aren't gonna watch themselves.
post yfw Gyukuimaru just run away with another of Zoro's sword
>close those curtains
I do wonder how the transition can happen now that hiyori's "doing stuff"? Will she just sit down and start playing for seemingly no reason while everyone just stands around wondering what she's doing.
Or maybe a twist and hiyori in the story and the player are different people.
It made an effort, albeit not a huge one to try and add some sort of reasoning why Tesoro did what he did. Everything I’ve seen about Stampede seems like Bullet is just a dick head.
So what are the chances that this faggot has enough swords to fit those 3500 men they just released? Oda’s writing is pretty lacking if that’s the case.
Best part of Film Gold was the first 30 minutes with the crew discovering the gran tesoro imo
>Age 60
Yes? Brazilians are white
she could play a song for kawamatsu, zoro, and gyukimaru to end it.
He probably has a bunch if he's been hoarding for 20 years. But I assume kinemon's current goal will cover the rest.
Tashigifags will never recover
Have you seen Shakky? I bet Kureha still looked like she was 30 at 60. Especially since they both seem to be good people and Oda abides by the bad people turn into ugly people trope.
is there one for Robin?
not yet but oda promised he's gonna do one for her too
I'll sell my soul for a doujin of Age 60 Nami molesting a shota
Agree 100%. Lot of high-octane energy and a carnival atmosphere, then it spiraled downward into a half-assed heist flick with unnecessary and equally lazy Nami 'development'.
Honestly the film would have worked better if they'd combined Tesoro and Raise Max's characters and had the antagonist just be some smug weakling with the Lucky-Lucky fruit.
my dick is ready, thank you user.
>Shakky hangs around Rayleigh and still looks good despite her age
>Nami looks that good after hanging around Luffy for 40+ years
The lesson here is that regular dickings from someone with CoC haki keeps you young forever.
>Ages to look from 14 yo to 20 yo in 2 years
>doesn't age in 20 years at all
yeah one piece right
I wonder if he’s gonna do a 40-60 like everyone else so far or bump it up to 50-70 since Robin is already 30.
>Anons didn't realize that this was all Caesar-vision and he was gassing up his own creation to be better than it actually was
>Pre-TS Nami
He better give Robin a pixie cut when she's older like he did for one of his prototype post-timeskip designs
>Zoro keeps adding additional swords to his style every 20 years
How strong can he get?
can't wait for oda to do one for brook and have him be a skeleton for all four images. maybe missing his afro for whatever second age oda chooses in the bad future
I'm a Namifag and I didn't like her backstory with Carina either, felt artifcial. Casino part should have lasted longer.
4 different hats
His gas weapons are pretty terrifying though. Though it’s weird he had to make a version that keeps people in place and not just up the potency like Magellan could to kill them quicker. Man now that I think of it, most of Caesar’s inventions aren’t that great.
I hated how it kept changing to fit the narrative
>Oh hey it's my friend Carina
Flashback about them being friends.
>Oh no Carina betrayed me like that one time
Flashback about Carina betraying her that one time.
>Oh wait she actually didn't betray him, just like that one time
Flashback about Carina actually not betraying her that one time.
So Oda is just using Queen as a crutch to carry chapters?
tfw Nami will outlive Imu and Zunisha with this method
It's made more money in the opening screening than any other movie except for Strong World.
Nami and Carina were cute desu, I wish she was canon
>maybe missing his afro
Oh no
What up with these "honorable" samurai attacking people from behind while they are fighting?
>thinking fishman has honor
Mihawk and Shanks seem to be friends, I’m sure he imparted those lessons on Zoro.
Don't forget, although it was in the present
>Oh, no Carina will sacrifice herself so Nami and co can escape
Carina actually tricked them all and stole the ship
I understand that Carina is supposed to be a sneaky character but I felt that there were too much twists involving her
Oh well that’s good. Did Strongworld come out during the Marineford arc in the anime or something? Wonder why that of all movies has the top spot.
>Did Strongworld come out during the Marineford arc in the anime or something?
manga marineford, that joint is dated 2009
real life samurai would literally attack people from behind for the minors of reasons. the honorable samurai shit is from cinema, manga and anime. they were grade A assholes irl
So... will have the pretty females age like Nami from now? If they don't Oda will be accused of doing favoritism
Not much considering he is a jobber in his prime
Bruh it’s good end/bad end divide. Of course the good end versions are gonna be pretty.
Luffy, Zoro, Ace and Sabo clearly aged in the good end
What would Big Mom look like if she had a good end?
Considering how Zoro blocked his sword it doesn't seem like Kawamatsu was intentionally aiming to attack him but rather to get his attention
Queen could've been a Komodo Dragon and it would've fit:
>Him being The Plague
>Him being able to create super powerful viruses
>Still being a user of the Dragon fruit
>Still being a massive reptile
But no, he had to be the literal worst Zoan we've seen yet.
Yeah but look at Big Mom age 28 vs age 68. Hell, look at Diola or whatever the art person’s name was when Doflamingo family stormed Dressrosa vs 10 years later. Oda draws girls that stay good as remaining attractive when they get older. All the dudes arguably got more attractive as well.
shut up, he's the best character in Wano and represents everything good about One Piece.
to bad Luffy won't live this far
Imagine having this un-funky of an opinion
Man, the more I look at this panel, the worst it gets. There's like no impact force at all, Queen looks very floaty there.
And he forgot about his mechanic arm again.
Volume 94, the next one to come out in Japan "soon" starts with the chapter after Yasuie gets killed, up to this week or next week's chapter.
What/who will be on the cover?
>penisaur Queen
>kawamatsu color scheme reveal
>kaido vs o-lin
take your picks
>There's like no impact force at all
you can see the ground under BM breaking. what more do you want?
I like that Luffy looking like Garp as he gets older disproves that theory that Dragon isn’t his dad. Unless Dragon is Garp’s son in law but doesn’t consider making the distinction the same way Ace, Sabo, and Luffy don’t seen to care that they aren’t actually blood.
o-lin being on the cover is a lock, i wonder if oda is gonna put queen again on it tho
Considering how crowded Oda can make the covers I’d bet on Oda including all the things you posted.
Something that looks like an impact? I already told you.
The cover is going to be some variation of the spread we got at the end of Chapter 948, so it'll have Luffy (duh), Hyo, Kiku, Raizo, Kawamatsu, and Chopper all posed up in the front.
Maybe in the back include Kaido and Big Mom clashing, if there's enough room
Why the fuck did they switch the name of Raftel to Laftel its so retarded.
>up to this week or next week's chapter.
94 will end at kaido and linlin clashing and splitting the sky. that's 'good enough' of a cliffhanger/""epic"" ending for a volume and fits the minimum 9 14-20 page long chapter quota.
The Nips unironically get L’s and R’s mixed up, they probably just fucked up.
it was never raftel to begin with. it was ラフテル and stylized as raftel in lack of an actual, confirmed romanized spelling.
same reason it's mary geoise and not mariejoa/mariejois, which were assumed romanizations and not official ones.
It's actually Laugh Tale, which makes an uncanny amount of sense if you think about it
The great kingdom the WG was formed to oppose were most likely the lunar refugees as seen in Enel's cover story. Since HC is used in the poneglyph we can assume this represents history from the perspective of the moon people, up until their overthrow by an alliance 20 human kings at which point history is recorded as progressing from MC.
Except, if you aren't a speedreader, you'd know that Robin was making up shit and not reading the poneglyph at all.
based blackbeard poster
Otototo! Ben Beckumannn
They legit say Raftel all the time in the anime, it’s probably a mix of what you said and , except the fuck up is on the part of the localizers and people just accepted it until it was official romanized.
The fact that Oda wrote the movie's story and gave it his personal seal of approval helped it a lot.
just about every language has homophones that count as a ton of real world examples of why saying something doesn't guarantee spelling.
if you fucking think the subtitles saying "raftel" means it's official, you're way too off-base about the power of subtitles overall.
>canon futa centaur
I want to give her my babies even more now
that depends, how many dicks does she have?
I like Chopper, but I wish his rumble drug had more significance in the story. I mean when you think about it, it's kind of amazing, normally the only zoan users that can shake up their forms are martial arts weirdos like lucci and kaku, and they are pretty much restricted to just making their arms longer or beefier or slimmer. It seems like it'd be a drug as valuable as Smiles, if not more so, but nobody really seems to give a shit.
I don't know if I like the last island actual name being revealed in an non-canon movie. That type of important stuff should be for the manga only
Why do OP characters look uncanny when give any depth from shading?
Did you just not read the part where I said the localizers fucked up and people decided to accept it until or what?
Because Oda didn’t draw or color that? The characters like fine when he renders them in color.
I really hope Vegapunk's big project are refined Smiles with better success rates and powers, maybe even artificial logia capability since he's been studying Kizaru. Would completely btfo Caesar and make Kaido look like even more of a stupid animal.
He did
nips don't say raftel and laugh tale differently in japanese is the point here. either "english" spelling is still pronounced ra-fu-te-ru.
it isn't like english where you would pronounce both spellings differently.
mary geoise and mariejois/mariejoa are still pronounced the same way in nip and yet we're forced to accept mary geoise as the official english spelling.
>Because Oda didn’t draw or color that?
>Oda's signature in the bottom right
And I'm not talking about color, I'm talking about shading.
See pic, Luffy looks straight-up creepy.
wrong, kitetsu going to get cut to bits by King, and zoro will be back to square one and start training with wado until act 3
dont see what uncanny
Why would Crocodile believe her if Heaven's Calender wasn't an actual standard?
So no translation actually picked this up in till last week? I think you're all wrong and I bet when they say mention Laftel again it will be a distinct L sound and romanized differently.
You're missing it. Your entire point is that HC is used in the poneglyph but not the newspaper.
When that's factually wrong.
laugh tale was never written out in english characters in the manga before, which means it had no reason showing up in the anime either.
the movie writing it on the eternal pose for the island is the first time it's been written out in-universe for the viewer to see.
Yes but Raftel has been mentioned before and official shonen translations never even asked to think "Maybe this is laugh tale" or ask the writers and producers what exactly the name of this shit is. Raws have it exactly as Raftel written in kana. No one asked why is this in kana? Its pure retcon and a horrible one at that.
Implying they care about honor after having their leader brutally murdered and comrades being imprisoned for years and their entire homeland turned into a dump
he isn't even in his prime, faggot.
>Prostitute that sells her family out
That’s right that jobber is past his prime now lmao